Between the Darkstars (NO SV, TRY AND CONQUER THE GALAXY!)

Character Creation Part 2: Education and Godless Mutations
Character Creation Part 2: Education and Godless Mutations

Name: Ellera Sigmadohtor
Age: 23
Fertility : 105% (+5 to Pregnancy Rolls)

Diplomacy: D20 => 3

Martial: D20 => 20

Stewardship: D20 => 15

Intrigue: D20 => 9

Learning: D20 => 9

Piety: D20 => 1

Personal Combat: D20 => 2

Main Supporters: The Military Union Party: War. The only constant in the universe. It may be a sad fact but we cannot do anything about it. We can only prepare for the next one and honor the veterans and the fallen of the previous ones. (Gain 1 Martial Action, and Unlock Special Military Projects)


Mutant: You are a Human being that is in some way, changed by the passage of Evolution. (+1 Learning and Martial, +1 rest)

-[X]Ambitious: "Chaos is a ladder." (+2 to Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue & Learning, reduced liege opinion. Special Actions available)

-[X]Natural Leader: "One victory does not make us conquerors!" (+5 Martial, +5 to Diplomacy and Martial Rolls)

-[X]Just: The ideal against which all others are weighed against. (+3 Stewardship, +3 Learning. +5 to all rolls involving laws, public relations and reputation)

-[X]Wrathful: What can men do against such reckless hate? (+2 Martial, Negative Opinion from those who do not have the Wrathful Trait. Can evolve into the Righteous Fury Trait)

-[X]Warmonger: You're of the Opinion that you should GIVE WAR A CHANCE! (+3 Martial, -3 Diplomacy and Intrigue, +5 to all Martial Rolls)

[X]Lustful: With winter ever encroaching, is it so terrible to seek warmth in each other at every chance? (-2 Piety, Negative Opinion from those who have the Zealous, Judgmental, Spiritual and Dogmatic Traits. +10 rolls involving sex)


Spec Ops Commander: In Life, especially now you are an Officer of Special Forces, the best of the Best , surgical strikes or just hitting the enemy where it hurts that's your Motto. (+3 Martial, +6 Personal Combat. +10 to Personal Combat and Martial Rolls during a ground invasion or Battle.)


(Ellera POV)

"Do we have to do education and DNA Recording, we are burning time as it is?" You said trying to hide your modesty as you walked out of the scanner.

"As a Mutant, your DNA is prone to the wildest and incomprehensible level of either regeneration or degradation. We don't want you to literally degenerate into a puddle by accident because your DNA mutated at the worst possible time." The Doctor said.

"At least bring in a handsome man or woman with soft hands to make it interesting at least." You said.

"With your reputation I wouldn't doubt you would enjoy it." He said. "After all you'll have a hard enough time with the baggage of being a Mutant. Too many "Homo-Superior" supremacists in the galaxy these days. Last thing we need is another sex scandle to hound you again."

"I'm not apologizing. I got consent." You said.

"And I believe you, but the tabloid press loves a scandal to keep their papers running." He said.

"At least you finished your education…Speaking of which is?" He asked


What is your Education:

[]In Diplomacy and Public Relations: It is one thing to be popular, it is another thing to use charisma and PR to your government's advantage. And that alone is worth its weight in gold. Traditionally the Director-General has been trained in the arts of Diplomacy. As it has been used to Justify and keep the wider powers away. And make agreements that benefit the Hegemony time and time again. Like Great-Grandma Iris, she managed to annex and secure the modern day borders of the Hegemony by talking people into thinking it was a good idea. (Gain Diplomacy Education)

[]In War and Battle and the Conflict that comes with it: Warriors have rarely sat in the Hegemonies throne, as they were far more useful in the field than behind the desk on the throne. But things put into perspective, and these Warriors have etched their names into the Stars and the Hegemonies History with Brutality and even handedness every time. Like GREAT GREAT Grandpa Cyran, He was called the Butcher of Blightstar way and killed A LOT Of people in his time, but still found a way to die at the age of 104. (Gain Military Education)

[]In the finer points of Bureaucracy: An Empire is not forged by the Sword…it is forged by bureaucrats and Tax Codes. Ancestor Vern, the Codifier, managed to make sure it could run even without the fear of overextension. At least for a time…three centuries was a long time for a tax code. (Gain Stewardship Education)

[]In Spycraft, and Secret Policing, and other unpleasant things: Great Great Great Sigman the Lawgiver was many things, a Monster was one of them…but by the Lords of Terra, you had to admire his information network…he made with a pile of bodies the Modern Security apparatus of the Hegemony. (Gain Intrigue Education)

[]In the Sciences and Recovery of Lost Technology: So much was lost. So much can be regained if we just work for it. Desmond the Giver disappeared looking for the LOST Technology of the Old Era. (Gain Learning Education)

[]In a Convent: You were originally sent to a convent to stay out of trouble…didn't work out but you learned of the higher spirit nature of man . (Gain Piety Education)


Mutation Quality: D100 => 92 #Mutation Quality

Now…Mutations are…complicated.

Complicated enough that people try not to talk about them.

"Alright…what is your Mutation?"

[]Write in. (THINK X MEN or SUPERHERO POWERS you rolled a 90+)

NO OVERPOWERED ONES! You didn't roll a Nat 100.

AN: Well lets go and have fun with this thing.

Plan format it.

That 2 personal combat.:lol::rofl:
Really, for a special forces officer, our skills are pretty much exclusively in management!:lol::rofl:
To be fair, Special Forces officers normally stay OFF the battlefield and don't go on unless things go to shit.

Also education traits haven't been factored yet. keep that in mind.

Also enjoy the freedom of Mutations, you can be quite powerful without having an OP Power.
I think we have negative piety, or 0, i am not sure. We should have -1 but Mutant gives +1 to rest, although it already gave +1 Learning and Martial.

We made Piety the dumpstat and decided to throw it all at Martial.
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[]Limited time manipulation: Focused mostly on the self, she could 'rewind' time on her body to undo injuries, and relocate to where she was at the time she rewound to. Or she could choose to rewind he surroundings leaving her untouched, making it so she effectively teleports with some knowledge of the future, though with great difficulty.
Is this maybe too OP. Did not specify limits though I was thinking maybe at most an hour limit.

[]Disaster Sense: Some people have a gut instinct. She has something far more than that, which can help warn of problems. Only issue is, it doesn't exactly tell what, and while it helps in not dying, it is hard to tell what exactly it is, and how to mitigate/stop it.
This is well. Disaster sense, which. As written, it intended to be very useful, but also limited due to the fact that yes it can tell her if a disaster is incoming through a sense of foreboding. But, it doesn't help figuring out what said disaster is, besides maybe nudges to avoid dying.
Is this maybe too OP. Did not specify limits though I was thinking maybe at most an hour limit.
Yeah...A little Too OP, Sorry.

This is well. Disaster sense, which. As written, it intended to be very useful, but also limited due to the fact that yes it can tell her if a disaster is incoming through a sense of foreboding. But, it doesn't help figuring out what said disaster is, besides maybe nudges to avoid dying.
[X]Disaster Sense: Some people have a gut instinct. She has something far more than that, which can help warn of problems. Only issue is, it doesn't exactly tell what, and while it helps in not dying, it is hard to tell what exactly it is, and how to mitigate/stop it.

Personally voting for this. Cause it is both useful, potential for INTERESTING things.("This is supposed to be a peaceful trip, why are you acting like we are charging into an active battle-zone??" "I Don't know! All I know is SOMETHING is gonna happen! I just know it!")
An it may help keep us alive considering how low combat skill is, and everything else.
Why not?

I counted a bit, and we have 35 Martial, plus a +10 to Martial rolls.
yeah. the plan went strongly on martial, and even with bad rolls overall the dice really helped with it. we are basically a master commander with few in any equals.

we have good stewardship, a decent learning and an ok intrigue too which is nice. Diplomacy is worrying though, even if we have +5 to rolls with it
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how about metal manipulation for a power? Magneto like, or something more about transforming the metal's properties

also what about kind of a speed things? maybe like time manipulation allowing us to speed ourselves up in relation to the surrounding to do things faster?

or perhaps some kind of a charm thing. we can change the way people feel and think, though the effects wear off as soon as they are no longer nearby