Riddles Answered, Riddles Not
18th of November 2006 A.D.
"Not my secret to tell mom," you wait the requisite four or five seconds you know it takes her to formulate an answer to stonewalling her like this then you glance to your left mentally apologizing for throwing him under the buss. "I'm pretty sure dad knows too."
Thankfully that is enough, for now at least, though from the ramrod straight way she is sitting you suspect she is going to have a lot of questions when this is over. Maybe this will distract her. "He Who Walks Unbowed called me the heir of something, someone. What do you know about
The Emp.."
"No," the word is spoken in a conversational tone and yet with the finality of an avalanche.
'No' as in he can't answer, won't answer? Looking for tells in his face, his posture is as fruitless as doing so in his voice , makes sense you guess he's not actually here. Though thinking about it the fact that he cut you off means he at least knew what you were going to say so at the very least he knows something, he's just not sharing.
With a smile that looks perhaps a touch sheepish, you nod and move on to the next question that comes to mind: "Things behind the elders of the Black Court also that or...?"
Part of you wonders if he had
expected a barrage of questions, after all he had asked dad to tell you not to point the Crown at him or any other angel, but it is still like trying to read a rock, a stone tablet with only one word written on it maybe. Dad had certainly been expecting it, he seems reasonably relaxed while your mom looks like she is considering putting her hand over your mouth like that time when five year old you started to ask a pregnant lady at church how the baby got in there.
"Can you at least tell me what it's called? I have been thinking of it as a Crown, but it's not just that really, that is what I see with..."
"It is an Exaltation," As soon he he says the word something clicks at the back of your mind, that would make you Exalted, one of the Celestial Exalted
Wait isn't 'Empyreal ' another word for 'of the heavens'? The living city in the vision did not seem very heavenly though. Uriel isn't done though: "It is moment and mechanism imperishable forged that mortals might achieve not merely what is difficult but that which is impossible."
Huh... that sounds almost like the Sword, uneasy as the thought makes you. It always allows your dad to match any foe, gives him a fighting chance even for those who should be far beyond any mortal man. Questions feeding into questions, of them you pluck one you hope Uriel might be inclined to answer. "Are there more of them around?"
"Yes." Another single word answer, another rhetorical precipice, though one you had gotten something from. Odin is not looking in vain, scary at that thought is.
That is about as far as you are liable to get with this line of questioning so you shift gears. "Can the Yama Kings be redeemed?"
"Some have fallen away from their purpose less than others.No one is truly irredeemable save that one who thinks himself so and will not be swayed." There is just a moment hesitation there, an inflection even more flat than usually and in dark eyes a light of sorrow born. It is not hard to guess who he is thinking of, daunting yes, but not hard.
"What happens...?" Just asking your next question sounds a bit mad. "When people of the Five Courts choose to pass on. Do they go where everyone else does? Everyone mortal I mean?"
"Yes," Uriel nods and you breathe s sigh of relief that they did not just go
"Is the Holy Spirit.. er
present inside my soul? For the record that was a weird to say as it no doubt is to hear," you add for your parents' benefit. Alas neither of them even cracks a smile.
"You test me as I have not been tested in a long while Margret."
There is a small panicked part of you that really wants to apologize, but it is a lot quieter than the demon who points out he is not done talking. Thus you keep you keep quiet, only leaning a little closer to the edge of your seat. Thus the archangel speaks: "The full answer I cannot give and the short answer would be deceptive so I shall give neither here and now."
"So dad
can't take Ammorachius with him?"
Your mother isn't looking any happier with what you are doing and saying, but she keeps her cool.
"Not unless it were desperately needed in the defense of that realm and even then at great peril." Uriel pauses to see if you have any more questions, which is very nice of him, all non-answers aside, then he finishes his coffee, calls is 'excellently bitter' then bids you all good night and departs.
As soon as the sound of steps had faded Mom starts: "Molly what were you
"Well for that last one I was thinking of allowing dad to retreat out of a bad fight without surrendering Ammorachius to whatever he's fighting," you shoot back and she deflates a little, enough that you have time to explain yourself. "The way I see it an angel is not going to stick around just to be
polite, he could have vanished before I got the first word out so I might as well ask every question that comes to mind. The worst that can happen is I look stupid which... well I imagine everyone looked stupid to such as him at one point or another."
"She does have a point Charity," your father offers, twining his fingers around hers as they step away from the door. "Not always a very comfortable one, but that is the nature of points isn't it?"
She just looks at him for a moment, a little amused, a lot worried and over all worn out. "Is that a parable or a pun?"
"Yes," he answers serenely... as you hear the distinct sound of a familiar floorboard creaking beyond the hallway door, familiar because you were usually the one stepping on it.
What do you do?
[] Just go to bed, you haven't slept in days, whoever was listening in should have run already
[] Try to distract mom and dad
-[] Write in how
[] Write in
OOC: Tomorrow is going to be working on the Last Station until Broken Seeker contacts you so if you have any ideas on how to improve it given the resources you have just gotten access to now would be the time to offer them.