Dungeon Crawler You!

Not relevant to the vote right now, but I think we should have one of the Taylors stay in the safe room and work on building one of these:

View: https://youtu.be/YwIyaC7dy_Y

If he can get the timing down, we can launch an 80g yoyo and have it hit as a 1.1kg yoyo with a damage multiplier from the weapon skill. If we can use inventory shenanigans to instantly reload it would probably be practical to use in combat.

Ah, this guy.
He also makes a good attachment (magazine) for fast firing of bows.
Not sure if Taylor brought any bows/crossbows into the dungeon, but it wouldn't be too hard to get ammo for those
Danger Sense especially is amazing

I'm reluctant to add abilities to Leo because I don't want to set a precedent that complaining can get you extra stuff. On the other hand, I do feel like I missed a bet and a cat race should have had Danger Sense -- that's kinda their whole memetic deal.

...eh, okay. I'll go back and add it in. Race is now sealed. No more changes regardless of complaints or suggestions, even if there's something else I missed. (Yes, I considered a nine-lives thing and decided not to do it. Donut has it in canon and I'm already pushing it on how close this race is to her.)

I don't think they can see your class,
They can, but only if they explicitly examine you as opposed to glancing. That requires proximity.
Getting disintegrated by the AI for selling NFTs would certainly be some kind of an achievement, I have to say!
Or having a repeat upgrade of the piss incident.
First time we pull it off the AI could morph the coin to actually look like we described it.
Then whenever it gets sold, the AI could gives out a mocking achievment "Haha, you got scammed" with a spellscroll version of our liar skills (one level lower than the scammer had) and a challenge to sell the coin on. (maybe even turn a few of the gold coins the crawler had into worthless doge coins)

Organically, crawler generated Floor drama!

I agree, but it's something I think that we want to be clear about, which is why I've brought it up. There is also some meta-narrative concern that if we have a class mechanic based around PvP, it is likely to be a kind of Chekov's Gun which makes PvP more likely to enter the story, even if it is exclusively through us making an active refusal to engage in it. (Ditto for resurrection, actually.) I'm not sure how to weight that, or if we even should do so at all, but it's something to at least think about. Bounty Hunter is a definitely solid choice, quite possibly the most powerful over the course of an entire run due to Plus One, as I've said.

Boring Ol' Fighter is my favourite because I think it is closest to the archetype that I like for Moose, without potentially introducing complicating factors. That's to a large degree a personal choice about what I would like to read, and I respect that many players might be into something else; that's questing!
I just disliked the "crawler killer class" bit, it is an option, but it doesn't force us. And dunno if eagle would railroad us into pvp if we have a class that could synergize with it, if we show no interest in pvp. (Well, more than the narrative of Dungeon Crawler You would demand)

Also we got hints that PVP will come, either way.
Levi whistled. "Wow. Those angel-wing badges are massively overpowered." "But they require killing someone with skulls," Calliope said. "Even if we wanted to kill other crawlers, we haven't met that many people with skulls." "You will," Levi said grimly.


I'm reluctant to add abilities to Leo because I don't want to set a precedent that complaining can get you extra stuff. On the other hand, I do feel like I missed a bet and a cat race should have had Danger Sense -- that's kinda their whole memetic deal.
I think they were only talking about what we should pick for Moose.
@eaglejarl, would Taylor be able to transfer a Vanquisher pass tattoo to himself if he already had one for Desperado, and be welcome in both clubs?

Dunno. But without the plus one skill we need 1 pass per person. With plus one we can take others. (party members, friends, or even strangers for money)
If the above question is answered in the affirmative, all we'd need is someone in the target's area with a V/D pass and a personal area on the next floor. Taylor steps into V/D, the friend steps in, Taylor syncs his exit to hers, steps out in the target's area. Enters his personal area, lets the target in. Tada, target can exit wherever one of Taylor's bodies is.
Adhoc vote count started by RandomOTP on Sep 28, 2022 at 1:16 PM, finished with 263 posts and 38 votes.

Status of current votes, including Drew and Moose.
Taylor with Invulnerabilty is worth 500,000 gold, particularly if you've already got another 500,000 gold. We don't need the full million.

SysOp allows us to use a Target: Self spell on any crawler. Not just the ones near us and in our contacts. Any. Crawler. It's a cooldown of five minutes instead of one minute, but that's still completely broken.

It's not going to be that easy to find and buy a Spellbook with complete negation of all damage, and it is going to be much easier to double our money with Drew's help. []Plan: Hard Cash gets us halfway to a million, Drew can do the rest. And we'll be able to stop people from getting mulched by bosses.
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So, a potential idea that occurred to me recently while thinking about Plus One/Pathfinder/other utility abilities. Apologies for the rather long post!

Things We Know Already
(I) Crawlers can freely leave and enter parties.
(II) XP "leeching" is heavily (although not totally) based on being in a party.
(III) There are classes with utility abilities like healing/reconnaissance/traps/etc., which are useful, but do not have the raw power progression of combat/magic/shenanigans classes.
(IV) There are Crawlers in the dungeon who are going to be less combat inclined, or less certain that they can make it to the lower floors on sheer grit and willpower. Yes, even on Floor Three - look at the Astronomy Club! We're still only barely out of the tutorial.

The "Utility Mercenary"
Based on these, it seems that there should logically be a niche for a kind of "Utility Mercenary", who will join your party before the exit so you arrive on the next floor together, then immediately leave the party and tag along with you, renting out their class abilities to you without taking much XP. These often depend on Skill Levels, not XP or items, so they can even improve at their specialism over floors without draining resources.

Both sides benefit from this arrangement, as the party gains access to those abilities without the opportunity cost of a lower power-scaling class, and the "mercenary" Crawler gains protection, some payment in gold, and gain just enough XP by bystanding at [arbitrary distance] not to be insta-killed by mobs on whatever floor they're on. This is not necessarily a mercenary or selfish arrangement; it is ultimately a form of cooperation, where everyone benefits, and everyone's chances of survival increase, including humanity itself.

"From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs."

So I think that if we're visiting towns, or the Vanquisher/Desperado clubs, we should be on the look out to see if there are any Crawlers offering these kinds of services, or who look lost and might be convinced. Also, if we manage to get in contact with the Astronomy Club again, we should see if they have anyone willing to sign on with us for this sort of arrangement*.

Plus One in particular is almost designed for this, because you could wait outside the Vanquisher/Desperado Clubs offering your services, then join someone's party, take them inside for a fat fee, let them do their shopping/training, then escort them out and leave their party. This is both a point significantly in favour of Bounty Hunter the Dog, as it could potentially be rather lucrative just by trading other Crawlers for access to Plus One*, but also means that it is possible that we will gain access to it anyway at a premium.

Since we've seen only a fraction of the available class abilities, this also makes me wonder how much of a "grey market" exists in Crawlers charging or bartering for access to recipes, class abilities, and suchlike. Crucially, how much do the showrunners and the AI respond by trying to encourage, regulate, or disincentives this kind of cooperation? How do socials play into it?

Honestly, this seems like something Levi would know a lot about, so @eaglejarl , what can he tell us? (Apologies if I'm very dense and it has been answered already.)

More generally on the topic of cooperation, if we gain useful map information/trap information/recipes, I think we should try to share them as much as possible. Both because morally it is the right thing to do, but also because it showcases the human spirit. The AI and showrunners may like that - the recaps have already emphasised images of humans helping one another in adversity, so it's clearly a plot element they're willing to focus on.

*(The best option for the Astronomy Club going forward, honestly, might be to sort of rent out their services as a "utility guild" in this way, where some members sign on with other parties each floor, whilst the rest of the Club fort up somewhere safe, possibly directly in a Safe Room if possible, until one of their members who is on a contract can give them info on an exit with a cleared path to it. Agreeing to help escort the Club to the exit could be a condition of contracting their services, actually. This depends on smart choice of classes rather than beelining for combat options, though, so we'll see if they were intelligent enough to work this out on their own.)
*(This is also true for Sysop + Wheeler Dealer, which I think we were already counting on to some extent. Although straight up starting a bidding war amongst Crawlers for our ability to roll boxes and transfer them seems like it might draw the ire of the showrunners and/or AI...)
MOOSE IS GOODEST BOY! Smart doggo is adorable. I really like Aralez, from the flavor text to the Slobbery Smooches and the wings. All of Moose's class options are great as well. I don't have strong feelings on Housecatkin, but I think it's fun and it suits Leo.

But ultimately, it was not simple pragmatism that pushed me towards BOF. (Whilst I think there's a strong pragmatic case on its sheer damage output for sure.) It's the choice which I think most means that Moose can kinda stay in his lane as our giant, loveable friend who fights monsters because he wants to keep us safe, and I really like that. It's a simple archetype and one I really enjoy seeing, more than I think I would enjoy seeing the alternatives, as fun as they are.
A new argument for Boring Ol' Fighter is that Moose is a flying dog, and BOF gives him acrobatics which will make him a pretty good flyer. Combine it with the fact that Moose is big enough to transport everyone at the same time, Airlines Doge becomes a wonderfull possibility. Plus imagine the amazing entrances we could make. 3D movement is no joke.
All this. Also, it makes him an even more amazing tank, which as essential to a party as any path- or trapfinding ability, and less borrowable from other friendly crawlers. And it give him DEX (an initial +15 then up to +1 per level-up if he wants), which he has no other way of getting since his level-up stats are locked into STR and CON.

Speaking of which, @eaglejarl the party presumably distributed their stat points at the end of class selection. Will there be another vote, or did the characters handle it and their stats will be announced later?

[X] Class: Boring Ol' Fighter

[X] (Where) Large
[X] (How) Roads

[] Plan: prepare to munch
-[X] A spellbook of Grease
-[x] 500,000 gold pieces
[] Look Mom, I'm a Millionaire!
-[x] 500,000 gold pieces
-[x] 500,000 gold pieces
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Another thing to consider: BOF Moose will slow our xp rate unless we're fighting things that are hard enough to give him a challenge, at which point the rest of us are a liability.
@eaglejarl, would Taylor be able to transfer a Vanquisher pass tattoo to himself if he already had one for Desperado, and be welcome in both clubs?

If the above question is answered in the affirmative, all we'd need is someone in the target's area with a V/D pass and a personal area on the next floor. Taylor steps into V/D, the friend steps in, Taylor syncs his exit to hers, steps out in the target's area. Enters his personal area, lets the target in. Tada, target can exit wherever one of Taylor's bodies is.
30h CD in transfer, only willing. Would someone willingly give up their tattoo?
And can people be in the Club without the permission tattoo?

So, yeah, we can play travel agency for Club members, but can we take others (like Astro Army members) into the Club?
Yeah I was thinking there's nothing stopping us from recruiting a utility crawler, maybe on a more permanent basis, into our party. Just because we went in with four party members doesn't mean we have to stick to four party members. They wouldn't be as busted as us, but do we really need them to be?
Another thing to consider: BOF Moose will slow our xp rate unless we're fighting things that are hard enough to give him a challenge, at which point the rest of us are a liability.
Is that how XP works? How do we know that? I'd assumed it was solely based on relative level, so if you could safely kill creatures of your level (say, aerial bombing a slow and land-bound target) you'd level fast even though there's no real challenge.
I do wonder if the jumping ability works with ollies...
Is that how XP works? How do we know that? I'd assumed it was solely based on relative level, so if you could safely kill creatures of your level (say, aerial bombing a slow and land-bound target) you'd level fast even though there's no real challenge.
Levi mentioned it when describing Battle Klepto the second time. XP is based on ability relative to difficulty and the consequences for failure.
30h CD in transfer, only willing. Would someone willingly give up their tattoo?
Absolutely. Especially if we save their lives with a use of Invincibility from half the level away. Say someone wants to get into Vanquisher, but is stuck with a Desperado pass. There we are, willing to take it off their hands for free. Then they can get a Vanquisher pass.

So, yeah, we can play travel agency for Club members, but can we take others (like Astro Army members) into the Club?
No, but Bounty Hunter The Dog can't deal thousands of damage in one bite, or see the past of a location, or track any crawler across the level, or find hidden locations... There's a tradeoff for every class, but Taylor can (probably) get into both clubs, and will be able to transport crawlers across the map. These don't require the Plus One ability.
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Yeah I was thinking there's nothing stopping us from recruiting a utility crawler, maybe on a more permanent basis, into our party. Just because we went in with four party members doesn't mean we have to stick to four party members. They wouldn't be as busted as us, but do we really need them to be?

That would mean less screen-time for the rest of the party as a whole though.. It's hard to write multiple protagonists. Maybe if it was something non sentient like a drone or ability..

I'm reluctant to add abilities to Leo because I don't want to set a precedent that complaining can get you extra stuff. On the other hand, I do feel like I missed a bet and a cat race should have had Danger Sense -- that's kinda their whole memetic deal.

...eh, okay. I'll go back and add it in. Race is now sealed. No more changes regardless of complaints or suggestions, even if there's something else I missed. (Yes, I considered a nine-lives thing and decided not to do it. Donut has it in canon and I'm already pushing it on how close this race is to her.)


The GM is wise and merciful!

A new argument for Boring Ol' Fighter is that Moose is a flying dog, and BOF gives him acrobatics which will make him a pretty good flyer. Combine it with the fact that Moose is big enough to transport everyone at the same time, Airlines Doge becomes a wonderfull possibility. Plus imagine the amazing entrances we could make. 3D movement is no joke.
All this. Also, it makes him an even more amazing tank, which as essential to a party as any path- or trapfinding ability, and less borrowable from other friendly crawlers. And it give him DEX (an initial +15 then up to +1 per level-up if he wants), which he has no other way of getting since his level-up stats are locked into STR and CON.

We know that hitting flying enemies is generally harder than hitting regular ones from our experience with the wasps. With high Dexterity, flight, and Dodge, it seems possible that a major tactic for Moose as BOF could be via "Boom and Zoom", where he swoops down at lightning speed and strikes for massive damage, before swooping back up to the relative safety of altitude and speed. Rinse and repeat. Foes without ranged attacks will be kinda screwed, and even those with ranged attacks will attempting to hit a hardened, extremely fast manoeuvring target in three dimensions.

Combine with Lightning Rush and we probably get an effect on terrestrial mobs (and anyone standing nearby) which is analogous to an A-10 gun run. DANGER CLOSE

Cloning over Pounce from Leo could also be significant, given it is stacking with Powerful Strike and Murderous Attack, albeit at a high opportunity cost of other more unique abilities we would like to clone.

Another thing to consider: BOF Moose will slow our xp rate unless we're fighting things that are hard enough to give him a challenge, at which point the rest of us are a liability.
Is that how XP works? How do we know that? I'd assumed it was solely based on relative level, so if you could safely kill creatures of your level (say, aerial bombing a slow and land-bound target) you'd level fast even though there's no real challenge.

As far as I understand, XP works by most enemies giving an amount related to their challenge (except for "Janitor" mobs), whilst it is shared between party members via the AI deciding who contributed most, whilst even non-contributing party members get some. This means Moose will probably get a bit more XP if he's at the front, whilst we will get a smaller share, and he will probably remain a couple of levels ahead of us as he has done so far... but the XP amounts required for each level increase, so his progression will tend to slow down over the course of a floor if the level of mobs stays constant, whilst the rest of the party can catch up.

Moreover, we can choose how we deploy Moose, especially now he's intelligent enough to obey more complex orders - having him take the fore for difficult fights, whilst being more of an on call "air support" when we want to focus on levelling the rest of the party. In general, having essentially a canine F-15 or A-10 in our back pocket does not seem like it is going to hinder the progression of the party.

(Actually, that's a point, given he can carry as much as a shire horse and fly, we could probably have Moose drop bombs. This is not unique to BOF, of course, except insofar as Constitution/Strength might effect his maximum bomb load.)