Mission Report 3942 Q1 BBY
Mission 1 (The Core, Councilor Mira, 2 Jedi Consularss, 2 Jedi Sentinel, 1 Jedi Guardian, 6 Padawans)
-Councilor Mira-
There's a cold case gone hot on Alsakan. Ten years this kid has been missing, thought trafficked by the hutts after a kidnapping. He's been busy, though; three of the men suspected in the kidnapping are dead. And very possibly, not peacefully. Not a sign of blaster fire or dart wound suggesting poison or anything but their hearts look rather like they've popped.
I'm on the case.
Mission 2 (The Inner Rim, Bao-Dur, 3 Jedi Consulars, 4 Jedi Sentinels, 3 Jedi Guardians, 8 Padawans)
-Consular Zez Kyrido-
Master Bao-Dur has uncovered trouble. An old cache of Mandalorian mines and more on Onderon, and not too old to be ineffective either. Sith cultists have also begun searching for them, we suspect, on the general theory that they are very good at causing us trouble. We have deployed to the moon with the permission of Queen Talia. It has been some time since any of the original six returned; I can only hope they find some peace.
Mission 3 (The Mid-Rim, Consular Atris, 3 Jedi Sentinels, 5 Jedi Guardians, 8 Padawans)
-Consular Atris-
I was in the middle of meditation when something struck me.
A notebook I had from before Katarr, containing a number of transmitter codes. The only problem, of course, is that I don't remember who most of them are-- the burdens of middle age-- and they seem very secure. If I want to find out, I'm going to have to go in person.
Mission 4 (The Outer Rim, Councilor Atton Rand, 3 Jedi Consulars, 5 Jedi Sentinels, 2 Jedi Guardians, 6 Padawans)
-Sentinel Pal-
Well, we've arrived on the Drakion Homeworld. Seems there was a cultural event going on before the pirates decided to attack and with them gone, it can resume.
It's a poetry contest, of no small merit. It's not quite a competition, but it is a good way for those looking to advance to show off their skills. Naturally, Master Rand has voluntold me that I will be participating.
Of course.
Mission 5 (The Colonies, Councilor Visas Marr, 1 Jedi Consular, 6 Jedi Sentinels, 2 Jedi Guardians, 6 Padawans)
-Councilor Visas Marr-
Echoes. Nihilus left them wherever he went; and now one travels here. There is a dead spot in the Force here, one hidden in the hurricane that was the Dark Wars. But I have to know. No matter what.
I have to.
Mission 6 (The Expansion Region, Councilor Bastila Shan, 2 Jedi Consulars, 6 Jedi Sentinels, 6 Jedi Guardians, 6 Padawans)
-Councilor Bastila Shan-
We believed no Jedi survived the Purge, but those that had already returned to us.
But we have heard rumors, whispers of a healer on the edge of space, returning people to health in a miraculous fashion. Perhaps a Jedi; perhaps not. But either way, we have to know.
Mission 7 (Councilor Juhani, Councilor Mical, 3 Sentinels, 1 Guardian, and 1 Consular)
We have been recruited by the cults to deliver Yuthura before the Republic Senate so she can beg for help. But the defenses of the enemy are great indeed: a Hutt, of no small power, stands against us on a combat platform, a many legged walker with enough shields to shrug off orbital bombardment.
Naturally, we need to deal with this.
Mission 1 (The Core, Councilor Mira, 2 Jedi Consularss, 2 Jedi Sentinel, 1 Jedi Guardian, 6 Padawans)
-Councilor Mira-
"I am so tired of running, and never feeling safe. I'm tired of carrying the memories of those I left behind to try and survive, tired of waking up in the morning and remembering. If I can't be happy ever again, at least I can make sure they never get to do this to anybody else. I can be satisfied with that."
"...That's the Force you're describing."
Mission 2 (The Inner Rim, Bao-Dur, 3 Jedi Consulars, 4 Jedi Sentinels, 3 Jedi Guardians, 8 Padawans)
-Consular Zez Kyrido-
The rain and thunder are thick on the jungle, but the Cannocks seem to have learned not to attack Master Bao-Dur while he is searching.
On the plus side, we have supper.
Mission 3 (The Mid-Rim, Consular Atris, 3 Jedi Sentinels, 5 Jedi Guardians, 8 Padawans)
-Consular Atris-
Mission 4 (The Outer Rim, Councilor Atton Rand, 3 Jedi Consulars, 5 Jedi Sentinels, 2 Jedi Guardians, 6 Padawans)
-Sentinel Pal-
The Iron shell breaks
The Summer saber burns bright
Victory is ours
Mission 5 (The Colonies, Councilor Visas Marr, 1 Jedi Consular, 6 Jedi Sentinels, 2 Jedi Guardians, 6 Padawans)
-Councilor Visas Marr-
It is a valley of ash, an echo screamed out into the void without hope.
Or is it? Nihilus was no god, and I can feel...something. Somewhere, on this world that once teemed with life, with hope.
Mission 6 (The Expansion Region, Councilor Bastila Shan, 2 Jedi Consulars, 6 Jedi Sentinels, 6 Jedi Guardians, 6 Padawans)
-Councilor Bastila Shan-
No Jedi outside of us survived the Purge. If they did, they went native a very long time ago; and now no longer care for the Order.
But what of Sith? What of they? They, who brought fire and death? We did not purge them; they fled us, but we had hoped only for occupation, not the brutality of a victor's justice. So who, then, is this Morgiana?
Mission 7 (Councilor Juhani, Councilor Mical, 3 Sentinels, 1 Guardian, and 1 Consular)
The hutt is dead.
We have free passage to Republic space.
(+10 PP)
Mission 1 (The Core, Councilor Mira, 2 Jedi Consularss, 2 Jedi Sentinel, 1 Jedi Guardian, 6 Padawans)
-Councilor Mira-
My ribs feel like they took a vibrohammer, but the kid decided to surrender after I showed him the Force. He is currently en route to be judged by a tribunal; likely as not they'll find him Not Guilty, or at least toss him a pardon.
(+20 PP)
Mission 2 (The Inner Rim, Bao-Dur, 3 Jedi Consulars, 4 Jedi Sentinels, 3 Jedi Guardians, 8 Padawans)
-Consular Zez Kyrido-
We've cracked the code. The Mandalorian shields were no use against Master Bao-Dur, though he has considered integrating the design in the Enclave on Tojora.
(+20 Tojora)
Mission 3 (The Mid-Rim, Consular Atris, 3 Jedi Sentinels, 5 Jedi Guardians, 8 Padawans)
-Consular Atris-
We've been having trouble figuring out who is just statistically lucky and who is truly Force Sensitive, yes?
Well what if I told you I had determined a method to figure out who was and was not? How did you think I made sure the Handmaidens were all non-Force Sensitive? False negatives are possible, clearly, but it works well enough to be a lead.
(+2 Recruitment dice, Mid-Rim)
Mission 4 (The Outer Rim, Councilor Atton Rand, 3 Jedi Consulars, 5 Jedi Sentinels, 2 Jedi Guardians, 6 Padawans)
-Sentinel Pal-
I have won myself a little shred of acclaim, and set ourselves on a positive and productive path with the Drakion. They have allowed Republic ships to begin docking and trading in limited quantities, which is good because the usual sources for many of the resources they offer, among them durasteel components, were starting to stretch a little thin.
(+25 PP)
Mission 5 (The Colonies, Councilor Visas Marr, 1 Jedi Consular, 6 Jedi Sentinels, 2 Jedi Guardians, 6 Padawans)
-Councilor Visas Marr-
Something yet lives:
The humans on this world were slain to a last, and the surface was blasted clear of life.
The surface.
Down, down far below there was a massive complex established by the government, which contained seed banks, genetic data, cloning facilities and more. The unique fauna and flora, catalogued to a T after so many years, were held within.
This world will live again, if I have to do it by myself. This echo deserves to propagate.
(+25 PP)
Mission 6 (The Expansion Region, Councilor Bastila Shan, 2 Jedi Consulars, 6 Jedi Sentinels, 6 Jedi Guardians, 6 Padawans)
-Councilor Bastila Shan-
A man grows tired of war. Of death. Of bloodshed.
A man leaves it behind, and becomes a simple farmer. He decides to have a family. And the gift of Force Sensitivity travels through it through the ages, learning their own methods of drawing on the Force. And so his decision echoes throughout the ages.
(+25 Knowledge, may deploy a Jedi Liason to the Valley of Healing)