Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest]

Voting is open
New Good Seed and Omake Rule Updates
Good Seed and Omake Spreadsheet Rules:

Firstly, if you have questions about Good Seeds and the like please read here. If that doesn't answer your question please ping me in thread, or on Discord.

If you write a new Good Seed, or write an omake, please update the spreadsheet if you have access.

If you do not have access, please ping a collaborator (Swordomatic, Alectai, Quest, TehChron, Insane-Not-Crazy, Humbaba, ReaderOfFate, Kaboomatic, no., BungieONI) letting them know what you want and they will update the spreadsheet here. To gain access, you will need a gmail account of some kind. Throwaway emails are fine (I'm using one for the spreadsheet), but to gain access it's as simple as sending me either your email via PM, via DM in Discord, or just in Discord's #spreadsheet-requests channel.

This is mandatory. If a Good Seed does not record their omake by pinging collabs (or just requesting access and editing things themselves - this is the preferred option), I won't give out awards. If a new Good Seed is not recorded here, they won't advance. By doing this it makes the whole thing manageable for me - it's gotten pretty unwieldy!


Omake Writer Instructions:

There are four fields you need to fill out.

Omake Link, which is just a link to your first omake for the turn. This makes it easier for me to read them as I do the update - without this it's tough to know off the bat which omake were written this turn, and to properly

Requested Bonus, which is your requested bonus for your omake. You can leave it up to me if you like. You can see more info in the Good Seed infopost here.

Cultivation Aims. For those following unorthodox paths - higher than 9th Heavenstage or later than 7th Dao Pillar paths. Please put in what you are aiming for before you break through. I have left it as 'default'. If you do not edit it, I'll go with that.

Turn Notes - Do you want to do something specific? Enter a Secret Realm? Help the Clan out in some way? If you have something specific you want to accomplish on this turn, put it in turn notes so I can adjust your Fate around it.

All other fields are for QM use to record character information to properly run the flow of the game.
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Does anyone have any other ideas why Jingshen might be lowering the cost of Spirit Stones while they're scrabbling for wealth to the point that they're understaffing and undersupplying their defenses? I think either their new lands have a lot of spirit stones, so they can supply more of them at once, so a decrease in price will allow them to make even more money with more customers, or they've made a deal with the Righteous Powers, they'll supply them with spirit stones at cost and they'll get back... what? What could be more important to them than wealth right now? Clearly it's not security.

If it is that they've discovered a metric fuckton of stones in their new territories, it becomes more important to cut them off from those lands before they can properly profit from them.
[] Plan Prep for the trials and the future, with forts
-[] Don't
-[] [CLAN FOCUS] Intrigue - Commit to deniable raids and sponsoring any rebellious vassals or forces to raid the Jinshen's three great Forts, with a focus on destroying infrastructure. Particulary the Great Spirit Cannon
-[] [PERSONAL] Lecturing
-[ ] Prepare the Ten Million Forts (20 Wealth this turn)

[] Plan Plan Prep for the trials and the future, with Artifacts
-[] Don't
-[] [CLAN FOCUS] Intrigue - Commit to deniable raids and sponsoring any rebellious vassals or forces to raid the Jinshen's three great Forts, with a focus on destroying infrastructure. Particulary the Great Spirit Cannon
-[] [PERSONAL] Lecturing
-[ ] Lay the Foundations of Recovery (10 Wealth)
-[ ] Broadcast from the Mortal Artifact Network (6 Wealth)

Two variants. @occipitallobe Does the write in work?

The write-in is allowed.

... @occipittallobe is it possible to instead have a "Spend any leftover Wealth on the Flood Dragon Gang" option instead?

e.g. If we spend 16 wealth this turn, could we have the leftover 5 Wealth spent on the Flood Dragons?

Alternatively, what about a Clan Focus action of "providing training/supplies/lodging/core seed of Cultivators or mortal workers to the Flood Dragon Gang"?

... Well, I guess there is that "Clan Focus: Write In" section after all!

So we actually could do that.

We could do something like --
Clan Focus: Helping the Flood Dragon Gang
*spend 16 wealth on various combo of stuff
*Spend 5 Wealth on the Flood Dragon Gang
*Manuel Action: something-something, maybe Jingshen Vassal stuff? Maybe Righteous Powers Diplomacy to put the screws to them over the Flood Dragon Gang thing?

You can write this in. It will be less effective linearly than spending the full amount of money, though. Half the money to Lady Yao will have less than half the effect.

Since I really want Manuel actually ordering this I ask you @occipitallobe can we have a scene where manuel orders these newsletters to be produced? Flair it up if you want. Audacity is our only refuge after all.

Manuel would see this more as a sort of mild useful stopgap tool for allies who can't use the Contribution Board. To him, it'd be a very minor innovation he wouldn't have a lot of interest in.


I would like to have my current Good Seed, Diogenes Aparámillos, be retired from play. I haven';t put out much omake for him, and honestly I haven;t been feeling writing him much, if ever.

Done. He'll retire and eventually pass away from old age.
So, this turn is the 180th year of the quest.

By the end of the turn, every single Good Seed who started on Turn 1 will be 200 or older.

That means if you haven't:

(1) Gained a longevity treasure


(2) Broken through to Foundation Establishment

By the end of the turn, you'll be dead. Just a note for those who may have forgotten.

A list of all Turn 1 Good Seeds can be found here.


As an aside, the vote is now open.
[X] Plan The Scorpionquisition is Always Unexpected
-[X] Don't
-[X] Raiding Jingshen Territories: Haoshen and Wangshen Forts- Better to weaken an enemy. Send teams of cultivators to go raid an enemy for resources and to kill them where possible. Minor conflicts, with minor rewards. At best, you can seize minor territorial gains. This will worsen your relations, of course. Gains widely variable Wealth (0-10, excluding crits). May seize territory and gain Income in extreme cases. Loses Cultivators - around 5,000 Qi Condensation cultivators, 50 Foundation Establishment cultivators, and potentially 1 Core Formation Elder.
--[] "Most unfortunate, that due to the Jingshen's continued oppression and wealth extraction in their southern territories, a radical offshoot of the Great Scorpion Sect -- Though no concrete connection appears to exist, perhaps they are simply inspired by them -- seems to have come north in order to wreak vengeance for the plights of their fellows far from where the yoke falls heaviest upon them. Perhaps by seeking to split the Jingshen's focus across its territories, the boot will fall more lightly upon their compatriots? Either way, their radical fervor for the might and sleek beauty of the Scorpion has resulted in a near-religious crusade. One which seeks to discover and openly display the truth of Jingshen opulence and cruelty for all the world to see. To bring the evil in the shadows to light. A Scorpionquisition."
-[X] Lecturing - You can simply lecture your many juniors on cultivation. Spend your time helping them grow, using less resources and ensuring better growth for the Clan.
--[ ] "It has been too long, my Juniors, since I've taken the time to help guide those walking the path of cultivation. The tribulations which we face have always been greater than those which most have experienced, with the coming years proving to be the most recurring and most damaging of them all. The tragedy is not that many of us may die. The tragedy is that the world we live in is one which countenances such and even rewards that very cruelty. For this world is wrong. And that is why, every day that you live to cultivate, you are standing against that very world in the hopes that one day we shall be able to overcome it in it's totality."
-[X] Broadcast from the Mortal Artifact Network (6 Wealth)
--[ ] "Truly those forces of the Scorpionquisition are cunning indeed. Able to win even mortals to their side. But then, who can blame them? The sleek speed and power of the Scorpionquisition's famous mounts churn through the desert sands at a rate almost beyond their imagination. How could such ignorant creatures help but see them as divine compared to their mortal selves? Tragic, really. Yet, even so these converted adherents are but another of their Chief Weapons. Somehow, that list just seems to keep growing."
- [X] Build the Scorpion Cavalry Brigade (8 Wealth)
- -[ ] "Yes, the first of the Scorpionquisitions 'Chief Weapons' as they are so called. The key to their Two Discerning Pillars of Fear, Surprise, and Ruthless Efficiency. Yes, yes, I know the numbers don't add up. But who can speak for the mind of those near-fanatically devoted to the Scorpion? I only wish we could be of greater assistance in tracking down these raiders, but we are rather heavily invested in preparing for the usual centennial event. After last century, well, we wish to take as few chances as possible you understand. "
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[X] Plan The Scorpionquisition is Always Unexpected

Seems like a good compromise for kicking the Jingshen, saving enough wealth for helping Flood Dragons next turn, and Trial Preparations.
[X] Plan: students and masters.
- [X] Send the Clan's best Array-Engineers to the Great Battlefield.
- [X] clan focus: Training Soldiers.
- [X] Manuel action: lecturing (Casia ascension).
- [X] Broadcast from the Mortal Artifact Network (6 Wealth)
- [X] Build the Scorpion Cavalry Brigade (8 Wealth)
[X] Plan: The Desert will be ours!
-[X] Send the Clan's best Array-Engineers to the Great Battlefield.
-[X] Raiding Jingshen
-[X] Lecturing
-[X] Refound the Flood Dragon Gang (15 Wealth)
-[X] Broadcast from the Mortal Artifact Network (6 Wealth)
If Plan The Scorpionquisition is Always Unexpected wins, this would provide a good foundation for the Literal Scorpion Road mega-project.

Can we turn the Scorpion Road into a literal thing? That is to say:

(a) The Scorpion Road (or at least our section of the Scorpion Road) becomes a gigantic scorpion whose size encompasses the entire length of the caravan route in our territory.

(b) Any caravan who crosses our territory has to travel on the scales on the back of the Scorpion.

(c) The gigantic venomous stinger(s) of the Scorpion looms in the air above the road, ready to sting anyone who strays off the road, as well as anyone who tries to cross the road without paying the Golden Devils' toll.

To occipitallobe - How much Wealth would it cost to acquire and install a literal Scorpion Road?
... Ah, I just figured what 2 of our future Clan Missions are going to be after the Trials.

One of them is totally going to be "aid the Flood Dragon Gang rebuilding", and another is totally going to be "help Clan recover from the Trials" isn't it?

*Help restore the Flood Dragon Gang
*Help repair things from the Trials (whether rebuilding infrastructure, teaching Juniors, helping out legions, etc)

Maybe some third one that is related to regional geopolitics. Like maybe the Jingshen, or the Plains War, or whatever.
You can write this in. It will be less effective linearly than spending the full amount of money, though. Half the money to Lady Yao will have less than half the effect.

Would it discount the future "Help restore the Flood Dragon Gang" purchase action though?

That is: I'm predicting that the FDG-restoration will jump from 15 to 20 come the next turn. Especially because I predict we will have like 20 total wealth come the next turn, which means we need a big fact juicy option that tempts us with long-term gains which we will be hesitant to take because it's 20 wealth holy moly.

"7 wealth now" levels of gratitude is still is more than "20 wealth never, because the FDG cost just shot up from 15 to 20 after the Trials, and nobody feels comfortable spending 20 wealth right now."

So I'm going to argue that we should spend the 7 wealth now anyway.

I'm also asking: if we spend the 7 now, does that discount the future, need-to-pay-more-to-impress-again, action from whatever sky-high number it was going to be? (i.e. If it was going to be 20 or 25, it's going to be 15 or 20 instead.)
Let's cut Jingshen off of their entire South. Let's steal their vassals. Taking the Grand Scorpion Sect, The Heavenly Bandit Kingdom, and the New Jingshen Territories from Jingshen would be a crippling blow.

[X] Plan Treat Your Vassals Well
-[X] Both Manuel and the Clan will work together to befriend and empower Jingshen Clan's southern vassals enemies, the Grand Scorpion Sect and the Heavenly Bandit Kingdoms, in an attempt to make passage to and colonization of Jingshen's new southern territories as difficult as possible. And if they decide they would prefer to be our vassals instead of Jingshen's, all the better.
-[X] These stones, formations, fortifications, arts and arrays we gift to you do not come with the demand that you attack Jingshen lands directly, only that you do what you would have done anyway. Make Old Jingshen weep tears of frustration as supplies disappear, as roads are blocked, as borders are enforced. How long have they kept you between their walls and the hungry cannibal armies? How long have they mistreated you, stolen your wealth, humiliated your elders? With no other option, you were forced to serve as their disposable shields, and now they demand passage through your lands to reap the wealth of a war they did not participate in. No longer are the Battle Blood Cannibals your alternative. Consider how the Jingshen have treated you, and consider how well we treat our own allies.
-[X] Don't
-[X] Lay the Foundations of Recovery (10 Wealth)
-[X] Build the Scorpion Cavalry Brigade (8 Wealth)
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[X] Plan The Scorpionquisition is Always Unexpected

I'm deeply sympathetic to the turtling-up plan, but losing the geopolitical game is losing also, even if we do save more juniors now.

Old Jingshen is planning something by cutting tariff prices and leaving his Clan's forts undefended. The hypothesis that he's stripping everything bare to squeeze out a third Nascent is irreconcilable with lowering his income flow, unless he's anticipating some sort of increased return very soon. Hitting your bottom line merely to make your enemy suspicious would be a terrible, terrible tradeoff for a clan whose entire existence and win condition is built around earning enough dosh. Yes, lashing out with disposable irregulars to destabilize them is a crude tool for a situation we're in the dark about, but doing it now has two very straightforward advantages.

1) Money is money. They win by hoarding. They are hitting their bottom line to acquire some other big advantage that must be worth the reduced income which is their lifeblood, either diplomatic (a cultivation cauldron? a big, big loan?) or more esoteric. Yet money is money, if we take ten wealth from them, they are weakened by ten wealth. If they were not money-dependent and had some Exodia card that under the right conditions makes them win, they wouldn't have so clearly prioritized monetary gain these past turns. They are expecting this investment of theirs to yield some return. By stealing their money/breaking their stuff when they are about to make a big down payment, we increase the opportunity cost of their investment. You hurt someone most by setting fire to their car when they've just signed a mortgage loan.

2) They know we are hit badly every hundred years, and are fully aware of the window of opportunity this offers them. Them doing something like this now is no coincidence, they are banking on that we are too preoccupied to intervene with whatever they are doing, otherwise they wouldn't have done it now. Them waiting until after the trials would be betting that we have a bad run and don't come out of it with our forces combat-ready and largely intact. Them leaving their most important forts stripped to the bone further points towards them not anticipating a strike now. Now that we're in full preparation mode is the most opportune moment for a gambit of theirs. Or if the gambit isn't planned, it's time-sensitive.
Either way, they are vulnerable to foul play, now more than any other time.

Yes, we could trust in our defensive capacities and the saving juniors rolls to come out of the trials much, much better than they expected. But whatever they are doing will be a fait accompli, and if it didn't give them a big advantage, they wouldn't do it. I'd rather be proactive and try and rob them of this advantage rather than turtling up and seeing how big Jingshen's lead has become when the dust has settled.
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[X] Plan Buckle The Hell Down
-[X] No
-[X] Training Soldiers - Raising Disciples to higher Realms is all well and good, but training them to be perfect members of Formations is better. Ensure your Clan is trained and ready for war. Your readiness to go to war will increase significantly, though this fades over time.
-[X] Lecturing - You can simply lecture your many juniors on cultivation. Spend your time helping them grow, using less resources and ensuring better growth for the Clan.
-[X] Prepare the Ten Million Forts (20 Wealth this turn)

No gimmicks. No keikaku doori. No hail maries. Let's do this right. The number one thing limiting our capacities in every area is lack of population, so let's put absolutely everything into putting up an impregnable defense against the trial hunters. Let's cut the damage down to negligible levels so we can continue to increase our numbers, which will make us better at everything. Plus, those forts aren't gonna go away, they'll be helpful in every trial from here on out, as well as any other invasion.
From discord, but relevant to this vote.

@occipitalobe Question regarding the 20 wealth fort option. Would it only last for 1 trial or would it also aid in future Trials? I can see needing to pay a lesser amount of wealth during those turns for maintenance etc. Also, does it only aid only Qi or is like that point you mentioned earlier about the Heralictus option which is supposed to help across the board?

Mostly just one trial.
The boost helps across the board, but much more relevant for QC than for elsewhere.

If you want maximum turtle it's the best opinion for that still, but don't expect that we will be making use of these next trials from this investment alone (although it would probably be cheaper in the future if we've done it once already)
Voting is open