This would on fact be the opposite of reckless shit. It would in fact be very careful shit.
We could also get a body cam with extra senses. Assign a cyber devil the full time job of watching for threats. We can cover ourself with more cyberdevils than the shaman Ascendant Eye of Silver Peace Harry talked to.
That would at best count as a +1 Awareness/Alertness item.
You could, though they would have to be custom made in the Five Cities, the idea of an external but hidden camera set in a world where ocular and other sensory implants are very common would be like asking for a bespoke buggy for your horse, they can do it but they are going to have to dust off some old, old plans.
To actually stick implants in yourself will take learning how to do it yourself, no mortal magician can hook up implants into an Exalted and have them work properly with your charms or even your baseline healing. Molly's body would think this is a kind of damage and try to regrow her fleshy-parts unless she did the wiring herself.
SGI versions of yourself are fair game for cybernetics though.
The juice isnt worth the squeeze basically.
Better to learn a charm or train an ability or forge a fetish or make an artifact you carry around than to go through the RnD and all the bullshit to make a bespoke cyberimplant for an Exalt.
Even SGI versions are looking at maybe a week max before they are dissolved and re-instantiated so Molly Prime gets their memories. So unless they keep implants through different lifecycles?
Its not worth the trouble.
I wasn't trying to imply Molly was a soft target, just a very rewarding one to beat. She's also very obviously a murder blender, which encourages alternative tactics.
But that counts for a lot of other people, from Fae royalty to Senior Council-tier wizards. And most of them dont have shaping defenses either that we are aware of.
Maeve and the Leanansidhe surely didnt, and they were only successfully hit once in several hundred years.
The problem is that anyone who does get a shaping effect through is going to be throwing something crazy at us. We have to play this game multiple times with different opponents, a 20-40% chance of failing a fight ending roll isn't an acceptable risk and a lot of people are going to have better odds than that.
No, I dont agree.
The QM is going to escalate as we get stronger, but we still have reliable baselines for what happens in the setting.
This is a reminder that if that shit existed already, the setting would look very different than it currently does.
The red court I can see going either way, but I do think this is a critical weakness that needs to be resolved immediately.
Yog's stop gap is only competitive when we're working with everything going our way, and we're unlikely to get more than a marginal benefit from the crafting charm in the remainder of the turn.
We can rush our way through a single 1 dot splendor per DP's ruling, and Arcana are the only other thing we have the skills to craft provided by the charm. They require temporarily draining a dragon nest, so even trying would require us to take over one that we don't care about the guardian spirit of.
If we use it on the stopgap we'll basically be playing out the month with no benefits from the crafting charm other than an overly expensive knockoff of the charm we didn't buy.
If we don't make it we'll still be vulnerable and largely unable to make any of the other things we want to make because they're more time and energy intensive than we can rush.
Im not talking Yog's stop gap.
An antimagic talisman made with Enchantment 3, which Molly can either buy in the Brass Courts or make herself by emulating the product with Exalted Crafting, will subtract (successes rolled on its manufacture)dice from a magic attack that hits her.
Made with BSM and CCC active and a Craft dice pool of 18 without assistants, its the sort of bullshit that would subtract 15+ dice from a hostile's attack pool.
BEFORE they would get a crack at the Exalt's reflexive countermagic.
Interesting thought. There are cyber implants that will give Amanda Beckitt the healing factor she needs to wake up but... that may have unforeseen consequences which the doctors will tell you about. If the mind of the host is confused or unfocused (like say if they have just woken up from a long coma) one can suffer negative consequences even when one is not at the implant limit since that assumes a baseline level of mental and physical balance
If you take LDDI you can get around that by being and Infernal Exalted but otherwise trying to heal her with pure crafting is going to take quire a high dot working since you'd have to make a general purpose healing machine not just something for her.
I dont really see how that would work out.
There are cyber implants for healing. There are alchemical healing potions and Fortune Path blessings that you can layer on the procedure. There are spirits to summon and bargain with. Healing/reviving a comatose person when you arent under time pressure shouldnt be an issue for our infernal medical care establishment.
The real issue here is that the girl was shot 3 years before Storm Front, and its been at least 6 years since.
According to Dresden in Death Masks, Amanda Beckitt looked to be late teens or early twenties physically in the hospital/care home he saw her, but her last memories are going to be that of a pre-teen.
The timeline puts her age when she was shot at 10-11.
Unless Brass Court medical care is good enough to literally turn back her physical age, which brings its own set of problems, she's going to be missing a decade plus of time.
And it doesnt change that her mother is a decade plus older, or that her father is dead.