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  • Pure narrative quest: no dice will be used, the author will have free reign to decide what happens.

    Votes: 25 59.5%
  • New dice system: the author will design a new, better dice system to add some randomness and risk.

    Votes: 17 40.5%

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Voting is open for the next 3 days, 17 hours
Strategic Withdrawal
[X] Let's just go to Agrithe. We've both had a really bad week, but we can still make it.

"Screw you guys, I'm going home!"
- Cartkith's dragon-self in the manakete children's story Marikara's Friend

Gently, you settle yourself next to Artemis. "Let's just go to Agrithe," you say softly. Artemis turns to look at you, but doesn't speak. "We've both had a really bad week, but we can still make it."

The human doesn't say anything for a few seconds before letting out a long-suffering sigh. "You're right," she says. "Not only is that the safest option, but it's also the smartest one. I know that, but…" she sniffles. "I… I still feel like I'm failing them. Axton. Lancel. Kelton. Spirits, I even feel like I'm failing Sypha, no matter how furious I am at her mother right now." She hugs herself, turning back to stare at the sky. "They're all in this mess because of me. It's all my fault-"

You gently start running a hand through Artemis's hair, just like Mother did for you when you were sad. "It's not your fault, Artemis," you say softly. "You didn't ask Robert or Mantrae to betray you. You didn't ask the bandits to hurt your friends or take Sypha away. Nothing that's happened is your fault."

Artemis lets out a weak laugh. "If convincing people of that were so easy, Ryza, survivor's guilt would not exist," she says. "But… thank you, for trying. For being so sweet." She reaches out and pulls you into a hug. "However bad things have gotten… I'm glad I met you, Ryza."

You nod, allowing the bigger girl to cuddle you. "I'm glad I met you too, Artemis," you say. "I'm glad I met you too."

The pair of you lay in silence for a few minutes before Artemis finally lets you go. "I'm sorry, I'm not usually this clingy," she says, sitting up. "It's just been a bad week, like you said."

"I'm fine with it," you say. "Father and Mother cuddled me all the time; it shows that you care."

Artemis smiles slightly before looking out over the horizon, her frown taking on a thoughtful air. "Now what do we do?" she asks, seemingly talking to herself as much as you. "It was dangerous enough on foot with just the bandits after us; with a full county's resources arrayed against us it'll never work. Even if not all of Countess Mantrae's people understand exactly what's going on; if she gives the order to bring us in her people will obey. We're also in more open ground, fewer forests around…"

You point up. "I can fly us there," you say. "I would have offered when we were at my home, but then we met Axton and Lancel and I couldn't carry all of you. Also, I still thought humans didn't like it when people bragged about having wings, so I didn't show them off."

Artemis grimaces. "I was worried about that," she says. "I… Ryza, please don't take this the wrong way, but your dragon-self seemed a bit…" She stops talking, but you nod.

"I understand," you say. "Dragons are emotional by their very nature. But I think I remember Father mentioning that there was a way around that; I'll have to take a look." You pat her head. "You should get some rest; you've had a long day."

"So have you, Ryza," Artemis says. "If this works out, I'm just going to be riding you all the way back to Agrithe after this: you need sleep far more than me. You can look up how to do it in the morning; but it'll be better for both of us if you're fully rested." She grimaces. "Besides, I was drugged and spent at least half the day sleeping; I'm not in the mood to sleep more today."

You're pretty sure that's not how the biology of sleep works, but as a yawn pulls itself from your throat, you nod. "Okay," you say, pulling your cloak out and wrapping yourself it in. "But if you get tired, feel free to wake me up and take a nap, I can use the time to read."

"I will, Ryza," Artemis says softly, reaching out and stroking your hair as you lay down, using your backpack as a pillow. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," you yawn again before closing your eyes and doing your best to drift off.

Despite your assurance to Artemis, you're a touch grouchy when she shakes you awake in what you hope is a few hours. "What?" you grouse, poking just enough of your head out from the relative warmth of your cloak for your eyes to be visible so you can glare at her.

"It'll be morning soon," Artemis says, rubbing slightly at her eyes as she does. "We probably won't be able to move safely during the day, but it will be warmer. Hopefully it won't take more than a day to figure out how to stabilize your transformation so we can get out of here."

You nod, reminding yourself that, however much you like to sleep, there are important things to be doing. "Alright," you say. "Close your eyes, get some rest. I'll see what I can figure out."

Artemis nods back, yawning herself. "Okay," she says. "May I use your backpack?"

"Sure, sure," you say, digging through it to pull out The Dragon Within before passing it over to her, along with your cloak. "Sleep well," you say.

Despite your words, it clearly takes Artemis a while to settle, especially as the sun starts peeking up over the horizon. Finally, however, you're able to get her down with a bit of humming of her mother's song. With a final gentle pat of her head; a reminder that no matter how much older she looks than you she's still only seventeen (Seventeen! Really, why had her parents let her go wandering?!), you carefully open the scroll to look for a solution to the current problem.

It takes a while to find it. You were sure you'd seen something when you were in Miau, but before you could look at it Artemis had gone out and started shooting the tree and you'd gotten distracted by talking to Axton about nobility and why humans did such weird things around each other. You frown, you hope Axton and Lancel and Kelton are okay. Mantrae… surely she wouldn't hurt them: she hadn't seemed like an evil person, even if she had lied to you and wanted to give Artemis to the bad men. She'd just been doing that to try and get her daughter back.

You'd do a lot of bad things to get Artemis back. You'd do even worse to get Father or Mother back.

Shaking yourself out of these thoughts, you refocus on the scroll: you need to get Artemis home, and to do that you need to get your dragon-self to work with you. Mother had just been starting to teach you about how to properly interact with that aspect of yourself when everything had gone wrong.

Finally, however, you find a section that looks promising. With one last glance at Artemis to make sure she's okay, you happily sink into the words.

On Half-Shifting

Even for older, more experienced manakete, there are times when a properly awakened and partnered dragon-self will be too much of a risk to unleash. After all, our dragons are our emotions given form and will, and thus will react immediately to any new situation, and not always in ways that our steadier hearts can predict or plan for. If you have been following the steps of the path, you will know that your heart can force a de-transformation if necessary, but doing so will leave you in your more vulnerable form, something that could also be disastrous. So what is to be done when you need your dragon's power but cannot risk their emotional outbursts?

As with all things, there is a solution to this conundrum. Through a special ritual, it is possible to induce what is known as a half-shift transformation. While your body will assume the shape of the dragon, your dragon-self's mind will remain in its usual state; be it torpor for a young manakete or passive for a manakete that has awakened. You will gain some of the benefits of your dragon form while still maintaining your heart's ability to plan and give measured responses to unexpected occurrences.

There are, of course, drawbacks to this ritual, or every manakete would use it continuously. The first and most obvious drawback is that your dragon-self will not appreciate your use of this ritual without good cause. They are you and you are them, and as such will accept that there are times when their emotional reactions will be to the detriment of your shared self. However, by their nature dragons wish to be allowed to fly free, to not be constrained or restrained. This is why young manakete's dragons are in torpor until their heart grows mature enough to awaken them; or they would too easily overwhelm their young heart and put everyone around them at risk. For awakened dragons, overuse of half-shifting will chafe and damage the trust between your twin selves, and thus should be used only when truly needed.

The second obvious drawback is the time and focus it takes to cast the ritual. Truly shifting into dragon form is an act of will that most manakete can do in an instant, as easy as breathing with even rudimentary training and emotional control. This careful, minimal transformation, however, can take tens of minutes if not hours of careful concentration and arcane focus, something that is ill-suited for an emergency.

The third drawback, less obvious than the others but still important to consider, is that half-shifting will severely weaken your draconic strength while in effect, both magical and physical. While you will still be superior to your heart-form's power, it will not be nearly as wide a gap as when you allow your dragon take the fore. After all, it is from emotions that dragons draw the power to carry out their wondrous and terrible acts. With a more tranquil transformation, that drive and energy will be lost, leaving a weaker dragon behind. Your magic, especially, will be as a trickling spring compared to a raging river, as much of your power will be tied up maintaining your half-shifted form.

With all these serious drawbacks in mind, a reader might ask why any manakete would ever take this path. However, there are several benefits to consider. First, of course, is the greater ability to remain calm in tense and unexpected situations. Where a dragon-form might instinctively lash out against an unpleasant surprise or threat, a half-shifted form would be able to take the time to assess the situation and determine the wisest course of action. After all, remember,
dragons do not plan: they act. Careless action can and has led to terrible tragedy in the past. A steady heart, however, can avert trouble with a calm, reasoned response backed by the relative strength of their partial draconic form.

Another boon of half-shifting is the ability to maintain a semi-draconic form for a longer period of time. While true dragon-forms are tied to emotional upheaval and will fade as soon as the emotion is spent, a half-shifted form can go on for hours. There have even been recorded cases of half-shifts that have lasted for days, though those were exceptional circumstances that
should not be undertaken except in the most-dire of emergencies. This is especially true of younger manakete: those who have not awakened their dragon-self. Not only have their powers not fully developed, but their dragon will not be able to advise them as to the limits of their form, potentially leading to overexertion.


You nod along as you read through the steps of the ritual. It'll be hard: even with all the practice you've had with Father and your natural magical talent you think it'll take an hour or so for you to actually carry it out. However, it sounds perfect for what you need! You won't be fighting anyone, and the warning about not using half-shift for too long can easily be rendered moot by simply flying in short bursts of two or three hours, stopping to rest, then re-shifting to keep going. You'll still make a lot more progress than if you were walking, and it'll be safer than letting your dragon take control and do whatever she wants to do.

Twisting the scroll back to the proper place, you kneel and pull your stone out: no sense in waiting. After all, taking into account re-reading the steps of the ritual, doing a few safe test-runs, then finally casting it in full, it will probably be nearly nightfall by the time you're ready.

As your wings extend and your ears lengthen, you can't help but feel a giddy smile splitting your face. Artemis will be so pleased with you!


You flinch back as Artemis screams and scrambles to get out from under your cloak. "It's okay, it's okay, it's just me!" you say quickly, your muzzle twisting oddly as you speak. You're not quite sure how dragon-you does it so easily.

The human peeks out from behind her arm, her mouth opening and closing. "Is… is that heart-Ryza, or dragon-Ryza," she asks finally, pressing a hand to her rapidly-beating heart.

"Both! I'm half-shifted. I figured out how to make it so we can safely fly to Agrithe," you say proudly, turning in place so she can look at all of you. "Do you like it?"

From what you'd been able to puzzle out, you wouldn't look that much different from if you truly shifted. You still have your big wings, your shiny yellow-gold scales, sharp claws, and teeth. More than that, you feel strong. You'd been able to lift a rock that you didn't think you'd even have been able to budge in your heart-form, and that had felt good. You'd be able to pick up Artemis easily! Who cares if fully-shifted you could probably have lifted triple that.

Then you'd heard Artemis shifting, and you'd decided to go show her what you'd accomplished. In hindsight, maybe doing so by nudging her face with your muzzle so that you were the first thing she saw when she woke might have been a bit much.

Clearly still trying to catch her breath, Artemis shifts to sit up against your bag. "Ryza, I'm not sure where dr… manakete culture stands on the issue," she says, "but for humans, waking someone up by staring directly into their faces from an inch away is considered rude. Doing so when you look like you could eat me in a single bite is… unnerving."

… yeah, definitely a bit much.

"Sorry," you say sadly, laying down and lowering your head in contrition. "I just thought you'd like to see what I'd accomplished."

Artemis takes a few more deep breaths before looking you over. "I will admit, you do look quite beautiful," she says.

"Thank you!" you say, unable to stop yourself from preening a bit. "You look really pretty too!"

Artemis laughs. "Ryza, you don't need to lie for my sake," she says, gesturing to her tangled hair and the bags under her eyes. "We both know I'm far from my best." Her face takes on a more serious expression. "So, will this 'half-shift' work for flying?"

"Yep," you say. "You look pretty light, so I should be able to carry you for a few hours at least. I can't spend too long in this form; according to Smagishi it's not safe, but we'll still be able to go for quite a while."

Artemis nods, glancing up at the sky. "Well, it's getting dark, so if you're willing we can get started," she says. "But there is one last thing we should think about: flying during the day." She gestures at you. "You stick out, Ryza. A lot. While from the ground it would probably be hard to tell you apart from a wyvern, especially if you tuck your front legs in-"

"I do not look like a wyvern!" you say. "My tail isn't as long, my torso's wider, my-"

Artemis raises a placating hand. "My apologies, Ryza, I did not mean to offend you," she says.

You shake your head. "I'm not offended," you say. "Wyverns look really elegant, but they look more like Green manakete than Yellow manakete."

"Really?" Artemis says. "I would have thought they'd be more like Red…" she shakes her head. "Never mind; I don't want to waste your transformation's time, but it is important to talk about this." She leans back. "The safest thing to do would be to fly only at night, resting during the day. That would make it harder to track us, and it would certainly make you nearly invisible." She grimaces. "However… it will be slower. If we fly during the day, then we'll go a lot faster. We'll almost certainly be seen, but if you tuck your front legs in, almost nobody would be able to tell the difference between you and a wyvern. While wyverns are rare, they're not unheard of, so it might not be catastrophic if you were seen flying overhead."

You cock your head. "Do you want to go faster?"

Artemis takes a breath before reaching out and running a hand along your muzzle, causing you to lean instinctively into her pat. "Ryza, this should be your decision. It's your life, your nature, that would be at risk. There are benefits and risks to both sides, and whichever you decide I will support it fully, but it should be your choice."

What do you decide to do?

[] Travel only at night. You will be less likely to be spotted, and in general you'll be better rested. However, it will take noticeably longer to get back to Agrithe. You will have time to do some fun things while you're resting (Choose one activity).
-[] Read a scroll (What scroll will you read?)
-[] Begin practicing White magic
-[] Talk to Artemis about what the world is like.

[] Travel as fast as you can, resting only when needed. This will make your journey far shorter; it will also be nearly impossible for Countess Mantrae's people to catch up. However, you're almost certain to be spotted, and may even have a notable encounter (Choose one encounter).
-[] A wing of curious Pegasus Knights intercept you.
-[] You get the drop on a group of bandits.
-[] A mysterious stranger runs into you while you rest.
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[] Travel as fast as you can, resting only when needed. This will make your journey far shorter; it will also be nearly impossible for Countess Mantrae's people to catch up. However, you're almost certain to be spotted, and may even have a notable encounter (Choose oneencounter).
[]A wing of curious Pegasus Knights intercept you.

All the choices look nice to me, but I'll just pick this for now.

Edit: Changing my vote cause of discussion.

[X] Travel only at night. You will be less likely to be spotted, and in general you'll be better rested. However, it will take noticeably longer to get back to Agrithe. You will have time to do some fun things while you're resting (Choose one activity).
-[X] Read a scroll (What scroll will you read?)
--[X] The Dragon Within
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All the choices look nice to me, but I'll just pick this for now.
That would blow the existence of dragons wide open, and that's really not in Ryza's interest. We want people to believe they're all extinct for as long as possible.

Almost as bad, when they see a dragon carrying someone they'll naturally try to rescue the person by attacking the dragon.

@SoaringHawk218, is there anything still to be gained from reading The Dragon Within?
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I'm a bit cautious about the half-shifting state and its drawbacks. But hopefully, it won't be a major issue for now.

Plenty of good options, I agree. I would prefer traveling during the night and talking with Artemis during the day. I'm not sure we will have such a perfect time to talk with her without interruptions. We will be stuck inside Artemis's home afterwards.
be it torpor for a young manakete or passive for a manakete that has awakening.
Was this supposed to be "awakened"?

"Ryza, I'm not sure were dr… manakete culture stands on the issue,"

[X] Travel only at night. You will be less likely to be spotted, and in general you'll be better rested. However, it will take noticeably longer to get back to Agrithe. You will have time to do some fun things while you're resting (Choose one activity).
-[X] Read a scroll (What scroll will you read?)
--[X] The Dragon Within

I'm pretty sure Ryza skimmed over some important details while she was looking for the half-shifting information. We should make sure we know anything that might be relevant before it comes up.

Also, I really don't want to get spotted in dragon form right now.
[X] Travel only at night. You will be less likely to be spotted, and in general you'll be better rested. However, it will take noticeably longer to get back to Agrithe. You will have time to do some fun things while you're resting (Choose one activity).
-[X] Read a scroll (What scroll will you read?)
--[X] The Dragon Within

There were enough details to raise my concern during Ryza's speed-reading that I'm willing to suppress my initial instinct to vote for talking with Artemis about the world for info in favor of properly reading the scroll.

I'm not in the mood to sleep more today."

You're pretty sure that's not how the biology of sleep works
Sorry, Ryza, but I'm on Team Artemis here. :V
[X] Travel only at night. You will be less likely to be spotted, and in general you'll be better rested. However, it will take noticeably longer to get back to Agrithe. You will have time to do some fun things while you're resting (Choose one activity).
-[X] Read a scroll (What scroll will you read?)
--[X] The Dragon Within

While @Ando Owen makes a thoughtful point about wanting to talk with Artemis while there's time, I think I'm partial to sorting out dragon transformation issues as soon as possible. Awakening in particular sounds important, and the path sounds like a method of managing emotions.
[X] Travel only at night. You will be less likely to be spotted, and in general you'll be better rested. However, it will take noticeably longer to get back to Agrithe. You will have time to do some fun things while you're resting (Choose one activity).
-[X] Read a scroll (What scroll will you read?)
--[X] The Dragon Within

Dragon training, lets go.

[X] Travel only at night. You will be less likely to be spotted, and in general you'll be better rested. However, it will take noticeably longer to get back to Agrithe. You will have time to do some fun things while you're resting (Choose one activity).
-[X] Read a scroll (What scroll will you read?)
--[X] The Dragon Within
[X] Travel as fast as you can, resting only when needed. This will make your journey far shorter; it will also be nearly impossible for Countess Mantrae's people to catch up. However, you're almost certain to be spotted, and may even have a notable encounter (Choose oneencounter).
-[X] A mysterious stranger runs into you while you rest.

I think making time as quickly as possible is a good idea, because we do still have comrades to rescue. Also... the mystery box is enticing me.
[X] Travel as fast as you can, resting only when needed. This will make your journey far shorter; it will also be nearly impossible for Countess Mantrae's people to catch up. However, you're almost certain to be spotted, and may even have a notable encounter (Choose oneencounter).
-[X] A mysterious stranger runs into you while you rest.
[X] Travel only at night. You will be less likely to be spotted, and in general you'll be better rested. However, it will take noticeably longer to get back to Agrithe. You will have time to do some fun things while you're resting (Choose one activity).
-[X] Read a scroll (What scroll will you read?)
--[X] The Dragon Within
Hey @SoaringHawk218, out of curiosity, do dragon forms get bigger and stronger as a Manakete gets older, and do they get stronger from exercise, or are they mostly a magical construct that's not strictly biological?

Also, how far is the trip? Even at a pretty sedate speed for something of her size (perhaps 30mph or 40mph, like a large bird), flying things cover a lot of distance very quickly. If Ryza spends half her time resting, and it's summer so the nights are short, that's still covering at least 150 miles in a night.

For the curious I looked up horse travel stats. A typical fit horse can make about 50 miles in a day trip, or 20-30 miles a day on longer trips. The world distance speed record is 100 miles in 5 hours, 45 minutes, for an average speed of 17mph. Ryza shouldn't have to worry too much about a rider keeping up past the distance where the horse can sustain a sprint, even if she's only traveling at night. Especially since terrain will almost always force a rider to travel a longer distance, and I don't know how they'd track a flier at night.
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[X] Travel as fast as you can, resting only when needed. This will make your journey far shorter; it will also be nearly impossible for Countess Mantrae's people to catch up. However, you're almost certain to be spotted, and may even have a notable encounter (Choose one encounter).
-[X] A wing of curious Pegasus Knights intercept you.
@TaliesinSkye I don't really have hard numbers, but early on I mentioned that it would take a riding Artemis and company about a week to get from the point where the ambush happened to Agrithe. Using your numbers, and assuming that Artemis was rounding down a bit, gives me a very rough number of about 500ish miles. Cut some off for the trip to Legerius castle, and we're about 400-450 miles left. Again, these are very rough numbers.

As for dragon size; yes, dragons get a lot bigger and stronger as they grow. Ryza's about thirteen feet long: decent size for a wyvern, but small for a dragon. Growth generally slows at about thirty feet long, though Ryza's mother, who's the biggest dragon she knew, was thirty-five feet long (Her father sometimes joked that she had some Red in her.)

As for exercise... it's hard to describe. The exact connection between heart-form and dragon-form was a continuous source of debate and discussion. It's known that they're connected: if a heart-form loses an arm, the dragon-form will lose the corresponding leg and vice-versa, but the connection isn't perfect. If for no other reason then, if it was, heart-forms would have to eat ridiculous amounts of food to maintain their draconic bodies, but that isn't true.

In short, magical shapeshifting is weird.
[X] Travel as fast as you can, resting only when needed. This will make your journey far shorter; it will also be nearly impossible for Countess Mantrae's people to catch up. However, you're almost certain to be spotted, and may even have a notable encounter (Choose one encounter).
-[X] A wing of curious Pegasus Knights intercept you.
As for exercise... it's hard to describe. The exact connection between heart-form and dragon-form was a continuous source of debate and discussion. It's known that they're connected: if a heart-form loses an arm, the dragon-form will lose the corresponding leg and vice-versa, but the connection isn't perfect. If for no other reason then, if it was, heart-forms would have to eat ridiculous amounts of food to maintain their draconic bodies, but that isn't true.

In short, magical shapeshifting is weird.
Perhaps the transition from heart-form to dragon-form uses the heart-form as a sort of template to build the dragon-form's shape off of. That would explain why an injured heart-form would produce an injured dragon-form, but not necessarily vice versa, and why a grown adult heart-form would make a larger dragon-form, as would a very strong heart-form make a physically strong dragon-form.

There could be a second factor in there too, where because the dragon-form is made with or out of magic, the more the manakete develops their magical core and abilities the larger and more powerful the dragon-form can become. It would stand to reason then that the biggest and strongest dragon-forms belong to manaketes who are healthy, strong adults with very well-developed magical abilities. (Aside from the racial differences in size, anyway.)

Feel free to borrow some or all of that if you like.
[X] Travel only at night. You will be less likely to be spotted, and in general you'll be better rested. However, it will take noticeably longer to get back to Agrithe. You will have time to do some fun things while you're resting (Choose one activity).
-[X] Read a scroll (What scroll will you read?)
--[X] The Dragon Within

So. The wandering albatross, with a wingspan of 11 feet, can travel 40 mph for 500 miles in a day. Quetzalcoatlus is suspected to have been capable of 80 mph.

A top-notch horse bred for endurance in the present day can get about 100 miles in a full day's ride. Going out to worst-plausible-case where Mantrae's people know the terrain and can straight-line their horses and know the exact direction...

Yeah, we should be able to travel by night and get there inside of a couple days. Big flying things are fast, and skipping terrain makes them faster.
[X] Travel only at night. You will be less likely to be spotted, and in general you'll be better rested. However, it will take noticeably longer to get back to Agrithe. You will have time to do some fun things while you're resting (Choose one activity).
-[X] Read a scroll (What scroll will you read?)
--[X] The Dragon Within
[X] Travel only at night. You will be less likely to be spotted, and in general you'll be better rested. However, it will take noticeably longer to get back to Agrithe. You will have time to do some fun things while you're resting (Choose one activity).
-[X] Read a scroll (What scroll will you read?)
--[X] The Dragon Within

So. The wandering albatross, with a wingspan of 11 feet, can travel 40 mph for 500 miles in a day. Quetzalcoatlus is suspected to have been capable of 80 mph.

A top-notch horse bred for endurance in the present day can get about 100 miles in a full day's ride. Going out to worst-plausible-case where Mantrae's people know the terrain and can straight-line their horses and know the exact direction...

Yeah, we should be able to travel by night and get there inside of a couple days. Big flying things are fast, and skipping terrain makes them faster.
To be fair to the QM, there are some factors going in the other direction.

The first is that Ryza needs frequent rests for safety, so it's not a 24/7 flight. The migrating birds that make crazy distances do it in part by flying even while they're asleep. (Somehow. Maybe they do that right brain/left brain thing dolphins do?)

The second is that while real world physics dictates that larger things generally have a higher stall speed (and thus must travel faster, although they have proportionally much larger muscles and only incrementally higher drag which means they can) manaketes can float by magic, so their stall speed is zero. So they don't need to be able to travel particularly fast in order to not fall out of the sky.

Dragons also aren't the most aerodynamic things ever.

And we know that half-transformed dragons are maybe a third of the strength of their fully transformed selves.

Still, given how strong they are I suspect they could tear through the sky in a sprint. Especially since they can devote most or all of their strength to pushing air back since they don't need to push down to stay aloft. Long distance travel tends to be considerably slower than sprint speeds though.
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[x] Travel only at night. You will be less likely to be spotted, and in general you'll be better rested. However, it will take noticeably longer to get back to Agrithe. You will have time to do some fun things while you're resting (Choose one activity).
-[x] Read a scroll (What scroll will you read?)
--[x] The Dragon Within
[X] Travel only at night. You will be less likely to be spotted, and in general you'll be better rested. However, it will take noticeably longer to get back to Agrithe. You will have time to do some fun things while you're resting (Choose one activity).
-[X] Read a scroll (What scroll will you read?)
--[X] The Dragon Within
Voting is open for the next 3 days, 17 hours