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  • Spirit of Fire

    Votes: 21 47.7%
  • Vigilance

    Votes: 23 52.3%

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[X] Withdraw and destabilize the Reef fully. Conduct a slow withdrawal under the firing lines of the Titans before having the White Scars destabilize the Reef not that they have an idea of how it works. Let the Mitu perish within the warp. Valuable experience has been gained and staying further is tempting fate. *Gain a 10% reduction to warp terrain penalties.*
[X] Withdraw and destabilize the Reef fully. Conduct a slow withdrawal under the firing lines of the Titans before having the White Scars destabilize the Reef not that they have an idea of how it works. Let the Mitu perish within the warp. Valuable experience has been gained and staying further is tempting fate. *Gain a 10% reduction to warp terrain penalties.*
[X] Withdraw and destabilize the Reef fully. Conduct a slow withdrawal under the firing lines of the Titans before having the White Scars destabilize the Reef not that they have an idea of how it works. Let the Mitu perish within the warp. Valuable experience has been gained and staying further is tempting fate. *Gain a 10% reduction to warp terrain penalties.*
[X] Push forward and wipe them out. The Reef may not truly be stable, but there is still more to learn. It is a risk, one that makes Oriacarius hesitate. It is a risk that will kill thousands of Astartes now. But is there a chance that it may save more in the future? He does not know the answer. But perhaps another risk must be taken. *Increase experience with warp terrain. Possibility of increasing reduction. Possibility of large losses. Possibility the Reef destabilizes while you are in it. Possibility of facing five Bloodthirsters.*
[X] Withdraw and destabilize the Reef fully. Conduct a slow withdrawal under the firing lines of the Titans before having the White Scars destabilize the Reef not that they have an idea of how it works. Let the Mitu perish within the warp. Valuable experience has been gained and staying further is tempting fate. *Gain a 10% reduction to warp terrain penalties.*
[X] Push forward and wipe them out. The Reef may not truly be stable, but there is still more to learn. It is a risk, one that makes Oriacarius hesitate. It is a risk that will kill thousands of Astartes now. But is there a chance that it may save more in the future? He does not know the answer. But perhaps another risk must be taken. *Increase experience with warp terrain. Possibility of increasing reduction. Possibility of large losses. Possibility the Reef destabilizes while you are in it. Possibility of facing five Bloodthirsters.*

Too stale if we retreat, more action is always fun 2 read
[X] Withdraw and destabilize the Reef fully. Conduct a slow withdrawal under the firing lines of the Titans before having the White Scars destabilize the Reef not that they have an idea of how it works. Let the Mitu perish within the warp. Valuable experience has been gained and staying further is tempting fate. *Gain a 10% reduction to warp terrain penalties.*

Let's not push our luck any further. While knowledge is good, Astartes manpower does not grow on trees and Unstable Warp Rifts are not great places to be in. This feels like a massive bait that we shouldn't take.
[X] Withdraw and destabilize the Reef fully. Conduct a slow withdrawal under the firing lines of the Titans before having the White Scars destabilize the Reef not that they have an idea of how it works. Let the Mitu perish within the warp. Valuable experience has been gained and staying further is tempting fate. *Gain a 10% reduction to warp terrain penalties.*
[X] Push forward and wipe them out. The Reef may not truly be stable, but there is still more to learn. It is a risk, one that makes Oriacarius hesitate. It is a risk that will kill thousands of Astartes now. But is there a chance that it may save more in the future? He does not know the answer. But perhaps another risk must be taken. *Increase experience with warp terrain. Possibility of increasing reduction. Possibility of large losses. Possibility the Reef destabilizes while you are in it. Possibility of facing five Bloodthirsters.*

Changing vote
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[X] Push forward and wipe them out. The Reef may not truly be stable, but there is still more to learn. It is a risk, one that makes Oriacarius hesitate. It is a risk that will kill thousands of Astartes now. But is there a chance that it may save more in the future? He does not know the answer. But perhaps another risk must be taken. *Increase experience with warp terrain. Possibility of increasing reduction. Possibility of large losses. Possibility the Reef destabilizes while you are in it. Possibility of facing five Bloodthirsters.*
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[X] Push forward and wipe them out. The Reef may not truly be stable, but there is still more to learn. It is a risk, one that makes Oriacarius hesitate. It is a risk that will kill thousands of Astartes now. But is there a chance that it may save more in the future? He does not know the answer. But perhaps another risk must be taken. *Increase experience with warp terrain. Possibility of increasing reduction. Possibility of large losses. Possibility the Reef destabilizes while you are in it. Possibility of facing five Bloodthirsters.*
[X] Push forward and wipe them out. The Reef may not truly be stable, but there is still more to learn. It is a risk, one that makes Oriacarius hesitate. It is a risk that will kill thousands of Astartes now. But is there a chance that it may save more in the future? He does not know the answer. But perhaps another risk must be taken. *Increase experience with warp terrain. Possibility of increasing reduction. Possibility of large losses. Possibility the Reef destabilizes while you are in it. Possibility of facing five Bloodthirsters.*
[X] Push forward and wipe them out. The Reef may not truly be stable, but there is still more to learn. It is a risk, one that makes Oriacarius hesitate. It is a risk that will kill thousands of Astartes now. But is there a chance that it may save more in the future? He does not know the answer. But perhaps another risk must be taken. *Increase experience with warp terrain. Possibility of increasing reduction. Possibility of large losses. Possibility the Reef destabilizes while you are in it. Possibility of facing five Bloodthirsters.*
[X] Push forward and wipe them out. The Reef may not truly be stable, but there is still more to learn. It is a risk, one that makes Oriacarius hesitate. It is a risk that will kill thousands of Astartes now. But is there a chance that it may save more in the future? He does not know the answer. But perhaps another risk must be taken. *Increase experience with warp terrain. Possibility of increasing reduction. Possibility of large losses. Possibility the Reef destabilizes while you are in it. Possibility of facing five Bloodthirsters.*

So, hear me out, Ori is actually significantly stronger than any two Bloodthirsters, and we have a Titan Legion on-side. Plus, if all else fails, five bloodthirsters are absolutely desstructive but they'll have a hard time getting through over sixty thousand marines. Especially with some of our Librarians here, and, again, Titan Legion support. We've already used the straw to break the camels back, we may as well push onwards.

Oh, and if my some miracle the Bloodthirsters manage to kill over thirty thousand Astartes, it's actually possible to spend an Action recruiting from our home world. An action which has historiclaly provided at least one year's worth of Astartes. So at worst, what we're actually asking ourselves here is whether one of our actions is truly worth the perks we'll miss out on.

Where did this come from?

He fought a Bloodthirster with Bader before, and the Bloodthirster ended up taking his blade and corrupting it. Though, to be honest, I didn't know he still had that particular blade either until I was doing this list.
[X] Push forward and wipe them out. The Reef may not truly be stable, but there is still more to learn. It is a risk, one that makes Oriacarius hesitate. It is a risk that will kill thousands of Astartes now. But is there a chance that it may save more in the future? He does not know the answer. But perhaps another risk must be taken. *Increase experience with warp terrain. Possibility of increasing reduction. Possibility of large losses. Possibility the Reef destabilizes while you are in it. Possibility of facing five Bloodthirsters.*
[x] Withdraw and destabilize the Reef fully. Conduct a slow withdrawal under the firing lines of the Titans before having the White Scars destabilize the Reef not that they have an idea of how it works. Let the Mitu perish within the warp. Valuable experience has been gained and staying further is tempting fate. *Gain a 10% reduction to warp terrain penalties.*
[X] Push forward and wipe them out. The Reef may not truly be stable, but there is still more to learn. It is a risk, one that makes Oriacarius hesitate. It is a risk that will kill thousands of Astartes now. But is there a chance that it may save more in the future? He does not know the answer. But perhaps another risk must be taken. *Increase experience with warp terrain. Possibility of increasing reduction. Possibility of large losses. Possibility the Reef destabilizes while you are in it. Possibility of facing five Bloodthirsters.*
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKami on Dec 26, 2020 at 4:50 PM, finished with 39 posts and 36 votes.

Pretty close here interesting
For those voting to withdraw, I can understand the reasoning...but here's the thing: The Reef is in a very real sense a Maelstrom world set to easy mode, this is the ***least*** of what we can expect to face in there. We pushed through, established a beachhead that was secured by all three of the legions involved so we will have as much of an advantage in defense as they will which negates a bit issue we had going in.

Plus! The more we fight here, the better our rolls in the future will be in far worse environments, due to the lowered malus in Warp environs. Yes we might lose large numbers of our Astartes...but how many more will we lose if we don't push ourselves to the brink however we can in 'safer' situations like this. Cause make no mistake, in the Maelstrom war...5 bloodthirsters with only 1 being favored? That is going to be a drop in the bucked compared to what will be thrown at us. Every fight we have now, every brutal battle that our legions endure will make them stronger, more adaptable, more deadly to the enemy in their home ground of the very Warp itself. We will lose men, that is a given, but we can chose as I showed in the omakes before for the negaverses...we can lose EW and others now, and recover the losses in time for the Maelstrom war, and get the lessons we need to not only keep our sons alive, but those fighting with us...or we can pull back down, play it safe...and wonder if the rolls we get in the future couldn't have been changed if we'd pushed just a little bit harder.

The Mitu don't want the bubble to collapse anymore than we do, and even if it *does* collapse, we can and will be able to do a fighting retreat which will be much easier to do now that we have a beachhead as opposed to when we were trying to invade.

Because, what we're going through right now is an *advantage* that the Imperial army is not going to have when they go in. Countless trillions of 'ordinary' men and women will be thrown at daemonworlds with only the 'average' training and equipment that they always have...they will fight, and die, and fall...because that is what will be asked of them. They will fight and die to bring *us* IC and OOC, victory...and we balk at the chance to ensure that we can and will be able to fight in the warp as Space Marines for good after this? In a war that will be to determine how much of the 2nd largest warp rift in the galaxy we can close can we really be satisfied with 'good enough' when it comes to bleeding the enemy for every advantage we can get?

To paraphrase the All Guardsman Party, let's hold the line"...after all, ordinary guardsmen do it all the time."
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[X] Push forward and wipe them out. The Reef may not truly be stable, but there is still more to learn. It is a risk, one that makes Oriacarius hesitate. It is a risk that will kill thousands of Astartes now. But is there a chance that it may save more in the future? He does not know the answer. But perhaps another risk must be taken. *Increase experience with warp terrain. Possibility of increasing reduction. Possibility of large losses. Possibility the Reef destabilizes while you are in it. Possibility of facing five Bloodthirsters.*
Corrupted Blade - +5 in Duels

Actually the only correction to make, but this isn't actually something Aurelian has. Rather it's a trait the Bloodthirster that took his blade has.

-50 hit to their next combat rolls iirc due to Ori's pwning them in the opening stages, so that negates a HUGE advantage of theirs right off the bat.

While the rest of the analysis is pretty insightful, this is the only part that's misleading. The Mitu don't have a -50 to their next combat rolls.
While the rest of the analysis is pretty insightful, this is the only part that's misleading. The Mitu don't have a -50 to their next combat rolls.
You saw nothing! My bad for getting stuff mixed up.

Also, @Daemon Hunter , assuming we do take heavy but not total casualties if we push, how long/hard will it take to get back to max strength including the extra aide that Big E is giving us? Cause that seems to be a pretty big factor
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Also, @Daemon Hunter , assuming we do take heavy but not total casualties if we push, how long/hard will it take to get back to max strength including the extra aide that Big E is giving us? Cause that seems to be a pretty big factor

It depends. Overall I'd say you could recover from 10k total casualties within the year, 25k casualties if you spend an action on it. The big danger though would be the Titans. For every wound the Imperator takes, it takes a year to fix. And for every 1.5 wounds taken by a Warlord, it takes a year to fix. And 2 wounds per year for Warhounds.

Ahh, see. I was confused because I had listed it in the Discord and you didn't correct it then. I was wondering why we hadn't detected that or anything.

Alright, I'll go back and correct it.

Sorry about that. I must have just missed what you meant by it.
[X] Withdraw and destabilize the Reef fully. Conduct a slow withdrawal under the firing lines of the Titans before having the White Scars destabilize the Reef not that they have an idea of how it works. Let the Mitu perish within the warp. Valuable experience has been gained and staying further is tempting fate. *Gain a 10% reduction to warp terrain penalties.*
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