Seizansha: How Do I Survive Highschool With Voices In My Head?

"Curse you Being X."
Anyway, it would be quite nice if you could make an information treadmark for posts like these.

So it's easier for people to find answers to questions like these, or maybe just have a place where all the answers you've been asked about the story are. (It might seem a bit early to have this but it would be nice.)

True, true :0 not immediately though but ye I'll do it sometime

If any of yalls still have any questions, I'll be happy to answer!
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[X] Change The Topic - Remind Yu that they still have to go to school.
[SPEAK] PSt Hey, I just want to let you know that we killed God by accident so if things go a bit wrong we are sorry
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[SPEAK] - What my compatriot forgot to mention is that it is not necessarily the God/s of your world. And what one would call a God in one dimension might be called an Eldritch Abomination in another. Alas it seems I have been remiss in the proper human "greetings". Hello Yu I am Silor pleased to make your Acquaintance
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[X] Rub it in - Oh yeah keep the crisis going

[SPEAK] ignore the bickering, they speak of thing you do not understand, yet. Now for you apparent distress, do not be alarm, it is not that you word construct of word but more that the nature of being mean that we see thing a bit different, now what good way to see it...
ah right, let say that we see you world in a way like you see a gingerbread man in gingerbread house, to you you a man in a house of his flesh to him, there are nothing wrong with it for in his eyes it is nature like you see a house make of wood, he see not his flesh but just another component of his world like you see dirt, rock and water... So how you day doing.
[SPEAK] ignore the bickering, they speak of thing you do not understand, yet. Now for you apparent distress, do not be alarm, it is not that you word construct of word but more that the nature of being mean that we see thing a bit different, now what good way to see it...
ah right, let say that we see you world in a way like you see a gingerbread man in gingerbread house, to you you a man in a house of his flesh to him, there are nothing wrong with it for in his eyes it is nature like you see a house make of wood, he see not his flesh but just another component of his world like you see dirt, rock and water... So how you day doing.

[SPEAK] - If you're having trouble understanding much of what this guy is saying, don't be ashamed. He's just as incomprehensible to us as he is to you.
[SPEAK] - If you're having trouble understanding much of what this guy is saying, don't be ashamed. He's just as incomprehensible to us as he is to you.

[SPEAK] Now now that not exactly that hard of concept to grasp, I guess the easier way to see thing would be reading a story but that one have already done multiple time now so eh.

[OOC: aye the gingerbread analog are very intensional , both misleading and messing with her. Though I guess I could word it better]
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Ride, Child! To Your Education!
Level 1 Eldritch Parasite
Name: ????
Age: ????
Background: Eldritch Parasite - Unexplainable in normal words; you guys are...Something. Something Man was not supposed to know. Man also doesn't know why you chose Yu of all people..Might be because their plight amused you, who knows? Oh yeah and you also decided to infect them. For reasons known only to you. Not because you thought it'd be funny or anything(Unlocks the Eldritch Parasite Abs background)
Reason: It Amused Me & Humans Are Adorable

More To Be Unlocked

Level 1 High school Student
Name: Yu Parker
State: Panic! At The Everywhere
Age: 16
Background: You should know, you've read the first post

Socially Awkward: Oh no, not human interaction! ( -2 penalty to social situations/rolls)
Snarky: Might not be a sword but it's just as sharp (Bonus damage to taunting actions)

Photography: The art of capturing things in pictures (Bonus points in observation actions/rolls)
Piano: Keyboard tapping that people like. Yu's no Mozart or anything but they're talented (Negative stats diminished when music is played)

(Slot Open)
More To Be Unlocked


- Go To School: Gotta go gotta go to get educated (Recieve one Ability Slot upon completion)

(State has been added to Yu's Profile)


[X] Change The Topic - Remind Yu that they still have to go to school.

[SPEECH] So anyway, where's the class and what does it look like?

To say that my perception of reality has been shattered would be an understatement. I now know the truth about this world..
What does this mean for us? For our efforts? Does this mean that we've done things we weren't even aware of, that we may have been proud of only for it to get erased by a backspace or an eraser? Does this mean that our life can be cut short whenever the writer loses inspiration or reason to keep writing? Does this mean that the writer is god of some sort? That we're only word and sentences in the greater book? Are we only meant to entertain? Does this mean that all the writers out there unintentionally created and ended worlds and civilizations just because they were meant to entertain the ignorant masses who make them go through the same troubles over and over again for their own amusement? Is this what life means? Entertainment for higher beings?

[SPEAK] PSt Hey, I just want to let you know that we killed God by accident so if things go a bit wrong we are sorry

'.....Which one?'

My dad isn't really religious and neither am I but at this point I'm starting to believe in the Writer Deity. Wait does this mean that since everything written is reality, every religion put on paper technically exists?

[SPEAK] - What my compatriot forgot to mention is that it is not necessarily the God/s of your world. And what one would call a God in one dimension might be called an Eldritch Abomination in another. Alas it seems I have been remiss in the proper human "greetings". Hello Yu I am Silor pleased to make your Acquaintance

'....I asked the right question-'

[SPEAK] No we haven't. ElenaIsCool is online right now.

[SPEAK] Now, look at what you did. Every so often somebody tries to bring cosmic enlightment in the world; instead they just give poor mortals anxiety and depression. Just like right now. Yu, try not to think about it.

'It's very hard not to! Unless you have more pressing matters on hand that I should be focusing on! Is that the name of the god you killed? Are they coming at me for revenge!?'

[SPEAK] Let's switch to a different bit of existential chaos for a bit, shall we? What's your favorite subject at school young 3-dimensional?

'Unless they're teaching the same things as homeschooling then I'd say music'

The topic of school being brought up again makes me realize a bigger problem than the roots of our reality and a probable angry god.


I scurry over to my wardrobe where my uniform options are neatly hung. I grab the female shirt because it looks way cuter than the male one. One thing Japan is good for, their insanely adorable female school uniforms. Also for some reason only the female ones have the sailor fuku, which is just ridiculous.

[SPEAK] You are cute. Cuteness must survive. Survival needs power. Knowledge is power. We would imbue you with more knowledge than any living human possesses ourselves, but the last human we did that to forgot how to use language. Going to school is probably a safer method.

I finished fiddling with the sweater of the uniform and driving one of my legs through the pants while simultaneously hopping around as I try to both remember where I put my back without falling, not get flustered over being called cute and feel concernerd and confused over how you can forget language while having infinite knowledge

[X] Bestow Enlightenment - Grant Yu awareness of the 4th Wall and all the Deadpool level powers and shenanigans that come with being a protagonist with meta-awareness.

(Command denied. Reason: Overlaps with most voted command)
(Gained Command: GRANT - Gives you the ability to grant Yu abilities. They follow the Voting system though]
(Ability Slots have been added to Yu's Profile)

[SPEAK] Hey! Don't change the subject! It's important that Yu knows the truth of the world and how it literally revolves around them so that they can utilize their narrative power as the protagonist of this story to its fullest extent!

[SPEAK] Now, here's the REAL question: How long before someone OUTSIDE Yu's head comes to doubt Yu's sanity?

'Depends on how thick the filter between weird and insane is'

[SPEAK] If we reveal the true nature of Yu's world to them, they will be the sanest being therein! Not to mention the most powerful!

'Taking into account what you said before about the person who forgot language itself, I really doubt that'

[SPEAK] Do not mind our fellows, some of them are a bit loopier than others. We will aid you with whatever subject you might have issues with at school, although our aid does not in fact come at a price outside the fact that some of the knowledge we can teach you might make your reality bend and swirl a little, then again your world has that quaint little thing called magic So that might not be seen as odd.

'Normally, in the rest of the world there isn't any magic but this is Yume City so I won't put it past there being any here'

[SPEAK] Anyway, how do you feel about math capable of changing the common laws of reality or paintings that drives people mad or opens gates to different dimensions.

'I don't think that would give me an A. Or that there would be enough reality left for me to get one so..No thanks. Math that's notalready complicated would be nice though'

[SPEAK] What do you do in your spare time Meatbag

'Music. I like to play my dad's piano the most but it isn't here. Videogames are fun too. And taking photos.'

(Skills have been added to Yu's Profile)
(Discovered Skill: Piano)
(Discovered Skill: Photography)

[SPEAK] ignore the bickering, they speak of thing you do not understand, yet. Now for you apparent distress, do not be alarm, it is not that you word construct of word but more that the nature of being mean that we see thing a bit different, now what good way to see it...
ah right, let say that we see you world in a way like you see a gingerbread man in gingerbread house, to you you a man in a house of his flesh to him, there are nothing wrong with it for in his eyes it is nature like you see a house make of wood, he see not his flesh but just another component of his world like you see dirt, rock and water... So how you day doing.

'Can't talk, too busy going dooown the stairs'

[SPEAK] - If you're having trouble understanding much of what this guy is saying, don't be ashamed. He's just as incomprehensible to us as he is to you.

'I'd say that's impressive'

[SPEAK] Now now that not exactly that hard of concept to grasp, I guess the easier way to see thing would be reading a story but that one have already done multiple time now so eh.

I try not to think about the reality bombshells since I have bigger fish to fry. Which might as be actual fish because I'm hungry. But I am already too late so I'll just have something for lunch at school. Or I could run with some toast or a sandwich. When I reach the dining room, I find Akira typing on the computer and a plate of pancakes untouched, which I assume are mine. My dad's nowhere to be found. He probably went ti work early.

"Ohayōgozaimasu*, Yucchi"

It takes me a bit to notice that he's speaking in Japanese. I return the greeting with a mumble as I shove down my lunch in my bag and look around for some toast. My dad's boyfriend gives me a knowing half-smile as he looks up from the computer and shakes his head.

"No toast. Have your pancakes. Take your time, don't want you to be a Late Rusher. If they ask, tell them it's a timezone thing"

I really don't want to get any later than this but Akira's basically a local and I trust his word so I hesitantly sit down and reach for the pancakes and before I can dig in, I hear a throat being cleared and Akira's brow raised.


I quickly join my hands infront of my chest


Akira nods in approval and I quickly shove the pancakes on my mouth. Normally, I'd eat properly but I'm pretty sure I'm very late at this point. Akira's been teaching me about Japanese customs and stuff so I don't accidentally do the wrong thing but it sometimes slips my brain. After eating, I repeat the gesture before Akira gets a chance to remind me.


He smiles, I return it and quickly rush to change my shoes

"Ittekimasu!* Bye Akira!"

"Itteirassyai*, Yucchi. Don't get stuck in the Late Rush"

With Akira's goodbye, I'm finally out the door and running down the streets. Right now, my only focus is to go to school

(Goals menu added)

Then I realize that I have no idea where I'm going.

I quickly skid to a stop and drum my fingers on my backpack straps as I wait for the red light to turn green.

'Say, can your eldritch knowledge give me the directions to-'

My thoughts are interrupted when someone brushes past me, almost knocking me over. I stumble slightly and look at the shrinking figure of a girl in blonde pigtails and a sailor uniform, not from my school, running away while yelling 'I'm late!' in a slightly muffled voice. I let out a sigh of relief. I thought that we were going to crash onto each other and that I'd have to actually talk to her. I shrudder at the thought

'Anyways as I was saying, could you-'

The shrudder doesn't dissapear.

I realize that that's not a shrudder. The sound of a rumbling behind me makes me hesitant to look back but with every passing second, the rumbling sound gets closer, and with that a strange sound.

I look back

And feel my blood run cold

A crowd of people, different genders, different uniforms and of all shapes and sizes, running towards me at full buffalo speed with toasts amd food in their mouth- one has a whole plate of spaguetti and meatballs and another has not just toast but also a toaster and another is somehow carrying a whole table with food they're picking from while running at the same speed as others, along with a loud and creepily on sync choruses of 'I'm late's and jiggling boobs. That's coming from someone who heard how eldritch beings laugh.

And they're going to trample me if I don't move.

Thinking quickly, I hug the traffic sign next to me and hold on to dear life as the crowd of Laters stampedes past, thankfully not making me have a fate similar to Mufasa's. I peek behind me after the dust cleared and stand up, shaken by the experience in a half-literal sense and let go of the traffic sign, edging closer to the road out of semi-dizziness

Maybe the sound of the unholy chorus was still ringing in my ears because I didn't hear any footsteps or tripping noises until it was too late.


And impact.

A person crashes onto me so hard we're both falling to the road. On the corner of my eye, I notice a few things

  • The person I crashed into has pink hair
  • The traffic light is now red
  • There's a truck coming straight for us at full speed
'Oh shit' My brain says. And so do the rest of my internal organs

Time seems to slow down as I make that realization. We're going to get hit at this point oh my fricking-
I knew coming to Japan was a bad idea but not this much of a bad idea that I'd die

Then I notice that I'm still within reach of the traffic sign and grab it, my other hand holding the person by the cuff of their uniform and pull, getting us inches away from the truck's way and back on the sidewalk just in time for what could've been a murder scene. My heart is beating so fast and adrenaline is rushing through my veins. Police cars soon whizz past us as the same speed after the truck. If I hadn't done anything, it would've meant that even if we did survive the truck, we would've been turned into road paste by those police cars. Taking a deep breath, I turn to the pink haired girl right across from me who's staring at me with curiosity and also has the weirdest eyes I've ever seen, her pupils are question marks while the rest is kind of glittery, and my school uniform. There's also a toaster on the ground with the toast still on it, completely intact by the incident.

"Daijoobu desuka?* You just saved my life! And yours too! Truck-kun can be a menace sometimes, you never know when he's going to show up"

The sound of a crash, the sound of breaking bones and a scream echoes on the background, prompting Pink Haired Girl to turn in that direction and cutely tilt her head and sigh in an adorable way that contrasts my look of shock and concern

"Ahh, looks like someone's getting Isekai'd instead of us. That's Truck-kun for ya"

I'm not sure whether to be worried at the blatant casual way she just addressed someone's probable death or the fact that this occurs so often that these people just accept this horror and move on.

Now, onto more pressing manners..


I start to wonder about the possible ways to panic when I remember that I have powerful beings as my brain-neighbors. Irony that I can casually converse with eldritch beings outside this reality with a lot more ease than with other people is not lost on me

'um..a little help would be nice. Atleast to make up for your lack of divine intervention just now'

[] We know way less than you do - You guys aren't humans and conversations aren't exactly a requirement in the daily life of an eldritch being

[] Stay still, stay silent - Better to not say anything right now because it might go wrong in so many ways

[] Flirt - I don't know why you'd pick this but..You've seen humans do this before in appreciation of beauty so this is the best response

[] Panic - Let that feeling on the inside flow out. Check all of the possible panic ways and make a panic soup with them

[] Walk awaayyayay - Nope outta there. Not today.

[] Converse - Probably the worst idea ever which is why it's the last option but Yu could do with having friends

[] Write-In

[SPEAK] Write-In

[GRANT] Incredible Knowledge: Grant Yu ability to imbue them with knowledge without melting their brain or making them forget language

[GRANT] Physical Changes: Grant Yu the ability to change parts of their body

[GRANT] Write-In



Ohayōgozaimasu/ Ohayō: Good morning
Itadakimasu: Let's eat - Usually said before meals
Gochisosama: Thank you for the food - Said after meals
Ittekimasu: I'm leaving (or I'm leaving and I'll be back) - Said before leaving the house
Itteirassyai: Have a great day/take care - Said in response to the above
Daijoobu desuka: Are you okay?
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[SPEAK]Listen, Social norms are a LIE! You just saved this girl from kissing Truck-kun, you'd have to make quite the blunder, like slapping her with a tentacle to overcome that gratitude. Make use of it and social the girl! Maybe talk about your piano skills!
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A person crashes onto me so hard we're both falling to the road. On the corner of my eye, I notice a few things

  • The person I crashed into has pink hair
  • The traffic light is now red
  • There's a truck coming straight for us at full speed
'Oh shit' My brain says. And so do the rest of my internal organs
....Ladies, Them and Gentlemen is the World on to us? Should we be concerned with Narrative Assassination Attempts? This has all the hallmarks of an early gameover/ Isekai in progress?
Oh yeah and something I should add, you should probably go

[X] Command

So I can know what part of the vote that is

[SPEAK]Listen, Social norms are a LIE! You just saved this girl from kissing Truck-kun, you'd have to make quite the blunder, like slapping her with a tentacle to overcome that gratitude. Make use of it and social the girl! Maybe talk about your piano skills!

In your case, you can add the [X] Converse or [X] Write-In commands

Unless you just wanna say stuff/are replying to someone else's SPEAK that counts too :0
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[X] Converse - Probably the worst idea ever which is why it's the last option but Yu could do with having friends
[SPEAK] Ask her if the stampede is headed to the same high school, or if it splits apart. Also, how esoteric do you want your first power?
....Ladies, Them and Gentlemen is the World on to us? Should we be concerned with Narrative Assassination Attempts? This has all the hallmarks of an early gameover/ Isekai in progress?
I point you to this sentence:
"Ahh, looks like someone's getting Isekai'd instead of us. That's Truck-kun for ya"
I don't think this is anything personal. It's just Tuesday. (Or whatever day of the week this actually is.)
[SPEAK] music huh i too am quite a fan of music like g̵͚̱̱̜͇̫̥̯̠͉̠̓̋̓̽̔ÿ̶̯̹́̎̽̌̀̐̓̑̍̔̈́j̴̨̛̤̜̺̺̬̥͊̑̾́̐̏̋̀̇̕̚͠ͅf̴̣̈́͒æ̵̧̢̮̰͗̏̌͒̀͛̿́͆̈̌͝ţ̵̼̗̺̯̰̼̼͍̰̭̹̗̖̄́̈́̒̓̑̈́̒͝͝g̴̟̦̝͙̰̻͚͎̦͎̪̝̙̀̎́̌ͅf̴̡̥͚̥̣̲͚̯̭̖̖̘̼̬̋̌ͅ and f̶̨̡̡̖̲̪͎̜̲̜̰̓̍́͊̕ư̷̧̭̱̪̠͓̭͓̓̌̀̓̄̑̃̕ͅf̴̧̛̠̳̪̞̽̌́͗͐͊͌͛̌͌͌͜͜͝͝͠e̸̡̗̩̰̱͕̎̓̒̍̀̆̑̔̑̎͋͗̏ś̴̢̡̛̲̹̳̞̣̟̭͚͔́͒̏̚ͅx̸̢̛͎͆̅̓̋͊̓͘b̷͓̳̦̾͗́̄̀͒̽̿̊ư̷̞͓͙͙͖̰̯̮̈́̓̓͆̈́̇̉̓̈́́͝ř̴̡͚̮̦̤̺͉͎̱͛͑̃̈́̇̒͑̂̾̊͜ȩ̵̢̙̯̥̥̠̗͐́̀̀͋́̈́̌͝ͅͅ
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[x] Walk awaayyayay - Nope outta there. Not today.
[SPEAK] If you wish to reach the school prompty more than anything else, you probably should start with vague sounds of agreement and then ask her for directions.
[GRANT] Incredible Knowledge: Grant Yu ability to imbue them with knowledge without melting their brain or making them forget language

The way things are going, abilities that preserve integrity of Yu's brain are probably important.
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Read carefully and you'll find out~
Thinking quickly, I hug the traffic sign next to me and hold on to dear life as the crowd of Laters stampedes past, thankfully not making me have a fate similar to Mufasa's. I peek behind me after the dust cleared and stand up, shaken by the experience in a half-literal sense.
And impact.

A person crashes onto me so hard we're both falling to the road.

The positions are all off. Either this girl had super-dexterity and was able to peel Yu off the traffic sign, or Yu lets go and ends up in a free-fall position with Yu trapped beneath this girl's body. If this is the first case then talking might be a trap, but Yu was never in danger of dying by traffic. If it's the second case then we have something interesting.

From what I understand is Yu is stationary, and the crosswalk is ahead. The stampede is headed towards his direction before continuing onward. Any collision should result in Yu hitting the ground first, and sprawled out on the pedestrian crossing as that's the direction the stampede travels. Yu's collider would be over him, but that checks out as it means the only thing he sees is their hair. That's not what happens.
Then I notice that I'm still within reach of the traffic sign and grab it, my other hand holding the person by the cuff of their uniform and pull, getting us inches away from the truck's way and back on the sidewalk just in time for what could've been a murder scene
Somehow Yu is in a position where he can reach past the Collider to grab the sign, and grab the back of the other person's shirt.

Granted, an angled collision, as in they crash and fall in different angles, could mean Yu can make a recovery and grab them, but it's unlikely.

edit: Ah, it seems like it was in cold blood.
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The positions are all off. Either this girl had super-dexterity and was able to peel Yu off the traffic sign, or Yu lets go and ends up in a free-fall position with Yu trapped beneath this girl's body. If this is the first case then talking might be a trap, but Yu was never in danger of dying by traffic. If it's the second case then we have something interesting.

From what I understand is Yu is stationary, and the crosswalk is ahead. The stampede is headed towards his direction before continuing onward. Any collision should result in Yu hitting the ground first, and sprawled out on the pedestrian crossing as that's the direction the stampede travels. Yu's collider would be over him, but that checks out as it means the only thing he sees is their hair. That's not what happens.

Somehow Yu is in a position where he can reach past the Collider to grab the sign, and grab the back of the other person's shirt.

Granted, an angled collision, as in they crash and fall in different angles, could mean Yu can make a recovery and grab them, but it's unlikely.

edit: Ah, it seems like it was in cold blood.

The scene was way cooler in my head -3- sorryy

also shiz i was writing this on a tablet so things might have evaded me. Like writing that Yu let go of the traffic sign

I wanna write this off as a moment of Artistic License buuut

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[X] We know way less than you do - You guys aren't humans and conversations aren't exactly a requirement in the daily life of an eldritch being
[X] [GRANT] Incredible Knowledge: Grant Yu ability to imbue them with knowledge without melting their brain or making them forget language
[X] [SPEAK] While some of my fellows are definitely more adept at the social field than I, I'll just be tinkering with your mind making it ready to learn, Everything.

Pretty sure the incredible knowledge grant is pretty great to help Yu avoid suffering mental shutdowns, it should also aid them in schoolwork learning new things because Yu's brain becomes more malleable for learning to set in.
Could be the best skill to grant to start without you know letting Yu change their body at will.
I'll probably not name my crystalline horror just yet, I think it'll wait until it's sure Yu will survive to do something meaningful with their life.
Edited to see If the vote tally works how I believe it works.
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[SPEAK]Listen, Social norms are a LIE! You just saved this girl from kissing Truck-kun, you'd have to make quite the blunder, like slapping her with a tentacle to overcome that gratitude. Make use of it and social the girl! Maybe talk about your piano skills!