Dungeon Crawler You!

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That ability has a 1 minute cooldown.
Using any of the following abilities will deactivate your class abilities for 6 hours.
  • Provided that both sender and receiver are willing, you may reassign all unopened dungeon loot boxes (i.e. not fan boxes or Benefactor boxes) from one crawler to another. You must be touching sender when you use this ability
Not the whole floor, but not a minute either
[X] (Moose Box) Do not take Moose's boxes

The moment when his boxes hit is going to be epic. Let's not steal from ourselves.
Did actually have a question come to mind re: Wheeler Dealer - how does it interact with box subtypes? Like, let's say we rollup with just a bronze pet box and a bronze cheater box, what kind of Silver Box gets created?
Did actually have a question come to mind re: Wheeler Dealer - how does it interact with box subtypes? Like, let's say we rollup with just a bronze pet box and a bronze cheater box, what kind of Silver Box gets created?
That sounds like something we'll learn by trying it out, not by asking our poor Manager about a class he's never seen before.
[X] (Moose Box) Do not take Moose's boxes

could we use him as a way to store boxes? like, we wanna roll our gold ones but wanna save the platinums or something like this, so we transfer to him and then get it back later
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[X] (Moose Box) Do not take Moose's boxes

could we use him as a way to store boxes? like, we wanna roll our gold ones but wanna save the platinums or something like this, so we transfer to him and then get it back later
Provided that both sender and receiver are willing, you may reassign all unopened dungeon loot boxes (i.e. not fan boxes or Benefactor boxes) from one crawler to another. You must be touching sender when you use this ability
Seems like we can't - we can only transfer all loot boxes at once.
Does Wheeler-Dealer level up mid-use? If we, say, had 80 Silver boxes and couldn't turn Golds into Platinums, but rolling up 50 Silver boxes would be enough to make it level up, would we be stuck at opening 20 Gold boxes, as befitting our level when we started, or would we get to open 5 Platinum boxes, as befitting our level when we finished?

It normally wouldn't matter much since boxes tend to come in bit by bit, but we have a relevant use case of a good doggo who's earned quite a stockpile so it seems relevant.
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Using any of the following abilities will deactivate your class abilities for 6 hours.
  • Provided that both sender and receiver are willing, you may reassign all unopened dungeon loot boxes (i.e. not fan boxes or Benefactor boxes) from one crawler to another. You must be touching sender when you use this ability
The recharge is 6 hours, not 1 minute...?

Edit: I think it might've been fixed after the fact? I think I remember Eaglejarl saying something to that effect on Discord?
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My bad, I misremembered. Just checked : the cooldown to swap items is one minute. The cooldown to swap boxes is six hours.
Choose a crawler and an NPC who is not currently a manager. That NPC becomes that crawler's manager. You must be touching the NPC when you use this
...could we, like...drop this on a floor boss?

I assume the AI would just veto it, but...this has potential.

Can someone have only a limited number of managers?
Canon loves to make you feel bad for NPCs, doomed to die as their layer ends.
This ability lets you give them more life, possibly even freedom if their crawler reaches layer ten.
[X] (Moose Box) Do not take Moose's boxes
Why is this even a question...
In fairness snagging all of his bronze boxes and rolling them into Gold boxes (or something) might wind up being a pretty sensible decision. With the abilities that we (might) have, pulling boxes from various folks and handing them to Calliope is a pretty good decision in a reasonable number of circumstances as long as you feel that two Bronze boxes are worth less than a single Silver, which I think is very likely given that we have Drew around.
[X] (Moose Box) Do not take Moose's boxes
Why is this even a question...
Because Moose won't be able to use his boxes until around floor 6, until then they're just gathering dust in his inventory when they could be helping us survive and/or get even more loot. We also want to funnel boxes to Calliope to level up Wheeler Dealer asap since higher tier boxes are exponentially more valuable than the lower tiers.

There are three main concerns with doing this imo: First is the obvious - doing so is (or at the very least looks like) exploiting Moose unfairly, although tbh I don't think he'd mind. Second is that it disables Taylor's Sysop abilities for the first 6 hours of the floor, so it's probably better to hold off until we've at least got our bearings a bit. Third, if we hold off until Calliope has one or two more levels of Rollup under her belt, those boxes get much more valuable.

Ultimately, I think not taking Moose's boxes is slightly better for us, but I could be argued around.

[X] (Moose Box) Do not take Moose's boxes
[X] (Moose Box) Do not take Moose's boxes
Why is this even a question...

Because some of us may die before Moose reaches level 30. Would Moose be happy if Calliope dies before then, then he opens a legendary item that could have saved her? Also, we are all planning on transferring our own boxes to Calliope as much as we can afford to put all our class abilities on a 6h CD.

Imo there are two options. The safe one is to transfer his boxes as soon as possible (maybe wait until we're going to bed, if we don't want to start the floor without our class abilities (unless we keep access to Levi's T3 bed, doesn't sound likely but who knows?)) There is probably some good stuff in there, and we're leaving the "training floors"; we need every advantage we can get. The greedy option is to wait for Calliope to gain one or two levels in her Rollup skill so that she can generate gold/platinum boxes out of this hoard.

Of course this is all assuming that the AI lets us transfer Moose's boxes. But if not, then the whole point is moot, so we need to decide assuming it is true. Unless we're afraid that the AI would react badly to us even trying, but iirc Levi said something along the lines that trying exploits is generally fine, the AI may say no but it won't care and might even find it funny.
[X] (Moose Box) Do not take Moose's boxes
As good as this could be there's two reasons to wait.
  1. The Showrunners and the AI might both get pissed at us for pulling that trick on a non-sentient pet.
  2. If we let Moose build up boxes then if we do transfer them to Calliope later there's an excellent chance of having enough to get celestial boxes.
If we let Moose build up boxes then if we do transfer them to Calliope later there's an excellent chance of having enough to get celestial boxes.
To my understanding we need to level grind the skill first, so we can't get Gold boxes until we've done it on enough Bronzes to hit level 2, then we can't get Platinums until we've rolled up enough Golds to hit level 3, and so on.

(Well, rolling up to Gold wouldn't be necessary to hit level 3, but dollars to doughnuts it's better XP than just going up to Silver, and we'll want to be rolling things up to Gold anyhow.)

Getting Celestial boxes requires that we first work our way up to level 5, grinding through Silvers and Golds and Platinums, and only after opening a bunch of those boxes can we start the real cheese.
OH I was under the impression it'd be within a floor or two. Is that about the level progression seen in DCC or?
Floor six is the worst case scenario - I'm not entirely clear on whether Moose needs 1 or 2 more points of intelligence. Using Carl as a measuring stick, we should hit lv 30 either anywhere between the end of floor three to about halfway through floor 4. On the other hand, if Moose needs to be lv 60 that should happen near the start of floor 6.
Floor six is the worst case scenario - I'm not entirely clear on whether Moose needs 1 or 2 more points of intelligence. Using Carl as a measuring stick, we should hit lv 30 either anywhere between the end of floor three to about halfway through floor 4. On the other hand, if Moose needs to be lv 60 that should happen near the start of floor 6.
Moose is surprisingly intelligent. (Definitely more intelligent than pre magical petfood Donut)
Or maybe the term is that he's wiser than her.
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