Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

[X] Welcome them to the wider cosmos, an era of change is at hand, but they should not be fearful for it will be a fair one, for those wishing a challenge of heroism and glory, for scholars of new lore, for all better richer lives
-[X] ATB, Leadership excellency
While Harry does get extra dice to resist being magically controlled his will is not quite the absolute mortal maximum of 10. He is about as stubborn as Charity when she is not pushing an intimacy.
You seriously made harry only equal to charity when not pushing an intimacy? Like in terms of willpower hes arguably peak humanity or damn near it. Given I know its a lot but I mean its harry.
Bro has never met a girl who hasn't influenced him. Dude is definitely no determinator.
you seriously saying harrys not a determinator? The dudes had several injuries every book, hes literally clashed with the will of immortals before in combat that is powered by will, hes pushed himself in every single book sometimes to the point of crippling himself.
Also thats clearly a flaw of his don't know how that would mean he doesn't have willpower.
you seriously saying harrys not a determinator? The dudes had several injuries every book, hes literally clashed with the will of immortals before in combat that is powered by will, hes pushed himself in every single book sometimes to the point of crippling himself.
Also thats clearly a flaw of his don't know how that would mean he doesn't have willpower.
If your flaw is that you can't say no to people even when you know its bad, then you don't have the maximum amount of willpower possible. Like being unable to stop himself from mouthing off is a sign self control.
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If your flaw is that you can't say no to people even when you know its bad, then you don't have the maximum amount of willpower possible.
eh hes said no to women he had lash in his head for years in canon without succumbing and he killed ortega, hes rejected white court vampires for years, hes killed some women over the years, lied to female friends, refused orders from female wardens and murphy, etc etc. But, I'd say his flaw is more he tries not to think of them as evil first and then fixes that. Also no one has the maximum amount of willpower as far as I know and hes still mortal. But, if it comes to going through risks, pushing through pain, or fuck actual magic based willpower fights harrys one of the best in the series even better than some senior council members and many supernatural creatures. Though I think some supernatural beings beat him on the virtue of such inhuman mindsets that stretch way past normal willpower like minds made out of the seasons or literal mountains. But, hes withstood and even beat multiple beings that literally harm willpower.
Harry really shouldn't be alive with the amount of damage hes taken he usually takes multiple debilitating injuries every book. Though I think there's an amount of action hero logic to it given the amount of brain damage he should have by now.
Bro has never met a girl who hasn't influenced him. Dude is definitely no determinator.
That's not because of a lack of willpower that is just how his intimacies work. Actually he likely restores a bit of willpower whenever he fulfills them which explains why Lash never wears him down.
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I'mma note harrys the first person to actually reject lasciel (until the end) and he had her in his brain for years. Harry seducing the fallen spect for seducing will always be legendary as she died for him! Like sure its not the full lasciel but still.
you seriously saying harrys not a determinator? The dudes had several injuries every book, hes literally clashed with the will of immortals before in combat that is powered by will, hes pushed himself in every single book sometimes to the point of crippling himself.
Also thats clearly a flaw of his don't know how that would mean he doesn't have willpower.

Harry does not have the maximum amount of self control imaginable, as demonstrated by Harry himself who explains that old wizards have a stronger will than younger ones and that includes him. The reason Peabody did not get to him along with all the other younger wardens is not that he had mega-willpower, it is that he did not have access. I think we can trust the man to assess himself.
Harry does not have the maximum amount of self control imaginable, as demonstrated by Harry himself who explains that old wizards have a stronger will than younger ones and that includes him. The reason Peabody did not get to him along with all the other younger wardens is not that he had mega-willpower, it is that he did not have access. I think we can trust the man to assess himself.
I mean he also beat the willpower of arianna ortega someone who dwarfs the age of the senior council possibly all of it, wasn't completely made inert by the offset aura or whatever the mothers have, never succumbed to lash, and has taken more beatings in a decade than most wizards likely do in centuries.
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I mean he also beat the willpower of arianna ortega someone who dwarfs the age of the senior council, wasn't completely made inert by the offset aura or whatever the mothers have, never succumbed to lash, and has taken more beatings in a decade than most wizards likely do in centuries.

Willpower is rolled, even if she had 15 and he had 8, he could still have more successes than her, he would just have to get lucky. That is not to say she actually has 15 willpower, not everything that is old is inhumanly wilful (most things are not in fact) it was just an example to prove the point. Harry was talking about overall capacity in the case I presented (so mechanically actual dots) not a single act (so a roll contested or otherwise).
It does not appear to have changed you
Ah. I mean the Mantle of Sunlight.
But not all is lost, for the Heavens are not blind to the terror the Princess represents and saw fit to send forth their finest Knight, who tempered indifference with Compassion, doubt with conviction, indulgence with temperance and fear with Valor. Thus, the Empress to be wears the Mantle of Sunlight, that shines not with the balefire of Nuclear Annihilation but with the light of the resplendent dawn, representing strength, superiority, order, glory and striving for the absolute. For all things must end, even the Long Night and there must always be hope for tomorrow.

But whether the gambit of Heaven awoke the Spark of Solar Glory......only time shall tell.
From what I remember, we do not have it yet as you said we need more actions to earn it. I figure given the enemies we killed and people saved, we may have gotten it.
Willpower is rolled, even if she had 15 and he had 8, he could still have more successes than her, he would just have to get lucky. That is not to say she actually has 15 willpower, not everything that is old is inhumanly wilful (most things are not in fact) it was just an example to prove the point. Harry was talking about overall capacity in the case I presented (so mechanically actual dots) not a single act (so a roll contested or otherwise).
I mean thats how it works here I doubt his willpower was in anyway actually lesser than hers though.
Ah. I mean the Mantle of Sunlight.

From what I remember, we do not have it yet as you said we need more actions to earn it. I figure given the enemies we killed and people saved, we may have gotten it.

It is not attached to you at the moment, at least the you that is human-shaped, but it could be interpreted as a mantle of golden light.

I mean thats how it works here I doubt his willpower was in anyway actually lesser than hers though.

According to Harry the entirety of the Senior Council, and potentially other wizards their age have a stronger will than him. I am not sure what else I could tell you other than I took his word for it and modelled him appropriately
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I mean dp do you not think dresden has superhuman willpower? Cause like my god does he push through a stupid amount of injuries, monsters, and horrifying sights?
It is not attached to you at the moment, at least the you that is human-shaped, but it could be interpreted as a mantle of golden light.

According to Harry the entirety of the Senior Council, and potentially other wizards their age have a stronger will than him. I am not sure what else I could tell you other than I took his word for it and modelled him appropriately
I think some of them probably have weaker will than him the worse ones at least. I'm also unsure even a lot of the senior council has suffered as many injuries he has in their lives. At least the less combat focused ones that is.
I think some of them probably have weaker will than him the worse ones at least. I'm also unsure even a lot of the senior council has suffered as many injuries he has in their lives. At least the less combat focused ones that is.

It is entirely possible that some senior council members might have less than maximum willpower (here modelled as ten) but given that Harry himself claims they all have stronger willpower I think we can at least conclude he does not himself has the maximum.
I think it's more then in the DF books willpower doesn't get reduced down to being a single stat and the word willpower in story isn't that well defined with different people using it differently in different contexts.