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How long will it take for our light side users to be sufficiently trained? I'm thinking we should try to focus on our light side users before we find new grey and dark students, since the new stuff we've gotten from the Jedi Temple could be a great help in speeding along their training without the tension and chaos the dark side users brought.
How long will it take for our light side users to be sufficiently trained? I'm thinking we should try to focus on our light side users before we find new grey and dark students, since the new stuff we've gotten from the Jedi Temple could be a great help in speeding along their training without the tension and chaos the dark side users brought.
It will still take years to get people to the proper trained level where they aren't more of a risk to themselves and allies.
[X] Do not
Thin ice though, very thin ice. At this point I'm almost ready to call this advisor jinxed and recommend we axe him. However one last chance, or giving him enough metaphorical rope to hand himself with for repeated failures.
This is not right. The Clawcraft and Interceptor line are both cheaper and less effective than the Avenger and Defender lines. So why would we give elites worse fighters? Also the Raptor isn't niche it is just another multi-role fighter.

It's because of their increased maneuverability which gives them a higher skill cap meaning that elites can use them better than normal. And it's not the Raptor is niche, more that it's not substationally better than other fighters outside of a few roles.

Also no we should not replace the Stewardship advisor. I do think we should hire one of the choices as an assistant advisor to help him out though can we do that @Daemon Hunter ?

The people on hire aren't interested in assistant positions as the pay in those positions isn't enough for them.
Will it be possible for us to recruit the Kaminoan assassin? His skills in biological warfare could be of use to us.
Technically it's an option, it's just that it's not a good idea. They're not liked in the galaxy and based on the information you have on them they'll run at the first oppurtunity.
Well, scratch that. No point in recruitment if they have no sense of loyalty. Could we possibly analyze the neurotoxins we retrieved upon his capture to see if we could replicate it or use it for other purposes? Might as well get something out of this before we boost our relations with minor powers by executing him or turning him in.
Well, scratch that. No point in recruitment if they have no sense of loyalty. Could we possibly analyze the neurotoxins we retrieved upon his capture to see if we could replicate it or use it for other purposes? Might as well get something out of this before we boost our relations with minor powers by executing him or turning him in.

You can, it's folded under the NBC stockpile action.
It's because of their increased maneuverability which gives them a higher skill cap meaning that elites can use them better than normal. And it's not the Raptor is niche, more that it's not substationally better than other fighters outside of a few roles.

The people on hire aren't interested in assistant positions as the pay in those positions isn't enough for them.
Yeah that isn't true at all. The Defender is THE most maneuverable TIE developed with a faster speed as well.

And the Avenger is the fastest TIE ever made with maneuverability to match the Interceptor.

And both are better than the Clawcraft as well in those areas. The Clawcraft is good but it is not an elite pilot craft.
[X] Replace Vipik

We've got the money to pay off our debt in the short term after raiding Palpatine's stuff, if I'm understanding the thread chatter right. If so, I'd like to get the long term guy so we can start stacking improvements.
Daemon Hunter I don't remember the name but weren't there a battle droid so good the Empire restricted its use massively? Could we get that or have we already got it?

Edit: I can't seem to find it so I'm not sure if I'm thinking of something else
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Daemon Hunter I don't remember the name but weren't there a battle droid so good the Empire restricted its use massively? Could we get that or have we already got it?

Edit: I can't seem to find it so I'm not sure if I'm thinking of something else
Do you mean the Empire, or Palpatine while puppeting the CIS (not wanting them to win). Because there's a lot of ones for that.
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