Deedeequest or The Wonders of Mundus: Be Careful Who You Pretend To Be - A Genderous Isekai Quest

How Dice Rolls Work
Character sheet is here.

Dice rolls are 1d10 + Stat + Proficiency + any applicable bonuses, such as Boons.

You may spend 3 Tension to Overdrive for a retroactive +5 to your roll (a Determination Overdrive), or +3 to an ally's roll (a Teamwork Overdrive). I will also automatically overdrive to avoid exhaustion or unconsciousness.

It is possible to critically succeed (on +5 on skill checks and +10 on combat rolls) or critically fail (by the same margins), but rolling a 1 or a 10 does not automatically crit in either case. It is possible to crit retroactively by Overdriving.

Your stat bonuses have names:
  • Vigor grants a Strength bonus.
  • Agility grants a Dexterity bonus.
  • Spirit grants an Aura bonus.
  • Mind grants an Intuition bonus.
  • Resolve grants a Guts bonus.
Dice are rolled on a first come, first serve bonus. You only roll for Deedee.
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Hmm... I wonder how common literacy is among the merchant class. I have a fun idea for the Charge Chance but it'd depend on whether our fellow travelers know how to spell.

Merchants have the most need for literacy and numeracy among anyone not doing it for pure status/to learn the words that make someone burst into flames.

Peasantry might not be able to read; merchants need to read contracts, cheques, and invoices.
All of these are 4-point Flaws, to match the price of Despair. This isn't Lack Of Control.
Two things:

1. LOC is a levelable flaw and I forgot we weren't high enough to level it.
2. I'm pretty sure Despair is supposed to be 3 points, now that I look at it? Pretty sure the table is a misprint and the text is correct, although that has not made it to the official errata. Even if we're running it as a 4 point flaw, there's only two other 4 point flaws in the core book, so now I'm confused and intrigued.

EDIT: It turns out "only two other 4 point flaws in the core book" is only true under certain narrow definitions.
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[X] [DRUGS] Brainfog - sometimes losing your train of thought.

I'm voting this because it has the best potential for shenanigans. Namely, what breaks Deedee's train of thought and what (or who) she finds herself starting at while she tries to recover it.

"You got that you're not as good as you hope. I bet you think that every goddamn day. So let me remind you that you're not as bad as you're afraid of, okay?
This is an amazing line. I'm going to need to remember it.

Who will we talk to, when we can't sleep? Approval voting enabled.
[] [TALK] Ace.
[] [TALK] Alesha.
[] [TALK] Hikaru.
[] [TALK] Sekhmet.
Is there a brief summary of who our party members are? I'm bad with names and keep getting them mixed up between updates.
Describe things we - that is, Tayeb, Shadi, and our party - can do to amuse ourselves during the interminable boredom of two, mostly uneventful, weeks by horse-cart to Vinyedo. The best two answers earn Tension, but all answers will be acknowledged and incorporated.
You know, we were pretty impressive with catching that ball earlier. Maybe we could get something similar and see just how ridiculous we all can get with our enhanced bodies while walking beside the wagon.
Our Party as described by bii
Is there a brief summary of who our party members are? I'm bad with names and keep getting them mixed up between updates.

Ace is the cute girl we rescued at the beginning of the quest/our transgirl senpai. She's a streamer and doesn't usually play games like AWO but her subscribers voted on it and she went along because there was a soccer mini game. Her character design was for the lulz and looks it. She's very new to all of this. We think she's pretty.

Alesha is our best friend from AWO, a lesbian, and the party tank/off-healer. She's got a teenage daughter stranded in not-England because she picked a different starting location. She's the only one who hasn't either figured out we're a girl or that we told about it. We probably should soon. We also think she's pretty.

Hikaru is the party caster and the brains of the team. He's also the administrator of the AWO wiki IRL and has a lot of game trivia memorized. We kind of sort of have a tiny crush on him now, but we're not making the first move in case we fuck this up. As a transman, he gets things coming from the opposite direction. We think he's handsome.

Sekhmet is our roomie and coworker back home, as well as our best friend IRL. She's the party rogue and also the one in charge of managing the party's money. We used to have a crush but put that aside when we started living together. (They're non-binary and not particular with pronouns, even though we're trying to remember to use they.) We think they're handsome.

(Can you tell we have the hormones of a twenty-year-old as well as the body of one now?)
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missed opportunity to end Hikaru's clause with "we think he's handsome" but still threadmarked it informational imho
[X] [TALK] Ace.
[X] [TALK] Alesha.
[X] [DRUGS] Still depressed - less so, this isn't the right dose (No change of flaw, but her mindset improves).
[CHARGE CHANCE] I want to say exchanging songs or doing comedy routines, but at that point, what we come to, most of all, is storytelling.

"So I used to work with small packages delivered via flight, and I will tell you, I have seen some shit," Deedee begins...
Creative Commons license and Fanwork Policy
I thought it'd be fun to have an "in style" picture of her... so went to MakioKuta (who's drawn canonical art for the quest previously) to get some. ^_^

For the record, I discussed this with my partners/legal expert and decided that, going forward, clarifying this would be in my best interests, so:

I/O is in fact now Creative Commons 4.0, BY-SA-NC - attribute to me or the Other Worlds Tourism Bureau (which is what I'm naming the stuff me and my writing partners are doing), ask me before selling anything, and your work needs to be under the same terms.

I encourage people to do fanwork, including but not limited to creating OCs who are trapped in Mundus and doing art and stories about them. So long as you aren't doing hateful things with them (which I reserve the right to demand a takedown for), I decided that it would be for the best for me to make fanwork legal.
...speaking of charge chances and Alesha's daughter being stranded in Not!England, did that one ever get a formal wrap-up? (It's very possible it did and I just read right past it, but I don't recall seeing one.)

Still pondering the current one, though I will note my previous 'I Spy, I guess' can still be played without leaning on literacy. Colors are a variant.
Nerdorama on the Yberians, the 14, and Islamic coding
Also following up on the subject of Yberian althist from pages ago, we've now got an example of an aesthetically Very Muslim character who wouldn't be out of place in a (peacetime) Al-Andalus, the Emirate of Granada, or one of the great trade cities of Morocco. Although the pants are probably somewhat anachronistic. Despite the aesthetic similarities to the southern side of Iberia's historical religious divide, though, he's wearing the same Auroran Solar Cross as the city's Catholic-coded Contessa, indicating that in this world, the pantheon worship of the tetradekatheon is at least more universal than Christianity. This in turn would suggest that religious warfare on the scale of the Reconquista in Yberia either didn't happen (or more likely happened for different causes) or probably didn't result in the same level of distrust, inquisitions, expulsions, and lingering animosity (resulting in a successful, happy, and unpersecuted morisco merchant of means in not-Sevilla). Honestly though, based on the general themes and vibes so far, it stands to reason that the Christian/Islamic religious conflict of the Middle Ages simply does not exist in this setting because both religions are "replaced" by the 14, and any equivalent long-term animosity took a different form.

Also I find it interesting that Hikaru instructed us on not using the left hand to eat without being prompted or our hosts actually bringing it up. That's a ruling from the Quran (although of course due to Islam's scholarly nature, whether left-handed eating is disfavored or disallowed depends who you ask, as does whether it even applies to modern knife and fork utensils) - there's no reason to suppose such a religious ruling exists in Mundus, unless there is some cultural taboo that's equivalent (and there very well might be, as there are hygienic reasons to designate a 'clean' and 'unclean' hand with or without religious prompting).

As a note, I have no firsthand experience with any of the above, so if I'm out of my lane as someone interested in history, religions, and cultures I lack lived experience in, please feel free to correct me.
Also I find it interesting that Hikaru instructed us on not using the left hand to eat without being prompted or our hosts actually bringing it up. That's a ruling from the Quran (although of course due to Islam's scholarly nature, whether left-handed eating is disfavored or disallowed depends who you ask, as does whether it even applies to modern knife and fork utensils) - there's no reason to suppose such a religious ruling exists in Mundus, unless there is some cultural taboo that's equivalent (and there very well might be, as there are hygienic reasons to designate a 'clean' and 'unclean' hand with or without religious prompting).

This is a common (though not universal) taboo anywhere that you use bread as a utensil, for hygienic reasons.

The Moors of Al-Andalus - a kingdom I name as part of the UKoYA&G here - are, in part anyway, what I'm trying to evoke here. I will want Islamic cultural consultants before I go too much deeper into this, that said, because there's a real risk of erasure without my explaining further.

(Though I suspect the not!Muslim perspective on the 14 is 'those are some cool angels and djinn God sent you.')
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This is a common (though not universal) taboo anywhere that you use bread as a utensil, for hygienic reasons.

Actual History: 'Sinister' just means 'left' in Latin. How it became a synonym for evil in English probably has something to do with shifting from 'we don't have soap, maybe don't eat with your Wiping Your Ass hand' to 'something something if the Right Hand is With God then the Left Hand must be with the devil.'

(Basically I'm real damn glad I'm left-handed now and not a few centuries ago.)

...Second off: ...sign me up, actually? Never wanted this meatsack anyway.

Vert, chief charged with three roses proper o'er crossed sheaves of wheat d'or .

...Habuerimus panum et rosarum.

I actually forgot an important part of that shield, since edited in. No matter.

Emblazoned by me. Brought to life by @bii.

Meaning to be revealed soon.
I actually forgot an important part of that shield, since edited in. No matter.

Emblazoned by me. Brought to life by @bii.

Meaning to be revealed soon.

My brain is very tired after the last three and a quarter hours making various heraldry for you, but I'm very proud of what I accomplished.