[] Stick to What We Came Here For
-[] Allow Ferdinand to keep his Throne (Naples): The Great Powers of Europe will never accept a king being removed from his throne so forcefully, and Ferdinand is one of the rare monarchs that retain two titles of the same Rank, Sicily, and Naples. You will take one, and remove the other, controlling the southern Italian Peninsula. (Grants +20. The Kingdom of Sicily will be transferred to the French Republic, with the administration transitioning towards a republic)
-[] Pay War Reparations (Light): The King will pay, from his state coffers a sum of money to the French State. (+5 The Payments that the king will need to pay are negligible to his economy.)
-[] Permanent Naval Docking Rights: The French Navy needs to have bases to maintain supply with your army and any future operations. (+10. The Navy will have a base in Syracuse, and the city will be under French control, and administration)
-[] Garrisons: You will be setting up Garrisons to Secure French interests on the Island will be normally under French control (+5 The island will be under French Occupation)