Renegade Chapter Master Quest (WH40k Quest)

Thank you for the update!

Shame we lost those Guard Regiments to Chaos...
Will need to clean that up asap.
The Sisters of Battle are checking on the planets we kept in-line earlier?
I think we should diplo the Sisters and try and get them on-side before 'removing' the Lord Sector.
The 1-and-a-quarter companies and Janis not being able to deal with both sver and Malmur in 5 years is really frustrating especially since it looks like they suffered no losses whatsoever, 5 years. Bloddy chaos there goes at least 1 strike cruiser if we chose to only send the second without back up and that would be risky.

as for the forge world odin we had to use the minor favour with forge thor to get that deal so let's not waste it and if we want to survive long term in this sector we need all three forge worlds to be fully behind us.
[X] Accept the deal. Forge World Odin will remain neutral. Storm Avengers will owe an Honourbound Favour to Forge World Odin.
I think we should diplo the Sisters and try and get them on-side before 'removing' the Lord Sector.
definitely no for me if we wanted to Diplo the sister we should have done it this turn. We simply can't keep giving the sector governor more time, he's already trying to discredit us and playing to other planet governors fears and greed of how we will come to them next to take power from them.
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Well goddamn it. Stupid damn Guard, I go out of my way to try and let you live and you pull this bullshit?

Well I guess the 1st and 2nd will be unavailable next turn. Annoying but not enough of a loss that we still can't handle BF Odin.

[X] Accept the deal. Forge World Odin will remain neutral. Storm Avengers will owe an Honourbound Favour to Forge World Odin.

This is painful in the extreme but I feel it needs to be done. I have exactly zero fucking interest in pissing off one of our three Forge Worlds. At least the diplomatic mission worked and we can keep them out of his hands, even if the cost is rather high. Still distinctly better than having to be at conflict with them.
[X] Accept the deal. Forge World Odin will remain neutral. Storm Avengers will owe an Honourbound Favour to Forge World Odin.

This is fine in my eyes. The Mechanicus are bros anyways. Now, let's crush that mongrel of a lord once and for all. I have no interest in dealing with his conniving ways anymore, quite frankly. In battle, the astartes have no equal, as he will soon discover.
In the end, it meant little for the battle-brothers of the 1st and 2nd. The PDF would fall before them and the Grand Jarl would be sent to meet the Emperor for his crimes against Malmur. The infantry regiments that predominantly made up the local PDF would not be enough to stand in their way.

Even with the death of Grand Jarl Harris Blackwood and the fall of the planetary capital, the PDF continued to fight on against the Storm Avengers. They put up a valiant if misguided fight, but they simply lacked the means to repel the Astartes from their world. One by one, each bastion of resistance was eliminated by the battle-brothers of the 1st and 2nd while High Chaplain Jannis set himself to work finding loyal scions of Sverd. As unfitting for an Angel of Death as the task was, Jannis couldn't deny the necessity of ensuring that Sverd had proper governance in the future that would be both loyal and competent. The less time that the Storm Avengers had to spend on dealing disloyal nobles, the more time the chapter could devote to dealing with the heretic and the xenos.
Completely unnecessary waste tbh. I am hoping a closer reading of the actions prevents this sort of thing in future.

[X] Refuse the deal. Forge World Odin will subordinate itself to Lord Sector Reximus.

So the problem here is that we already have a Forge World. The contributions of Odin will not be sufficient to Reximus to change matters in the confrontation, and I suggest we offer the other Forge Worlds some of Odin's stuff, to punish the later for defying us and going with our enemy. Indeed, I'm not really concerned about the situation tbh, we still face a similar force, and the Mecanicus are fairly defensive anyway.
And knowing that they stood no chance on their own against the Angels of Death, the guardsmen began to listen to the whispers in their ears. Whatever reasons they had for their heresy, rather than bend knee to the Storm Avengers, the Imperial Guardsmen on Malmur choose to pledge themselves to the Prince of Pleasure and become Traitor Guardsmen.
Well fuck, these guys were so fanatical that they were willing to die fighting and turn to Chaos. This is what you get for expecting Imperials to be "reasonable".
In exchange for maintaining their current neutrality, Forge World Odin will be owed a great debt by the Storm Avengers for the space marines are asking a great deal of the forge world. The choice belongs to the Master of the Forge, but Horwan knows that Torvald will back him and honour his word as if it was the chapter master's own. The only question is if the future favour owed will be worth the present gains.

Annoying but it's to be expected given the Sector Lord spent more time plying them. We'll owe them a favor so they won't have to get involved. And if we do that, maybe we could spend a bit more time preparing by doing some outreach and making sure the Titan war is prolonged.

[X] Accept the deal. Forge World Odin will remain neutral. Storm Avengers will owe an Honourbound Favour to Forge World Odin.
'The protectors of the Asgardia Sector have been long-time allies to the Adeptus Mechicus'

There's a spelling error here for Mechanicus.
[X] Refuse the deal. Forge World Odin will subordinate itself to Lord Sector Reximus.

This is just a comically bad deal. A battle barge equivalent for them staying neutral? That's just extrortion.
[X] Accept the deal. Forge World Odin will remain neutral. Storm Avengers will owe an Honourbound Favour to Forge World Odin.

Unfortunate but i don't want to waste our time or battle brothers bringing down a hostile forgeworld, not to mention the loss it would be for the sector as a whole, but i do think well have to deal with the sector lord next turn.
So I'm thinking we should call in the Major Favor with Thor and order a Strike Cruiser, and hopefully the battle salvage from when we crush Reximus next turn will be enough to get another one ordered after that.
@Oshha, if we trade two Major Favors for two Strike Cruisers, is that still 4 Turns to get them both, as with a HB Favor, or 2 Turns in all?
It'd be funny if we payed off the honourbound favor from Forge world Odin with the wrecks of battlefeet Odin, that is if they don't surrender first.
So I'm thinking we should call in the Major Favor with Thor and order a Strike Cruiser, and hopefully the battle salvage from when we crush Reximus next turn will be enough to get another one ordered after that.
@Oshha, if we trade two Major Favors for two Strike Cruisers, is that still 4 Turns to get them both, as with a HB Favor, or 2 Turns in all?
Nah, better to use that favor to get Battlefleet Asgardia out of its obligations to Forge World Thor for the turn so they can join us at Vanaheim.

And ideally there won't be a battle at all, and instead we can end the Lord Sector without much of a fight from either BF Odin or the Valkyries. Our combined fleets will massively put number and outgun, enough so that BF Odin should hopefully recognize that they simply don't stand a chance and would be slaughtered and surrender where they can be reintegrated back into BF Asgardia.
Nah, better to use that favor to get Battlefleet Asgardia out of its obligations to Forge World Thor for the turn so they can join us at Vanaheim.
Do we need to use that Favor? After all, the Battlefleet owes us a Major Favor, and it's never been said that we need to negotiate with Thor to call in Battlefleet Asgardia's Favor.
Perhaps @Oshha could weigh in and clarify matters.
Well we don't really have anyone that can go to other planet and go spread rumours in our favour without looking like a spacemarine.
I'm afraid I'm going to say know then. Spy networks and PR networks are far enough out of the wheelhouse for the Adeptus Astartes that I'm going to say unless you can give a plausible way for them to do what you want, I'm not going to allow it.
I am hoping a closer reading of the actions prevents this sort of thing in future.
Are you referring to the people who voted for the winning plan or my interpretation of it as the QM? Because if the later, to me, the action pretty clearly read as go to Sverd and deal with the Grand Jarl to cut off the invasion of Mulmar at the source so the thread can keep those Imperial Guard regiments alive for future use.
This is what you get for expecting Imperials to be "reasonable".
To be fair, they only need double-digits on d100. 1-5 would have been standard rebels while 6-9 would have been committing to the respective Chaos God of the number and I rolled a 6.
'The protectors of the Asgardia Sector have been long-time allies to the Adeptus Mechicus'

There's a spelling error here for Mechanicus.
Fixed. Thanks for catching that.
@Oshha, if we trade two Major Favors for two Strike Cruisers, is that still 4 Turns to get them both, as with a HB Favor, or 2 Turns in all?
It would queue through capital ships and escorts have separate queues.
Do we need to use that Favor? After all, the Battlefleet owes us a Major Favor, and it's never been said that we need to negotiate with Thor to call in Battlefleet Asgardia's Favor.
Perhaps @Oshha could weigh in and clarify matters.
You could just call in Battlefleet Asgardia using your Major Favour with them. Forge World Thor wouldn't be pleased with it, but they wouldn't be unhappy either and thanks to your good relation, they would let it slide.
And ideally there won't be a battle at all, and instead we can end the Lord Sector without much of a fight from either BF Odin or the Valkyries. Our combined fleets will massively put number and outgun, enough so that BF Odin should hopefully recognize that they simply don't stand a chance and would be slaughtered and surrender where they can be reintegrated back into BF Asgardia.
That's what Sverd should have done and look how that went for us where we had to murder the majority of the PDF for Sverd and the Guardsmen at Malmur turned to Chaos. Never underestimate the Dice's ability to fuck us and the borderline suicidal fanaticism of Imperials.
It would queue through capital ships and escorts have separate queues.
You could just call in Battlefleet Asgardia using your Major Favour with them. Forge World Thor wouldn't be pleased with it, but they wouldn't be unhappy either and thanks to your good relation, they would let it slide.
Got it, thank you. So if we ordered a Strike Cruiser and a Battle Barge, the total would be 7 Turns for full completion.
So both ordering a Strike Cruiser and Operation Sledgehammer To Reximus's Balls are viable next turn, excellent.
The main problem we have is that we're not in a direct competition with Rex, our wins don't turn into his losses. We're both just building up power networks that will keep either one of us from ever dealing with the other. We need some way to keep him from expanding his power.