@fictionfan yours and others attitude "I hate wampires/other supernaturals, they are nothing, we can exterminate them all easily, we are all powerful, damn the consequences", is really annoying, there are several reasons explained several times why it is a bad idea to do this in the short to medium term that are being ignored for the dumbest reason there is "I don't care".
Everything must be planned carefully so as
not to fuck everyone else up.
At this point I'm starting to (irrationally) want the White Court (or other power) to bitchslap Molly to see if it wakes people up to the fact that we may be Exalted
but we're not invincible.
This is a reminder that the Will of Kakuri set up in Undertown for weeks beforehand, and had the time to scout out Last Station, and the malks, our neighbors, said nothing to us because we offended them.
Which is why Adam died.
And that wasnt anything as significant as killing the Heir of a White Court House without demonstrable cause.
You don't think he's likley to cause issues while we are cutting people down?
I mean, yes Im worried. Thats why I voted to burn Essence on an Occult Excellency.
But there is no current evidence that he is prepared, or preparing to do such a thing.
Especially not at such short notice.
And if he was prepared to do it, attacking him will simply give him moral high ground to say "I was attacked without cause and was defending myself". And his friends and allies will be predisposed to believe him.
Not to mention killing him successfully leaves his mother alive.
Lady Cesarina Malvora. Head of House Malvora, its forces and its resources. Believing her son was treacherously murdered at a social occasion where he was a guest and entitled to the protections of being a guest.
We are not invincible.
Our friends and minions are not invincible. Our plans are not infallible.
WIelding power has consequences for fucking up, or messing around on someone else's turf, good intentions or not.
Dresden had the personal enmity of Queen Titania of the Summer Court for almost half a decade for killing her daughter Aurora, even though it was justified by what she was trying to do at the time of her death.
And even after other people talked her down from sending personal hit squads after Dresden, she STILL wouldnt help him even when the lives and safety of others was at stake. It wasnt until Battle Grounds that she picked a side.
Dont just cavalierly decide to kill the kin of powerful people if its at all avoidable. They have long memories, and long arms.