Digging for Nations in the Desert (No SV, You are a Micronation in the End of the World)

[X] Plan Gunpoint Diplomacy
-[X] The Majestic and Mighty Lands of Wài Tiāntáng, Lords of the War and Desert, Breakers of the Swordsmen. Wài Tiāntáng for short.
-[X] Lorde (with an 'e')
--[X] Get a translator.
--[X] Free villages under Islamist control near (or better yet, within) our borders. Aim for minimal collateral damage.
--[X] Offer them safety and eventual prosperity in exchange for fealty to our new nation. Not threatening, past the passive intimidation of being responsible for whatever shenanigans we do during the liberation step
---[X] If somehow the majority of the village agrees we extend our borders out to them
---[X] If not we take what people who want to come with us (and their stuff) back to Wài Tiāntáng
--[X] Recruit interested parties to our army, with guns from bunker and training from us. No kids.
--[X] Army lets us scale up liberation/recruitment efforts.
--[X] Keep an eye out for people with experience in various fields (agriculture, mining, construction, assorted sciences) to advise us. Also medics/doctors for our people.
--[X] Set up Sustenance Agriculture using our water resources ASAP
--[X] Get a construction crew going for housing, general infrastructure
--[X] Once everyone is fed and housed and such, start in on education and mining.
--[X] If we bumble into enough experienced researchers/engineers for it to matter then try to give them the resources to ply their craft as well.
--[X] if at any point our micro-neighbors end up in military duress from all the civil war, negotiate with them to try leverage some type of military alliance to get more resources/people (or gain control of them as a province of ours in the absolute best case). If they're starving, do the same for food if it won't cause our own people trouble.

Aiming for the "use Military rolls to do diplomacy towards people you're offering protection to" angle to address our immediate needs: people and the physical resources needed to set up our industries. Gotta play to our strengths, after all.

Once we have the ability to feed people that combined with our pile-o'-guns should make it feasible to poke into these warzones for profit on an even bigger scale. If we get enough people/resources we can also start on mining for better economy, and probably some type of scientific development (both because we get a bonus to R&D and because science seems like a generally good time)

Names taken from other plans (wanted to play it safe on short title, and the 'e' in Lorde still adds a fun, pretentious flair), if @Doccer or @Cyberphilosipher objects I will change them.
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Micronation Name Arsenal
Amazing, though one thing I will add:

since Li Mai is a mercenary soldier, when she's on the field, her special abilities become 50% cheaper while she is still alive.
[X] Elesebeth Spencer has a few more insane ideas.

She just petitioned the UK to become a Commonwealth nation and has called up a few Tommy's who were her friends that fought in the Emergency and their families.

She's got a crack special forces outfit, and a very strong base to start building her infrastructure... but has also no tools to use them.
Did you mean "Objectives" as in "where do you see your micronation in 10 years?" or "what are you doing with the next 6 months?" Because I'm seeing a lot of column A, no column B, and I don't want us to screw ourselves thereby.
Objectives are for the next five years!
Hm... So I have but one question?

Do you all think that we are off to a good start?
So do you all want dice rolls linked do you want the rolls to be accepted based on trust?

I only ask because that will save on several minutes of writing time for formatting.
So do you all want dice rolls linked do you want the rolls to be accepted based on trust?

I only ask because that will save on several minutes of writing time for formatting.
I think if we can't trust our QM we have bigger problems, so personally I'm ok with it not being linked. We'll see how everyone else feels.

Speaking of everyone else, if anyone has any thoughts on my plan feel free to offer them, I'm happy to alter it if there's a good reason. The primary goals will remain the same (make the most of our high military bonus and try to swing it into getting situated best we can) so it shouldn't be too unstable either.
[X] Plan Gunpoint Diplomacy

Honestly based on the map if we are the middle nation, I would like to take over the nation to our left first so we can concentrate on the other two if hostile. Hopefully we can diplo annex them, However once we have food, housing, Basic industry and Education set up, and we still havent diplo annexed them I'm for conquest.

I trust ya not to link it, I would still prefer the number to be there so I can see the rolls (especially with some of your rolls). But unless we get a bunch of nat 1's then i trust ya, and in that case I will prefer them linked.
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Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Mar 19, 2022 at 5:15 PM, finished with 23 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan Outside of Heaven
    -[X] The Majestic and Mighty Lands of Wài Tiāntáng, Lords of the War and Desert, Breakers of the Swordsmen.
    --[X] The Mighty Mercenary Lord of Man, She Who Conquered the Desert and Commander of the Armies. AKA Lord of Generals or Just Lord.
    [X] Plan Gunpoint Diplomacy
    -[X] The Majestic and Mighty Lands of Wài Tiāntáng, Lords of the War and Desert, Breakers of the Swordsmen. Wài Tiāntáng for short.
    -[X] [Title] Lorde (with an 'e')
    -[X] [Objectives]
    --[X] Get a translator.
    --[X] Free villages under Islamist control near (or better yet, within) our borders. Aim for minimal collateral damage.
    --[X] Offer them safety and eventual prosperity in exchange for fealty to our new nation. Not threatening, past the passive intimidation of being responsible for whatever shenanigans we do during the liberation step
    ---[X] If somehow the majority of the village agrees we extend our borders out to them
    ---[X] If not we take what people who want to come with us (and their stuff) back to Wài Tiāntáng
    --[X] Recruit interested parties to our army, with guns from bunker and training from us. No kids.
    --[X] Army lets us scale up liberation/recruitment efforts.
    --[X] Keep an eye out for people with experience in various fields (agriculture, mining, construction, assorted sciences) to advise us. Also medics/doctors for our people.
    --[X] Set up Sustenance Agriculture using our water resources ASAP
    --[X] Get a construction crew going for housing, general infrastructure
    --[X] Once everyone is fed and housed and such, start in on education and mining.
    --[X] If we bumble into enough experienced researchers/engineers for it to matter then try to give them the resources to ply their craft as well.
    --[X] if at any point our micro-neighbors end up in military duress from all the civil war, negotiate with them to try leverage some type of military alliance to get more resources/people (or gain control of them as a province of ours in the absolute best case). If they're starving, do the same for food if it won't cause our own people trouble.
    [X] [Plan] I want peace dammit!
    -[X] [Name] Green Hearth, Paradise Of Badasses!
    -[X] [Title] Lorde (with an 'e')
    -[X] [Objectives]
    --[X] To build up a paradise worthy of all your days.
    ---[X] Then make your Father Public Enemy #1
    --[X] Free Health Care
    --[X] To celebrate all our success by proposeing to my wife to remarry her. On our villa!
    [X] Elesebeth Spencer has a few more insane ideas.
Honestly based on the map if we are the middle nation, I would like to take over the nation to our left first so we can concentrate on the other two if hostile. Hopefully we can diplo annex them, However once we have food, housing, Basic industry and Education set up, and we still havent diplo annexed them I'm for conquest.
We're actually the eastern most nation.

As for building we're going to need to start recruiting. Both in and out of country.
Honestly based on the map if we are the middle nation, I would like to take over the nation to our left first so we can concentrate on the other two if hostile. Hopefully we can diplo annex them, However once we have food, housing, Basic industry and Education set up, and we still havent diplo annexed them I'm for conquest.
I'm worried that trying to annex one without cause might make the others turn on us, which is why I only went for that in a case where they were under threat we could alleviate. It's a good point though, we gotta take them eventually.

Well that and approaching them for a friendly chat carries our penalty and our increased failure cost.
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I'm worried that trying to annex one without cause might make the others turn on us, which is why I only went for that in a case where they were under threat we could alleviate. It's a good point though, we gotta take them eventually.

Well that and approaching them for a friendly chat carries our penalty and our increased failure cost.
Well here is one thing to note, just for the sake of being very clear.

There are only 30 people in this entire area that are trying to settle it.

You and all the other adventures.

Here is something to make also clear:

One of them has family in Alexandria, and that city is currently under siege from a lot of angry Islamist's who may want to murder the Christian's who live there.

And he might say recognize you as head of a micro nation if you join him as a helping hand.

There are a few that are like that. Though I will say that if you get everyone to join you, then things will be both easier and far more difficult.
Well here is one thing to note, just for the sake of being very clear.

There are only 30 people in this entire area that are trying to settle it.

You and all the other adventures.

Here is something to make also clear:

One of them has family in Alexandria, and that city is currently under siege from a lot of angry Islamist's who may want to murder the Christian's who live there.

And he might say recognize you as head of a micro nation if you join him as a helping hand.

There are a few that are like that. Though I will say that if you get everyone to join you, then things will be both easier and far more difficult.
Elizabeth will make things very "interesting" for us.
Well here is one thing to note, just for the sake of being very clear.

There are only 30 people in this entire area that are trying to settle it.

You and all the other adventures.

Here is something to make also clear:

One of them has family in Alexandria, and that city is currently under siege from a lot of angry Islamist's who may want to murder the Christian's who live there.

And he might say recognize you as head of a micro nation if you join him as a helping hand.

There are a few that are like that. Though I will say that if you get everyone to join you, then things will be both easier and far more difficult.
Y'know, if one of those groups wasn't special forces that would probably be in "kill them all" range.

Also is there any way to go figure out what everyone else wants without having to social roll them?
[X] Plan Gunpoint Diplomacy

That unit list feels like a c&c unit/structures list. Feels like a mashup of the GLA and Chinese.
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