Just going back a step, drones were mentioned before, it's worth recognising how valuable they are to a mechanised infantry company.
My understanding is that drones at the battalion-tier and below are essentially munitions. Expendable.
If you are building them, you need to maintain a reliable supply, and the logistical supply train to keep you stocked.
We cant build those for Odin.
Its the same problem with exotic weapons; we dont have the logistical tail to do shit like mass introduction of railguns.
Not to mention that with drones specifically, we dont know enough to guarantee they cant get hijacked or subverted by hostile magic or magitech.
Not without putting cyberdevils inside, which is a no-go for several reasons.
This is about what we favor, pretty clearly. Heavy is Malfean, or Lanka option. Subtle is Ebon Dragon or Kakuri option. We are doing both anyway, but the question is "what do we communicate to Odin about our pferenses and dispositions". And while I personally like bright and flashy, going for subtle here is a better option.
I dont see it.
I do not see Odin as actually being quite so gullible as to think that an 18-year olds choice in Craft projects says anything conclusive about their preferences or dispositions.
Especially when that Craft project is payment for someone else.
Communal rituals with dice pools combining are a prevalence of magic only, if I understand correctly. Otherwise the system breaks down very quickly when ten roughly skilled mortals can surpass a specialized Essence 5 exalt.
No they arent.
Teamwork rolls are a thing in both M20 and V20, and arent restricted to magic. Page 253 of V20, if I recall correctly.
Cant recall the page for M20.
Because this is a multilayered transaction / communication / test / negotiation. This is not the last time we ask Odin for stuff / backup. This is likely not the last time he approaches us to obtain something from us either. He needs to know what we do and how we do it.
Donnar Vadderung/Kris Kringle/Odin has one of the best supernatural intelligence networks in the Dresdenverse.
He parlays with Mab and Uriel. He has no need for multilayered imprecise tests to get Molly's measure, and good reason to avoid antagonizing her unnecessarily by making her jump through unnecessary hoops.
Is he paying attention to and assessing information on and about our behavior? Yes.
Is he risking his own people and wasting a valuable favor by playing fuck fuck games with equipment procurement guidelines? No.
The man didnt earn the loyalty of his people by risking their lives and limbs unnecessarily.