What would readers prefer?

  • Pure narrative quest: no dice will be used, the author will have free reign to decide what happens.

    Votes: 25 59.5%
  • New dice system: the author will design a new, better dice system to add some randomness and risk.

    Votes: 17 40.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Voting is open for the next 1 day, 16 hours
[X] Tell Robin to use the Elixir on Bernard so he can come along more easily. You don't know how bad the injury is, and it will mean that the elixir won't be available if you or Robin get badly hurt in the escape, but you don't want to leave anyone behind
[X] Do as Bernard asks and leave him. You don't like it, but your job is to get Sypha out, and already the shouts outside are starting to lose their panicked edges. You have to go now!
Not our target not our problem.
Paragon wyrmling: If we leave Bernard behind and he gets hurt because of us, that is our problem!

Sypha: Who are you talking to?
Worse for them, you hit their alcohol supply >: )
Oof, for it to burn like that they must have had the good stuff too.

How to get the whole lot of them invested in killing us...
The good news is that if they're all in withdrawal they won't fight as effectively. XD

[X] Tell Robin to use the Elixir on Bernard so he can come along more easily. You don't know how bad the injury is, and it will mean that the elixir won't be available if you or Robin get badly hurt in the escape, but you don't want to leave anyone behind.
-[X] Shift if it's necessary to get everyone out, or to avoid getting bogged down in a risky fight. If you're chased by the wyvern try to get far enough away that the mercenaries can't help and you have time to put your passengers down. If it comes to a fight then don't hold back, and try to keep the fight close enough to Robin that he can help.
[X] Tell Robin to use the Elixir on Bernard so he can come along more easily. You don't know how bad the injury is, and it will mean that the elixir won't be available if you or Robin get badly hurt in the escape, but you don't want to leave anyone behind.
[X] Tell Robin to use the Elixir on Bernard so he can come along more easily. You don't know how bad the injury is, and it will mean that the elixir won't be available if you or Robin get badly hurt in the escape, but you don't want to leave anyone behind.
[X] Tell Robin to use the Elixir on Bernard so he can come along more easily. You don't know how bad the injury is, and it will mean that the elixir won't be available if you or Robin get badly hurt in the escape, but you don't want to leave anyone behind.
[X] Tell Robin to use the Elixir on Bernard so he can come along more easily. You don't know how bad the injury is, and it will mean that the elixir won't be available if you or Robin get badly hurt in the escape, but you don't want to leave anyone behind.
[X] Tell Robin to use the Elixir on Bernard so he can come along more easily. You don't know how bad the injury is, and it will mean that the elixir won't be available if you or Robin get badly hurt in the escape, but you don't want to leave anyone behind.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by SoaringHawk218 on Sep 19, 2022 at 10:31 PM, finished with 29 posts and 22 votes.

  • [X] Tell Robin to use the Elixir on Bernard so he can come along more easily. You don't know how bad the injury is, and it will mean that the elixir won't be available if you or Robin get badly hurt in the escape, but you don't want to leave anyone behind.
    [X] Do as Bernard asks and leave him. You don't like it, but your job is to get Sypha out, and already the shouts outside are starting to lose their panicked edges. You have to go now!
    [X] Tell Robin to use the Elixir on Bernard so he can come along more easily. You don't know how bad the injury is, and it will mean that the elixir won't be available if you or Robin get badly hurt in the escape, but you don't want to leave anyone behind.
    -[X] Shift if it's necessary to get everyone out, or to avoid getting bogged down in a risky fight. If you're chased by the wyvern try to get far enough away that the mercenaries can't help and you have time to put your passengers down. If it comes to a fight then don't hold back, and try to keep the fight close enough to Robin that he can help.
Well, between the genuinely nice people who want to rescue him, the pragmatic people who see free assistance, and those of us who want to recruit everyone? I don't know that there was any doubt we would at least try to grab Dimitri Alexandre BONUSOBJECTIVE.
The challenge is part of the draw. Garrison Keillor's Princess and the Pea has a great line that captures some of the essence of playing Fire Emblem as a "save everybody plausible" person:

The Narrator said:
So she was a real princess (difficult to please) and that was what he wanted. Because...if she's easy to please, then what sense of accomplishment do you get from that?

Now, granted, it was written by a parody-type-comedian whose material tends to center around the absurdity of the ordinary and tends to ride the line between laughing-with and laughing-at (and whose personal life and assorted allegations suggest he's started to lose track of where certain other lines are)...but there's a lot of sharp observation too.

I mean, the whole Soulsborne series exists because people love difficulty. Thracia is one of my more favorite games because of just how wide-open the sandbox is (the capture mechanic allows you to turn equipment-based-BS back on the game) but also because it has one of the most difficult recruitments in the game with only a so-so payoff for pulling it off (Xavier).
Also: Fire Emblem's writers have historically been pretty good at making you care about the recruitable characters. That also helps.
I mean, the whole Soulsborne series exists because people love difficulty.

SOME people love difficulty. And some look at the potential to have to start all over because the MC rolled a 1, shrug, and go find a different game to play.

Personally, I had my fill of the instagib-permadeath combo before I'd ever heard of Fire Emblem, and would never have touched the franchise had Awakening not implemented a "softcore" mode.
Player Dice Rolls
Well, I had intended for the vote to close a minute or so ago, but I guess with how skewed the vote was it doesn't really matter.

If I could get people to roll a d6 for whether the Moon Bow shows up, a d4 for how many Talon pods you activate on the way out, and a d4 for if any Talon captains appear.

May there be good dice for us all.

Well, bad news, the bow's tucked away in some distant corner.

Good news, you're not going to meet that much resistance. And you'll even get to meet an old... friend.

Well, bad news, the bow's tucked away in some distant corner.

Good news, you're not going to meet that much resistance. And you'll even get to meet an old... friend.
I figured the Moon Bow was gonna be a loss when I made the plan, the point of setting fires and stealing away was to get us a head start and bypass the stealth segment, and stealing / releasing the horses on the way out was intended to reduce our pursuit to something manageable.

All in all, primary objectives of that particular scuffle accomplished and surprise not!Dimitri Bonus Objective picked up on the way? For the restrictions we were working with, I'm inclined to call it a win pending our completed escape.
Voting is open for the next 1 day, 16 hours