Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

A thought if we are planning on getting prayer-eating stuff on next do vote- When Molly gets the first prayer hearing charm it will probably cause a lot of worry, since our kingdom is stable the vast majority will be normal prayers for success or similar stuff, but with such a large population there will be a handful of people praying for help from some kind of suffering. For example, kidnapping and torture are probably a worse crimes then murder on the FFCoF where mental health is much more important then any level up of physical health, and free will means even in a 'perfect' culture there will be individuals who just choose to be evil.
I think you guys are focusing on the wrong part of Ortega's status. Taking her in a personal fight is probably doable, but her day job isn't breaking faces, she's a highly placed member of the red court who apparently runs at least some of their wetworks.

We aren't the only person who can screw her head on backwards and she's well aware of that fact. It says something that she was willing to get within arm's reach of Broken Seeker.
She's either remarkably numb to risk for someone as old as she is or she's very confident in whatever security she has available.
There are definitely assets that will give Molly trouble.
Whether they'd be available as part of the security detail of a Duchess, even a daughter of the Red King?

Especially since the Red Court canonically suffered significant battlefield casualties in June, when the Red King himself took the field against the White Council and had to flee.

I mean, Morgan cut his way through a Duke and two Counts on the battlefield in June on his way to the Red King.
That gives us a reasonable WAG for what you can expect in the entourage of most Red Court Dukes who are prepared to go into harms way. The day to day protective detail against assassination is probably significantly lighter.

Traditionally, if spirits die in the material world, they are just dispersed and reform some time later at home.
Unless there's spirit-binding or killing involved.
Presumably our spirits work similarly?
I wanted to confirm if the spirit can punch out if shit gets real without permanent harm.
As things stand, if you steal one of these things and attempt to coerce the spirit, nothing prevents the machinespirit from overclocking the processor(s) and bricking the device.

At which point its just a chunk of metal and polymers.
They are swallowed up by Molly's anima and she can invest them into other items as normal for HMP, even though these are not direct investitures of the charm, the existence of SUTRAS and the tradition that made them is an extension of that charm, that thematic of Molly's soul, the same way the Wastes were created by WHWH.
Ah cool.

[X] Let Izzy and Alec keep the alien tech personal assistants, they can help out Iris, they are in deep already they might as well get some cool tecn and friends out of it

As long as they arent actively flashing them about, I see no reason to prevent them from carrying trackers that can raise an alert if the primary goes missing or is under threat.
[X] Let Izzy and Alec keep the alien tech personal assistants, they can help out Iris, they are in deep already they might as well get some cool tecn and friends out of it
Propably, but then we have reason to be confident that we are capable of beating her security as well.

The question is not if she will pull out tricks.
She will.

The question is if we are confident that we can catch and kill her despite them, and with a Naagloshii on our side I'd say yes.
He has hunted more dangerous prey, propably.
That's an assertion made sight unseen, which is why I'm uncomfortable with the idea of just head on attacking her.

As an exalt Molly is powerful, but she isn't a dawn caste blender and even if she was ExWoD exalts are needed specifically to stop them from stomping everything. We shouldn't assume we can take any given opposition purely because exalts are strong.
It is an artificial limitation as to what those reagents can do, if you get a bad batch (which the stuff you got is not to be clear) they can still fail.
Fair enough, but I stand by my point.

Being limited means it can do less stuff, but outside of did batches is also means you need to worry about contamination from unwanted concepts in your reagents. As long as you can find something for each element that you want being focused in this manner give significantly more granular control to the alchemist.

That gives us a reasonable WAG for what you can expect in the entourage of most Red Court Dukes who are prepared to go into harms way. The entourage against assassination is probably significantly lighter.

That happened in open battle with a significant number of powerful actors at play. Morgan didn't pull that shit alone against a whole defensive team. Sure we have Broken Seeker, but if we ever really need his help he'll stab us in the back.

We're also not exactly in Morgan's league yet. He's kind of crazy good at the magical murder business. I mean, this is a guy who likes to use gravity magic evocations, he's really hard to fight if you can't maneuver without leverage if he decides to leave you floating mid air or are vulnerable to abruptly being placed in a high gravity environment.

[X] Let Izzy and Alec keep the alien tech personal assistants, they can help out Iris, they are in deep already they might as well get some cool tecn and friends out of it

I wonder if they'll eventually be willing to take some cybernetics. Getting good enough to fight BS' goons probably isn't in the cards, but some escape options would be good.
[X] Let Izzy and Alec keep the alien tech personal assistants, they can help out Iris, they are in deep already they might as well get some cool tecn and friends out of it
We're going to pop out on the sidewalk we left from. Whoever we bring needs to be feasible to drag inside our warehouse before the passerby have too long to look at them.
Should have asked for the biggest SUTRA mainframe with wheels that can fit though a door. Not sure if the extra size would have mattered, but it might have.
Iris is a person, Iris is also a spirit, the vessel is is invested in is just that a vessel, not a body. This is a limitation to keep you from porting in whole cities by just putting spirits in them.

That was going to be my next idea.
I bet Bob would like a new vessel, one with a direct connection to the internet...

[X] Let Izzy and Alec keep the alien tech personal assistants, they can help out Iris, they are in deep already they might as well get some cool tecn and friends out of it
[X] Let Izzy and Alec keep the alien tech personal assistants, they can help out Iris, they are in deep already they might as well get some cool tecn and friends out of it

The reason that I would have said no would be if we were casually risking a permanent death for the spirits in question. Them having the same fallback to Molly that the others have clears up that concern.
A thought if we are planning on getting prayer-eating stuff on next do vote- When Molly gets the first prayer hearing charm it will probably cause a lot of worry, since our kingdom is stable the vast majority will be normal prayers for success or similar stuff, but with such a large population there will be a handful of people praying for help from some kind of suffering. For example, kidnapping and torture are probably a worse crimes then murder on the FFCoF where mental health is much more important then any level up of physical health, and free will means even in a 'perfect' culture there will be individuals who just choose to be evil.
Nothing for it, but to make a note and report it. Although we are going to want the second dot of prayer eating if we want to get the context of prayers and not just the words. We don't want to report a bunch of people just complaining or using hyperbole.
Glad to see I was ahead of the curve for once :V

Not to say you cannot move whole cities eventually, but it is not going to be automatic as a function of an omnipresent species in your hell
Well that would certainly get an interesting reaction, especially on the mortal side. The supernaturals at least have context for nevernever realms.

Though that does make me wonder what the Library's going to do when they learn about this.

They've been playing terminology games to avoid having to explain magic to untrustworthy Congress critters recently right? How exactly do you sci-fi up this situation?

The Library: "A teenager from Chicago just got her own planet sized pocket dimension, probably won it in a raffle or something. Please ignore the not!hellfire, she doesn't mean anything by it"
Well that would certainly get an interesting reaction, especially on the mortal side. The supernaturals at least have context for nevernever realms.

Though that does make me wonder what the Library's going to do when they learn about this.

They've been playing terminology games to avoid having to explain magic to untrustworthy Congress critters recently right? How exactly do you sci-fi up this situation?

The Library: "A teenager from Chicago just got her own planet sized pocket dimension, probably won it in a raffle or something. Please ignore the not!hellfire, she doesn't mean anything by it"

Well there is the obvious

Granted it is interdenominational aliens not the standard outer space, but given all the magi-tech this is one of the more understandable things one can SF up, at least until you get to the really esoteric things like 'exists inside her soul', which no one is likely to ask about.
Well there is the obvious

Granted it is interdenominational aliens not the standard outer space, but given all the magi-tech this is one of the more understandable things one can SF up, at least until you get to the really esoteric things like 'exists inside her soul', which no one is likely to ask about.
We might get our own Stargate style classified first contact team.
Well there is the obvious

Granted it is interdenominational aliens not the standard outer space, but given all the magi-tech this is one of the more understandable things one can SF up, at least until you get to the really esoteric things like 'exists inside her soul', which no one is likely to ask about.
In fact, Molly might greatly help the sci-fi cover-up. Existence of the Courts helps senators to swallow the explanation. Especially if we can give them q tour.
I could probably get behind a masquerade breach that is disguised as aliens revealing themselves to the hapless Earthlings. We could pull it off if we really wanted to.
[X] Let Izzy and Alec keep the alien tech personal assistants, they can help out Iris, they are in deep already they might as well get some cool tecn and friends out of it

Can't think of any reason to not!
Well there is the obvious

Granted it is interdenominational aliens not the standard outer space, but given all the magi-tech this is one of the more understandable things one can SF up, at least until you get to the really esoteric things like 'exists inside her soul', which no one is likely to ask about.
Fair enough I guess, glossing over the parts where they're immortal but only in their home dimension and have magic powers that aren't just sufficiently advanced technology.

Which wouldn't be that hard as long as our people didn't break out the weird stuff.

I could probably get behind a masquerade breach that is disguised as aliens revealing themselves to the hapless Earthlings. We could pull it off if we really wanted to.
If we do we should insist on using treknobabble specifically to see how long it takes for someone to pick up on it.

We probably don't want the kind of attention that'd come with going public though.
A thought if we are planning on getting prayer-eating stuff on next do vote- When Molly gets the first prayer hearing charm it will probably cause a lot of worry, since our kingdom is stable the vast majority will be normal prayers for success or similar stuff, but with such a large population there will be a handful of people praying for help from some kind of suffering. For example, kidnapping and torture are probably a worse crimes then murder on the FFCoF where mental health is much more important then any level up of physical health, and free will means even in a 'perfect' culture there will be individuals who just choose to be evil.
We arent.
Arguments about whether Molly wants it or not aside, or its utility? There's a lot more important stuff to spend XP on than Prayer-Eating. Both for Molly personally, and for other members of her party.

That happened in open battle with a significant number of powerful actors at play. Morgan didn't pull that shit alone against a whole defensive team. Sure we have Broken Seeker, but if we ever really need his help he'll stab us in the back.

We're also not exactly in Morgan's league yet. He's kind of crazy good at the magical murder business. I mean, this is a guy who likes to use gravity magic evocations, he's really hard to fight if you can't maneuver without leverage if he decides to leave you floating mid air or are vulnerable to abruptly being placed in a high gravity environment.
Sure he wasnt alone; there were multiple Senior Council members on the field, in addition to Summer's forces.
But he was in CQC, against an army of superhuman-tier bloodsuckers, not casting magic from afar from behind a screen of meatshields. I quote:
She nodded, and I turned with Ramirez. We walked several paces away over the gravel before he asked, "That the kid?"
Ramirez wasn't old enough to get good car insurance rates himself, much less to refer to someone as "kid," though he'd had to grow up awfully swiftly. He'd been an apprentice when the war with the Red Court erupted, and he'd done good service for the Council upon attaining status as a full wizard, fighting in several nasty engagements with the vampires. It was the kind of thing that made a man age in a hurry.
"That's her," I confirmed. "Did you get a chance to examine the victims?"
"Yeah." He frowned and watched me for a moment before he said, "She's someone you know."
I nodded.
He glanced back at her. "Crud."
I frowned at him. "Why?"
"I don't think today is going to go well for her," Ramirez said.
My stomach suddenly felt cold. "Why not?"
"Because of how the battle in Oregon played out," he said. "Once the forces from Summer attacked their rear, we gave the vamps one hell of a beating. Morgan got within about twenty feet of the Red King himself."
"Morgan killed him?"
"No. But it wasn't for a lack of trying. He cut down a Duke and a pair of Counts before the Red King got away."

"Damn," I said, impressed. "But what does that have to do with Molly?"
"We had the Reds by the balls," Ramirez said. "Sunrise was coming in the real world, and when they tried to retreat into the Nevernever the faeries were on them like a school of piranha. The Reds had to find a way to draw off some of our heavies and they found it. Luccio's boot camp."

I drew in a breath. "They attacked Luccio and the newbies?"
"Yeah. McCoy, Listens-to-Wind, and Martha Liberty led a force from the battle to relieve the camp."
"They did, huh? How'd it go?"
He took a deep breath and said, "They haven't reported in yet. And that means…"
"It means that my support in the Senior Council isn't here to help me."
Ramirez nodded.

We arent in Morgan's league for flexibility or the ability to raise wide-area destruction. Yet.
We are definitely better as a personal scale or battlefield scale murderblender right now.
Pick up our first Signature charm and that gets worse.

I suspect it would probably take a Senior Council member to match or exceed the sort of murder that Molly can currently put out in full Shintai.
Add to this the sunlight vulnerability of a lot of Reds, which means that daylight combat is not an option for them.

Should have asked for the biggest SUTRA mainframe with wheels that can fit though a door. Not sure if the extra size would have mattered, but it might have.

That was going to be my next idea.
It defeats the purpose of a quiet infiltration as a first contact team.
The only situation where we'd need wheelable mainframes is if/when we set up that front business we were thinking of to let people in our employ play stock market games.

I bet Bob would like a new vessel, one with a direct connection to the internet...
[X] Let Izzy and Alec keep the alien tech personal assistants, they can help out Iris, they are in deep already they might as well get some cool tecn and friends out of it
Bob canonically learned how to access the Internet after living with Butters for a year and watching him use his computer and consumer electronics. Knowledge spirit after all; its in his portfolio.
He doesnt need hardware to learn that.

An upgraded, better protected skull sure, but that waits for after we learn Exalted Crafting.
And actually ask him what he might want.
We arent.
Arguments about whether Molly wants it or not aside, or its utility? There's a lot more important stuff to spend XP on than Prayer-Eating. Both for Molly personally, and for other members of her party.
More useful than getting some extra shadow limbs. Also very useful to be able to hear our friends pray for help.

Also allows us to provide an extra service to our kingdom.