I really don't want to involve her, though. Thomas, Harry and us are trained combatants. Maybe use MHM to tie him up? Right now, if the witness is a random witness and not an accomplice, she's not really connected to this.
MHM requires concentration, if we're holding him down we'll take action penalties to do anything else personally.
Liz is already involved, so I don't see value in trying to insulate her.
It's not like if the authorities do get involved they're going to be so gullible as to buy whatever line we sell forever, especially since she herself doesn't have super socials and will be talked to separately in such a case. The ant men clearly know her and likely want her dead, so it's not like tying up the dude gets her in any deeper from that end. The white council might force a soul gaze, but she hasn't used a lick of magic on anyone mortal tonight so she's fine there too.
this might well be something we can get Murphy to help with - if the sniper is a human, and there are fingerprints on his rifle ( @DragonParadox is the sniper wearing gloves?) that should be something SI could use to hold him.
We really don't want to bring her in at this point. Attempted murder investigations are big deals, especially when someone is hanging around pulling professional looking hits with sniper rifles in a major city.
Which means Liz gets pulled into a police department while being hunted, and in the Dresden Files that typically ends with the place getting knocked over. We also don't want them digging into her contacts while we're actively disappearing them, that would raise a lot of questions on its own.
We can't just toss a guy and a rifle at them and run away, if this goes anywhere it'll go straight into our business too.
Better to do this in house, and work out what to do with him afterwards.
So, the next month I think we should spend on Cauldron. We have a lot of things that are relatively urgent
Put them in contact with Murphy - if the situation is left to simmer, Murphy is almost bound to investigate herself
Handle the Ants of God (the fanatics, if I remember the name correctly) - they are real and clear danger
Improve their defenses (raise wards / forge gods) - see Ants of God situation
Deal with Olivia's godly ancestor - we did promise to help her get a handle on her magic by Christmas
And that's 4 out of 6 actions per month. Given that we'll want to visit our kingdom, and probably won't want to miss school, that's one more than we can afford, unless we either finish Last Station this month or put it on hold
We should put the Jade dogs in this too, they're severely under equipped and it's hurting them.
Frankly we're not Murphy's minder and her ability to help is limited, I don't see a need to hold her hand so hard while we're busy instead of focusing on our people.
I'm game for Olivia, but I still disagree with your plans for her. A godly ancestor is neat, but unbinding her black magic adjacent powers is a red herring. They just don't add much to her kit that she can't get more value for her time out of elsewhere.
With the exception of an expensive and literally mind altering training charm there is no world where she actually gets to matter in combat by Christmas. Bakemono are chumps unless you add their power to an existing build that it synergizes well with, and she's an otherwise average teenager, so even that is a bust.
The best and most reasonable thing to do is get her on a more mundane training plan, guns from the ghouls and potentially magic from us.
Since we're able to train Rosie I don't see why we can't help Olivia get control over her current powers too.
The system isn't set up to turn mortals into super soldiers on a dime and without significant personal cost we largely can't pay for her. Trying to force it is a mistake born of working on game time instead of the IC scale.