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Ah. Alright.

Sorry, I was misunderstanding what was meant by reveal our information.

That's a lot more agreeable but wouldn't that still tip him off that we've got spies on him?
Yes and no. It reveals that we are far more powerful and effective than he thinks but it doesn't give away just how much we have on him. It is a power play to make him reconsider any hostile actions and makes him be more honest in his dealings with us.

It makes us seem better than he thinks and it is a way to secure even better terms. We come out stronger for it and Kaine now knows he is unable to take advantage of us without our help.

And for the people talking about a coup. That is a waste of time the Empire is falling apart on it own we have no need or reason to make it worse. Those actions are better used to make the intelligence network better or expanded to the players we don't already have them in instead.

As for the bounty hunter we have him now so he can be used as an asset for ourselves. Let him know that we don't blame him or hold it against him but that his skills are in demand if he wants a steady job.

[X] Use the knowledge of his plans
Rule 3: Be Civil, or, "There's no reason to be so hostile with another user in the thread, regardless of past history. In addition, telling someone that they've been ignored is not really all that okay either."
On the one hand it kind of makes sense; on the other hand, it's Adventwolf suggesting it and I'd rather pull my own teeth with my bare hands than accept any suggestions put forth by him.
Oh, just because you're an arrogant ass who never admits to being wrong and can't tell when your input is unnecessary or unwanted. I've not forgotten how you got yourself banned from my Star Wars quest for being a pointlessly argumentative jerk, or how the almost literal first response to a post I ever made on SB was you telling me to fuck myself. In this case, the way you retain an advantage is very simple: by not letting it slip that you possess an advantage. Your plan would have us tip our hand for dubious short-term gain in exchange for long-term weakness.

At any rate, I've added you to my ignore list; the only reason I replied to this was because I thought your plan was bad. Consider this the last time I acknowledge your existence.
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Oh, just because you're an arrogant ass who never admits to being wrong and can't tell when your input is unnecessary or unwanted. I've not forgotten how you got yourself banned from my Star Wars quest for being a pointlessly argumentative jerk, or how the almost literal first response to a post I ever made on SB was you telling me to fuck myself. In this case, the way you retain an advantage is very simple: by not letting it slip that you possess an advantage. Your plan would have us tip our hand for dubious short-term gain in exchange for long-term weakness.
I do admit if I am wrong. And as for your quest, I wasn't banned, I still follow it but I play others more so don't do more than read it. And I wasn't being pointlessly argumentative when I point out that the thing they said wasn't how it actually works. And what the hell are you talking about I have never told you to fuck yourself because I don't go around insulting people. And it isn't a short term gain for long term weakness because Kaine has no idea what we have done with our intelligence agency. We still have the advantage from the intel because their skill level is so high it is very unlikely they will be able to find them. Not to mention we already know that the Pentastar Alignment has spies in our space.
The decision of revealing secret information is based first upon the classic conundrum of intelligence work. Using secret information always carries the risk of the enemy becoming aware of the infiltration. In this case there is no risk of it being known, we will essentially tell the highest echelons about it. There can only be one result coming from this, and it is a crackdown. This means we could easily lower our current T-4 spy network, through this reveal, into a T-3 or just T-2. The Empire had a ruthless, backstabbing, intrigue plagued corporate culture. No one that gained a high rank in this climate would not act upon learning his own state has been infiltrated in such a way. He will overhaul his counterintelligence measures, and this will hurt our spy-network and future prospects there. Ignoring how this could lead to others doing the same in the worst case scenario.
Therefore, the simple question that follows is, is it worth it?

The only purpose of such a revelation would be to change our threat potential. There is no difference to our economic weight or other arguments regarding trade, but the threat potential of the Empire of the Hand would be changed. Before, Kaine was quite sure of himself being in the stronger position, but with such a revelation, doubt starts to set in. What other aces does Thrawn have up his sleeve? This question will trouble him and the threat potential goes up. Contrary to our diplomatic measures, we now appear threatening. Because what else do we know? His secret projects, potential scandals, plans or do we even have allies in his ranks...and the paranoia will run away with it.
And what would we gain from that? Would he invest more into someone that now appears threatening? Hell, no. Would he hold himself back and offer a better deal? Maybe, it is possible.

So, is it worth it? Hell, the fuck no! For a slightly or even just better deal we would be on his radar as a potential threat, we have revealed our intelligence arm and infiltration of his state leading to a crackdown and more problems gathering intelligence from his realm in the future, revealed our diplomatic moves to be mere smoke and mirrors and lastly made him feel like a fool.

Threats, and nothing else is revealing the infiltration of another state, never lead to improved relations between states, but the opposite. Kaine wants to have fewer enemies and achieve that through trade. This is wholesale advantageous to us, we play the long-game and not the short one. His current intentions towards us are peaceful, there is no need to roll the dice upon this sentiment.
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@Daemon Hunter I want to write an omake for this quest and I think the standardized equipment would be a good place to start and I want you opinion on this idea.

Since Star Wars weapons were based out of WW2 weapons, I am thinking of making the EotH's new primary blaster to be based on the M4 platform, more specifically the M27 IAR. It can fill the role of a heavy gunner by shooting more accurate suppressing fire there by using less ammo and be more likely to hit. Marksmen get the Saber Assault which is an M4 that can quickly change from an assault blaster into a sniper blaster with optics and bipod by quick changing the upper receiver. It being lighter to carry by having a polymer frame might also help the troops as every bit of weight matters.
[X] Hide your knowledge of his plans

Unlike most people, Kaine isn't a moron. Even if we don't give away the full details of our operations, simply knowing that we have spies in his government will lead him to put every effort into rooting them out, and he's probably got the capability of succeeding.
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