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...Thank you.On the matter of the Fourth and Eighth Secrets, the Last Memory can tell you this:
The Fourth provides the means to manipulate the bonds between hadrons, allowing manipulation of matter at a level not even the Sixth can match. It appears to deal with the gamma ray bursts that would result from this sort of manipulation, and is probably part of how the Shiplords terraformed the entire galactic core. It's an incredibly useful construction and economic tool, but has limited offensive capacity. No stable strange matter, for one.
The Eighth is hinted at for how the Lament made this interface, though their use of it was deliberately incomplete to create something short of a full AI. It's the non-Second mechanism for creating artificial intelligences, that Iris has been slowly unravelling, and seems to also deal quite heavily with aspects of the soul.
[exhales, a tiny fleck of annoying incompleteness relieved after years]
So, then, the Secrets:
The First is space-folding, primarily FTL communication and travel, possibly also teleportation.
The Second is bioscience, Evangelion-level bullshit bioscience. Lets you create beings with souls, it seems.
The Third is electromagnetism, energy manipulation, and provides functionally perfect heat dissipation.
The Fourth, we now learn, is, loosely speaking, easy transmutation of the elements. I had thought the Sixth might somehow grant this, but always doubted it. Learning that it's a separate Secret explains a lot. It also suggests that really dangerous planetary nanoforges combine the Fourth and Sixth Secrets, because otherwise they are bottlenecked by the available chemical elements. Hm. We may find clues to the Fourth if we go poking around inside the terraforming structures created by the Practiced Miracle that gave us that Mars settlement back. Because that stuff explicitly isn't using the Second Secret, and yet is capable of functional terraforming. Then again, could be the Sixth, or could just be pure Practice which is its own kind of esoteric sparkly bullshit.
The Fifth is gravitic manipulation- space-twisting rather than space-folding. Lends itself to high-performance STL drives and the kind of weaponry you build when you know all eight Secrets and have all the time you need to think through every plausible variation on how to weaponize them.
The Sixth is bullshit-tier nanotechnology, but presumably not involving transmutation of the elements. Presumably lets you build stuff like Matryoshka brains and whatnot, though you get a lot more leverage out of that if you combine it with other Secrets.
The Seventh enables implausibly good simulations, and may involve postcognitive intelligence-gathering capabilities or ability to gather information about the past (or even the present) that isn't normally accessible. It seems fairly clear that the Seventh does not let people foretell the future.
The Eighth, we now learn, is creation of true artificial intelligence. Like the Second (and this may be the closest we see to any two Secrets that can truly duplicate each other's effects), it can apparently create beings with souls. However, there's apparently some distinction between "life" (a la Second Secret) and "AI" (a la Eighth Secret). The Eighth, it is implied, dives into soul science more fully than the Second, which actually doesn't surprise me because it involves entities that are more purely information-theoretic.