3)We dont finish the fight, some of our people might very well die.
Evil Bob is not harmless. The Corpsetaker is not harmless.
The only reason Michael isnt here is because the Corpsetaker crippled him, and Evil Bob almost killed Harry just now.
And if Holt left any contingencies around, they get activated in the middle of Chicago by Evil Bob or the Corpsetaker.
The fight is not over.
5)Gard is a rune sorceress, not a wizard. She hasnt cast anything we've seen so far, she has activated premade runes afaik, or used magic tools. We have no indication that she has more than one anti-muggle ward, or can mcguyver one in the field. We have no indication that she can carry a ward while in motion; the only person we know who did that in canon was the Merlin.
We now have Arawn going after the Capriocorpus, between them I think Gard and Lydia can handle the boat.
And we've no reason to believe she can't use another anti-mortal rune. WE also don't have to walk out of the front door. There will be lots of exits to the museum.
Arawn had dealings with fucking Kemmler.
His entire vulnerability to Holt and her friends stems from those dealings
I posit that our desire to spare Lydia distress does not translate to assuming that her father is on the up and up.
1)I dont call it fealty, it IS fealty.
It imposed responsibilities on both sides.
2)This is a false claim.
Lydia is not bound by the oaths of her father, hence this entire rigmarole.
2) Even today, go AWOL from the US Army with a nuclear weapon and see what that gets you.
The more so if you got the Russians or the Chinese to help you do so.
Arawn gave his oath freely, then broke them with the help of one of the people he was supposed to hunt.
Mab has every reason to be mad at him and to want the power out of his hands. So does almost everyone else in the supernatural.
Our interest here is to limit the damage to Lydia. That means keeping the man alive, it doesnt mean preserving his Mantle.
And Harry deals with Marva and sundry other bad guys when he has to. Mab herself has cut many deals with the Denarians, who are much worse than Kemmler.
1) It's gone beyond fealty when there's no out and it lasts for eternity.
2) It's not a false claim. Mab want to enslave Lydia by holding her father hostage, forcing her to serve in his place. My claim is absolutely true
Arawn is still hunting necromancers, laying ghosts to rest, and has just saved Harry's life. He has proved himself sufficiently to extend him the benefit of the doubt. He has made himself a Mantle that seems eminently suited to his job, and there's no reason to stop him doing it.
Imagine how bad Odin and the other Norse must have been for Kattrin to murder three of her sisters and go renegade
We are literally at the point where you are claiming that a thousand plus year old psychopomp and minor god is not culpable for his dealings with the greatest necromancer that Earth has ever known.
Arawn, as far as we know, didn't murder anyone, so that's a false analogy. Kattrin has also joined the dark side and is an active necromancer in league with the forces that want to destroy the world. All our evidence is that Arawn is still one of the good guys. He's happy to go around killing necromancers, he just doesn't want to be enslaved to at best the lesser evil while doing so.
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