Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

He does have the magical resources if he so chooses; 12 lesser sorcerers/skinwalkers backing up a nnagloshii is one hell of a pocket task force. And he has met Arianna in person, and sized her up as a threat.
But yes, it appears uncharacteristically forward of him.Makes me sus.

I mean.
Barring a serious powerup, Molly can kill Arianna in seconds and simply fly away. So can a naagloshii. Yes, she got in a magical duel with Dresden and didnt do badly, but she'd need serious magical backup to even get Molly to consider shintai.

Seeker has to know this IC. Both people showing up should be extreme overkill.

But there is nothing preventing Seeker calling Arianna, betraying her into an ambush and siccing Molly on her.
And then jumping us after we're done murdering her.
Which fulfills the letter of any agreements he has.

Maybe I just expect scorpions to act according to their nature.
Shagnasty did promise to return Thomas in Turn Coat in return for Morgan, then spent the interval torturing him for fun to the point where he was basically insensate.
I think that the more plausible scenario is that he'll proposition us, and won't take no for an answer.
I usually do this with new pointbuild systems to test their flexibility, so here goes:

  • Armored Skin: Soak and heal lethal damage as bashing
  • Fiery Discharge: 1 ranged attack every other round
  • Nimbleness: +2 dice to all rolls associated with climbing, jumping and balance
  • Wall Walking: Hands and feet are sticky, and the donor can run up sheer surfaces as quickly as running across the ground. No roll needed normally, only in combat or crisis situations where you roll Dex+Athletics
  • Extra Speed: +1 Action, and 1.5x speed
  • Spirit Ties: Connection to the spirit world. Grants Gnosis

Curse Seal I/II
  • Bestial Mutation: +2 to Physical Attributes when activated
  • Wings: Fly at normal human jogging speed
  • Improved Flight: Increase flight speed

  • Mega-Attribute: Perception: +3 Perception
  • Sense The Unnatural: Per + Occult at DC6 to sense supernatural creatures within 20 yards
  • Eyes of the Wyrm: Enemy who looks you in the eye must roll Willpower at DC8 or remain immobilized in horror for 1-5 turns
  • Illusion: Single-sense illusion.

Mangekyou Sharingan
  • Wicked Weapons of Malfeas
    • Hideous Breath(Amaterasu): Ranged blast at will, Dex + Athletics at DC5, Range 30 yards. 6L or 3A of damage.
    • Instincts for Violence: Free counterattack when engaged in close quarters; Dex + Brawl at DC7, damage Str-1.
  • Yet Still More Hideous Breath:
    • Deadly: +3 lethal or +2 agg damage
    • Extreme Range: +30 yards range
  • True Illusion(Tsukiyomi): Full-sensory illusion. Simulate lasting physical trauma and permanent derangements in a victim.
  • Insculpt The Rune of Shattering Elements(Susanoo): Roll Willpower at DC7 and pay one unsoakable level of agg damage for immunity to one source of damage.
  • Armored Hide(Susanoo): +3 dice for soaking lethal and bashing. Can also soak agg at DC8.
  • Heavy Armor(Susanoo): Roll Willpower at DC6; each success is a point of armor for the scene. Also, Brawl or Melee attackers suffer (attacker's Strength) dice of aggravated damage

  • Armored Skin: Soak and heal lethal damage as bashing
  • Nimbleness: +2 dice to all rolls associated with climbing, jumping and balance
  • Wall Walking: Hands and feet are sticky, and the donor can run up sheer surfaces as quickly as running across the ground. No roll needed normally, only in combat or crisis situations where you roll Dex+Athletics
  • Spirit Ties: Connection to the spirit world. Grants Gnosis.
  • Regeneration: Heal 1 bashing or 1 lethal damage per combat turn. Heal 1 Agg damage per day at cost of 1 WP
  • Fiery Discharge(Rasengan): 1 ranged attack every other round

Channeling Kyuubi Chakra
  • Bestial Mutation: +2 to Physical Attributes when activated
  • Berzerker: +5 Rage. Vulnerable to frenzy.
  • Extra Speed: +1 Action, and 1.5x speed
  • Improved Regeneration: Heal 1 Agg damage per minute. At will, spend WP or Rage to heal agg or all bashing.
  • Enhanced Bestial Mutation
    • Standby Power: Siren's Veil: +2 to all Social Attributes, and may roll App + Empathy against (target WP) DC to appear as ideal mate
    • Bestial Power: Claws and Fangs: Str+1 Aggravated damage. Cannot be concealed.

Spirit Charms and Garou Gifts
  • Gateway(Kage Bunshin): Materialize banes in the material world.
  • Call of the Wyrm(Kage Bunshin): Attracts creatures of the Wyrm

Tailed Beast Mode
  • Extra Limbs: Tails.
  • Exoskeleton: +3 Strength, +3 Stamina
  • Size Shift x3: Increase in size
  • Enhanced Super Beast Mode: +5 Attribute points to distribute as you choose except to Appearance
  • Wicked Weapons of Malfeas
    • Hideous Breath(Tailed Beast Ball): Ranged blast at will, Dex + Athletics at DC5, Range 30 yards. 6L or 3A of damage. Single target and AoE versions.
    • Stretchy Parts: Limbs can elongate at will at rate of 2 yards per point of Stamina or Willpower
  • Yet Still More Hideous Breath:
    • Deadly: +3 lethal or +2 agg damage
    • Extreme Range: +30 yards range
Sourcebooks: W20 Core, W20 Book of the Wyrm, W20 Book of the Wyrm Companion, WTA Freak Legion, WTA Possessed, WTA Book of the Wyrm 2nd Edition.

Next time I'll try my hand at statting out a couple of canon and quest monsters.
Really? From what I knew the exalted could hurt or even kill the world bodies of the primordials creating the never born, but they only really changed with a dead fetch, and Molly is her own fetch correct? The only exception I can think of is Oramos being bound in his own wings, and that was the world of numerous powerful solars working together, and happened after the Yozi's surrender.

Also now I'm imagining Molly making First Circles, at least one for each city, and maybe 5 more for the palace, the twin dragons, the prison, and the wastes at E10 in a bajillion years from now

Molly is not a fully fledged Primordial. she is better off than the Yozi in some ways because she is not bound and mutilated. but she is also still very early in her life-cycle. It is easier to hurt a larva than the adult version of the same being.

Also I'm home. Might get out a update today depending on how I feel. Right now the feeling is 'tired as hell'.
I think that the more plausible scenario is that he'll proposition us, and won't take no for an answer.
Goodman Grey's existence is evidence that some naagloshii can and do have carnal relations with people.
But I dont think Seeker is under any illusions about just how badly such an attempt would go, or about its ability to compel Molly to do anything.
Writing is fun, should help me unwind. Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Aug 23, 2023 at 12:32 PM, finished with 178 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X] Plan supplies and digital scout
    -[X] Pick up your friends and Harry and get back home, the Exarchate is going to need several days at least to absorb what you have just told them, but Broken Seeker and Arianna Ortega will not wait
    -[X] Get supplies - personal datapads, some reagents and foodstuffs that don't exist on Earth.
    --[X] We'll come back for proper armor fitting and weapon training later
    -[X] Get some back up
    --[X] An experienced machine spirit in a proper SUTRA device with memory banks to start downloading and reformatting data from the internet for the intel team back in the courts
    [X] Pick up your friends and Harry and get back home, the Exarchate is going to need several days at least to absorb what you have just told them, but Broken Seeker and Arianna Ortega will not wait
    -[X]Pick up some blank smartphones and a laptop or two for use
    -[X]Be sure that Dresden takes a blank tablet and something like a billet of metal with him
Goodman Grey's existence is evidence that some naagloshii can and do have carnal relations with people.
But I dont think Seeker is under any illusions about just how badly such an attempt would go, or about its ability to compel Molly to do anything.
It's taking us on a date. That was very explicitely written out. It also thinks we are actually like it, and were knocked on the head to think we are mortal. It might hope that a good dose of murder would awaken our "true" self.
If we are going home this turn look forward to seeing how much XP we have left over from buying the kingdom.

If we somehow have more then 20 I want to get VEE. If we have 12 I want to get the organization cursing charm.

If we have less than 12 than I want the first dot of prayer eating and maybe some more ox body. Just getting reports from our kingdom without having to visit is likely to save us so much aggravation.
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It's taking us on a date. That was very explicitely written out. It also thinks we are actually like it, and were knocked on the head to think we are mortal. It might hope that a good dose of murder would awaken our "true" self.
I think you are reading too much into that.
Not taking no for an answer from something like Molly is a contra-survival decision; even if it thought it could survive such an encounter, it would still have to look at vulnerability while

Besides, its a naagloshii.
Millenia of treachery and betrayal are in its history. I would never take anything it says at face value, not without having it restrained and in my power. Leopards do not change their spots. Not easily, not casually.

Furthermore, Nemesis is still a consideration.
And as far as I know, naagloshii dont enjoy any particular immunity from the Enemy.

If Seeker accepted anything as a gift or payment from Duchess Ortega?
There is a significant chance that they could have done the same thing to it that they did to Winter. That was how they got the Leanansidhe during Grave Peril, and Maeve through her.

And Im pretty sure that those are both much more powerful than a true skinwalker.
The question is whether Nemesis thought that getting its hands on a naagloshii was an appropriate use of its limited influence/ possession slots.
Arc 8 Post 68: With Eyes Wide Open
With Eyes Wide Open

18th of November 2006 A.D.

The term 'an embarrassment of riches' comes to mind when one considers what the Courts can offer the world, new technology. new paths of sorcerous advancement and the arts of engineseers which combine the two, vast troves of natural resources from metal and rare earths to fissile materials... OK that last one may raise some questions but still. It is all too easy to daydream about how the Library of Congress, the government would react to what you have to offer, no more having to worry about cut-rate Mulder and Sculley coming after you and yours that's for sure. But then just as quickly as one scrolls down headline GDP numbers in a currency no one on earth would recognize, in a language no one on earth speaks and containing concepts wholly alien to any earth economist, wheel-added agri-surplus, that will turn some heads or twist them all around, the issues come up.

At first you think of bringing on a small team, infiltrators from the Amethyst Hand, they can look after themselves you are sure. Who will look after Chicago though... Something tells you Lieutenant Murphy isn't going to thank you for getting her something extra-special for SI to handle so next plan: bring someone who can learn truly unseen, unfelt save in the ethereal realm of the Internet

Aliens on the Information Superhighway, you giggle drawing the curious and not a little daunted eye of the dark-haired silver skinned accountant from the Imperial Treasury who had been assigned to help your quick look though balance sheets, both large and small. Of course you would make sure everyone who came to earth would get hazard pay.

"Nothing, it's nothing, just a funny thought..." You do your best to channel the mischievous smile of Leech loose in an electronics store and that seems to put poor Efficient High End Computation Compiler at ease. "I am going to need access to the largest and most capable technically man-portable SUTRA mainframe."

As he rushes off to see your will done you go looking for reagents which means asking Ameli for reagents since the arcane and the technological are one within the Five Courts. Most of said reagents even come in standardized portions which has upsides and downsides. On the one hand they tend to do precisely what they are advertised to do in terms of magical manipulation, on the other they do no more than what is advertised the weight of expectation of a society of billions that expects. Hukapanui nano-gel for instance has power over ice and darkness, not over storms or consumption for instance, the process of preparing them invests them with this quality

Gained Five Courts Alchemical Reagents +●● to any Laboratory (As long as you maintain supply)

As for food... well there isn't much need to go looking for it. As soon as Alec had discovered that he was on an alien world with compatible biochemical processes he had wanted to bring back food and given his high if confusing status as 'friend of the Empress' that curiosity had been fulfilled in full. A full blended silk sack large enough to cosplay as Santa, if it were red and not black to be precise.

"You are carrying that though the transition yourself," you say as soon as you spot him, earning a righteous nod from Izzy who had not gone on a shopping binge, but had picked up a secured wrist assistant of her own with holographic display/

"That might not be safe to..."

Of course that is when the full SUTRA you had asked for. About the size of a human torso and in the shape of what is technically called a decahedron but you instantly think of as a d10, green flames dancing off countless brass mechanisms Arcane flames upon its ten faces dancing a pleasant feminine voice it, she addresses you in Journey Cant: "Internalizing Radical Idiomatic System greets you Divine Majesty, having volunteered for the mission due to my great desire to bear witness to worlds unknown."

IRIS does not seem to pay much mind to Izzy and Alec who are staring at her as she continues: "Selection though brief has taken into account my great experience as central processing hub for Outer Wastes Outpost L2KF4S13, colloquially known as Deep Freeze. I have significant experience operating beyond network range, interfacing with organic and ethereal beings as part of both the research team and the gurvel of the Storm Horn Confederation. I look forward to a long and fruitful collaboration."

But as soon as you confirm that you would be more than glad to work with her the SUTRA's focus seems to shift with dazzling speed: "You appear to be fully unaugmented to a cursory scan, Several possibilities present themselves: One, you are deep cover agents who will be joining me in the service of Her Divine Majesty. No response detected, likely cause, incomprehension of language, 99.998% probability that you are instead locals of the Far-Water-World-That-Is-Misnamed-Earth. Suggestion perhaps I may learn of the world from you as you do not present a risk of premature exposure to the wider FWWTIME."

"Just Earth will do," you manage to get out.

"But you said it was misnamed in the briefing to the Exarchate?" the machine spirit sounds just a little peeved under the smooth deference of the question.

"It is not a perfectly descriptive name, but it is adequate as far as dry land dwelling humans are concerned. Much of your studies will have to do with working understanding the local human population, their norms, customs, political and ideological affiliations. "

"Understood, Your Divine Majesty demonstrates a high level of insight into matters of great interest to myself. Joy."

What do you do?

[] Let Izzy and Alec keep the alien tech personal assistants, they can help out Iris, they are in deep already they might as well get some cool tecn and friends out of it

[] Nope, no Sanctuary in unsecured locations and as the past day has unfortunately shown Izzy and Alec are very much unsecured

[] Write in

OOC: Next up will be the return and probably the XP vote. Hope you guys enjoy.
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So many things that we just did in our kingdom feel like they should be XP granting achievements, but it also feels like double dipping to be getting XP from just scratching the surface of the potential of a new charm.
[X] Let Izzy and Alec keep the alien tech personal assistants, they can help out Iris, they are in deep already they might as well get some cool tecn and friends out of it

If they're okay with it, and understand the sentience if not sapience of the aforementioned computers, I think it's better than not.

Though to be honest I'm a bit unclear myself.
[X] Let Izzy and Alec keep the alien tech personal assistants, they can help out Iris, they are in deep already they might as well get some cool tecn and friends out of it
[X] Let Izzy and Alec keep the alien tech personal assistants, they can help out Iris, they are in deep already they might as well get some cool tecn and friends out of it

If they're okay with it, and understand the sentience if not sapience of the aforementioned computers, I think it's better than not.

Though to be honest I'm a bit unclear myself.

The tablets they were handed are all advanced enough to be sentient, though they are unused to being isolated unlike Iris so they have to work with her if Izzy and Alec want to keep them.
I mean, we and a Naagloshii can almost certainly take Ortega in any fight that doesn't involve her being supported by Lords of the Outer Night or her dad.

So just let Seeker report success and ambush her when they meet.
He does have the magical resources if he so chooses; 12 lesser sorcerers/skinwalkers backing up a nnagloshii is one hell of a pocket task force. And he has met Arianna in person, and sized her up as a threat.
But yes, it appears uncharacteristically forward of him.Makes me sus.

I mean.
Barring a serious powerup, Molly can kill Arianna in seconds and simply fly away. So can a naagloshii. Yes, she got in a magical duel with Dresden and didnt do badly, but she'd need serious magical backup to even get Molly to consider shintai.

Seeker has to know this IC. Both people showing up should be extreme overkill.

But there is nothing preventing Seeker calling Arianna, betraying her into an ambush and siccing Molly on her.
And then jumping us after we're done murdering her.
Which fulfills the letter of any agreements he has.

Maybe I just expect scorpions to act according to their nature.
Shagnasty did promise to return Thomas in Turn Coat in return for Morgan, then spent the interval torturing him for fun to the point where he was basically insensate.

I think you guys are focusing on the wrong part of Ortega's status. Taking her in a personal fight is probably doable, but her day job isn't breaking faces, she's a highly placed member of the red court who apparently runs at least some of their wetworks.

We aren't the only person who can screw her head on backwards and she's well aware of that fact. It says something that she was willing to get within arm's reach of Broken Seeker.

She's either remarkably numb to risk for someone as old as she is or she's very confident in whatever security she has available.
Hukapanui nano-gel for instance has power over ice and darkness, not over storms or consumption for instance, the process of preparing them invests them with this quality
Being able to be precisely sure of what a reagent does seems hilariously useful. I wouldn't call this a defect at all, it's a whole new level of quality control.
Of course that is when the full SUTRA you had asked for. About the size of a human torso and in the shape of what is technically called a decahedron but you instantly think of as a d10, green flames dancing off countless brass mechanisms Arcane flames upon its ten faces dancing a pleasant feminine voice it, she addresses you in Journey Cant: "Internalizing Radical Idiomatic System greets you Divine Majesty, having volunteered for the mission due to my great desire to bear witness to worlds unknown."
> Vaguely demonic spiritual entity
> Terminally online
> Internalizing Radical Idiomatic System == connoisseur of obscure memes
> Lives in a decahedron
> in a world run on the storyteller system

Is this one of those dice gods I've heard so much about? :V
I think you guys are focusing on the wrong part of Ortega's status. Taking her in a personal fight is probably doable, but her day job isn't breaking faces, she's a highly placed member of the red court who apparently runs at least some of their wetworks.

We aren't the only person who can screw her head on backwards and she's well aware of that fact. It says something that she was willing to get within arm's reach of Broken Seeker.

She's either remarkably numb to risk for someone as old as she is or she's very confident in whatever security she has available.

Being able to be precisely sure of what a reagent does seems hilariously useful. I wouldn't call this a defect at all, it's a whole new level of quality control.

> Vaguely demonic spiritual entity
> Terminally online
> Internalizing Radical Idiomatic System == connoisseur of obscure memes
> Lives in a decahedron
> in a world run on the storyteller system

Is this one of those dice gods I've heard so much about? :V
  1. It is an artificial limitation as to what those reagents can do, if you get a bad batch (which the stuff you got is not to be clear) they can still fail.
  2. No comment on the Dice God(dess) :V
She's either remarkably numb to risk for someone as old as she is or she's very confident in whatever security she has available.
Propably, but then we have reason to be confident that we are capable of beating her security as well.

The question is not if she will pull out tricks.
She will.

The question is if we are confident that we can catch and kill her despite them, and with a Naagloshii on our side I'd say yes.
He has hunted more dangerous prey, propably.
Being able to be precisely sure of what a reagent does seems hilariously useful. I wouldn't call this a defect at all, it's a whole new level of quality control.
That's what I was thinking as well. When you can quantify your reagents and their effects with that degree of precision, it seems like Alchemy goes from a magical art to chemistry with better side-effects.
[X] Let Izzy and Alec keep the alien tech personal assistants, they can help out Iris, they are in deep already they might as well get some cool tecn and friends out of it

They are already a part of it. It is a bit of a sink or swim time now, I think.
"Understood, Your Divine Majesty demonstrates a high level of insight into matters of great interest to myself. Joy."

Why can't I help but heat that in an Elcor voice?

Worse, I hear it in the voice of these Elcors. (To be even more precise, the one at 2min 14 comes most to my mind.)

Iris would totally have called it that in official documents too if Molly had failed the roll to persuade her otherwise

I am almost regretting passing that roll there. :V

[X] Let Izzy and Alec keep the alien tech personal assistants, they can help out Iris, they are in deep already they might as well get some cool tecn and friends out of it
What happens to any spirits in the tablet if its destroyed?

They are swallowed up by Molly's anima and she can invest them into other items as normal for HMP, even though these are not direct investitures of the charm, the existence of SUTRAS and the tradition that made them is an extension of that charm, that thematic of Molly's soul, the same way the Wastes were created by WHWH.