Oh sure.
A man who has been dying of thirst in the wildnerness does not stop to consider the risks of waterborne disease at the first stream they find.
[X] As an financial agent, not that he has much experience in such matters, but 'not much' is still more than your none
1)We dont need a spy in the White Court.
We have other options, from cyberdevils to the Crown of Eyes to potentially summoning spirits or talking to wyldfae and animals and ghosts.
Furthermore, using the White King's son as a spy in the White Court is the sort of thing that leads to political crises if/when he's caught.We dont want that. Lara and House Raith is the best current option for leading the White Court as far as Humanity and the White Council of Wizards is concerned; we dont want to destabilize them such that Skavis or Malvora get to stage a coup.
2) We dont need a military adjutant yet.
And we dont want (this) one. Hiring the black sheep son of the White King at the same time when we appear to be recruiting renegade Whites and ghouls in Undertown is a very Bad Look.
We dont want to kick off a small war in Chicago by mistake. Sure we'd win, but the collateral would be horrendous.
And it might make us miss Prom. Or distract us from other stuff, like Odin.
3)Thomas is a successful small business owner.
He drives a Hummer and a Jaguar. He owns a boat on the Lakes. He has employees, he runs payroll, he rents real estate for business, he manages expenses. He has bankers to handle his financials and accountants to balance his taxes.
He knows who to call and who to talk to about money. And he has the charm to get people to do stuff for him.
He is a much better fit as a financial agent than as anything else.
At least in the short to medium term.
Also, the son of the White King doing business with us is not going to cause a supernatural war with the White Court.
Its lowkey, and has no direct political implications.