Outdoor garage. Standalone. Not connected to the house.The problem is with cooling down the furniture, and draining water out of water pipes. I am cautious of floors warping too. Better not to do it right now.
Concrete floor because it was originally a garage meant to park cars before conversion to a workshop.
Plus its Chicago, where winter temperatures regularly drop below zero Celsius even before wind chill.
Not really an issue now, but Im establishing that given some basic precautions, it should be safe to work in the outdoor garage.
No, its the same pool of buyers.If nothing else, jewelry and gems are likely to have different pools of buyers, thus expanding our chances of quickly getting cas
Jewels are acquired by jewelers and used to make jewelry to sell to consumers.
And noone makes brass jewelry with precious stones.
Good point.Depends on a liquid. Some have pretty low freezing temperatures. Its not just water, after all, it is in the name; Hell of Boiling Oil.
This depends on the QM.The issue is that we need to get at least 10k cash in three days or less. Cultured pearls require real oysters, and I am not sure if they fall under craft at all, or can be affected by TTC. Artificial pearl imitations that could be made using TTC are much less expensive and we'd essentially need to make them in bulk to hope to get enough money.
But Tool Constructs is a Wicked City charm, and draws on Mikaboshi's themes, which are hightech and cyberpunk in nature, as enumerated in 1000 Hells. The technology to do this, whether technoorganic or just bullshit nanotech, is in theme.
An individual 7.5mm pearl will weigh around 3 carats/0.6g.
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1200 pearls of that size will weigh around
The price of a standard-grade Tahitian pearl(Tahitian pearls are more valuable than freshwater and Akoyan pearls, but less valuable than South Sea pearls) is between 200 and 600 dollars each(high quality can go as high as 36k for one).

How Much Are Pearls Worth? Guide to Different Pearls' Value
How much are pearls worth, and how is the value of pearls determined? Learn more about the cost, quality and value of pearls.

50% off the low end estimate would still translate to $120,000 for 1200 pearls weighing
Probably a lot more, because people get much higher prices for bigger pearls than smaller pearls; 2400x 7.5mm pearls is worth much less than 1200x 15mm pearls,
Weights edited because I remembered weight scales with volume.
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