Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

I mean what are we gonna tell the government that will keep them from annoying us?

Molly: "Hey am basically a demigoddes that has a voice in her head so you should not f### with me."

Yeah they are totally gonna believe that…

[X] Go to Father Forthil like your dad suggested, see if there is anything he can do for Harry
-[X] Ask if the white council can be contacted ASAP!

let's just not go the "I am a Young adult and therefore am capable of fixing any problem." route pls…
What if we just do exactly what they dont want us to do? As in, report this to the "Lawmakers"?

Do we have the means to contact Ebenezar McCoy (or Luccio or Morgan or anyone really?

EDIT:Ninjad, i think i agree with this here. Talk to forthil, but also contact the council. They dont want that to happen, therefore its probably a good way to oppose them.

[X] Go to Father Forthil like your dad suggested, see if there is anything he can do for Harry
-[X] Ask if the white council can be contacted ASAP!
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I'm inclined to kick this upstairs to the White Council, personally. Or… wait. The Fey really really don't want the masquerade broken do they?

[X] Mab. Mab. Mab.
You know this whole thing is really funny to me… I mean what exactly is the government going to do? Declare state of emergency whenever Halloween comes around and nuke the country?
let's just not go the "I am a Young adult and therefore am capable of fixing any problem." route pls…

Surely it's more like "I am a Magical Girl and therefore am capable of fixing any problem". :V

But seriously, this is a mess. It's not as bad as I first thought, since it seems to be merely a poorly-considered approach to magic rather than a malicious attempt to murder Harry, but it's a mess that's going to be far harder to solve because it involves a widespread organization that I would prefer Molly not simply stab all the way through.

I expect calling Agent Wright or Cole will result in a lot of "Who are you and how did you get this number?" and security protocols kicking in to stall against Molly's influence and investigate her.

Murphy is probably too low-level and in the wrong branch to influence any of this as a cop.

Father Forthill doesn't even work for the government, nor for the White Council, so that's like Murphy but worse.

I want to suggest keep spying and stand by with popcorn until we have a better idea of what's going on, because right now stepping in seems like it could very easily make things a worse mess. But Forthill probably won't make things worse, at least. I am uncertain, and very willing to change my vote for good arguments!

[X] Go to Father Forthil like your dad suggested, see if there is anything he can do for Harry
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This probably won't get any traction, but this is just a complete clusterfuck waiting to explode into something even worse.

We have evidence of what basically amounts to government-sanctioned kidnapping of a White Council Warden in hopes of extorting him for intel and service. There is a decent chance that Ebeneezer will do something really bad in retaliation.

[X] Call Agent Cole with an...offer.
-[X] Find a payphone to use that doesn't have any nearby surveillance cameras.
--[X] Rather than making an offer just yet, however, have Clippy play pack the recorded conversation between Cole and Wright as an introduction.
---[X] Using Clippy to distort our voice, or better yet, having it speak for us, say, "You people seem well-meaning, in that overbearing and ineffectual government way we've all come to expect, but you are so far out of your depth here that it's honestly somewhat disturbing. The last thing you should be doing is alienating potential allies in some ham-handed attempt at gaining leverage on one of the Lawmakers, as you call them."
----[X] "This is your one and only chance to free Harry Dresden and clear his name before the problem escalates out of our control. Otherwise, I will have to bring your operation to the attention of the Lawmakers, and I can promise you they will not take kindly to the state-sanctioned kidnapping and attempted extortion of one of their agents."
-----[X] "It's not too late to avoid permanently damaging any future collaborations between your organization and the Lawmakers, but the longer this goes on, the less forgiving people will be."
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That would probably be the absolute worst thing to do, right beneath barging in while holding sword glowing green infernal fire.
I don't know what you're talking about. There's no way that summoning Mab and telling her that the US Government has busted open the Masquerade and kidnapped her favourite Wizard could possibly go wrong.

But yeah, I think this might be one to kick over to the Catholic Church. Get them to get a Cardinal to call the FBI and explain things - ideally they'll have someone on the Council's phone number too.

It probably also helps that the White Council is one of the factions in the setting most on the side of mortals. Like, they're literally fighting a war against the Vampires right now.
Im confused why people think mab would do anything. Some parts of the government knowing something is nothing new, and while she finds dresden interesting, she has no real reason or obligation to help him here.
This probably won't get any traction, but this is just a complete clusterfuck waiting to explode into something even worse.

We have evidence of what basically amounts to government-sanctioned kidnapping of a White Council Warden in hopes of extorting him for intel and service. There is a decent chance that Ebeneezer will do something really bad in retaliation.

[X] Call Agent Cole with an...offer.
-[X] Find a payphone to use that doesn't have any nearby surveillance cameras.
--[X] Rather than making an offer just yet, however, have Clippy play pack the recorded conversation between Cole and Wright as an introduction.
---[X] Using Clippy to distort our voice, or better yet, having it speak for us, say, "You people seem well-meaning, in that overbearing and ineffectual government way we've all come to expect, but you are so far out of your depth here that it's honestly somewhat disturbing. The last thing you should be doing is alienating potential allies in some ham-handed attempt at gaining leverage on one of the Lawmakers, as you call them."
----[X] "This is your one and only chance to free Harry Dresden and clear his name before the problem escalates out of our control."
-----[X] "It's not too late to avoid permanently damaging any future collaborations, but the longer this goes on, the less forgiving people will be."
My objection to this vote is that from Cole's perspective, it might sound like a bluff. It presents nothing new he can check, and nothing you offer to do. It's a lot of words to say "Let Harry go, OR ELSE" and his organization probably gets a hundred vaguely ominous "OR ELSE" threats every year from both wizards and gribblies. Why should he pay attention to this one?
Excellency dice would help convince Cole of Molly's personal sincerity, but that's unlikely to move his organization.

(agreed on the clusterfuck though)
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Even if we don't talk to them right now, and I can see the argument for why not (Dresden is a leverage against us, and needs to be let go first), I firmly believe that establishing a positive relationship with them is a good thing to try to do. This is like Dresden and Special Investigations. We could be their Dresden. Only better, and with more (nuclear) fire. We don't want them to stumble blindly, and they could be made a force for good.
Worst case we can always threaten him with a bigger and more obvious FUBAR situation than he ever experienced before.

If there's one thing Exalted are good at, it's doing obviously impossible stuff and causing collateral damage while glowing like a bonfire.
Semi serious suggestion. Is there any reason we shouldn't just call Agent Wright and explain who the White Council are, and that they've got a Magic Cop locked up in their basement. During a war with the Vampires.

Like, give them a primer on the supernatural broadly equivalent to what Marcone has and go from there.

Because they clearly don't know anything at the moment. They don't even know what the White Council's name is.
Frankly, having an actual government organization available to deal with the various monsters feeding on humans seems like a brilliant idea. Dresden is great but he's still only one guy and regular people with training, equipment, knowledge and some support could deal with a lot a lower level threats and do a great deal of good. Despite their heavy handed tactics we should try to establish a positive relationship with these people and help them.
Semi serious suggestion. Is there any reason we shouldn't just call Agent Wright and explain who the White Council are, and that they've got a Magic Cop locked up in their basement. During a war with the Vampires.

Like, give them a primer on the supernatural broadly equivalent to what Marcone has and go from there.

Because they clearly don't know anything at the moment. They don't even know what the White Council's name is.
This is what I am arguing for. This is the actual rational correct thing to do. These people are not even a scummy government conspiracy out to put chips in everyone's head. They are Mulder and Scully trying to get a grip on what the hell is going on and why there are suddenly monsters eating good law abiding american citizens. The "guys, you got a magical cop, during an active investigation into nazi necromancer conspiracy, which might be about to blow up" should at least get us a foot in the door.
My objection to this vote is that from Cole's perspective, it might sound like a bluff. It presents nothing new he can check, and nothing you offer to do. It's a lot of words to say "Let Harry go, OR ELSE" and his organization probably gets a hundred vaguely ominous "OR ELSE" threats every year from both wizards and gribblies. Why should he pay attention to this one?
Excellency dice would help convince Cole of Molly's personal sincerity, but that's unlikely to move his organization.

(agreed on the clusterfuck though)
Edited my plan to be a bit more clear.
[X] Call Agent Cole with an...offer.
-[X] Find a payphone to use that doesn't have any nearby surveillance cameras.
--[X] Rather than making an offer just yet, however, have Clippy play pack the recorded conversation between Cole and Wright as an introduction.
---[X] Using Clippy to distort our voice, or better yet, having it speak for us, say, "You people seem well-meaning, in that overbearing and ineffectual government way we've all come to expect, but you are so far out of your depth here that it's honestly somewhat disturbing. The last thing you should be doing is alienating potential allies in some ham-handed attempt at gaining leverage on one of the Lawmakers, as you call them."
----[X] "This is your one and only chance to free Harry Dresden and clear his name before the problem escalates out of our control. Otherwise, I will have to bring your operation to the attention of the Lawmakers, and I can promise you they will not take kindly to the state-sanctioned kidnapping and attempted extortion of one of their agents."
-----[X] "It's not too late to avoid permanently damaging any future collaborations between your organization and the Lawmakers, but the longer this goes on, the less forgiving people will be."
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This is what I am arguing for. This is the actual rational correct thing to do. These people are not even a scummy government conspiracy out to put chips in everyone's head. They are Mulder and Scully trying to get a grip on what the hell is going on and why there are suddenly monsters eating good law abiding american citizens. The "guys, you got a magical cop, during an active investigation into nazi necromancer conspiracy, which might be about to blow up" should at least get us a foot in the door.
I agree with this, even if they completely blow us off, which given our excellencies is unlikely, we haven't really lost much.
[X] Go to Father Forthil like your dad suggested, see if there is anything he can do for Harry

I was a bit worried at the idea of contacting the White Council, but Harry is out from under the Doom IIRC and selling members of the Council down the river to local governments is probably not a habit of theirs or there wouldn't be a White Council.
Wasn't the winning plan at the start of this to follow him so they could disappear Harry to a black site?

It sounds like they're using this frame job as an opportunity to make a move on the council, so it seems unlikely they'll keep him somewhere easy to get to for long and that legal niceties like innocence won't see him released.