Moose could be basically Superman. Flying around with super-senses and saving people with a flying tackle. That's great for views, who
wouldn't want to watch that?
I just disliked the "crawler killer class" bit, it is an option, but it doesn't force us. And dunno if eagle would railroad us into pvp if we have a class that could synergize with it, if we show no interest in pvp. (Well, more than the narrative of Dungeon Crawler You would demand)
Also we got hints that PVP will come, either way.
To go back to a previous argument, Bounty Hunter is a crawler killer class. It's built around killing crawlers. Sure, no one's going to force us into it- until the showrunners notice and the AI engineers a situation where we are. Taking this class signals a willingness to kill crawlers. The Angelic Approval benefit is too good to not kill crawlers for. Hell,
I'll be pushing for it, multiple extra lives for Moose and an extra life for one of us? That's too juicy a temptation to resist. It's incorrect to say that the class doesn't force us to kill crawlers, our lives will depend on killing them. That's practically the definition of force. I can't argue that Angelic Approval is a bad skill, it's incredible, even though it'll just stop eventually, but it's not one I want what's practically a baby to have.
Bounty Hunter's Pathfinder is inferior to Seeing Eye Dog's in the majority of cases, barring those where we're hunting other crawlers. It doesn't come with information on mobs, nor does it come with enhanced acuity, which will help a ton with the huge minimap Pathfinder gives. Finding shiny needles in a huge haystack is hard, and Bounty Hunter doesn't have the Spot skill.
Taking bounties and finding criminal crawlers both pale in comparison to finding treasures and clues and finding any crawler we've met. Later, any crawler, period. The AI leaves clues for how to survive desperate situations. If you don't pick up on them, you die. The dungeon is full of very powerful items and loot, finding them is very useful and lucrative.
@2xMachina, I'd like to tempt you away from Bounty Hunter, so I'm going to point out that we don't need Angelic Approval or Plus One to get into both clubs. Beyond the likely ability to get different tattoos on different bodies, we have the ability to transfer other crawlers' tattoos. Club passes are in the form of tattoos. Admitted, Plus One is good for bringing the whole party to a particular club, but it's not necessary to get everyone access to both simultaneously-- we could pass around one tattoo of each so everyone could get a turn.
My offer to ditch BOF if someone else ditches BH is still open.