[] "She understands that you can hardly trust what she says under the circumstances, right? Don't let her try to divert your attention from the purpose of your conversation." It doesn't matter even if she knows the truth, only if she is believed. You can plausibly make excuses for the uniqueness of your powers - that doesn't mean that anyone knows everything the Magical Girls are capable of.

Given that the team just fought her, the only way she can get the others to believe her words is to get a reaction from the heroine. Otherwise, it's just their word against each other, and it's pretty obvious whose position is weaker. Always wanted to flip the whole "Villain knows the hero's terrible secret and suddenly everyone believes it" trope.

[X] Apologize for sneaking into their apartment, and apologize on the behalf of our teammates for attacking her brother. If she's not inherently hostile, can we instead ask what her and her brother are up to with that shop?
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[X] "She understands that you can hardly trust what she says under the circumstances, right? Don't let her try to divert your attention from the purpose of your conversation." It doesn't matter even if she knows the truth, only if she is believed. You can plausibly make excuses for the uniqueness of your powers - that doesn't mean that anyone knows everything the Magical Girls are capable of.

Given that the team just fought her, the only way she can get the others to believe her words is to get a reaction from the heroine. Otherwise, it's just their word against each other, and it's pretty obvious whose position is weaker. Always wanted to flip the whole "Villain knows the hero's terrible secret and suddenly everyone believes it" trope.
Which is why staying silent is the better option. Trying to counter her accusation is reacting to it and since our team is so shit right now they will instantly believe her and think we're hiding something.
Which is why staying silent is the better option. Trying to counter her accusation is reacting to it and since our team is so shit right now they will instantly believe her and think we're hiding something.

Or silence may be interpreted by them as consent because a truly innocent person would simply deny such ridiculous accusations. Silence can lead to any result, depending on the reaction of others, and will allow our interlocutor to attack us mostly unanswered.
"Saying nothing" means basically "hoping she can't accuse you plausibly enough, or pursue the subject further."
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[x] Say Nothing (Better to stay quiet, and let the burden of proof fall on her)

We haven't claimed to be anything except a Magical Girl, and that, we are. The rest is not anyone's business.

Never hurry to justify yourself, because it means you needed a justification in the first place.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to spill all of that, especially not on you. You must think I'm such a creep… Who knows, maybe I am." And suddenly she smiles, crying again even as she laughs. "I just realized… I never even got your name. I'm Kazane Midori. Who are you?"

What do you do?
> Tell the truth. (Explain that you're Yukimura Kikuko, and you're a ghost.)
We already tried to tell someone the truth, but she didn't believe us.

[X] Turn to Midori and ask her whether she's willing to vouch for you trying to talk about the thing, for now.

EDIT: casting an approval vote.

[X] Apologize for sneaking into their apartment, and apologize on the behalf of our teammates for attacking her brother. If she's not inherently hostile, can we instead ask what her and her brother are up to with that shop?
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[X] Turn to Midori and ask her whether she's willing to vouch for you trying to talk about the thing, for now.
Or silence may be interpreted by them as consent because a truly innocent person would simply deny such ridiculous accusations. Silence can lead to any result, depending on the reaction of others, and will allow our interlocutor to attack us mostly unanswered.
"Saying nothing" means basically "hoping she can't accuse you plausibly enough, or pursue the subject further."

I'll point out that she actually didn't name or point anyone out in particular.

Magical girls, hmm? You must be a new team, for that sad showing," she spits out at Shimizu-san. "I don't know what your masters think they're accomplishing, to send you after us, but tell them we won't take this insult lightly." Shifting her attention over to you, she adds, "Besides, I would worry more about who you're supposedly working with now. One of you clearly isn't who - or should I say, what - she claims to be." You feel yourself go cold.

Our character knows she's being singled out - but except for those in the know - there's no reason to be suspicious. Reacting very importantly gives the three unaware members of the team information that Yukiko has reason to think she was the one being eyed.

Versus oh the shape shifter just saying something to set off a team obviously fighting with themselves.

Let me put it this way - if we were playing as any of the three that aren't aware of having a ghost on the team I would be thinking that the shape shifter is trying to pick fights.

Because the team already was fighting each other. Repeatedly while in sight of the shape shifter.

Everyone is transformed and armed, seemingly having been squaring off… against each other? Sakamoto-san is cowering in a corner near the fire escape door, Pallavi standing protectively over him and clutching some sort of large axe or halberd in front of her. Miho and Shimizu-san are both facing her with their own weapons raised, while Midori stands between both parties as the very picture of frustration, though any prior hostility from any of them has been thoroughly derailed by your arrival.

Before Yukiko even arrived the fighting had started between everyone.

"Let's stop this from getting any more stupid, alright?" Midori grouses, before stopping to hold herself with another pained hiss. Pallavi quickly takes the hint, rushing over to Shimizu-san and grabbing her from behind right before she can grab the lance for another try. "What are you doing?" Shimizu-san demands, but after a moment of struggling falls still. Bending down to pick it up herself, Pallavi drags the bluenette back away from the bear, shooting a glance somewhere between terrified and apologetic as she does.

And more internal conflict on display.

Frankly I don't think that speaking at all is a good idea because it'll set off the team when we should be watching the shape shifter that has amptly proven she can swat our team individually.

Or in short
Let's not do her job for her in proving there is actually something there at all.

[X] Say Nothing (Better to stay quiet, and let the burden of proof fall on her)
I don't consider "Rina nee-san" an enemy, even though we started on the wrong foot. We invaded their shop, after all.

Still, I would not air our laundry in front of an investigation target. Whatever doubts and conflicts we and/or our team may have, we should take care of it out of her earshot.
Our character knows she's being singled out - but except for those in the know - there's no reason to be suspicious. Reacting very importantly gives the three unaware members of the team information that Yukiko has reason to think she was the one being eyed.

Versus oh the shape shifter just saying something to set off a team obviously fighting with themselves.

Let me put it this way - if we were playing as any of the three that aren't aware of having a ghost on the team I would be thinking that the shape shifter is trying to pick fights.

Because the team already was fighting each other. Repeatedly while in sight of the shape shifter.

I basically thought I'd come forward on purpose to protect every single person on the team from the accusations. Thus, if she sets her sights on Kikuko after that, it's because she's trying to fight the opposition, not because she knew from the start who she was going to blame.
And if that's not the case for Kikuko, she's all the more supposed to protect her team from such an obvious attempt to turn them on each other, right?

...Though you might have a point that they basically don't need one right now.
(A minor note, but I have updated the table of contents slightly, adding the most recent updates and further splitting up each episode into a handful of "scenes" for ease of searching)
Yeah, this team isn't ready to do curbside cleanup, let alone minor investigations.

It'd be nice if we'd gotten any dirt on her, then we could've at least turn it around on her to a degree. At most we have a vague notion they were up to something, but then our bunch of rejects attacked first, and didn't evem attack as one. As a social interaction, we are hugely at a disadvantage. And our poor dead girl doesn't have the social skills or evidence to make it better.

Though, we could try extending an olive branch.

[X] Apologize for sneaking into their apartment, and apologize on the behalf of our teammates for attacking her brother. If she's not inherently hostile, can we instead ask what her and her brother are up to with that shop?

We still need information, that was the whole point of this, and we got made. Direct interaction is probably the best way forward. If she comes clean and is not up to anything nefarious, then we don't need to worry about this. And we can ask if what she says adds up with what the boss knows. If not, then we'll still need to investigate.

And if that won't fly.

[X] Say Nothing (Better to stay quiet, and let the burden of proof fall on her)
Some stray, aimless thoughts on weapons and powers.

Though dark and cold the lonely night
My power creates only light
Curtains cascade across on high

Bringing justice from northern skies
Then something strange occurs; a section of your web of light begins turning color, detaching from the rest of the web; you have a half-second to realize it vaguely resembles a written character before it abruptly implodes, zapping at the spirit as it does so.
Kikuko's powerset, we're the most familiar with for obvious reasons, so I'll be brief with it. Naginata, can use it like a calligraphy brush to draw Auroras, connection with her drawing hobby, and then snow and ice. (connection with the good memory with the family) Creates light, curtains are auroras, and northern skies are cold. Fairly apparent.

"I also wanted to congratulate you; it seems you have discovered both of your powers, now?"
Also, Nel's comment after the ice floe thing happens seems to imply that MGs (usually?) have a limit of two main powers. Leaving out all the ghost stuff, Kikuko has the auroras and the ice, with the symbols being a subset of the former. (Since like, high versatility, I assume.) So, wanted to try and poke at the rest.

Swirling around but moving strong
My power pushes the world along
Through many masks and many names
Always in flux, but toward good aims
The weapon you noticed earlier, you now realize, is a wide bladed hoop inlaid with jade and malachite.
A hoop blade, usually in combat, tends to be pretty swirly. Hula hoop but mean.

another thud sees Midori, having attempted to use her hoop blade as a shield, now slumping back against the fire escape door
By contrast, trying to use it in a stationary method doesn't go well for her.

She lifts up her hoop-blade, grimaces at it for a moment, then shrugs and hurls it with all her might at the creature's backside.
She makes to lift her hoop-blade before her, before realizing she threw it away, and by this point the creature's almost on top of her. "Oh, this is going to su-"
But also, Midori tries throwing it away from her, and that bites her in the butt pretty hard as well, at least at first.

Back up the road, you hear a small zing sound; up in the window, the green girl is standing, arm extended to hold the hoop-blade that just returned.
flinging her hoop at the beast's rear; even if it's not got much force, the stinging cut it leaves is enough to jolt the thing forward
But it seems later on, she has a way to make it come back? May be some sort of inherent connection between a girl and her weapon, but it could be unconscious use of one of specifically her powers. Cause like, swirling and pushing? May just be my Bionicle influence talking since air characters were green there, but my instinct here is some sort of wind power.

Which leaves the other power an unknown, but probably has something to do with the "many masks and many faces" part of the poem? But it could just as easily be alluding to her general duplicitous vibes.
Either way, she's the other high-versatility one, so whatever it is, it probably has a similar range of possible applications as Kikuko's symbols. (Hard to say without having a better idea of what the former is or the full extent of the latter.)

Over vast stretches and seas of sand
My power pulses deep through the land
Upholding truth and upholding all

I'm waiting beneath to catch your fall
We have seen nothing to really support this one yet, but the poem on its own just screams Earth to me. Again, no clue what the other power could be. Orange was listed as low versatility, though, so probably something pretty straightforward?

clutching her long-handled axe before her in trembling hands
clutching some sort of large axe or halberd in front of her.
And her weapon is an axe. Like, hard to say too much about how it relates to her or her powers without seeing it in action more, but just in general, it's one of those items known for being just as much a tool of construction as a weapon of violence, which seems to vibe with her more chillaxed approach. Though it's also mentioned as being a long axe more like a halberd, rather than the smaller types used for chopping wood and stuff. Shrug

Surging forth along forceful tides
My power crashes and collides
A relentless steely will that rends

Pushing on to the bitter end
Okay, this one is very very obvious - water. It is kinda funny to me that usually water characters are known for being very gentle and graceful, and she is uh... Not That lmao.

Again, feel like the other power is probably a lot less directly hinted at, given how loose the "northern skies = ice" connection was with Kikuko.

Shimizu-san, having finally freed her weapon from the wall, shoves past you on her way to the door, hefting the long and gleaming silver lance ahead of herself as if about to enter a jousting match
Weapon-wise, it's pretty blatantly established here that it's a jousting lance. That plus the "steely will" bit in the poem, and her more androgynous vibes definitely gives me the impression of like, a lady knight or something.

Shimizu-san has managed to hold the bear at a distance with aggressive jabs from some sort of javelin, though its advance has still pushed the others toward the back wall
Shimizu-san's weapon has been batted harshly aside. Wisely, she opts to focus on wresting it back out of the side wall it has been lodged in
While she did put up a bit more of a defense, similarly to Midori she doesn't seem to fare as well in a static position.

Shimizu-san's charge halted, the bear wrapping a meaty fist around the tip of her lance before it can hit, and then hurtling it aside, the girl stumbling and falling to her knees from the sudden redirection.
Though charging ahead, while definitely more in line with her weapon and poem, still didn't turn out the greatest, so... ^^;

A raging candle or a gentle blaze
My power flickers, flares, and flays
To burn and rebuild, shatter and fuse
Energy to inspire art's chaotic muse
Did you see my dress there? Fire? Ignite? Duh?"
Again, Miho's first power is pretty blatant. The parts of the poem that stick out to me more are the bits about rebuilding and art.

Miho and Shimizu-san are both facing her with their own weapons raised
Unfortunately, I didn't notice when proofreading for this that her weapons were never actually mentioned, whoops ><;

Anyway, at least one thing that seems pretty clear is that we have a pretty classic elemental lineup so far - ice, water, fire, maybe earth, and maybe air. And pink has been established as probably some variant of "heart is an awesome power", whatever exactly that entails.

...And then there's yellow, and I'm not sure what to expect from that front.

[X] Defend Yourself (You can't let her claim go uncontested, or at least unobscured)
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I just had an amusing mental image. If we stay silent, is someone else on the team going to panic, freak out, and shout "Look, I didn't mean to kill that guy in Vegas! We were all drunk, it was an accident!"
[x] Defend Yourself (You can't let her claim go uncontested, or at least unobscured)
Hey! We are totally human and a teenager. Both of those things are technically true! We have been completely honest with the team! One of them. Mostly...
Maybe I just want to watch the trainwreck...

[-] Turn to Midori and ask her whether she's willing to vouch for you trying to talk about the thing, for now.
I forget if "approval voting" is allowed... but this sits decently with me, although may go against the spirit of the "Since when did a little posthumous circumstance change someone's identity!?" option being struck through...
[-] Apologize for sneaking into their apartment, and apologize on the behalf of our teammates for attacking her brother. If she's not inherently hostile, can we instead ask what her and her brother are up to with that shop?
Making peace with the other faction seems sensible, given what we currently know at least. We are kinda acting in the role of an official emergency response force of some description, so we kinda have a legitimacy to investigate magic vibes in the area, but uninvolved parties don't deserve to have us sticking our noses into their stuff, and getting into combat is rather severely inappropriate, even if, potentially, on our side of the conflict, they were the first to resort to physical force and injury, maybe, from a certain point of view...
*shrugs* This would be a lot easier if we had been educated about, and had formal relations with, other mystical factions, but for now there is a rather pressing monster issue that we kinda need to deal with so maybe we can just try to get along?
a massive brown bear, half-embedded in the wall plaster but seemingly barely dazed
I eagerly look forward to having a ghost of a chance!
Never hurry to justify yourself, because it means you needed a justification in the first place.
That is how reason works, by my measure at least, but I am not so certain that it is how humans work... Especially fictional humans, who are magical girls...
Let me put it this way - if we were playing as any of the three that aren't aware of having a ghost on the team I would be thinking that the shape shifter is trying to pick fights.
It is quite possible that we would have a different secret that we thought that it was getting at and think that it was about us? Regardless, it is not a calm forum thread controlling them, but instead a simulation of their own characteristics, so while yes, that does seem like a very astute assessment of what we would do, what we would do is not what is being tested here.

That said, I do agree, and find it a very interesting consideration.
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I don't consider "Rina nee-san" an enemy, even though we started on the wrong foot. We invaded their shop, after all.

Still, I would not air our laundry in front of an investigation target. Whatever doubts and conflicts we and/or our team may have, we should take care of it out of her earshot.

Oh I agree with this.

I'll even go a step forward and say this is possibly her attempting to be helpful to the rest of the group.

The thing is that Kikuko is legitimately probably terrifying and turned flat out invisible. And magical girls in this universe probably do have the general power sets known. Turning invisible, and not being detectable through normal means? Yeah - Kikuko is probably very obviously off to anyone that knows what the typical magical girl team would be.

So her being the reasonable one might not work as planned.
Think... oh the audience being let into the secret that the gray team of side characters has an obvious mole embedded. Who acts as the "reasonable" one.

Especially as - well, the rest of the team were the decoys. Kukiko volunteered for a reason - but the source of the magical girl magic/technology was a world conquering empire. The team is using essentially converted elite jackboot technology.
Really this is probably an absolute mess - and I'd not be surprised if the older sister is only acting confident. The team was not actually converging - only two were fighting in the store as opposed to on the defensive.
Five of a seven member team? (Presuming she knows the color system) That's not good odds. The major thing in her favor is the abysmal teamwork - and thing is Midori, Pallavi and Kukiko actually are somewhat working as a unit.

With Pallavi following Midori's lead on grabbing Leroy (aka Shimizu).
And Kukiko backing up Midori physically. Who is also probably the one that the sister is most worried about. You don't want someone that can disappear in the middle of a fight in the middle of a multi person fight while defending someone.

Still, you hesitate a moment, feeling like there's something else you should do before leaving. Glancing about, you zero in on the clippers she'd used just moments ago, and a nearby fern still laden with strange fruits. Evidence. Before you can overthink it, you snatch up the tool and hastily scissor at the fern, chopping stems and fronds alike and jamming whatever falls off into your skirt pocket in a rush.

The wild defacement does not go unnoticed, as you hear an affronted "HEY!" behind you, and dive backward just in time to avoid a wild slash of her knife. You only get a split-second glimpse to see something long and shimmery jutting outwards from her bare back, but don't stop to get a better look. Throwing the clippers at her to buy time, you scramble the rest of the way to the door, half-opening it, half-phasing through it in your rush to leave.

Yeah I think the sister noticed the phasing through stuff here - especially if the door just did not open wide enough for a normal human to pass through. Or she thinks she's dealing with another shapeshifter who is pretending to be human that could slip through a half open door at speed.
And something else - Yukiko was scrambling from her perspective - but it would still be terrifying from the perspective of someone not aware that it's a very scrambling teenage ghost.

The door slams the rest of the way open, followed by a disturbingly guttural roar, but you refuse to look back. Transforming as you run, you tear down the hall and use the momentum to swing around the end of the banister, launching yourself nearly headfirst down the stairs like your brother used to, skipping three or four steps at a time. You land in a painful kneeling slide at the bottom, but the rush of panic pushes you to clamber upright regardless, leaning on your naginata to do so.

Really I just like this quick input of the fact that Yukiko has a brother. Helps ground the scene and a reminder/setup for her reading the situation.

Your frantic thoughts are already several steps ahead, considering how to regroup with the others in the front room without sabotaging their interrogation, but all plans go out the window a moment later as you stand and turn to the door-

I just love the fact that for all that Yukiko's plans went out the door with the enraged shape shifter behind her - she actually was the person to stay on the ball the longest.

You blink, struggling to quickly take in the scene. Everyone is transformed and armed, seemingly having been squaring off… against each other? Sakamoto-san is cowering in a corner near the fire escape door, Pallavi standing protectively over him and clutching some sort of large axe or halberd in front of her. Miho and Shimizu-san are both facing her with their own weapons raised, while Midori stands between both parties as the very picture of frustration, though any prior hostility from any of them has been thoroughly derailed by your arrival.

@SpoopyGhost kudos to you for already introducing the characters so well we have a good guess of what happened. Miho and or Shimizu went argumentative, the other one jumped in - Pallavi defended Sakamoto, and it looks like Midori was trying to stop hostilities from breaking out. (Shimizu thinks she's team leader - meanwhile Midori might end up with that hat due to being more assertive than either Pallavi and Kikuko).

The moment of shock is interrupted by another sudden loud roar, and the sound of something large barreling down the stairs after you. You only spot a brown blur in the corner of your eyes, as panic seizes you to jump out of its way just in time to hear it smash into the wall opposite.

Also well done with how the "Older sister rescuing younger brother" thing goes. Because I wonder why there's a sudden loud roar at this moment.

Whirling around to see what just happened, you find yourself staring in horror at nothing less than a massive brown bear, half-embedded in the wall plaster but seemingly barely dazed from the impact. Claws gouge further holes in the wall as it struggles to pull itself upright, shredding through the weak material until finally gaining purchase on an internal support beam that can carry its weight. With a low growl like a rattling car engine, its heavy jowels part in a grimace that shows off long, sharp yellow teeth, each at least the size of one of your fingers. Now towering over you, it blots out the light from the ceiling fixture behind it, and you feel frozen in place.

"What?" Someone demands exasperatedly, only to be drowned out by the loudest roar yet, and then the scene becomes lost in absolute mayhem.

Midori (just guessing) - the rest of the team's plan went more according to plan. Successful enough that exit while pursued by a bear happened. And that's a very good description of a terrifying bear.

The thought is interrupted by a harsh clang, and you glance back up to see Shimizu-san's weapon has been batted harshly aside. Wisely, she opts to focus on wresting it back out of the side wall it has been lodged in, instead of staying in the bear's path.

Taking advantage of this opening and her small size, Miho ducks through where Shimizu-san was standing and slides beneath the bear's arm. Thankfully, it seems to have turned its attention to Midori and Pallavi, giving her time to awkwardly clamber back upright from her otherwise impressive action pose; were the situation not so dire, you would have had to stifle a giggle.

Okay you can really see why Leroy (Shimizu) and Jenkins (Miho) were such good friends. I heartily believe that we should never leave tje Leroy Jenkins Brigade on the same team without supervision unless we want unmitigated chaos and will aimed at something. A

"You alright?" She casts a concerned glance your way, but without waiting for an answer, turns back around, setting a foot against the wall to ready her attack. At the same time, another thud sees Midori, having attempted to use her hoop blade as a shield, now slumping back against the fire escape door, wincing as she holds her midsection again. It's at this point that Miho decides to make her move.

Miho is not a bad person - but she sure is excitable.

"YYYAAAHHH!" She shouts as she kicks off from the wall and makes a running leap towards its back, and you can already tell how this is going to go. Sure enough, ears perking up at the sound, the bear whirls with surprising speed just as she leaps, and with an overhead paw, spikes her straight into the floor.

I am enjoying how much the fact the team is super new is being set up. This is just funny - and establishes Miho's character well - as well as lets us appreciate that Kikuko is surprisingly sensible.

For a moment you're terrified that it may step on her, and finally peel yourself out of the wall to stand between them if it comes to that. Your quarry glares over at you, growling in warning, and a connection sparks in your mind.

Yeah - given that Kikuko has the fruit - and Rina originally transformed to go after her - this says a lot about the priorities here. Protect the younger brother. Rina wanted Kikuko to stay out of the fight because already too many combatants for her I think. And given how she turns away after Kikuko takes position, definitely retains full faculties to realize that Kikuko is probably just moving into a defensive position for her teammate.

However the next moment, just as quickly as it took out Miho, she turns back away to focus on Pallavi, advancing on her with slow, purposeful strides, arms raised menacingly. To her credit, the other girl stands her ground over Sakamoto-san, expression fearful yet determined, clutching her long-handled axe before her in trembling hands, even as she's cast in the bear's imposing shadow.

And this is just great miscommunication here. Pallavi is probably trying to still protect Sakamoto here. She doesn't like fighting - but would be my vote for putting in a defensive position that cannot be breached at all costs.

You watch helplessly, the naginata in your hand feeling like little more than dead weight as you mentally race through and discard plans to try to help her, or stop the bear.. She's too fast to be bound like the monster from before, and too strong to fight… and you are not even sure if you want to use your blade on her, given what happened to Gushiken-san. Nothing feels good enough, not while Pallavi's still trying to stand against her… Oh. Perhaps that's the answer.

"Get out of her way!" you shout to Pallavi, and she casts you a wild-eyed look of disbelief. "She's not here for you, just get away from her brother!" Despite her clear confusion, after only a moment more of hesitation she takes your direction. Skirting to the side without turning away, she meet's the bear's gaze with an uncertain look, only for her to drop to all fours in the spot that had just been vacated. You and Pallavi both let out a sigh of relief.

Kikuko is a good kid - facing down a giant grizzly bear - and still not wanting to make bleeding holes in a person. And able to put two and two together - probably because she has a younger brother herself.

Taking only a moment to sniff at Sakamoto-san, she wraps one arm protectively around him, dragging him over to the back door. Roughly, scooping Midori aside with her other paw, she shoulder-checks the pushbar, shrinking down a bit to pass through.

Yeah - the older sister was quite worried I think. She maximized her size despite the difficulties of maneuvering in the store.

you immediately turn to the pile of limbs and regret known as Miho,
Look I just love this description here.

However, your efforts to take further stock are swiftly interrupted by the last of the group. Shimizu-san, having finally freed her weapon from the wall, shoves past you on her way to the door, hefting the long and gleaming silver lance ahead of herself as if about to enter a jousting match. With a kick to reopen the door, she wastes no time in charging outside. The remaining four of you stare at each other for a moment, before Midori rolls her eyes with an irritated huff and limps to the door as well; you and Pallavi share a brief shrug before following suit.

Again Midori so far is team leader by being the assertive person to take charge while having others backing her.

"Let's stop this from getting any more stupid, alright?" Midori grouses, before stopping to hold herself with another pained hiss. Pallavi quickly takes the hint, rushing over to Shimizu-san and grabbing her from behind right before she can grab the lance for another try. "What are you doing?" Shimizu-san demands, but after a moment of struggling falls still. Bending down to pick it up herself, Pallavi drags the bluenette back away from the bear, shooting a glance somewhere between terrified and apologetic as she does.
We do need to give Midori a hand for taking charge through all of this nonsense. And Pallavi steps up to the plate.

You can't help but feel relieved as she retreats further in return, depositing Sakamoto-san behind her and turning her gaze between the rest of you, hostile but restrained. Midori steps forward slightly, hands up, and for your part you take up a supporting position behind her, naginata at the ready in case the situation falls apart again.

Really the team is looking to be made of two parts right now - and you can see it here. There's Midori (trying to talk down the situation, Pallavi in grabbing Leroy (Shimizu) and Kikuko in falling back behind Midori in case things go immediately violent.

In the silence that follows, you could have heard a pin drop. Clouds roll slowly overhead, the moon coming out to bathe the enclosure in silvery light. The bear's gaze is fixed firmly on the captive Shimizu-san at first, before gradually shifting to take in the rest of you. Sheepishly, you lower your weapon slightly to match Midori and Pallavi's unthreatening stances.

Kikuko is falling in with Midori and Pallavi at the moment, bringing the team to lean towards lets talk things out as an option - albeit as the most aggressive of the three more investigative members. (The thread did vote to chase after Juice Box Nurse after all).

The tension continues to stretch for several moments longer, before the moon becomes half-hidden again, and the bear's posture finally relaxes. Suddenly, the brown of her coat turns pure black, until she's nothing more than a silhouette against the faint moonlight through the clouds. The shape is joined by other silhouettes, layered over one another like translucent cards, with a different one coming to the fore and regaining colors as the rest fade away. Now, instead of the bear, you find yourself once again looking at Sakamoto-san's sister, clad in the bathrobe from before, but no less imposing for it. Behind her, Sakamoto-san stands up and dusts himself off, looking sheepish. "Thank you, Rina nee-san…"

Rina is very much a shapeshifter - though I'd not be surprised if she doesn't have a true form persay - but she definitely has multiple ones. And also I just like the description of this section. One for the moon light's usage - second for just how evocative the silhouettes are without spelling out Rina's exact power set.

Behind her, Sakamoto-san stands up and dusts himself off, looking sheepish. "Thank you, Rina nee-san…"

"Are you unhurt?" She shoots back, gaze never wavering from the group before her.

Again - the fact that Kikuko had to deal with her brother is just very well done set up for this. Older sister getting violently defensive of her younger sibling? Textbook.

"Magical girls, hmm? You must be a new team, for that sad showing," she spits out at Shimizu-san. "I don't know what your masters think they're accomplishing, to send you after us, but tell them we won't take this insult lightly." Shifting her attention over to you, she adds, "Besides, I would worry more about who you're supposedly working with now. One of you clearly isn't who - or should I say, what - she claims to be." You feel yourself go cold.

So beyond the whole probably picked up through the shenanigans that Kikuko isn't human, between invisibility and what not.

Kikuko did in fact get slammed.

The back room is not strictly small, but with so many people and a whole entire bear filling the space, it becomes decidedly cramped. The animal rears back a meaty paw to swing at you, and only then do you finally regain your senses enough to dodge aside - only to back into a wall and still take a glancing-yet-heavy blow that pushes you into the plaster. Pain explodes across your front and back alike, and your vision blurs; it feels like a bell is clanging around your ears.

Not for the first time, some detached part of your mind has the wherewithal to grumble about the pointlessness of still feeling pain despite the lack of physical damage.

Which while it did hurt as Kikuko's narration points out - well compare her to Miho who is distinctly concussed

Thankfully, despite how nasty her impact had looked (and sounded), Miho seems… relatively less hurt than you had thought. The way she wavers in place with a slightly cross-eyed stare is rather worrying, though…

And Midori who is limping and probably has at the very least impressive bruising of her chest/abdomen and possibly some rib injuries depending on how hard she got hit/scooped those two times.

Kikuko has pain - but she's much more in the fight than the rest of her team. (No wonder she got fingered as not like the others so quickly.)
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> Say Nothing (Better to stay quiet, and let the burden of proof fall on her)
Did you mean to put an X on this?

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