Renegade Chapter Master Quest (WH40k Quest)

Alright, Votes a tie at 13 a piece. Come on people! Vote Thor! Being able to leverage that favor is way more valuable then a second Major Favor from the BFA.

And indeed, more valuable to the BFA themselves as we can use it to help get back BF Odin which no doubt would net us at least an Honorbound Favor from the BFA.
[x] Gift it to Battlefleet Asgardia. Battlefleet Asgardia will owe you a Major Favour.
Only because QM is not calculating the ad mech fleets beyond them loaning us some for favours, whereas Battlefleet gets each ship tracked. I'd rather not see that cruiser effectively disappear behind favour paywall.
[x] Gift it to Battlefleet Asgardia. Battlefleet Asgardia will owe you a Major Favour.
Man this vote is real neck and neck here. Still advocating for giving it to the Forge World though, we need the Favors and they're going to be our main supplier of ships so might as well so we could get a free Strike Cruiser, or get 5 Land Raiders if we really wanted to. Maybe even use it to help with our showdown with the Sector Lord.
[X] Gift it to Battlefleet Asgardia. Battlefleet Asgardia will owe you a Major Favour.

We need asgardia to be in as good of a fleet position as possible, every ship asgardia has, is a ship that is preventing us needing to deploy marines. Yes, the forge world favor would be really nice. But I feel like battle fleet asgard is more important
For some reason all I hear is "we need to find a way to jettison the codex out an airlock"….
I know you are probably joking here, but I just want to say that this is an out of universe limitation not an in-universe one. This is Space Marine quest not Imperial Navy or Imperial Guard or Sector Governor quest. Allowing the thread to creep beyond that is an excellent way to burn out as QM so I'm not going to let things escalate beyond the Space Marine stuff in mechanical terms. You can do other stuff, but it will be narrative and/or background in nature.
Which is why I'm asking if there's any actions we can do to prolong the war like savaging an enemy fleet.
You can. It would fall under Chapter Deployment where you send a company or more to raid and harass one of the factions.
Did we already lend out a ship ?
Yes, the Sentinel of Asgardia.