Renegade Chapter Master Quest (WH40k Quest)

[X] Gift it to Battlefleet Asgardia. Battlefleet Asgardia will owe you a Major Favour.

A naval confrontation with Battlefleet Odin is more or less inevitable. As valuable as a favor with Forge World Thor would be, giving it to BF Asgardia is basically adjacent to keeping it for ourselves since it's a foregone conclusion that we'll cash in our favors to pull their fleet in once we decide to confront BF Odin (or worse: if the Sector Governor feels confident enough to initiate the confrontation).
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Adhoc vote count started by thefoolswriter on Jun 22, 2023 at 10:02 AM, finished with 74 posts and 47 votes.
Thing is, I don't even think we'd need to cash in our favor to call in the battle fleet against the sector lord. It's very much in their interest to come with us to reclaim their fleet.
[X] Gift it to Battlefleet Asgardia. Battlefleet Asgardia will owe you a Major Favour.

A naval confrontation with Battlefleet Odin is more or less inevitable. As valuable as a favor with Forge World Thor would be, giving it to BF Asgardia is basically adjacent to keeping it for ourselves since it's a foregone conclusion that we'll cash in our favors to pull their fleet in once we decide to confront BF Odin (or worse: if the Sector Governor feels confident enough to initiate the confrontation).
Keep in mind, right now BF Asgardia has an agreement with FW Thor to guard them for 3 turns so we might have to cash in a favor to let them break from their agreement temporarily.
[X] Gift it to Battlefleet Asgardia. Battlefleet Asgardia will owe you a Major Favour.

A naval confrontation with Battlefleet Odin is more or less inevitable. As valuable as a favor with Forge World Thor would be, giving it to BF Asgardia is basically adjacent to keeping it for ourselves since it's a foregone conclusion that we'll cash in our favors to pull their fleet in once we decide to confront BF Odin (or worse: if the Sector Governor feels confident enough to initiate the confrontation).
Yeah, like, next turn. Or at least that's my plan. With all outstanding issues in the sector culled we should be pretty free to act next turn.

My plan to act is to gather just about the whole of our fleet, call on Battlefleet Asgardia (hopefully using the Favour to Thor we're voting on to get them out of their obligations for a turn) and park our happy asses above Vanaheim for some good ol fashion Gunboat Diplomacy.

Gunboat Diplomacy where we inform everyone that we're taking the Lord Sector into custody and will flatten anyone that tries to stop us.
Closing the vote a bit earlier than I would like, especially with such a close vote, but I would like to be able to get the update done tonight.
Adhoc vote count started by Oshha on Jun 22, 2023 at 12:05 PM, finished with 79 posts and 48 votes.
With all outstanding issues in the sector culled we should be pretty free to act next turn.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
Alright, time to see how our little meeting at Forge World Odin goes
It's complicated. Technically speaking, you did well and Horwan did his best under the circumstances, but the enemy gets a vote and I'm not sure the thread will be pleased with outcome. I mean, I'm sure the challenge and enemies being proactive in their goals will be appreciated from a gameplay or story perspective, but the thread won't be happy about their enemies getting up to things.

Basically, the sector governor hasn't been waiting around you to come to him, he has been pro-active in securing his power base and fulfilling his ambitions.
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Basically, the sector governor hasn't been waiting around you to come to him, he has been pro-active in securing his power base and fulfilling his ambitions.
Well looks like no matter what world may be in danger next turn we're going to have to make a visit to the sector governor and remind him why you don't mess with the angels of death.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
Yeah, I'm getting the feeling that we can't commit as much forces as we want so to so soon without leaving some other brush fire to burn. There isn't gonna be an easy choice
Basically, the sector governor hasn't been waiting around you to come to him, he has been pro-active in securing his power base and fulfilling his ambitions.
I'm starting to get the feeling that we should have sent a Battle Barge and/or a company to go there. But yeah, last turn should have done enough to disprove that he isn't just going to be sitting on his ass and situations can get worse with enemy reinforcements.

I'm just hoping we didn't send a Strike Cruiser and our Master of the Forge to their death.
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I mean, fact is, Unless he can conjure up a whole battlefleet from out of nowhere, he's going to get screwed once we coup him. One or two turns of 'powerbase building' is hardly enough to counter our advantage. He likely thinks he's safe from our predations because we're the 'honorable little space marines', and considering our reputation in the sector, he isn't wrong. Unfortunately for him, we're going to be a bit more proactive about things.
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There isn't gonna be an easy choice
hopefully, it's just something minor and won't involve a naval threat cause we definitely have to send most of our fleet. The battle barges we can send easily, the problem is with how many strike cruisers do we think spare to send on other missions. Also something that the major favour we just got from forge thor can help with is that we can ask them to give us battlefleet asgardia for a turn, so that way we can spare more of out strike cruiser to deal with other threats, as for ground combat don't think we will need more than 4 companies, with 1 company staying to defend midgardia , would leave us with 1 battle company and the scout company and 2 understrangh companies the 1st and 5th to deal with any problem that crops up.
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hopefully, it's just something minor and won't involve a naval threat cause we definitely have to send most of our fleet. The battle barges we can send easily, the problem is with how many strike cruisers do we think spare to send on other missions. Also something that the major favour we just got from forge thor can help with is that we can ask them to give us battlefleet asgardia for a turn, so that way we can spare more of out strike cruiser to deal with other threats, as for ground combat don't think we will need more than 4 companies, with 1 company staying to defend midgardia , would leave us with 1 battle company and the scout company and 2 understrangh companies the 1st and 5th

We should be fine pulling up a lot of our assets, we've stomped out most of our 'active' problems so to speak, so we should be relatively free to pull of something like 5/6 companies for this.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

It's complicated. Technically speaking, you did well and Horwan did his best under the circumstances, but the enemy gets a vote and I'm not sure the thread will be pleased with outcome. I mean, I'm sure the challenge and enemies being proactive in their goals will be appreciated from a gameplay or story perspective, but the thread won't be happy about their enemies getting up to things.

Basically, the sector governor hasn't been waiting around you to come to him, he has been pro-active in securing his power base and fulfilling his ambitions.
And this is why I want him dealt with as soon as possible. The more time he is given, the more time he has to pull some bullshit.
Yeah, I'm getting the feeling that we can't commit as much forces as we want so to so soon without leaving some other brush fire to burn. There isn't gonna be an easy choice

I'm starting to get the feeling that we should have sent a Battle Barge and/or a company to go there. But yeah, last turn should have done enough to disprove that he isn't just going to be sitting on his ass and situations can get worse with enemy reinforcements
There's always going to be a brushfire of some sort burning. But if it means dealing with the Lord Sector? I'm more than happy to take the hit on the chin so long as a world isn't under imminent threat of falling that very turn.

Like the situations on Akar or between Sverd and Mulmur? I'd have been happy to leave them for a turn if Galarborn hadn't been such a clusterfuck.

And the sooner we get BF Odin to reintegrate with BF Asgardia the sooner they can put those ships to use helping us keep the Sector together.
Turn 2 Results/005-009.M41 - Part II
[X] Gift it to Forge World Thor. Forge World Thor will owe you a Major Favour.

+Sverd System+

The Grand Jarl Harris Blackwood had crossed a line and he knew it. Or maybe the fool was truly dumb enough not to realise how badly he had overstepped. Whatever happens to be the case, the arrival of the Storm Avengers wasn't enough to get the Grand Jarl to back down. Instead he had double-down, vowing to resist the lap dogs of the tyrannical Imperium and bring a new era of prosperity to Sverd.

To the surprise of the Storm Avengers, the people of Sverd or at least their defenders seemed to buy the words of their Grand Jarl. Even with two strike cruisers and over a hundred space marines bearing down on their world, the PDF seemed determined to protect their planetary governor, even if it meant fighting Angels of Death.

In the end, it meant little for the battle-brothers of the 1st and 2nd. The PDF would fall before them and the Grand Jarl would be sent to meet the Emperor for his crimes against Malmur. The infantry regiments that predominantly made up the local PDF would not be enough to stand in their way. After all, their best had been used to make up the Imperial Guard regiments that were now invading Malmur.

Sweeping aside the meagre system defences that dared to resist them, the Storm Avenger fleet took up orbit around Sverd, deploying its contingent via drop pod on the planetary capital.


Private Viktoria Laustdottir is a member of the 31st Svend Infantry and she is afraid. Monsters from the stars are coming for Svend, for her people and her Grand Jarl. With the Imperium having betrayed them, she and the rest of the world can only depend upon the Grand Jarl and the God-Emperor for all others have abandoned them.

Gripping her autogun as she is not senior enough to be granted a lasgun, Viktoria breathes in and out as she wonders when the invaders will come. Will their noble warriors return from Malmur in time? The Grand Jarl must have called them back to defend the homeworld. God-Emperor knows that they will need them.

"Relax, Vik," says her fellow soldier on watch as Erland gives her a friendly pat on the shoulder, "There are thousands of us defending the capital let alone the planet. You heard the Grand Jarl's announcement like everyone else. The heretics haven't brought enough invaders to overrun us. Less than a thousand of them."

"I know, I know, but God-Emperor forgive me, this is my first time seeing war and I'm afraid," replies Viktoria glumly, "I know I shouldn't be, but the thought of facing combat makes me shiver."

"You know what the Preachers say, bravery is acting despite the fear that we mere mortals face," says Erland, "Only the Angels of Death have been graced with feeling no fear."

"By the Emperor, I wished we had some of those Angels here with us," says Viktoria wistfully.

"Heh, yeah, it would save a lot of lives," agrees Erland, "But we are alone. My old man says we used to have some of those in the sector, but they must have left with the Imperium. Perhaps they weren't so great if they have abandoned us like everyone else."

"Erland, don't talk like that," hisses Viktoria as she looks around furtively, "What if someone hears you?"

"There is no one around, Vik," retorts Erland with a laugh, "Look, let's have some slab and recaf now. Perhaps some food and drink in your belly will help settle your gut."

"Maybe you're right-" says Viktoria when the young soldier spots something in the sky, bright lights of fire coming down towards the city, "What in the Emperor's name is that?"

"What-oh crap!" exclaims Erland as he follows her gaze, "Emperor damn it, sound the alarm!"

"Right," says Viktoria and she turns to just that only for the sirens to start wailing.

"No time for rations, Vik," says Erland grimly, "Looks like you're going to get your first taste of war."

"Yes, it does," whispers Viktoria quietly, "God-Emperor protect us and let the Grand Jarl lead us to victory over these heretics."

Hopefully He will listen to her little prayer.


In hindsight, there are never any pleasant ways to become a captain in the Adeptus Astartes, reflects Captain Grimvard Thunderson of the 1st. Apart from newly Founded Chapters, a space marine can only claim the title after something happened to the predecessor and given what it means to be an Angel of Death, that something is never a good thing.

For Grimvard, he only became Captain of the 1st after his company was butchered on Jotunheim with less than a fifth of their number surviving. And yet it is to be expected for the life of a space marine is one of hardship and sacrifice as their lot in life is to serve and die in the name of the holy Emperor.

With less than two squads in his company, Grimvard needs to be careful with his surviving battle-brothers. If it wasn't for the fact that 1st Company was the veteran company, then Grimvard strongly doubts that Torvald wouldn't have risked deploying the company without great need. He knows that he wouldn't if he was in the chapter master's place. As things are, Torvald chose to assign eleven suits of Terminator Armour to the 1st, including the relic Mighty Goliath in addition to keeping Brother Kraki and Brother Holmfast attached to the depleted company.

Grimvald vows to live up to his chapter master's faith in him, that the newly promoted captain is worthy of leading the veteran company. And he will do so by taking the head of Harris Blackwood and showing the Grand Jarl the price for attacking one of the Emperor's worlds and killing His loyal subjects.

"We are the Avenging Storm!" cries Grimvald, the battle-cry echoed by One-One and One-Two as they teleport into the Grand Jarl's palace in the heart of Sverd's capital.

Eleven Terminator is easily overkill for the personal guard of the Grand Jarl, but Grimvald, Captain Stefan Freeson and High Chaplain Jannis Hopeson are in agreement that sooner the traitor is dealt with. And it isn't like Sverd has anything more worthy of their attention after all.

Servants scatter and cower before, but the Storm Avengers leave them untouched. Grimvald and his battle-brothers aren't the Inquisition or one of the other fanatics of the Imperium, willing to slaughter loyal servants for petty reasons. Having the misfortune to serve a noble who has betrayed their duty is not heresy and so the hapless mortals are spared.

The squads of Royal Guardsmen that the veterans of 1st Company are not so lucky. The moment that they come into view, they suffer the fury of storm bolters and assault cannons. The storm of projectiles cut down the soldiers like chaff and barely a handful get a shot off with their lasguns. Shots that are hopelessly ineffective against Terminator armour if they even connect in the first place.

It would be a different matter if they plasma or melta weapons and Grimvald isn't so arrogant as not to keep any eye for that.

"A waste," comments one of the veterans, "Their loyalty and arms could be spent against one of the true threats out there, not in the defence of a traitor."

"Just another reason to end the life of the Grand Jarl and to do swiftly," replies one of their battle-brothers, "Perhaps the local PDF will be more amenable to surrendering once their vaulted Grand Jarl is slain."

"And if they are not, they can join him in death," adds a third.

Finding the Grand Jarl doesn't take long as he fortifies himself in the innermost rooms of his palace. He sends wave after wave of his house guard after the 1st whilst the PDF in the city are butchered by the 2nd, but even the finest on Sverd are unable to slow down let alone stop those clad in Terminator armour. Hundreds of them die uselessly, achieving nothing with their deaths except irritating the Storm Avengers with the wastefulness of it all.

The Grand Jarl himself tries to defend himself with ancient plasma turrets, but Techmarine Birger Snowson simply shuts them down so Grimvald and his brothers don't have to destroy the priceless relics. Harris Blackwood dies swiftly and without further fight. If only his death had ensured an end to the resistance on Sverd.


Even with the death of Grand Jarl Harris Blackwood and the fall of the planetary capital, the PDF continued to fight on against the Storm Avengers. They put up a valiant if misguided fight, but they simply lacked the means to repel the Astartes from their world. One by one, each bastion of resistance was eliminated by the battle-brothers of the 1st and 2nd while High Chaplain Jannis set himself to work finding loyal scions of Sverd. As unfitting for an Angel of Death as the task was, Jannis couldn't deny the necessity of ensuring that Sverd had proper governance in the future that would be both loyal and competent. The less time that the Storm Avengers had to spend on dealing disloyal nobles, the more time the chapter could devote to dealing with the heretic and the xenos.

Now if only the mission had been concluded with the pacification of Sverd.


It had been hoped that upon hearing about the fall of Sverd to the Storm Avengers and the death of their Grand Jarl, the Sverd regiments on Malmur would surrender or at least cease their conquest. Unfortunately for the Storm Avengers, the rogue Imperial Guardsmen had crushed the Malmur PDF and were mostly done with the conquest when the news arrived.

Despairing and disheartened to hear that their homeworld had fallen when they had successfully carried out their conquest, the regiments began to plan their own stand and continued survival against the Storm Avengers.

And knowing that they stood no chance on their own against the Angels of Death, the guardsmen began to listen to the whispers in their ears. Whatever reasons they had for their heresy, rather than bend knee to the Storm Avengers, the Imperial Guardsmen on Malmur choose to pledge themselves to the Prince of Pleasure and become Traitor Guardsmen.

High Chaplain Jannis reported that with 1st Company and 2nd Company alone, he could deal with the freshly minted heretics. Handling Malmur and its new Traitor Guard fell under his current mission assignment and the sooner that the heretics were dealt with, the better.

Final Result:
Civilised World Sverd: World Secured
Space Marines Deaths: 0
Civilised World Losses: 3% (Minimal)
PDF Casualties: 82% (Massive)

Mining World Malmur: World Lost
Mining World Losses: 35% (Moderate)
PDF Casualties: 92% (Overwhelming)
Final Verdict: Mission Ongoing


+Odin System+

When Horwan Forgeson and his fellow Techmarines arrived at Forge World Odin, it was after Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus had already been plying them for years, a task he started as soon as the Imperial withdrawal was confirmed. Combined with the proximity to Vanaheim and the close relationship with its Imperial Guard regiments, the Storm Avengers had an uphill battle.

But the space marines did not stand alone in their endeavour. Chapter Master Torvald had seen the wisdom of seeking aid in the matter for diplomacy was not a strong suit for the Angels of Death. Calling in the debt owed by Forge World Thor, the tech-priests of Thor presented diplomatic aid to the Storm Avengers expedition.

Yet even that may barely prove to be enough for the simple facts of the situation is that aligning with the Lord Sector is the best course of action for Forge World Odin. The Vanaheim Valkyries are dependent on the forge world for much of their equipment and the new Battlefleet Odin is using Odin as its primary forge world. Vanaheim and the rest of the Odin Sub-Sector turn to their local forge world for any industry heavier or more numerous than what can be locally produced.

Meanwhile the Storm Avengers rely upon Forge World Thor as does Battlefleet Asgardia. There is little that they can offer to the tech-priest of Forge World Odin compared to what Sigurdr Reximus brings to the table. The only reason that Forge World Odin isn't actively supporting the cause of the Lord Sector is the pleas of the Storm Avengers.

The protectors of the Asgardia Sector have been long-time allies to the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Angels of Death are capable of things that the Lord Sector has no equivalent to. And their word is good and trusted and so the Fabricator-General of Forge World Odin offers a deal with the resident space marines.

In exchange for maintaining their current neutrality, Forge World Odin will be owed a great debt by the Storm Avengers for the space marines are asking a great deal of the forge world. The choice belongs to the Master of the Forge, but Horwan knows that Torvald will back him and honour his word as if it was the chapter master's own. The only question is if the future favour owed will be worth the present gains.

In exchange for maintaining its current neutrality, the Storm Avengers will be indebted to Forge World Odin.
[ ] Accept the deal. Forge World Odin will remain neutral. Storm Avengers will owe an Honourbound Favour to Forge World Odin.
[ ] Refuse the deal. Forge World Odin will subordinate itself to Lord Sector Reximus.

Final Result:
Forge World Thor: World Secured?
Space Marines Deaths: 0
Forge World Losses: 0% (None)
PDF Casualties: 0% (None)
Final Verdict: Outcome Uncertain


While the Storm Avengers have been running about the Freya and Baldur Sub-Sectors, Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus has been consolidating his hold on the Odin Sub-Sector. Drawing upon his personal charisma and lingering status as the sector governor, Reximus has convinced the lesser worlds of the sub-sector to rally behind him. Between the warships of Battlefleet Odin, the famed warrior-women of the Vanaheim Valkyries and his victory at Bountis, the sector governor is rightfully seen as a source of stability and order in these trying times for the Asgardia Sector.

And the Lord Sector's influence isn't limited to just the Odin Sub-Sector. Reximus has been focusing most of his efforts on his home sub-sector, but as the sector governor, his influence extends across the entirety of the Asgardia Sector. Both the Loki Sub-Sector and Baldur Sub-Sector are beginning to fall under his sway as the Lord Sector points to how the Storm Avengers have interfered with the planetary governments of Jarn, Lorun and Sverd.

The Sif-Sub Sector is the stronghold of the Order of the Sacred Storm. The Sororitas have mostly rebuilt their lost strength and while the bulk of their forces remain on Gunnerheim, they have sent a full-strength Commandery to each of the other three worlds in the sub-sector.

As for the last two sub-sectors, the Thor Sub-Sector is effectively aligned with the Storm Avengers now. Meanwhile the Freya Sub-Sector will almost certainly side with the space marines who have been coming to its aid.


The second half of the results with the missions that didn't go so well. Sverd just kept putting up a fight and while that didn't help on the planet proper, the off-world regiments decided to find a new patron to replace the Grand Jarl. Other than that, Reximus has been doing this diplomacy and it is paying off for him between his traits, your choices in chapter creation and his high rolls.

The vote is meant to be painful. Do you owe an Honourbound Favour or do you let a Forge World go into the camp of your rival? Just like the previous vote was one of picking your reward, this vote is very much a case of picking your poison.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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