Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

GM confirmed that upping a person path rating by one in the table. And when the person already has 5 dots the jump to 6 AKA legendary status is a big deal. Double so since they can take the VEE granted knowledge and just teach others. VEE is usless for the comman man, but a godsend for those already great.

That would be the GM remembering what the charm can do wrong. Sorry :oops:

VEE cannot do paths.
Yes, the house has a landline. You could adapt something to plug a SUTRA in.
Ok then, changing plan on account of valid criticism of needing prep. team for a prep. team, and our people not knowing the language.

[X] Plan supplies and digital scout
-[X] Pick up your friends and Harry and get back home, the Exarchate is going to need several days at least to absorb what you have just told them, but Broken Seeker and Arianna Ortega will not wait
-[X] Get supplies - personal datapads, some reagents and foodstuffs that don't exist on Earth.
--[X] We'll come back for proper armor fitting and weapon training later
-[X] Get some back up
--[X] An experienced machine spirit in a proper SUTRA device with memory banks to start downloading and reformatting data from the internet for the intel team back in the courts

Yeah, something like this. I am dropping weapons - if nothing else, we didn't go through proper safety instructions. I am keeping supplies in general, mostly as proofs for Harry. I am changing scout to an experienced machine spirit in a suitable frame to start downloading at least Wiki and to make sense of what they are looking for.
If we really want to use VEE to boost our Kingdom, I would recommend finding people who have tech/computers/craft/science/occult/medicine 5 and pushing THEM to 6 to help push our kingdom into the next stage of technological development. It's a ball that would take a bit to get rolling, but I want my army's of warstriders dammit, give me that first age level scizotech.

Also DP mentioned True Faith and people able to give our followers 5 dots in that would reck reds like nothing else.
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Background dots are much, much more useful for VEE. Granting our diplomats "Ally: USA" and "Ally: White Council" dots, especially if pooled backgrounds work (and why shouldn't they for a concentrated effort of a team) would speed things up by a lot.
Background dots are much, much more useful for VEE. Granting our diplomats "Ally: USA" and "Ally: White Council" dots, especially if pooled backgrounds work (and why shouldn't they for a concentrated effort of a team) would speed things up by a lot.
I think Influence might be more appropriate.

Allies are individual people willing to go out of their way to help you, which we could in theory apply to some American office-holders, but influence looks a bit more structural from the description.
[X] Pick up your friends and Harry and get back home, the Exarchate is going to need several days at least to absorb what you have just told them, but Broken Seeker and Arianna Ortega will not wait
-[X]Pick up some blank smartphones and a laptop or two for use
-[X]Be sure that Dresden takes a blank tablet and something like a billet of metal with him
Background dots are much, much more useful for VEE. Granting our diplomats "Ally: USA" and "Ally: White Council" dots, especially if pooled backgrounds work (and why shouldn't they for a concentrated effort of a team) would speed things up by a lot.

I think Influence might be more appropriate.

Allies are individual people willing to go out of their way to help you, which we could in theory apply to some American office-holders, but influence looks a bit more structural from the description.

Keep in mind that would be using infernal magic tainted fate-weaving to influence the US Government or the White Council, or whoever you aimed this at, it is not that they would suddenly think well of you it is that reality itself it getting rewritten such that your people have that leverage, that influence, those connections. A lot of people, most people would not notice because it is so insidious subtle, but for those who do the lights are liable to go red and the metaphorical sirens are likely to start blaring. Also yes it is influence if you want it to be an institution, allies is something you aim at people within a faction with the number of dots marking how high up they are.
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For direct minion augmentation, I'd like to learn how Yama Kings make lesser and greater akuma. It seems like a process that comes with having a Hell, as it's something that all Yama Kings can do, whatever type of creature they are, whether they're as yet unfallen Wan Xian, death gods that have betrayed their mandate, nature spirits that haven't, Ex-mortal wizards, entities that were always devils, or whatever.
That's because it's not for making armies. It's for making deals.

Well, yes, that was my point, that the one person trying to make it into an army maker was chasing windmills.

Earth-destroyer is overhyping the charm by trying to make it do something it doesn't and cannot do.

Dam VEE just went back to useless charm. Only thing that could save it now is that offhand idea of tricking reality to allow it to be used more often.

I mean, it always was useless for what you were trying to do with it, it was explained repeatedly.
For direct minion augmentation, I'd like to learn how Yama Kings make lesser and greater akuma. It seems like a process that comes with having a Hell, as it's something that all Yama Kings can do, whatever type of creature they are, whether they're as yet unfallen Wan Xian, death gods that have betrayed their mandate, nature spirits that haven't, Ex-mortal wizards, entities that were always devils, or whatever.

Well those secrets are likely to be very well guarded, but you guys could certainly look. If they figure out that is what you are after you may end up pissing off several Yama Kings with your presumption, or in other words being an obvious rival.
Dam VEE just went back to useless charm. Only thing that could save it now is that offhand idea of tricking reality to allow it to be used more often.
Saying it is useless is a pretty big stretch. Its not a charm that will give us anything and everything we want, but between pushing skills like technology to 6, giving out strong merits, and most of all removing dangerous and crippling flaws from people who are desperate is a big deal. Its a usefull and flexable charm with all its limits still.
Dam VEE just went back to useless charm. Only thing that could save it now is that offhand idea of tricking reality to allow it to be used more often.
I mean being able to give all our people a safe word that be able to instantly retreat to our kingdom makes all of them far more useful.

But VEEs primary use is generally as a social charm allowing for giving amazing bribes on the spot.
and most of all removing dangerous and crippling flaws from people who are desperate is a big deal.
False hope springs 9xp is better for that. Also cheaper.
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Yeah, the charm for turning a group into an army is Chirality Prohibition Index, and that comes with a level of control and brainwashing that makes VEE look tame. A custom version of CPI based on our hell would be better if harder to balance, but I am hopeful.

Looking over the Constructive Convergence of Principles text again, building a Stargate to connect to our hell should defiantly be in the cards expacially in a dragon line nexus like the last station. Im not sure where we would put the other side of the portal, for Maximum security we might want to put it just slightly into the wastes in a base right near the city of journeys so any intruders would have to travel through the wastes themselves to reach civilization. I assume there are plenty of tiny forward bases in the wastes to pick from near Journeys considering there entire shtick.
False hope springs 9xp is better for that. Also cheaper.
Except False Springs Beckon is strictly temporary, its not a gift but a leash that keeps them close or else continues to suffer after, at the moment, 3 weeks without us granting that mercy again. Also, the list of Flaws is larger then what FSB can handle, in that VEE is still more versatile.

Edit: Also would just like the remond people that 'Aging' aka being old is a Flaw that can be removed with VEE even for normal mortals. It wont stop them from getting old again, but there are many elderly which would give up much to be young again.
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[X] Plan supplies and digital scout
-[X] Pick up your friends and Harry and get back home, the Exarchate is going to need several days at least to absorb what you have just told them, but Broken Seeker and Arianna Ortega will not wait
-[X] Get supplies - personal datapads, some reagents and foodstuffs that don't exist on Earth.
--[X] We'll come back for proper armor fitting and weapon training later
-[X] Get some back up
--[X] An experienced machine spirit in a proper SUTRA device with memory banks to start downloading and reformatting data from the internet for the intel team back in the courts
Yeah, the charm for turning a group into an army is Chirality Prohibition Index, and that comes with a level of control and brainwashing that makes VEE look tame. A custom version of CPI based on our hell would be better if harder to balance, but I am hopeful.

Looking over the Constructive Convergence of Principles text again, building a Stargate to connect to our hell should defiantly be in the cards expacially in a dragon line nexus like the last station. Im not sure where we would put the other side of the portal, for Maximum security we might want to put it just slightly into the wastes in a base right near the city of journeys so any intruders would have to travel through the wastes themselves to reach civilization. I assume there are plenty of tiny forward bases in the wastes to pick from near Journeys considering there entire shtick.

Oh sure, there are even entire confederations of tribes out there. Keep in mind the wastes may look like a frozen hellscape to people used to earth-like life, but there is a whole ecosystem in them and even an intelligent species that can live in them natively. Most of the native dragon-kin are nomadic but near the cities they settled down to facilitate trade.
Yeah, the charm for turning a group into an army is Chirality Prohibition Index, and that comes with a level of control and brainwashing that makes VEE look tame. A custom version of CPI based on our hell would be better if harder to balance, but I am hopeful.
False it is fully possible to make CPI have zero side effects. First time just make it prevent, jumping into a sun or something equally impossible do to without instant death anyway. Second just set it to all languages, and it becomes irrelevant, third set the uniform to anything and everything and it becomes irrelevant. For the forth time which is hardest but just set it to prevent taking up a coin. And last set it to something like breathing, or some other automatic function of living.
If we really want to use VEE to boost our Kingdom, I would recommend finding people who have tech/computers/craft/science/occult/medicine 5 and pushing THEM to 6 to help push our kingdom into the next stage of technological development. It's a ball that would take a bit to get rolling, but I want my army's of warstriders dammit, give me that first age level scizotech.

Also DP mentioned True Faith and people able to give our followers 5 dots in that would reck reds like nothing else.
We have a number of prayer eating charms if we want to grant wishes of followers.
False it is fully possible to make CPI have zero side effects. First time just make it prevent, jumping into a sun or something equally impossible do to without instant death anyway. Second just set it to all languages, and it becomes irrelevant, third set the uniform to anything and everything and it becomes irrelevant. For the forth time which is hardest but just set it to prevent taking up a coin. And last set it to something like breathing, or some other automatic function of living.
  1. Preventing something impossible is not valid for the charm, though you could go with something improbable or universally reviled
  2. You cannot set it to all languages since Molly does not know all languages
  3. Anything and everything is not a uniform so that is invalid
  4. Automatic functions of living would not work as that is not something they can normally stop themselves from doing
You can rules lawyer your way around charms, and indeed thematically that is a large part of this quest, but it is not as easy as the above makes it up to be
Chirality Prohibition Index is a very quick way to teach our people earth languages and our kingdom's languages.

I suggest just having the Uniform being wearing a badge with our caste mark on it.
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We have a number of prayer eating charms if we want to grant wishes of followers.
I mean to quote the ExVSWod doc on the matter "Prayer-Eating Kind of Sucks?"
Like, there is a 'wish granting charm' in the prayer eating area, but it is far weaker then VEE and works more like a luck/fate blased blessing helping a worshipper with a goal. Its not terrible, narratively it can make our followers alot more consistently successful in their goals, but it Wont be granting dots or merits or removing flaws like VEE can.

Edit: On a CPI unique variant, I have been thinking of limits like Making is so that someone can only 'Learn' from a single city in their lifetime so the charm cant make omnicompotents, and that using the charm would grant a flaw based on the city chosen, like a itching curiosity for Scrolls, a powerful wanderlust for Journeys, a drive for attention form Fountains, an Obsession with strict hierarchy for Laws, and a steadfast tendancy towards being merciful from endings,
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