Voting is open
When we finish all the military reforms if nothing else changes we would be at +128 military strength or 228 total military strength. We have three dice rolls of three to pass before all the reforms are locked in. One for Farryn's Complete Military Overhaul the other two for Farryn's Officer Retraining Crash Course and by the time Farryn Stealing Zritru's Ideas is completed in three years we should be at +44.5 military strength if we chose to do the officer retraining crush course next turn. Of course once Zritru's idea is done the military strength we gain would be reduced to 6.5% per turn which would be a 19.5% increase per year, however we should be almost half way through all the other military reforms by this time.
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Turn 3 Results 5 ABY Part 1
This has been a rather eventful few months. Your navy grows in strength each day, and your technological base has incorporated a number of advances leading to further growth. While your economy struggled for months, now it seems the end is in sight and stability nears.

But what you are truly pleased with are your acquisitions, with these new resources, your Empire will truly be a terrifying force to reckon with. The artifacts and holocrons from the Jedi Temple are incredibly useful for your Force order, and Palpatine's secret stashes are far more lucrative than you expected. You'll even have to wait another 4 months to transport all the resources that you have found.

Now there are other aspects of the galaxy that are less positive. An unknown faction has begun destabilizing the galaxy and you dislike the lack of information on them. You know that you're far more effective against known threats than unknown ones.

Beyond that, only one incident stands out to you and that was an assassination attempt on your person that was caught early. Nonetheless, the bioweapons recovered from the assassin, who is now in your position, are worryingly potent for a bounty hunter. But the assassin in question is a rather dangerous sort.

Military: Despite the minor setbacks over the previous months in regards to your reforms, Admiral Baidan is rather excited by the new Tie fighters, the new bridge design, and the much freer hand she has been given. She has even managed to impress Pellaeon a few times even if she has yet to truly win a wargame. At this time, she has taken control over the reforms, taking it under her own umbrella allowing you to have slightly more influence over your navy and armed forces as is proper. With your military free, she has proposed a more daring expedition into the Unknown Regions but does admit that there is an element of risk involved in doing so. (Choose 1)

Tie Replacement - With the number of new Tie designs available to you, and the designs for the superior Tie Defenders and Tie Avengers still in your databases, it seems like one of the ways to improve your military would be to replace your suite of Tie craft with more modern ones. Zsinj's designs alongside the Tie Phantom would make for a potent upgrade. Admiral Baidan has also managed to make use of the slight delay from the past year to combine this project with her own reforms. Cost: 1000. Upkeep: 10. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Replace Starfighter Complement with Improved Ties.

(40, 70, 52) Success with Benefits

Over the past few months, Pellaeon has poured over your new starfighter designs at Admiral Baidan's order. Focusing on achieving a versatile force capable of acting in a number of different roles, the newly designed Clawcraft complicated matters slightly, but Pellaeon was able to make good use of it after engaging in a number of simulated battles.

Your current starfighter corp is based primarily on Tie Avengers and Defenders, with the Clawcraft and Tie Interceptor acting as elite variants for breakthroughs and countering enemy aces. The Tie Raptor, while a unique design, has a more niche use, which you still have room for. However, it will only be made in limited numbers due to the superiority of other fighters.

The Tie Phantom, however, has seen heavy modifications due to the lack of Stygium crystals making it difficult to produce more. Converted to a bomber, this new Tie Wraith is meant to destroy capital vessels with impunity, their stealth fields rendering them unable to be properly intercepted.

The last major change, and arguably one of the more unique is externally attached vulture droids. With Admiral Baidan's focus on integrating droids into your forces, Pellaeon saw the potential for vulture droids in your battle doctrine and worked closely with the Enchani to include them. Due to their reduced maintenance requirements and decreased cost, rather than place them in hangars, he instead commissioned a series of external hardpoints for military vessels, allowing them to carry droid starfighters into combat without sacrificing hangar space for them.

*Starfighter corp replaced. +28 Upkeep. Additional vulture droids carried by capital ships.*

[ADVISOR ACTION] Farryn's Complete Military Overhaul - You hired Admiral Baidan for this reason. To rebuild the military from the ground up. Not a single stone will be left unturned. If there is a technology or tactic out there, it will be investigated and integrated. The sheer amount of work is immense and with the indoctrination within the Imperial Army, you have little doubt that you'll be facing significant resistance due to inertia. But it must be done. Cost: 800 while in progress. Time: 1/3 turns (1/25 Turns till Completion). Reward: -50% military strength. Increases by 4% per turn.

(28, 40, 41) Success

Emperor Thrawn, I'm pleased to report that the reforms have continued to make progress. These past few months I have been focusing primarily on power management and the various subsystems that encompass it due to the integration of droids into the military. A number of adjustments have been made, primarily focused on decentralizing power systems in order to better place charging stations as well as ensuring a lucky shot or sabotage will not disable the ship.

Additionally, a number of power management inefficiencies were identified and curtailed. Largely stemming from poor integration with the new bridge, these inefficiencies led to a small but notable decrease in power to the weapons systems and shields which has since been rectified.

Unlike the previous year, there has been far less grumbling among the military due to the changes. This is likely a combination of the worst agitators having retired or discharged along with my own prestige and species. While xenophobia among the Empire of the Hand is far less than the other Empire factions, there is still a subconscious bias, and Admiral Baidan's … eccentricities may have reinforced those stereotypes. I plan to continue working on these reforms in order to ensure that any such complaints are addressed, but I expect that within 4 months we can hand it over to smaller departments allowing for fewer administrative tasks to be performed. -Internal Memo from Voss Parck

*Officer complaints have fallen allowing for the reforms to continue progressing. +4% military strength.*

Farryn Stealing Zritru's Ideas - In a blatant display of stealing Rey Zritru's ideas, Admiral Baidan has proposed a variant of her proposal concerning droids. Instead of replacing the army, she would instead integrate droids at every level she can. B1 droids as manual laborers, modified Vulture droids to carry cargo, and Droidekas as mobile turrets. The cost, however, is utterly ruinous, as you would have to build entire industries devoted to droid production. Vipik thankfully has proposed several additions that would allow for some uplifts to occur alongside them, earning more economic growth than you might expect. Cost: 4000. Time: 1 turn. (10 Turns till Completion). Reward: -10% military strength. +5% military strength per turn.

(69, 27, 85) Success

Admiral Baidan certainly enjoys her tangents. Reading her summary and report, you can see references to a number of different papers along with lengthy tangents reviewing each one. While you have read those research papers on military doctrine and uses of droids by the CIS, you still find her analysis insightful. While there are a few flaws in how she has implemented them, this was expected by both you and her.

Any change of this magnitude has problems, and droids are one of the more complicated components to integrate due to their limited capabilities combined with some of the innate dislike of droids in the galaxy. Due in part to the use of battle droids by the CIS, droids tend to be underutilized which Admiral Baidan is attempting to rectify. In terms of their uses, she has primarily focused on using them for menial roles, removing the necessity for organic janitors and other such maintenance workers. Additionally, tactical droids have seen a return, although they tend to serve as advisors and summarizers rather than a commander. Now, every ship has one to help captains and admirals get a better view of the battlefield.

B2 and BX droids have formed into regiments in your army, with assassin droids and droidekas acting as special forces. At the moment, commanders are still getting used to the new tactics available to them, which has led to unfortunate results in war games with a few friendly fire incidents on record. The major use for droids however is in the area of starfighters.

Vulture droids are pretty poor starfighters, but they're cheap and easy to maintain. Pellaeon has made good use of these advantages, and training programs have been planned for commanders in order to make full use of the waves of starfighters that are now available to them. Admiral Baidan, in fact, has proposed a new set of droid lines for your army and navy, which are designed specifically to fit into your evolving doctrine. Currently, they involve a series of modified recon droids for patrols, a new set of starfighters intended for attachment to external hardpoints, a fully automated carrier for starfighters slaved to military ships, and an iteration on the B1 to allow it to have a role on the modern battlefield.

*Droids have begun to be utilized in your army and navy. -10% military strength due to commanders having to get used to them and poor integration. +5% per turn for 9 more turns (+5% already applied). New Learning Action for New Droid Lines.*

Diplomacy: While Athaen is displeased about the events concerning the bankers over the last year, she is still looking forward to her greater political power. Like most of your advisors, she has already indicated what projects she would be pursuing during the year, electing to focus on deepening lobbying within other empires along with cultivating your reputation as one that desires stability. The independent media in both your empire and others have begun to transition to reports on the New Republic due to several recent scandals, but your actions against Zaarin still have you as a minor public figure. (Choose 1)

The Fate of Zaarin - Now that Zaarin has been captured, you find yourself with the question of what to do with him. While he is being held in a secure location, you cannot justify keeping him indefinitely. But should you simply execute him, convene an interstellar tribunal, or perhaps even release him? This is a question you will have to answer eventually, although it is far from an urgent question. Cost: None. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Fate of Zaarin subvote.

(57, 55, 100) Success with Critical Benefits

With Athaen treating this as a secondary task, you expected some issues to crop up. Instead, she used the lack of resources assigned to this as an advantage. Reaching out to other powers, she received several responses which were rather appreciative of the overture. Kaine and Isaard's responses were as expected, with the two of them advocating for house arrest, a rather lenient punishment, but one that they support in part due to their own position as Moffs.

Zsinj, on the other hand, didn't care, instead, responding with a message which essentially said "do what you want." The New Republic on the other hand wishes to see him tried for crimes against humanity, like so many other Empire admirals and officials.

That is the real advantage, you have discovered. The New Republic doesn't truly dislike you, while you did act against them before, you were one of the more polite enemies they faced which seems to have done you favors in terms of your reputation. In fact, two major events occurred over the past few months as a result of your overture on Zaarin's fate.

The first was when one of Athaen's subordinates was attending a meeting with a number of Senators, several drinks were had, and when the night ended, a bill was introduced to seek peace with your empire. It failed in the end, but by a far smaller margin than you expected. A more directed effort may very well make peace possible between your empires, allowing for several diplomatic and militaristic advantages in the future.

The second incident was when an enterprising reporter managed to get Princess Organa to comment on the Empire of the Hand. That deserves a more in-depth report that you'll have to cover.

*Increased relationships with other galactic powers. Seek Peace with the New Republic Action unlocked. Princess Organa Comments on the Empire of the Hand interlude to follow. Along with Zaarin's fate subvote*

[ADVISOR ACTION] Deepening Lobbyists - With the success of your lobbyists, deepening their hold is a logical next step. By targeting politicians on sector scales, where the bureaucracy is both less and more prone to corruption, you can spread your own message to a wider base. However, each individual politician takes more effort to effect, leading to an increased cost. Cost: 100. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Moderate relationship improvement in other empires.

(2, 32, 29) + 20 (Omakes) -> (22, 52, 49) Success.

Acting in combination with her efforts at a media firestorm and series of diplomatic overtures, Athaen focused on deepening the penetration of lobbyists to sector scales. Due to overly aggressive approaches, there were several minor spikes in counterespionage actions from other empires, but she proceeded to modify her approach accordingly over the following weeks.

This has led to a successful lobbying campaign on the sector scale, with a number of lesser politicians now being inclined to view the Empire of the Hand in a positive manner. Or at least to view them as a potential source of campaign and personal funds.

Future lobbying efforts on planetary scales are now viable, although they would be restricted to key systems due to the cost of funding a lobbying campaign for trillions of politicians. Instead, a more reasonable expectation is a few million politicians on worlds such as Kuat and Coruscant. Additionally, Athaen did ask Cen Kam if she could do anything about this, and when you heard about this, you have to admit a smile grew on your face.

A new proposition has appeared on your desk for such a campaign. It involves a series of blackmail and revelations of scandals to discredit a number of politicians. This would allow you to buy a number of politicians allowing for further infiltration along with the possibility of destabilizing other empires.

*Lobbying expanding to sector scales. Increased relationships with other empires. New intrigue action for Blackmailing and Buying Politicians unlocked.*

[ADVISOR ACTION] Cultivate a Particular Reputation - One of the many ways to build an empire is to control what it portrays. Adjusting propaganda broadcasts, changing priorities for diplomats, and retasking military forces would allow you to decrease the prominence of your empire within the galaxy while still wielding soft power. Cost: None. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Empire of the Hand viewed as less of a threat.

(84, 92, 26) Success with Major Benefits

Watching the news media from the New Republic allows you to see a much more comprehensive picture of how you are now viewed. Over the past four months, Athaen has funded a number of media blitzes along with releasing scripted interviews with Admiral Baidan. This has helped cement you as a rather passive individual focused mainly on internal issues. The commentary on how your economy has remained unstable is rather unfortunate but expected. Vipik certainly found it disturbing when he delivered his report and you had an interview with an economist decrying his funding efforts on screen.

Athaen's overtures on Zaarin's fate have also reinforced this image to the rest of the galaxy. The limited recordings that have been released have led to several inquiries from other powers into military advisors due in part to the rather unique tactics Admiral Baidan used. While you almost rejected them out of hand, Cen Kam stopped you from doing so, saying that if she had some time to train up a few agents, she might be able to have them defect and act as double agents with a number of armies and navies allowing battles and wars to be won with ease.

*Thrawn's image as a passive individual focused on internal development and stability cemented. New military action to Send Long Term Military Advisors unlocked.*

Stewardship: Your economy still stands on the precipice of collapse according to Vipik, and he plans to take as many steps as possible to prevent it from doing so. Both mechanization grants and public cloning facilities will be opened up in the upcoming months according to him. With the increased centralization allowing for an increase in tax revenue, you hope that for his sake he succeeds. (Choose 1).

Targeted Uplifts - Your empire isn't the most developed. And uplifting worlds is an incredibly expensive process that takes decades for an investment to be recouped. But Vipik would be remiss not to offer this as a possibility. Even without the minor economic growth, the 5% increase in shuttle production capacity and maintenance facilities would allow for increased strategic flexibility. Cost: 2500. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Increase maintenance and shuttle shipyards by 5%. +17 income.

(2, 71, 76) Failure with Major Benefits

This … should not have happened. While intended to improve technology and maintenance capacity on a number of worlds, the wording of the initial orders was misinterpreted which spiraled into another project entirely. Instead of uplifting worlds, a number of small technology firms were funded.

This did have a number of benefits, namely in the increase in high-skill jobs producing luxury goods. Additionally, due to the labor shortage along with the surplus of lower-skill workers, a number of corporations have begun investing in joint work-study programs allowing workers to attain higher education at a lower cost. Vipik has carefully suggested that perhaps education should be heavily funded in the following years, to which you gave a noncommittal response, preferring to think on matters further.

*Action misinterpreted, small business investments completed instead. ~200 income increase.*

[ADVISOR ACTION] Increase Automation - A major weakness of the Empire of the Hand's economy is that it has a great deal of industrial demands and not enough capacity to meet it all, separated as it is from the wider labor and technological bases of the galaxy it previously depended upon. This most recently has come to a head with the near-collapse of the entire financial system, caused by a critical shortage of labor. However, you and Vipik, with minor input from Admiral Baidan, have come to a solution that involves the expansion of automation and droid labor. By investing in businesses both new and old which specialize in droid manufacturing, the market should at last rebalance itself with the new influx of labor compensating for your Empire's previous lack of productivity. Cost: 800. Time: 1 turn.

(6, 15, 21) + 10 (Omake) -> (16, 25, 31) Failure

"Vipik, I do hope you have an explanation for this." Letting the interview with a CEO play out on one of the screens in your office, your steward sweats nervously, a slight tremble in their hands.

"Well … Emperor Thrawn, when I wrote up the automation grants, a number of companies decided to open up new factory lines rather than upgrade their existing ones." Taking a number of reports from a folder in his hands, he holds them out to you.

Over the course of a few minutes, you read through the reports, confirming that this was what occurred. It makes sense, companies and corporations seek profit over all else, and why have just one line of production when you can have two? With the labor shortage, this would have been short-sighted, to say the least, but corporations often have blindspots. Nonetheless, you had expected better from Vipik. Sighing, you let a hand rise up and meet your face, speaking as you do. "You didn't account for corporate greed, one of the more basic issues in financial policy." His eyes dart Eshu then to your other bodyguards. "While you haven't made the same mistake more than once, making a different mistake each time isn't better. Tell me you've at least ensured that the new clones are classified as sentient beings."

Vipik swallows, desperately nodding his head. "Yes, I made sure of that, my Emperor."

Waving your hand dismissively, you inform him of your thoughts. "See to it that at least that succeeds. If my economy crashes and you cannot explain how and why it happened, you will require a new source of employment. As it is, I wonder if I should replace you. Now go, I have other matters to attend to."

As he leaves, you wonder if you should replace him or not

[] Replace Vipik (leads to subvote for the new advisor), current candidates available: Human economist specializing in long term management, Tortuga philanthropist focused on reducing poverty and eliminating slavery, Hutt focused on legalizing Spice and other unsavory practices
[] Do not

*Action failed, option to replace Vipik.*

[ADVISOR ACTION] Public Cloning Facilities - An inspired idea, if one prone to some ethical grumbling by some individual. By creating clones to serve as menial laborers, you could drive down labor costs and increase company profits, leading to an economic boom. While some may have issues with the exploitation of organic labor, and low-skilled workers will find themselves out of a job, the value of wealth for your burgeoning empire cannot be understated. Cost: 800. Upkeep: None. Time: 2 turns. Reward: Increase income by ~700 per turn for 2 turns. Increases poverty.

(96, 30, 38) Success

At least one of your heavily funded economic projects did what was intended. A number of new cloning facilities have appeared on a number of your industrial worlds, usually where labor shortages are most profound. While droids take up the laborious tasks, clones have found a use in low-skill positions such as service work. A number of different cloning lines have been produced for different tasks, and while they are not optimized for the task, the differences in appearance do serve to differentiate them for the average consumer.

Currently, there are three generations of clones being produced. A variant that lasts four years, one that lasts 16, and another that lasts as long as normal sapients. As you read the report, you frown at some of the implications that hit you.

On paper, they are legally sapient and sentient, but many of the official documentation surrounding the production of clones are couched in terms that depict them as products rather than people. While the ethical implications are mostly a topic for philosophers due to your Empire's structure as a dictatorship, you have no need to be cruel for no reason. Ideally, they will integrate into society well, but if they don't, then you will be forced to take action.

The spike in unemployment is unfortunate but expected. While the lower-skill jobs are now the domain of clones, the higher skill jobs are far more useful and well paying, as well as still open for new hires. As such, Vipik suggests acting to heavily fund your education system in order to raise the standard of skill allowing for more people to attain high-paying jobs.

*Clones are now a common sight. Poverty increases. ~700 income increase. Education investment recommended.*

Intrigue: Within your governmental apparatus, your intrigue department has seen a massive amount of new administrative officials hired. Despite this, the quality and loyalty have yet to fall thanks to a new novel screening and training procedure that was implemented last year. Nonetheless, Cen Kam stands ready to do your bidding and has proposed a massive number of projects. (Choose 3)

Loot the Jedi Temple - With your intelligence services' penetration of the Galactic Empire, the Jedi Temple on Coruscant has become a possible target for a heist. Cen Kam would prefer to run this operation entirely in house, and recommends against bringing in Kanuas, citing his unknown motivations as a possible security concern. Nonetheless, taking the artifacts within the temple would be profoundly helpful. Cost: 200. Upkeep: None. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Loot the Jedi Temple.

(86, 71, 70) + 20 (Omake) -> (106, 91, 90) Ludicrous Critical Success with Critical Benefits

Reading the reports on this operation truly brings a smile to your face. And you look forward to the many artifacts and knowledge that will be recovered.

*Continued in The Perfect Crime*

Maw Installation - Thanks to Cen Kam, you have uncovered the location of a secret research facility known as the Maw Installation, originally formed by the late Grand Moff Tarkin. With some effort, it should be possible to influence the Maw Installation to focus its efforts in a manner you would approve of. Alternatively, you may try to outright take whatever scientists, data, and prototypes the facility have managed to produce and put them to work under the Empire of the Hand officially. A simpler matter would be to destroy the entire Maw Installation to ensure nothing can come about to threaten you, but this would naturally prevent you from positively benefiting from it. Cost: 100. Upkeep: None. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Fate of the Maw Subvote.

(67, 89, 96) Success with Critical Benefits

Cen Kam began this project with an act of minor sabotage which led to two days worth of work in the Maw Installation being lost. Taken as a power failure due to insufficient maintenance, the Empire has begun creating daily backups of their data and storing them in what should be a secure computer. However, as your agents were the ones that installed it, you effectively now have all the data the Maw Installation discovers or invents without having to do anything. Needless to say, this opens up a few new options for you.

*Copies of daily discoveries and inventions by the Maw Installation are now yours. Maw Installation subvote.*

Loot Palpatine's Stashes - The late Emperor Palpatine was a man of many secrets and interests. It was something of an open secret that there were many special projects and hidden bases under his control, scattered throughout the galaxy. However, you did not expect them to be quite so... numerous. With Palpatine dead, you see no reason to let these potentially valuable assets go to waste, especially when it is well within your power to take them for yourself. Cost: 200. Upkeep: None. Time: 1 turn. Reward: ??? Gain ????.

(99, 81, 80) + 10 (Omake) -> (109, 91, 90) Ludicrous Critical Success with Critical Benefits

There are only a few moments in your life in which you have openly laughed long and joyously. This … this was one of those. The sheer amount of wealth and technology you recovered boggles the mind. Regardless of what comes in the future, you have almost certainly won the early game in this galactic match between empires.

*Continued in I Want Everything interlude*

Learning: Dr. Nairtuu has taken advantage of her newfound freedom to pursue hybridization experiments along with deconstructing Nuso Evsa' fleets. While you initially expected her to conduct incremental improvements, she mentioned that reverse engineering was a process that almost always resulted in new innovations, and at worst resulted in new discoveries. (Choose 1)

Clone Wars Era Clone Template - It is Nairtuu's belief that the Grand Army of the Republic was the most well-trained and disciplined organic fighting force in galactic history. Although perhaps an exaggeration, it is no secret that the Clone Troopers far outpaced the skill of traditional military forces, in part due to the quality of their template, the deadly Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. If given enough time, it is believed that Fett's DNA can be recovered and used to create another elite corps of soldiers, this time in your own service. Cost: 100. Time: 3 turns. Reward: Gain the ability to reproduce Clone Troopers

(1, 82, 17) -> (25, 82, 25) Success With Benefits

Research into the clone template has gone well. While Dr. Nairtuu seems to have an overabundance of caution, but she has continued to find results and so you feel inclined to leave her to her own devices.

The clone template, Jango Fett, is an interesting individual, and you rather enjoyed reading his biography. While there are certainly gaps in it, and you would truly enjoy a conversation with the man, or perhaps his adoptive son, sadly both have perished in this galaxy. Nonetheless, the first prototypes were created this month, with a second batch in the works in order to iron out a few of the production issues that were discovered.

Inhibitor chips have also been an interesting avenue for future research. Admiral Baidan seemed excited, saying that using them on a Rancor and other creatures would allow for some interesting tactics. However, you would rather wait for your current reforms to finish before then. While weaponized megafauna would be a useful addition, they are limited due to their organic nature.

*Research progresses. When military reforms finish, Inhibitor Chips for Animals Learning action unlocked.*

[ADVISOR ACTION] Hybridize Empire and Chiss Designs - With the stream of Chiss refugees, among them come those with technological knowledge on Chiss design philosophies. If combined with Empire technologies, you could see a new generation of ships that would compound with the current military reforms. However, for the immediate future, only fighters and lighter vessels would be viable to construct, with heavier vessels having to wait until the reforms complete. Cost: 50. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Hybridized Designs.

(90, 59, 33) Success

The integration of Chiss technology with Empire technology has gone well with a number of improvements being included in your military. The Clawcraft is the most visible, being a hybrid of the two empires and its maneuverability making it a deadly fighter. It has become a staple of your starfighter corp, with it being able to take on X-wings on occasion.

Additionally, a number of improvements have been made in the regimes of biological containment, information security, and other such fields. By using technology in novel ways Dr. Nairtuu was able to make a number of engineering improvements leading to slightly better weapons, shields, armor, sensors, and computer design leading to a more versatile and powerful army.

*Clawcraft created. +4% military strength from hybridized designs.*

[ADVISOR ACTION] Research Nuso Evsa's Fleet - With the capture of numerous alien vessels comes a rather simple opportunity. Reverse engineering the technology within. Unfortunately, these ships lack any true technological breakthroughs, but there are still components that you can take and learn from. While this will be mainly a series of minor gains, that does mean it is within Dr. Nairtuu's personal specialty. Cost: 50. TIme: 1 turn. Reward: Slight increase in military strength.

(35, 22, 79) -> (35, 25, 79) Success

Sadly Nuso Evsa's fleet didn't have as many improvements to utilize. Many of the technologies found were on par with your own, simply optimized for different purposes. As a result, Dr. Nairtuu primarily spent your assigned budget on analyzing these side grades repeatedly and obtaining an accurate model for use in a simulator.

Through a series of thousands of mock battles in a variety of situations, a number of slight changes have been made regarding weapon usage and sensor design. This has resulted in a slight increase in versatility while retaining damage output, staying power, and even allowing for a minor accuracy improvement. While certainly not breathtaking, the improvements from this will further increase the strength of your empire.

*Nuso Evsa's fleet heavily broken down. +2% military strength from sidegrades to current systems.*

Lore: Kanuas has been far frostier ever since you informed him that he would not be given as much freedom as some of the other advisors. However, you see little reason to trust him with that much power, not until he proves himself loyal enough for it. At the moment, he has proposed the founding of his order at last. (Choose 1. 1 Locked).

Create the Order - With the fortress about to finish, and the curriculum established, Kanuas has said he is ready to create the order. The initial group will be comprised of 40 students of the light with 40 students of the dark, and 20 that will be studying both. Kanuas has warned that he expects all of those 20 to perish for a variety of reasons. Cost: 100. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Create the force order.

(??, ??, ??) Success with Complications

The force order that Kanuas has made has experienced issues even if it is now operational. While the 20 students that studied both had severe issues with them all deciding to quit before going insane, there were additional complications.

Tensions between the light and dark side users grew with time, with one of the Twi'lek light side users named Jawtadi repeatedly criticizing Kanuas' teachings and methods. As the weeks passed, tensions eventually boiled over into a series of duels to the death between the light and dark side users. Due to their low level of training, as in four months, only the very basics had been taught, these duels were based entirely on knowledge of swordsmanship which allowed Jawtadi to utterly dominate them leading to the deaths of five dark side users before the duels ended.

However, this was not the end as the dark side users launched a full assault on the light side quarters, one which resulted in Kanuas being forced to step in after they destroyed a number of installations as a part of their plan. When the dust settled, the dark side users were dead or dying with the light side users having remained mostly untouched. Kanuas, himself has taken Jawtadi as his personal apprentice for unknown reasons, much to the Twi'lek's displeasure.

*Order founded. Dark Side users perish after a series of duels then a failed assault which Kanuas intervened in. Grey disciples quit. Kanuas takes an apprentice named Jawtadi.*

[LOCKED] Fortress For The Order - Just as the Jedi and the Sith have had their own temples and enclaves throughout the ages, Kanuas desires that the same be constructed for his own order. In this time of conflict, defensibility will be a more significant factor in its design than usual, but it will still possess all of the facilities required to further the students' education. However, you suspect that his desire for a fortress stems from another factor that he has yet to share. Despite this, his insistence on the importance of this action must be taken into account. Cost: 200. Time: 2 turns. Reward: Fortress for the order. Order name subvote.

(??, ??, ??) Failure with Benefits

This year saw a number of delays hit the construction of the order's fortress. While the damage wrought by the dark siders during their assault could have been worked around, in the aftermath a number of the workers refused to work, claiming that they could feel something wrong in the area. Kanuas said this was likely due to the deaths of so many force users for a fledging order, but explained that it would go away with time. His words do have merit, as time has passed and the workers are now willing to resume construction once more.

Darth Nox seems to have taken the conflict well, and has made a number of revisions to the fortress' design due to the battle and what it exposed. Due to the large number of Force users, a number of new tactics are available to those within the compound, and his new designs have partially sealed off that avenue.

*Workers refuse to work over the past four months. Has been resolved. Fortress modified to better deal with Force users.*

Personal: It seems that you will have to create a bodyguard force immediately. While the security changes to your palace should suffice, you must take care and create additional redundancies. Eshu has begun screening several soldiers and specialists for the task, and you have given her a stipend to use for it. Nonetheless, you have work to do. (Choose 1. 1 Locked)

[LOCKED] Create A Custom Bodyguard Unit - Eshu is a fantastic bodyguard. Patient, alert, highly trained, and seemingly never requiring sleep, at least for as long as anyone can see her. However she is still but one person, and in her view, this is not sufficient to protect you. With your permission, she may hire and train additional bodyguards who will both be capable of complementing her skills and functioning autonomously if she were indisposed. Cost: 10. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Elite bodyguard force for Thrawn obtained.

(53, 100, 28) Success With Critical Benefits

Eshu has done well in regard to your new bodyguard force. While the replacement of the Noghri for this did leave the aliens despondent and irritated, as Vader didn't have children, they will remain loyal to you.

The new bodyguard force was designed not for direct combat, but rather to prevent off-angle attacks. This does make sense to you, as if your palace is facing a direct military assault, the situation is likely untenable in the first place. In order to do this, Eshu has drawn upon her contacts as well as Cen Kam's to assemble a force geared towards preventing assassinations.

The first new bodyguard is a medic and biological specialist. A Trandoshan bounty hunter who used poisons and bladed weapons, you were surprised to hear that he did in fact obtain a full medical license covering cardiovascular systems for humanoid species. Serving primarily as a counter to poisons and as a desperation method to save your life, his skills are welcome but ideally will never be used.

The second bodyguard is a human master of disguise. One of Cen Kam's former contacts, they use prosthetic makeup along with holographic cloaks and other disguise methods to infiltrate groups in preparation for heists. Their primary purpose among your bodyguards is to act as a second principle, complicating assassination attempts and helping disguise your true location at any point in time.

The third is another human, an information warfare specialist that uses many small drones to achieve information supremacy over a given area. He has proven himself in a number of demonstrations where his drones were able to adequately cover a wide area and his slicing skills are adequate for the level of competency Eshu seems to have described.

With Eshu acting as the commander and main combatant of the force, you have little doubt that any assassination plans against you are going to be far more difficult than others will expect. First, they will have to get through Cen Kam's own espionage force, and then they will have to deal with your bodyguards.

In fact, despite a ten trillion credit bounty on your head, only one individual has attempted it. A Kaminoan biowarfare user, he was found entering the same system as you by customs security and despite a short chase was captured along with enough neurotoxin to kill two city blocks. A man wanted in 87 star systems for more than 10 thousand deaths due to their actions, you have to admit that their methods are effective if ensuring that he would forever remain a target. Nonetheless, it seems that you have yet another diplomatic asset to use.

*New bodyguard force hired, Noghri seconded to special operations. Assassin captured, slight improvement in relations with minor galactic powers.*

Personal Attention - You have found that one of the tasks you have resolved to undertake is in need of a more direct touch. You will take a personal interest in this activity to ensure it succeeds... or in the more pessimistic view, does not fail too horribly. Cost: None. TIme: 1 turn. Reward: Applies Thrawn's bonuses to a particular action in addition to your advisors'.

Despite Eshu's misgivings, you found yourself interested in what Palpatine had to offer, and you were not disappointed.

*Continued in I Want Everything interlude*

Collected Votes (4 hour moratorium as always):

[] Replace Vipik (leads to subvote for the new advisor), current candidates available: Human economist specializing in long term management, Tortuga philanthropist focused on reducing poverty and eliminating slavery, Hutt focused on legalizing Spice and other unsavory practices
[] Do not
Well I'd say a good turn overall but the question now is do we replace our steward advisor for his repeated failures?
The second bodyguard is a human master of disguise. One of Cen Kam's former contacts, they use prosthetic makeup along with holographic cloaks and other disguise methods to infiltrate groups in preparation for heists. Their primary purpose among your bodyguards is to act as a second principle, complicating assassination attempts and helping disguise your true location at any point in time.
...I wonder if this is Flim.
Well I'd say a good turn overall but the question now is do we replace our steward advisor for his repeated failures?
I am inclined to give him 1 more chance. After that he gets the boot unfortunately. Mostly I think it is because the other advisors stole all of the luck but we do have a reputation to maintain.

Thrawn is the type to forgive if the one who failed did everything he could. But I want a better economy ASAP so if that meant giving him the boot, so be it. For now, 1 last chance.
I am inclined to give him 1 more chance. After that he gets the boot unfortunately. Mostly I think it is because the other advisors stole all of the luck but we do have a reputation to maintain.

Thrawn is the type to forgive if the one who failed did everything he could. But I want a better economy ASAP so if that meant giving him the boot, so be it.
In the end I don't mind either way when it comes to the steward advisor.
A reminder regarding our current Stewardship advisor's traits:
Experienced Banker - Reduces interest rates of loans and bonds. Increases effectiveness of banking systems.
Money Above All - Increased effectiveness for actions that increase empire wealth. Decreased effectiveness for those that don't.
Used to Wealth - Increased effectiveness of actions on developed worlds. Decreased effectiveness for poorly developed worlds.

Also, keep him. The only replacement that we may want to consider is the one specialized in long-term management, but fixing our economy sooner rather than later is important enough that we're better off not replacing our current Stewardship advisor.
So to be clear, when you say Interceptor you aren't referring to the standard model, you mean the super tricked out Emperors guard version.
No I don't. The royal guard just used it as standard. But literally everyone after Endor either upgraded the Interceptor with shields and the second load out or created new designs. The upgrades are created for the Interceptor base model for anyone that wants them.

True, although you missed that the outbreak was the result of the Sith (plaguis and Sidious) meddling around; to put a stop to any pre clone wars build ups.
No it was the result of a bio terrorist that was around for a long time. The Sith didn't play a role in it directly because they didn't care.

Your current starfighter corp is based primarily on Tie Avengers and Defenders, with the Clawcraft and Tie Interceptor acting as elite variants for breakthroughs and countering enemy aces. The Tie Raptor, while a unique design, has a more niche use, which you still have room for. However, it will only be made in limited numbers due to the superiority of other fighters.
This is not right. The Clawcraft and Interceptor line are both cheaper and less effective than the Avenger and Defender lines. So why would we give elites worse fighters? Also the Raptor isn't niche it is just another multi-role fighter.

Also no we should not replace the Stewardship advisor. I do think we should hire one of the choices as an assistant advisor to help him out though can we do that @Daemon Hunter ?
Didn't the 10 trillion we got from Palpatine's Stashes pay off our debt?

If we no longer owe the banks it might be good to go to the long term guy.

Seek Peace with the New Republic Action unlocked.
Yessss!!! We can get rid of a major opponent and focus on everyone else. If we take over the empire then they can't attack us because we would have a peace treaty. If they ever attacked us we could crush them or spy them to death. And we can use our spys to subvert the senators.
I'm for replacing him for the long therm guy, Since it seems that his focus on Making money is causing him to fail in fixing any actual problems.
[X] Do not

I don't really see the point in replacing him TBH. IC we know he can still do good work (as evidenced by the stuff with cloning), and OOC we know both that low dice rolls aren't his fault, and that he still has the bonuses we're looking for to consolidate our economy.

Edit: Unless he's disloyal or he ends up developing negative traits from repeated failures, I see no reason to replace him, at least for as long as our economic goals remain the same.
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