Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

So can we maybe transfer those Akuma that we gave to the Library of Congress to our Hell dungeon/prison?
I don't think so but it is too late for me to check at the moment

Anyway on another note I'll be traveling tomorrow (change of plans) which means I will only get home by afternoon/evening.
If we buy the wonder crafting charm making a follower into a greater Akuma seems very possible using the corpse of a greater Akuma as the material.
I am remembering when we used our crown to ask about human evolution. I bet if someone from our kingdom somehow got the crown of eyes and asked the same question they would have gotten the same answer.
Depends on the phrasing. They're humans, but we sort of stole the IP and manufactured our own units here. The DF iteration of humanity was shaped via guided evolution, but that's not exactly what our guys are.

If they asked how humans came to be in a general sense then they'd probably get the origins of whoever counts as the primary branch of the species. If they asked how their people were made or used one of their own as a foci when asking about humans I think they'd end up in a staring contest with Molly.

I look forward to us getting our own version of that open channel right after this conversation. Maybe right well Molly is in the middle of praying.
ExWoD does say that infernals can instinctively start buying prayer eating after they been exposed to human prayers. Do our own count? :V
Essense available will always be an issue. Prayer eating only generates Charisma + Performance motes against difficulty 7. With a proper setup DC is 3 but we still only generate essence point equal to the number of success. And Molly only has 3 dice at the moment. Spending 9xp to have a dice pool of 10 with excellency would matter
Prayer eating is explicitly something non-exalts can do. Setting up collaborative rituals for combining dice pools should be possible.
On one hand, it feels appropriate to mention that there are charms that modify or buff non-charms, and for an Infernal, something that would improve Prayer-Eating sounds exceptionally suitable.

On another hand, that sort of stuff is homebrew only, and that seems to be as distant as ever.
Prayer eating is explicitly something non-exalts can do. Setting up collaborative rituals for combining dice pools should be possible.
perhaps instead we can go the technomancy route with CCP and figure out a way to create prayer relays beacons through our hell to more efficently collect mass essence from them- but that would be some kind of grand project for later.
Anyway, I didn't comment on this earlier, but I really liked how Molly had to roll willpower to not freak out. It shows that she's human. I kinda want her to decompress at least a bit. We had an incredibly stressful half a year, and this day especially.
Good night guys, see you tomorrow evening.

Anyway, I didn't comment on this earlier, but I really liked how Molly had to roll willpower to not freak out. It shows that she's human. I kinda want her to decompress at least a bit. We had an incredibly stressful half a year, and this day especially.

Glad you liked it, given the scale of things I felt it was a good mechanical underpinning for her inner turmoil.
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[X] Pick up your friends and Harry and get back home, the Exarchate is going to need several days at least to absorb what you have just told them, but Broken Seeker and Arianna Ortega will not wait
-[X]Pick up some blank smartphones and a laptop or two for use
-[X]Be sure that Dresden takes a blank tablet and something like a billet of metal with him
[X] Pick up your friends and Harry and get back home, the Exarchate is going to need several days at least to absorb what you have just told them, but Broken Seeker and Arianna Ortega will not wait
-[X]Pick up some blank smartphones and a laptop or two for use
-[X]Be sure that Dresden takes a blank tablet and something like a billet of metal with him
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If we want to get most intel for the Courts, we should definitely take an experienced machine spirit with a proper specialized housing with us. Just downloading wikipedia is not the optimal solution.
Prayer eating is explicitly something non-exalts can do. Setting up collaborative rituals for combining dice pools should be possible.
It's worth noting that the description of prayer eating doesn't really state that anyone can do it. Jades are pulling pretty hard on the powers of the thousand hells, and they may have a later day blessing of their own to lean on too.

Exalts can do it, and are pulling on the divine origins of their strength to pull it off.

None of that implies to me that it's a general ability anyone can learn any more than a mage could pick up vampire disciplines.
On a side note, if we grab Ephemeral Abrasion Curse could we use it to lower the level of the gauntlet on our Kingdom to make getting or, or really getting out, easier for others? Right now it is a gauntlet roll of 9 which is kinda ridiculous for anyone to attempt, but with EAC we could cut most of that off and Dresden might just be able to gate in and out even when we can't be there ourselves.

I also want to build a giant portal to hell in the last station because a plot to built a hell gate is the exact kinda supervillain thing you would expect heroes to oppose even if it's not for nefarious purposes. We just want to make a a Portal to Hell with Mad, Eldritch Technologies so we can let Legions of Creatures of Darkness can pour unto this world and make deals with unsuspecting mortals.
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If we want to get most intel for the Courts, we should definitely take an experienced machine spirit with a proper specialized housing with us. Just downloading wikipedia is not the optimal solution.
Maybe something like a puppy chassis? No one ever suspects the cuddly puppy to shoot them with electro-laser eye beams...
Even if we don't go all the way to prayer eating 3 in one go we should at least get 1 so we can hear status reports without having to go in person. Save quite a few trips which aren't exactly cheap.
Even if we don't go all the way to prayer eating 3 in one go we should at least get 1 so we can hear status reports without having to go in person. Save quite a few trips which aren't exactly cheap.
Or 2 which will give us a more comprehensive view of our kingdom then any amount of status reports, we would be able to see the souls, history, thoughts, and motivations of any and every single worshipper in our kingdom.

Honestly Prayer Eating 2 is kinda the scariest in my eyes, 5 success on Empathy+Perception which wont be that hard for molly to achieve on DC4 can give a level of knowledge on an individual that could be considered to be absolute - To quote the doc 'The target's soul is an open book to the Exalt – all of their thoughts, history, dreams, desires, memories (even edited or suppressed ones), and ugly secrets are laid bare before her.'
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Or 2 which will give us a more comprehensive view of our kingdom then any amount of status reports, we would be able to see the souls, history, thoughts, and motivations of any and every single worshipper in our kingdom.
Basically every level up to 4 gives us something very valuable. 5 as well, but Molly wouldn't properly appreciate it.

Actually now I wonder if level 5 prayer eating is part of making a Greater Akuma.
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On a side note, if we grab Ephemeral Abrasion Curse could we use it to lower the level of the gauntlet on our Kingdom to make getting or, or really getting out, easier for others? Right now it is a gauntlet roll of 9 which is kinda ridiculous for anyone to attempt, but with EAC we could cut most of that off and Dresden might just be able to gate in and out even when we can't be there ourselves.

I also want to build a giant portal to hell in the last station because a plot to built a hell gate is the exact kinda supervillain thing you would expect heroes to oppose even if it's not for nefarious purposes. We just want to make a a Portal to Hell with Mad, Eldritch Technologies so we can let Legions of Creatures of Darkness can pour unto this world and make deals with unsuspecting mortals.
Still think this a stupid idea.

Literally every time someone has assaulted the last station they've knocked it over and done whatever they wanted before leaving.

The FCF would allow for better defenses, but I doubt we're going to get access to minions that outweigh someone like the will of Kakuri or Broken Seeker. People like that are the sort of problem we have to worry about.

If someone decides to spends months studying our defenses before busting through to fire off a ritual just inside Molly's soul I'm not convinced we could actually stop them.
It's worth noting that the description of prayer eating doesn't really state that anyone can do it. Jades are pulling pretty hard on the powers of the thousand hells, and they may have a later day blessing of their own to lean on too.

Exalts can do it, and are pulling on the divine origins of their strength to pull it off.

None of that implies to me that it's a general ability anyone can learn any more than a mage could pick up vampire disciplines.

The Wan Kuei's prayer eating seems to pre-date them having anything to do with the Hells beyond beating up Yama Kings.

One of the crimes the Jade Emperor seems to have condemned them for is feeding off the chi of human worship.

Basically every level up to 4 gives us something very valuable. 5 as well, but Molly wouldn't properly appreciate it.

Actually now I wonder if level 5 prayer eating is part of making a Greater Akuma.

Maybe not all of the Treatments, but the golden chi you get from Prayer Eating at least superficially resembles Yugen, divine chi, which is what part fallen celestials and the Wan Kuei run/ran on. Mortal Bodhisattva seem to produce it, as Yama Kings used their bodies to synthesise artificial Yugen for one of the Treatments.

Both lesser and greater akuma are created as as result of rites that the Wan Kuei perform, so it may be they're powered by those rites rather than the Yama King themself, which would explain why all different types of Yama King can do it, as it may not be their power doing it.
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If someone decides to spends months studying our defenses before busting through to fire off a ritual just inside Molly's soul I'm not convinced we could actually stop them.
Between our personal efforts and the efforts of the Fivefold Courts I would imagine the Last Station would be, if not impregnable, then still a formidable bastion. That being said, one of the benefits of a technology-based portal is that... it can be closed in emergencies. And even then, the other side of the portal will probably be far more guarded, and possibly isolated slightly away from the cities themselves, and maybe that side of the base will be rigged to blow with foothold protocols for good measure, on top of numerous technological and magical defenses. And then, you say they will be able to just jump in a pull a major ritual... to do what? What major ritual could be pulled of minutes from entering from the other side of the portal, and what nightmare scenario would such a thing even be? Besides that they would have to find a good place to cast from, probably from the local very well guarded leylines.... by the time they would have such a thing ready Molly would be there in her permanent shintai form and come down on them like the God-Queen she is.
The only place I secure enough that I might feel comfortable putting a portal to our soul is Demonreach after Harry becomes it's Warden and even then I would want to add extra precautions.
The only place I secure enough that I might feel comfortable putting a portal to our soul is Demonreach after Harry becomes it's Warden and even then I would want to add extra precautions.
I think this talk about the dangers of soul portals is mostly paranoia? Is there danger? Yes, there is defiantly danger and risk to connecting to the wider world. Is that danger unreasonably large even if significant safety precautions are taken? I don't think so, partly because the individuals of our soul are strong and competent to take care of the vast majority of threats, and should be able to delay the few they cant until molly can intervene personally. And even if beings do sneak into our soul, there is not much damage they can reasonably do without getting caught without a massive amount of time learning the unique culture, languages, and limitations of magic and technology of the courts. People are saying its dangerous for outsiders to be inside our soul, but its not like our inner world is some backdoor into Molly's soul ready to exploit, the entire realm is a reflection of her soul and you would have to pull a ritual that both affects the entire world, which would probably require complete control over the leylines, and still probably would end up in a direct contest with Molly's exaltation. Anyone who tries to screw with us in our world is in far more danger themselves then we are of them, since it is the place where our powers are greatest, and I am pretty sure we can use our Immortal-slaying charm on anyone who we kill here as well to stop them from going through the wheel if we want.
I wonder about the interaction between Lord of the land and prayer eating. Like if someone prays for good weather can we just give it to them?
One thing we might be actually able to offer back to our residents is our psuedo-intellectus effect that let's us just know shit about our inner world. It'd be quite useful for the day to day governors who work for us to be able to capitalize on that sort of info.