Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Honestly makes me want to covert the moon, it just space being wasted right now, not even a proper moon base, well Molly can fix that oversight.
I don't see anyway for us to get there. No river to follow and our speed well impressive on earth doesn't rate at all for getting to the moon.

238,855 miles away.

We can take breaks par way though the trip in our kingdom, but it's still a really long boring trip.

Then again we could get Prince of Ruin Attitude (3XP) steal one of the wreaks of the Apollo rockets and use that. Still a 3 day trip.

Even if we craft up our own faster rocket there is still the problem of the 10 minimum human sacrifices.
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...Can we not hypothesize on plans involving human sacrifice? Pretty sure it's a rule violation, and it's just tacky.

It's not like you'd need it to conquer a small country when you have thousands of superhumans on payroll anyway.
It's definitly not against the rules, there's been human sacrifices at other quests before.
You can't dehumanise people, even those you are willing to sacrifice too much, particularly not in the discussion, but you can kill them.
Just realized that kidnapping people on death row would be super easy for us once we get VEE. Just offer them a wish and give them a task they refuse and they get sent straight to our hell.

It is even very fitting "Do you have any last request?"
Then again we could get Prince of Ruin Attitude (3XP) steal one of the wreaks of the Apollo rockets and use that. Still a 3 day trip.

Even if we craft up our own faster rocket there is still the problem of the 10 minimum human sacrifices.
Could just be a few hours away by the right ways. As for the sacrifices you only need 2 magical creatures, and we seem to have no end of volunteers.

Also our hell does know how to setup a teleportation array so the trip only needs to be long way once.
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@Yog, I don't think Molly should give out her full name like you have in your vote's stunt. Even in her own Hell.

Basically, as a supernaturally empowered Human/Exalt, she should never personally broadcast her full name, regardless of the circumstances.
Normally, I would agree. Three things:
1) It's not her full name. It's a full name of her mortal self, but not full name of her primordial over-self. She doesn't know the latter.
2) We already gave it to Mab, unprompted, when convincing her that we were saying the truth. So, it's not making things worse
3) Currently, the only problematic being in hearing range is Lash.

I can agree to change that part, but how do we introduce ourselves? Introducing herself as Molly seems out of place.
1) It's not her full name. It's a full name of her mortal self, but not full name of her primordial over-self. She doesn't know the latter.
It's literally inscribed on her throne though.
I'm sure it does have a true-name-like significance, even if it might not cover quite the whole name now.
It's still a bad idea to give out 4/5th of your true name, like Dresden learned at some point.

I can agree to change that part, but how do we introduce ourselves? Introducing herself as Molly seems out of place.
Cut it down to Margaret Carpenter at least?
I know that VEE wishes are usually represented by a single dot change on the character sheet, but I am imagining if we had VEE back when we were dealing with Hank (lessor shapeshifter) and if he was to wish for revenge against his former master. What form would you expect that wish to take?
Normally, I would agree. Three things:
1) It's not her full name. It's a full name of her mortal self, but not full name of her primordial over-self. She doesn't know the latter.
2) We already gave it to Mab, unprompted, when convincing her that we were saying the truth. So, it's not making things worse
3) Currently, the only problematic being in hearing range is Lash.

I can agree to change that part, but how do we introduce ourselves? Introducing herself as Molly seems out of place.
1) Its a big enough piece to matter in the hands of someone with serious mojo. Ask Dresden.
He didnt even give Ferrovax his full name, just the standard first name/last name combo, and Ferro made him stagger just by calling him by his name.

2)Mab is not going to blab it to everyone.
Here, you explicitly included a resistance movement, including people who might want Molly dead.

3)Not if you are about to make a speech to the entire place.
And I assume that Lasciel will be able to access Lash's memories.

4)Why? Is Molly not her name?
Does she not set the standards here? Even when she became Winter Lady in canon, she was still called Molly.
I see no reason why she would change here.

I would strongly advise against aiming for gravitas. Its not Molly's thing, and has never been.
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It's literally inscribed on her throne though.
I'm sure it does have a true-name-like significance, even if it might not cover quite the whole name now.
It's still a bad idea to give out 4/5th of your true name, like Dresden learned at some point.
I am using it specifically because it has magical significance - it's a sign of trust and connection.
Cut it down to Margaret Carpenter at least?
Ok. Compromise it is.

[X] Introduce yourself as you are, as one who does not know them well but wishes to, as one who is young by the measure of this world, but wishing rule justly and wisely for the benefit of all
-[X] ATB, Leadership excellency
-[X] Stunt: Pausing for a moment between heartbeats, you catch your visage reflected in one of the numerous camera-eyes upon you. A being of terrible awe and glory perched imperiously upon her throne, clad in basalt and brass, her face hidden by the a war helmet. The next words you say are the most important words of your life so far, you realize. Who do you want to be? You shift your posture ever so slightly, making yourself look more approachable, less of a threat. Feeling the ever present ferocious storms of your realm sway in tach with your words, you speak: "Hello to all of you. I am Margret Carpenter, the one you have been waiting for, and from the throne at the center of this Creation I welcome you all to the first day of the rest of our lives. Our, because we are in this together. As you will learn in the fomral releases to come, I am not perfect, and I am not omniscient, and I am not even fully mature yet. I cannot say that I fully grasp the enormity and the depth of our world yet. I cannot promise that I won't make mistakes in the future. What I can state and vow is that I want to learn about all of you, and that I will do my best by you, and to the benefit of us all. It is with this in mind that I declare my first decree - for as long as I live, balefire cancer will no longer torment those under my aegis"
I don't see anyway for us to get there. No river to follow and our speed well impressive on earth doesn't rate at all for getting to the moon.
Moon is just at the tail end of the NeverNever. So it is reachable by that.

As for sacrifices, do our Citizens count? @DragonParadox if we sacrifice a person from our World, would they count for Barren Waste Infliction and would they be reborn if they are sacrificed? As in since can they be reborn if sacrificed and be used again and again?

Step 1: Reach the moon through the Never-Never
Step 2: Spend 5 Essence
Step 3: Sacrifice willing person from our World and Spend 5 Essence to transform it into our Hell
Step 4: Use the respawn mechanic to expand the Hell to cover the moon.
Step 5: ??? Profit
2)Mab is not going to blab it to everyone.
Here, you explicitly included a resistance movement, including people who might want Molly dead.
Mab is not our friend, and definitely wasn't when we gave her our name. Her knowing it is problematic in itself, more so than her giving it to anyone (not that she can, it wouldn't be the name from our lips and would be less powerful)
Its not Molly's thing, and has never been.
The situation calls for it, strongly, and Molly should adapt.
Mab is not our friend, and definitely wasn't when we gave her our name. Her knowing it is problematic in itself, more so than her giving it to anyone (not that she can, it wouldn't be the name from our lips and would be less powerful)
Mab is not our enemy either. She's not going to blab it around to people who actually are.
Not to mention that the name we gave her is obsolete already, and was when we spontaneously evolved a Hell, which is the sort of significant life event that changes your Name and how it is said.

The situation calls for it, strongly, and Molly should adapt.
No it doesnt. And no she shouldnt.
Molly is a Catholic, daughter of a Knight, in the Midwest, and her only ongoing model of religion is Christianity. Old Testament God may have done gravitas on occasion, but Jesus most definitely did not.

Dont try to twist the PC into pretzels to fit some predetermined image of what an Infernal should be.
Its not her.
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Moon is just at the tail end of the NeverNever. So it is reachable by that.

As for sacrifices, do our Citizens count? @DragonParadox if we sacrifice a person from our World, would they count for Barren Waste Infliction and would they be reborn if they are sacrificed? As in since can they be reborn if sacrificed and be used again and again?

Step 1: Reach the moon through the Never-Never
Step 2: Spend 5 Essence
Step 3: Sacrifice willing person from our World and Spend 5 Essence to transform it into our Hell
Step 4: Use the respawn mechanic to expand the Hell to cover the moon.
Step 5: ??? Profit

No they do not as they are Creatures of Darkness themselves. Anyone who passes under the Wheel becomes one.
It is a bit late but it occurs to me that there is another tack we can take with this speech.

[X]Congratulate them on their accomplishment in creating a civilization unparalleled. Unfortunately many other worlds outside of this one are not so fortunate, but we are in a unique position of being able to help them.
-[X]Leadership excellency
-[X]Lord of the land to chill the air around us and moisture to wet us.
-[X][Stunt] You beam "Congratulations and thank you! You all deserve my personal thanks for helping to make the 5-fold court of fate the great and thriving civilization it is today. Each and every one of you has played your own part and this realm would be poorer without you." You can feel the serenity in your words and know them to be true to the to the depth of your soul eh kingdom whatever. Your Expression turns sad as you look at your friends "Unfortunately many other worlds outside of this one are not so fortunate, but we are in a unique position of being able to help them. I look forward to your support in the future and know that you will excel all expectations like you always have."

[X] Welcome them to the wider cosmos, an era of change is at hand, but they should not be fearful for it will be a fair one, for those wishing a challenge of heroism and glory, for scholars of new lore, for all better richer lives
-[X]Leadership excellency
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They count as Creatures of Darkness too, everything in your world counts as that as they are all born of your Essence. If you take a sampling of bacteria from your world those are Creatures of Darkness.
Do they count as Super Natural or CoDs? Because the charm says thus.

System: Spend 5 Essence to summon the maggots to assail the landscape within 10 yards of the Infernal. They're of no particular threat to any living creature that isn't somehow immobilized and unable to move away from them, but will devour all plant life within minutes. What's left behind is a place of desolation – and, in its reflection in the Spirit World, a tainted place that calls out to wicked spirits to come forth and take up residence. The Infernal reduces the difficulty of all rolls by one within her wasteland. She can grow a wasteland by either using this Charm again, or else through sacrifices within its boundaries. The murder of a human being expands the waste by another 10 yards in all directions. The murder of a supernatural being (that is not a creature of darkness) such as a mage or werewolf increases its radius by 100 yards. The flesh of sacrificed beings erupts into boiling maggots, which range out through the wasteland to do their work once they reach its border. Alternately, rather than expanding the radius, such a sacrifice may be used to "roll back" the number of times the Infernal is considered to have attempted to don her Shintai form during the current story by one, reducing its cost or difficulty accordingly (to a minimum of Essence 2, Willpower 2, and no roll requirement).
Note the distinction. Super Natural beings are specifically called out as not being CoDs but Humans are not.

It is also in theme for Infernals to sacrifice their own men, who may or may not be CoDs for the charm.

So that is why I was asking.
[X] Introduce yourself as you are, as one who does not know them well but wishes to, as one who is young by the measure of this world, but wishing rule justly and wisely for the benefit of all
-[X] ATB, Leadership excellency
-[X] Stunt: Pausing for a moment between heartbeats, you catch your visage reflected in one of the numerous camera-eyes upon you. A being of terrible awe and glory perched imperiously upon her throne, clad in basalt and brass, her face hidden by the a war helmet. The next words you say are the most important words of your life so far, you realize. Who do you want to be? You shift your posture ever so slightly, making yourself look more approachable, less of a threat. Feeling the ever present ferocious storms of your realm sway in tach with your words, you speak: "Hello to all of you. I am Margret Carpenter, the one you have been waiting for, and from the throne at the center of this Creation I welcome you all to the first day of the rest of our lives. Our, because we are in this together. As you will learn in the fomral releases to come, I am not perfect, and I am not omniscient, and I am not even fully mature yet. I cannot say that I fully grasp the enormity and the depth of our world yet. I cannot promise that I won't make mistakes in the future. What I can state and vow is that I want to learn about all of you, and that I will do my best by you, and to the benefit of us all. It is with this in mind that I declare my first decree - for as long as I live, balefire cancer will no longer torment those under my aegis"
[X] Introduce yourself as you are, as one who does not know them well but wishes to, as one who is young by the measure of this world, but wishing rule justly and wisely for the benefit of all

Not paying enough attention to the stunts to be comfortable voting on them, but want my opinion on the base option to be clear before I go to bed.
Do they count as Super Natural or CoDs? Because the charm says thus.

Note the distinction. Super Natural beings are specifically called out as not being CoDs but Humans are not.

It is also in theme for Infernals to sacrifice their own men, who may or may not be CoDs for the charm.

So that is why I was asking.

They count as humans who are CoD, that is not something you see every day on earth, but these are humans born in the world-soul and mythos of an infernal.
They count as humans who are CoD, that is not something you see every day on earth, but these are humans born in the world-soul and mythos of an infernal. they would be a valid target for the charm then? If so, then it seems like a easy way to abuse the respawn mechanic to say, convert the moon into our hell.