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You Just Had To Be There
You Just Had To Be There
(Set after the Battle of Three Stars)​

Malcador the Sigilite. The Lord of Assassins. The Master of the Imperial Bureaucracy. The (Former?) Best Friend of the Emperor of Mankind...was not happy. The two primarchs, twins in more than just looks, could tell this even without their long history with the man. He was too quiet, too still, merely looking at the array of data reports, holo recordings, even a now infamous Remembrancer painting of a particular star system. The 'frail' old man that could annihilate entire star systems with a gesture...was perturbed.

One of the twins, in a forlorn attempt to stop the inevitable, opened his mouth to speak only to have Malcador raise a single finger and with a patently false smile looked at them both. He took a deep breath, "So let me get this straight...During your unholy shadow war against the Daemon being Changling, you set up a trap on Aleph, only for it to realize almost immediately. Then you detonate a bomb of 70 trillion micro explosives to prevent it from getting away, which it does because it is a Favored of an Archdaemon and thus not as prone to dying by explosions." Both of the twins winced at the memory of how close they'd been to getting the Changling with their explosion, only for Tzeentch to cheat it free they were sure of. Malcador's 'smile' only got wider as he continued to recount the events that had been conveyed to him

"Then he stumbled out of your fortress in a spot that you deemed, and I quote: 'A perfect spot for him to be put down in.' only for two daemons of Exalted level to just randomly and meet each other on a whim who proceeded to and again, I quote: 'fight each other viciously' and 'seemed like they wanted to join in the general frakas'." Both twins shuddered at the recollection of the beings that had intruded on their attempt to deal with the Changling. the chained one had been a clear attempt by Tzeentch to save its favored servant, but Khorne interfering to that extent had been a horrific boone that nobody had wanted but couldn't deny had been effective. He pulled out a holo-projector that displayed someone that filled them both with regret and fury "And then you tell me the Chaos brawl, with two warp rifts caused enough activity that NEX stirred, and after that Lorgar appeared because he had common cause with these soulless beings in this battle and wished to join them."

Alpharius and Omegon shook their heads sadly at the way their Lost brother had tried to join in the battle only to be literally mind controlled by the Changling to leave the fray. To see him brought so low as to be sent scurrying like a serf had been hard to see even during the battle and had not gotten any easier to contemplate since. Omegon tried to speak only for Malcador to jab a finger at him, "Finally! You were fortunate enough to have the Night Lords themselves come to your rescue without any form of prior notice." At this point Malcador stood up from his desk and took another deep breath.

"And, shortly after your victory, Konrad Cruze, in all his blood splattered glory, proceeded to join the rest of you and out of all the things he could have chosen to do, Once More I Quote:" Malcador actually slammed his fists on the desk in a psyker powered explosion of force that was nevertheless contained to merely buffeting them with dust and paperwork, on his face an expression rictus of fury and relief mixed, " Killed Lorgar"

The Twins waited as Malcador caught his breathe and used his abilities to set everything to right again, and once their unofficial uncle was finally settled Alpharius said "Yeeesss, pretty much." With Omegon chiming in right after.

"I know I know Uncle Mal-" Malcador gave them a very unamused look a the nickname, "When you put it like that it does sound..."

"Extremely insane?" The Sigilite 'helpfully supplied, "Yes, are you sure this wasn't a century long Slaanesh induced delusion?"

The Twins knew he wasn't serious about the question, too much evidence, including the planet that had been literally cracked into three pieces during the battle, but they could tell Malcador was blowing off steam. That being said, "Do you have anything to add to this lot? Malcador said with a gesture to the piles of evidence.

Both looked at each other and said in unison, "You just had to be there."


WOOO! Finally got this done, kept losing and redoing it but finally i got it tweaked to my liking.

A fun HOmage to the unexpectedly completed Behemoth side series of TTS that i had to do an Omake of after a discord conversation with @Daemon Hunter whom I hope liked.
Year 29 Part 9 The Reef
[X] Order the Wardens forward. The Reef will be the Imperium's. Expect heavy casualties.

GM Note: Once more, special thanks to @TinyGladiator for writing the following snippet.

He knew that it would have been so easy. His thoughts swirled between different plans, what weapons to shoot through the portal. Missiles, bombs, volleys of fire, ways to ensure that the rift closed immediately to ensure no retaliation or potential incursion.

And yet he could not dismiss one idea that a part of him desperately wished to, an idea that he knew could very easily bring about what he wanted to never happen again.

The potential, the knowledge this battle could grant even if it was fought only briefly. To fight in the Warp itself, or an environment close enough to it at least, on a fortified world? One populated by beings that used the powers of the Warp in such twisted ways? As a hypothetical, it seemed perfect to truly prepare for the coming war, and for all that they had managed against the Ruinous Powers the Eternal Wardens did not have experience in battling in the Warp.

But in the actual... it made Oriacarius hesitate.

He was no fool, he considered all the dangers and the hazards that could occur. His mind raced as each moment he hesitated could make the battle all the more deadly, he focused on every potentiality and calculated exactly what he would need.

As he focused on making more plans, as the idea of invading into the last world of the Mitu wormed its way through his mind, he slowly began to look down and saw the many names that were carved into his armor.

Would it be worth it? Would it be worth thousands, tens of thousands of his brothers losing their lives for a war they had already won? Was it worth it to have some potentially get lost in the fight, consumed by the Warp as this constructed realm broke?

Oriacarius, his mind working as hard as and his heart grew heavy with the weight of his decision, considered what was about to be faced by the whole of the Eternal Wardens and all else of the Imperium that would fight with them.

Yes. It was.

There was an opportunity here, one he couldn't afford to let go of. It would be like Gehenna once more. A trial by fire for his brothers and him. The rewards would be great, but so too would the costs. Does he ask his brothers to dive into the Maelstrom having never fought within the warp before? Could he face them and say that they may have known what the warp was like had it not been for his decision? No. He could not.

His decision made, the First Captain's mind turned to what lay ahead. Immediately within the warp rift lay a Great Barrier, a killing zone meant to funnel attackers into certain death. But what was it that lay within?

Ideas came to Oriacarius, several of which he already had plans for. Perhaps they could selectively alter reality, perhaps there was some form of a curse that instantly killed those that crossed the barrier, perhaps the Reef would be thrown into the domain of an Archdaemon if they stepped forth. Then there were more mundane ideas. Landmines, artillery, enemy titans, unending regenerating hordes of infantry, Ordinati, choirs of psykers, all of these possibilities came to mind to Oriacarius.

Previously made contingencies were brought to the forefront of his mind, as he idly pulled out his custom dataslate, specially modified for increased storage space. Flicking through the various plans already on it, the Astartes began to modify them for the current situation. The presence of psykers was accounted for, as was the possibly malleable nature of reality. The anatomy of the Mitu was factored in, and the few engineering weak points that were present in their ships were translated to possible weak points in their ground bases.

If he hadn't written these plans over the course of the previous two decades, he never would have been even considered taking the Reef. With them, he was only mildly worried that he had missed some sort of countermeasure.

While he refined the battle plan, the First Captain ordered the Legion to perform a variety of actions. The standard search for corrupted Astartes after an encounter with daemons was ordered and a series of patrols initiated around the warp rift. While the Iron Warriors present continued to construct fortifications that would make up a forward operating base, the Storm Seers were ordered to study the warp rift from a distance and to see what they could glean from it. Countersniper teams were formed and the Titans were inspected for damage.

The preparations took over a week, and even then Oriacarius was not satisfied. However, with the information given by the Storm Seers, he had a limited window of time, and the longer he waited, the longer the enemy had to prepare. Then he uttered the words that heralded the battles to come.

"Wardens, into the breach. Cross the Great Barrier and take the Reef. For the Imperium and Primarch."

A roar was his answer. A roar from thousands of Astartes all of whom trusted him to lead them to glory and greatness. "FOR THE IMPERIUM AND PRIMARCH!"

Unlike most Astartes, Oriacarius made sure that the first wave to enter the warp rift was entirely expendable. Servitors charged forward and were utterly destroyed as they stepped across horrific biological landmines. Globs of organic viscera leaped from the ground, camouflage in the bone to an extent that even Astartes eyes missed them. These pustules detonated not into acid or bone, but into exotic energy, one that twisted the servitors into festering piles of mutated flesh and broken cybernetics. Yet, the servitors were expendable, and after multiple rockets were launched at their bodies by the Wardens, in case some other surprise was waiting, the Grasp of Fire stepped through the warp rift.

The God-Machine's gargantuan frame barely fit, and required the Storm Seers to nudge the rift slightly wider. Behind it, the Wardens cautiously advanced, clustered behind Land Raiders and armored transports. And at their head were the venerated Dreadnaughts. Armored instruments of death that hungered for battle.

The macrocannons that fired upon the Wardens were met by the Grasp of Fire's void shields, the Imperator Titan easily able to shrug off enough firepower to devastate the Imperial lines. Directed energy weapons were fired in droves from the Reef, lancing across the wide-open terrain, striking the adamantium plates of Dreadnaughts rather than the less armored Astartes power armor. The damage was merely cosmetic rather than crippling, and the Wardens forced their way forwards.

Carefully replacing the Dreadnaughts with Warhounds, and the rotating the Grasp of Fire and Sorcerer's Bane, Oriacarius ensured that void shields covered the Wardens, while adamantium armor provided cover in the wide-open terrain. As the bridge of bone was traversed, the First Captain was careful to keep an eye out for ambushes. The Runes of Detection were unsurprisingly activated, the battle within the warp drawing daemons in by the billions.

To look underneath the bridge of bone was to stare madness in the eyes. It was to see the edge of where reality and unreality met and collided, an ever-shifting kaleidoscope of insanity-inducing color. Guardsmen had gone insane from merely a glance, and even with the far more guarded minds of the Wardens, gazing done at that caused the eyes to water. If one peered further, focusing the eyes in a manner that seemed impossible, one could see past the border, and into the warp itself.

Here be monsters. An ancient Terran saying that Oriacarius found perfectly encapsulated the situation. He could see armies of daemons below. From the perfect forms of daemonettes, to the pink and blue horrors of the planner. But the one most in abundance were the joyful faces of Nurglings, spreading their filth wherever they could. Whatever sorcery held the bubble in place kept them at bay, but they were straining against it in anticipation. Seeking entrance to the souls within.

Looking around, it was clear that this was not the reality that humans were used to. The towers of bone and flesh while strange had been seen by Oriacarius before. What hadn't been seen was the sheer speed at which infrastructure damage repaired. Before his very eyes, a tower damaged by the Grasp of Fire began to knit itself back together. An act which drove the Nurglings below into fits of joy. But it wasn't enough for the Mitu.

The Wardens were unstoppable at this time. The First Captain dispensed orders constantly, barely stopping to take a breath. Most of his orders resulted in nothing, as they were simply unneeded. His countermeasures for being flanked were never used, nor were his plans to deal with teleporters. However, his plans to deal with snipers were, as several Astartes Captains narrowly escaped with their lives thanks to his planning. As were his reserve of anti-aircraft guns which shot down ten of the Mitu equivalent of deathstrikes. At any other time, losses would have been far higher, but right at this moment, Oriacarius exemplified the pinnacle of contingency planning.

By the time the Mitu created and implemented a new strategy, the First Captain already had a countermeasure in place along with two others in case the first failed. For all the xenos had prepared, Oriacarius had simply prepared more, and his planning allowed him to march ever forward.

The Great Barrier was crossed by the Astartes, and the War for the Reef began in earnest.

A Legion charged the walls of the Reef, where they were met by defenses once considered impossible. Twitching towers of bone spat biolightning at Astartes, charring them within their armor as Titans dueled heavier cannons that fired spikes of bone. The Grasp of Fire's weapons erupted into an ocean of lead, bathing the landscape in tracers and death. Oriacarius himself continued to issue out orders one after another, preparing for nonexistent ambushes and traps. The Reef beckoned, the soon to be tomb daring the Wardens to take it and claim it. Astartes charged, and Astartes died. But they did not do so futilely.

Damage mounted upon the Mitu towers. The larger ones healed, drawing upon the energies of the immaterium to knit their flesh back together in impossible ways while the smaller ones simply rotted away and died.

It was here that the Wardens found their largest obstacle, as the euclidian geometry of the Imperium was no longer constant. Machine spirits aboard titans grew in irritation as their sensors made no sense. Some snipers within the Legion found their shots missing by margins that seemed to change by the second. The Mitu suffered the same errors, but far less so. Unlike the Wardens, they had known what to expect, and so it was in this one realm that their preparations exceeded those of Oriacarius.

The walls of the Reef beckoned, and then they were within reach as an Astartes leaped upon them, their volkite tearing through Xenos creatures until an artillery cannon tore a hole through their chest. Two more shots rang out, and they fell forwards into the horde of Xenos creatures that had been deployed.

A mad scramble ensued, as the Mitu Conglomerate fought to keep the Wardens from taking the walls. Psychic screams echoed within the Reef, as for all the power and nightmarish wonders of the Mitu, it was still barely enough to stem the bleeding. Rage and fear were common among the Xenos, as their flesh-molded world fought to stay afloat within the Sea of Souls. The towers of bone that constantly discharged energy were reaching their limit. The number of explosions and intensity of the conflict slowly raising power requirements even as more and more power was diverted to the weapons.

Roars of determination echoed from a hundred Astartes as they fought to bring themselves over one more hurdle. Screams of hate spewed from a thousand Xeno mouths and multiple chaplains began to chant, driving the Wardens forward with every word. Neither side was willing to yield a single inch, as both fought over the walls which were not even ten meters thick.

For those ten meters, five thousand Astartes died along with fifty million Xenos. A brutal battle that bathed the walls in blood. The Wardens would never break while the Mitu could not. Then something gave, but it wasn't either of the two.

Weapons fire slackened on the Mitu side, and for a moment, the Wardens were confused, wondering if their enemies had begun to run dry on ammunition.

GM Note: Once again, special thanks to @TinyGladiator for an amazing snippet.

Then they heard them, first as a few quiet whispers. Then it rapidly began to pick up, louder and louder. There were cries, roars, and laughter all echoing, overlapping over one another. Countless hungry mouths stretched over the barrier, teeth trying to bite through.

And then the great chant continued, sparked first from the closest Nurglings and rapidly spreading to all others that hungered for what was inside.

"Let us in. Let us in. Let us in! Let us in! LET US IN! LET US IN! LET US IN!"

The words were screamed and became a battering ram, a great maw starting to swallow the dark realm to let the bright madness of Chaos billow in.

The scent of blood, so strong as to be overpowering, poured into the Reef. A single being of power took a step closer, the twin brass axes of the Favored Bloodthirster promising death to any that challenged them. Behind them, four more Bloodthirsters stood, each eager for the slaughter that was coming.

The tide of Nurglings was broken, and the scent of rot was displaced with yet more blood. A deep bone-chilling pain grew in the souls of the Mitu at the very presence of the daemons of Khorne. The roaming warband, once headed towards the site of the Blood and Thunder War had a target, and it would peel the skulls of everyone present.

Roaring, the chant was taken over by the Bloodletters whose axes sparked against the barrier.


The towers of bone, after having spent so long trying to hold the bubble of reality in place began to weaken. The Immaterium began to spill into the Reef, as the screams of the Mitu were echoed by daemonic laughter. The chanting of the daemons grew louder and louder as the excitement grew among the four hordes. "Let us in!" They cried, desperately seeking the flesh of Astartes and creations of the Mitu. "Let us in!" They cried as the bubble of reality prevented their voices from being heard. "Let us in!" They cried as more and more daemons began to arrive, attracted by the prospect of new souls to claim.

Oriacarius turned towards the Storm Seers and roared an order, "DO NOT LET THIS BUBBLE COLLAPSE WHILE WE'RE IN IT!" Turning towards the nearest messenger, the First Captain changed his battle plan to the beginnings of an uncommitted withdrawal in case it was necessary. "All forces, prepare to conduct a fighting retreat. Do not commit to one. I repeat, begin a fighting retreat, but do not commit."

The Titans stepped back, their guns continuing to fire as Astartes began to slowly withdraw. Their guns firing all the while. The only exception was the Storm Seers, who chanted the complex words of a ritual meant to stabilize the realm.

It was akin to stemming an ocean from consuming a pebble. An unending stream of wrongness intruding upon reality. Demented roars echoed in their minds, as the Bloodthirsters present turned their gaze upon them, weakening their concentration and unsettling their minds. The Reef continued to destabilize, as the chanting of daemons grew in volume, and cracks began to appear across the barrier. The leering visage of daemons became visible as Astartes barely held back from firing at the barrier. Their instincts screaming at them to either attack or withdraw to a safer point. Then, the Storm Seers achieved their breakthrough.

Stringing together a safety net formed by sheer skill and experience, the Astartes forced the immaterium back. The faces of daemons faded, and the chanting went from an incessant roar to a dull echo. With the Reef barely stabilized, Oriacarius ordered the Wardens to

[] Withdraw and destabilize the Reef fully. Conduct a slow withdrawal under the firing lines of the Titans before having the White Scars destabilize the Reef not that they have an idea of how it works. Let the Mitu perish within the warp. Valuable experience has been gained and staying further is tempting fate. *Gain a 10% reduction to warp terrain penalties.*
[] Push forward and wipe them out. The Reef may not truly be stable, but there is still more to learn. It is a risk, one that makes Oriacarius hesitate. It is a risk that will kill thousands of Astartes now. But is there a chance that it may save more in the future? He does not know the answer. But perhaps another risk must be taken. *Increase experience with warp terrain. Possibility of increasing reduction. Possibility of large losses. Possibility the Reef destabilizes while you are in it. Possibility of facing five Bloodthirsters.*
[] Write-in

Through the Great Barrier: 5 29 23 97 + 20 (Astartes) + 76 (Legion Combat) + 30 (Anti-Psyker) + 60 (Titans) + 10 (Imperator) + 20 (Oriacarius) - 50 (Pseudo-Warp) + 1 (Attacking Defenses) + 5 (Blitz) + 5 (Outnumbered) + 5 (Attacking) = 279
Creatures of Nightmares: 18 + 100 (Warptech) + 80 (Defenses) + 20 (Desperation) + 30 (Homeground) + 30 (Killing Zone) - 20 (Pseudo-Warp) = 258

Reef Stability: 74

And into the Reef: 61 + 20 (Astartes) + 76 (Legion Combat) + 30 (Anti-Psyker) + 60 (Titans) + 10 (Imperator) + 20 (Oriacarius) - 50 (Pseudo-Warp) + 1 (Attacking Defenses) + 5 (Outnumbered) = 238
The Mitu's Demise: 38 + 100 (Warptech) + 80 (Defenses) + 20 (Desperation) + 30 (Homeground) - 20 (Pseudo-Warp) + 20 (Numbers) = 268

Reef Stability: 18
Restabilizing the Rift: 3 + 20 (Astartes) + 20 (Stormseers) + 25 (Omakes) = 68
The Mitu Stabilization: 51 - 10 (Damage) = 41
[X] Withdraw and destabilize the Reef fully. Conduct a slow withdrawal under the firing lines of the Titans before having the White Scars destabilize the Reef not that they have an idea of how it works. Let the Mitu perish within the warp. Valuable experience has been gained and staying further is tempting fate. *Gain a 10% reduction to warp terrain penalties.*
[X] Push forward and wipe them out. The Reef may not truly be stable, but there is still more to learn. It is a risk, one that makes Oriacarius hesitate. It is a risk that will kill thousands of Astartes now. But is there a chance that it may save more in the future? He does not know the answer. But perhaps another risk must be taken. *Increase experience with warp terrain. Possibility of increasing reduction. Possibility of large losses. Possibility the Reef destabilizes while you are in it. Possibility of facing five Bloodthirsters.*
[X] Withdraw and destabilize the Reef fully. Conduct a slow withdrawal under the firing lines of the Titans before having the White Scars destabilize the Reef not that they have an idea of how it works. Let the Mitu perish within the warp. Valuable experience has been gained and staying further is tempting fate. *Gain a 10% reduction to warp terrain penalties.*
[X] Push forward and wipe them out. The Reef may not truly be stable, but there is still more to learn. It is a risk, one that makes Oriacarius hesitate. It is a risk that will kill thousands of Astartes now. But is there a chance that it may save more in the future? He does not know the answer. But perhaps another risk must be taken. *Increase experience with warp terrain. Possibility of increasing reduction. Possibility of large losses. Possibility the Reef destabilizes while you are in it. Possibility of facing five Bloodthirsters.*

Interested in seeing where this goes, better trait? Us crushing the bloodthirsters?
[X] Push forward and wipe them out. The Reef may not truly be stable, but there is still more to learn. It is a risk, one that makes Oriacarius hesitate. It is a risk that will kill thousands of Astartes now. But is there a chance that it may save more in the future? He does not know the answer. But perhaps another risk must be taken. *Increase experience with warp terrain. Possibility of increasing reduction. Possibility of large losses. Possibility the Reef destabilizes while you are in it. Possibility of facing five Bloodthirsters.*
[X] Push forward and wipe them out. The Reef may not truly be stable, but there is still more to learn. It is a risk, one that makes Oriacarius hesitate. It is a risk that will kill thousands of Astartes now. But is there a chance that it may save more in the future? He does not know the answer. But perhaps another risk must be taken. *Increase experience with warp terrain. Possibility of increasing reduction. Possibility of large losses. Possibility the Reef destabilizes while you are in it. Possibility of facing five Bloodthirsters.*

It's All or nothing now may the emperor have mercy if this fails
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Proto Heroes

A prodigy even among Astartes, Aengus was initially noticed for his rapid growth during the initial stages of his training as a neophyte. While he underwent a brief streak of overconfidence, learning of the actions of the heroes of the legion tempered his mindset, making him surprisingly humble for one described as a prodigy.

Rising to fame when he broke the record for a non-Captain facing Maticus, this success led to him being granted a position as the leader of one of the kill teams in the Maelstrom. Suffering major injury that took years to recover, some worried that he would turn into a shell of his former self. However, he has proven himself against impossible odds, successfully taking a planet where his probability of success was miniscule.

Fighting Style: Aengus goes to war with a power sword in one hand, and a heavy shield in the other. Preferring a defensive style, he often sits back and waits for an opportunity, where he then strikes with overwhelming aggression, seeking to throw off his enemy from his rapid transition in stances.

Prodigy - A genius amongst geniuses, a perfect weapon among weapons. Be it a quirk of his Geneseed implantation, natural talent, or a trick of the Warp Aengus remains a once in a lifetime prodigy. Even amongst the Astartes. Increased Trait Gain.

Master Of War - Few can stand upon the pinnacle. Fewer still may balance upon its edge. Aengus' unique talent already surpassed all others. But in the horror of the Malestrom War, in the bowels of Hel, that raw talent was tempered in Daemonic blood and the fires of zeal. Until Aengus had mastered every form, every style, every weapon as only a prodigy could. Now he stands above it all, a master of every battlefield he may observe. +10 to duels

What Must be Done - Negate first death in a duel, Negate first wipe for forces under his command

Aengus goes to war with a power sword in one hand, and a heavy shield in the other. Preferring a defensive style, he often sits back and waits for an opportunity, where he then strikes with overwhelming aggression, seeking to throw off his enemy from his rapid transition in stances.

It is hard to say where Aengus' best use might lie. His increased Trait Gain makes it tempting to put him in command positions, where his bonuses might easily apply to an entire world. Or to necessary functions within the Legion, such as obtaining funds, administration, or even training the recruits. However, as good as he is in a duel already I cannot help but feel like using him as a beatstick is a waste of his vast potential.

For now, it may be best to keep Aengus back as head of the Scout Marines, to temper his growing arrogance and spread some of his skills across the Legion. From there, I'd recommend giving Aengus more of a back-seat position as a general who can hold his own.

Captain Aurelian: First created by user jjffjhhjf in the Omake 'Oriacarius's Redundant Department of Redundancy Department.' Aurelian is the Second Captain of the Eternal Wardens and has since served as the Legion's dedicated Void Combat specialist.

That is not to say that Aurelian is without his faults, however. For shortly after his introduction we stumbled upon the mortal hero Otto, a naval commander who thoroughly outshone and outdid Aurelian, causing much strife and annoyance to the Astartes who felt like he'd been replaced. However, upon Kesar's intervention, Aurelian was able to reconcile his pride, and bonded quite close to the mortal Hero. Together, the two were able to form an almost unstoppable team with Otto leading the charge, and Aurelian protecting the flank and preventing casualties.

But happiness fleeting in the darkness of the thirtieth millennium, a lesson Aurelian has learned more harshly than most. For during the hell that was the Maelstrom Crusade, Aurelian was tasked with holding the line around Ritual Point 12. A task made all the harder when the world's commander, Zandas, was slain. Left to do the impossible, Aurelian was forced to stem the Daemonic tide with only the corpses of his men, and so was left unable to defend his friend in his time of need.

Aurelian has been deeply scarred by his time in the Maelstrom, not physically but mentally and spiritually, forming a cold exterior through years of endless war and endless battle, made all the worse through the loss of his greatest friend.

Third Best Ship Guy - -10% losses to ships under his command.

Aurelian gains Timing and Opportunity - Once Aurelian wielded two chainswords at once, but a battle with a Bloodthirster alongside Bader made him change his combat preference. Wielding a sword and a shield, Aurelian has learned to wait for the perfect moment to strike before taking advantage of the opportunity. +5 to duels.

The Cold Calculus of War - -15% losses for void combat

Expert Guardian - Increase first wound threshold by 20

The Butcher - The Butcher - +60 to command in exchange for quadrupling losses under his command. Can toggle on and off.

Captain of the Second Company

Fighting with a sword and shield, Aurelian is a very defensive fighter, typically waiting for his enemies to make a mistake before exploiting it ruthlessly. At ranged, Aurelian keeps his shield up, sheathing or abandoning his sword so he can snipe his opponents from afar with his pistol.

Aurelian is best used for massive battles, both ground and Void. As Third Best Ship Guy reduces casualties in Void Combat, and The Butcher can serve as a massive buff to all command. Additionally, while it does multiply casualties under his command, keep in mind that a lot of the time getting a bonus high enough to win combat will mean that losses will still be minimal. So losses are still lower if we win a battle by twenty points when we would have lost by forty without it.

Theoretically, he's also pretty decent at duels, but as we have a great number of duelists in this Legion these buffs are best used as an insurance measure if enemies somehow get past his defenses.

First appearing in the Omake 'Lost and Found' by user Altered, Bader has always been a rather strange, if somewhat expected, addition to the Legion. Having seen his Brothers Fall first-hand early on in his career, Bader was faced with the horrifying truth that his Brothers were vulnerable to Chaos. Humbled and unsettled, Bader worked to fix this issue by being there for his Brothers, and supporting them spiritually, as well as physically.

However Bader himself was still unbalanced. Having fought Chaos in all its forms for many years, and lost many of his Brothers doing so, including the late Scafrir, Bader found himself ill at ease. Despite his attempts to step up and fill the late Captain's shoes, this quiet unease of his spirit, and his own inexperience, kept him from doing so and eventually led him to the pilgrim Sudari, who introduced his troubled soul to the Golden Path.

Eventually, to ease his troubled spirit, Bader embarked on a pilgrimage of his own, learning much of the Golden Path and finally putting his soul at ease. Once he returned, Bader was able to both distribute his knowledge to the Legion, and finally become who his Legion needed to be. Ever since, Bader has go-to anti-Daemon Proto, and has even become confidant of Kesar Dorlin himself.

During preparations for the Malestrom Crusade, Bader took his help a step further, helping train and organize a Regiment funded by the Golden Path. Currently, Bader is helping many of his Brothers recover from the trauma of the Maelstrom Crusade, and, as a side project, helping the Golden Path.

The Loneliest people are the kindest - Kesar didn't think of himself as lonely. Neither did Bader. But for Wardens, they didn't have as many confidants as the rest. Bader was many Astartes' confidants. But where would he confide in? For that matter, where could Kesar confide? It was a dilemma. The most important people didn't have someone to confide in. But that just couldn't be dealt with yet. +2 to detecting corruption within the Wardens

The Pilgrim - After meeting with Sudari, Bader participated in the occasion out of curiosity. For months afterwards, he continued to do so, studying the meditation in the hopes that this could help the Legion. He spent months travelling to Valhalla and Terra, always searching. At last, he had a breakthrough. +20 to corruption resistance when Bader is near

Bader - ???

A balanced fighter, Bader wields a massive Thunderhammer. Preferring to strike with overwhelming force, and parry when he cannot.

Due to Bader giving an amazing +20 CR to any and all (presumably Wardens) around him, Bader is great to throw at any and all Chaos threats to assure there is absolutely no threat of corruption. Besides that, he also has some narrative benefits to helping characters destress and avoid mental health issues, which could help prevent mental deterioration on particularly problematic compliances. He also has the potential to train up mortal psychologists/chaplains, would be of significant use should we decide to help the Golden Path.

Created by user Altered in his series 'The Chronicles of Baldur,' Baldur started out as just another Captain but overtime has evolved perhaps the most of any in our Legion. Starting out as an inspirational Captain, Baldur was quickly sent to mission after mission securing worlds through bloodless diplomacy. That, however, changed with the intervention of the Sigilite.

After being sent to help the Sigilite, Baldur was quickly trained and transformed by the Emperor's left hand man. Though such changes were subtle, when he came back Baldur was nonetheless much more efficient, effective, and more loyal to Malcador than he had ever been to Kesar. Overtime, the diplomat has continued to grow and adapt, improving his diplomatic abilities, learning to blackmail important leaders, spreading controlled corruption through Kesar's domain to generate funds, and more.

During the preparations for the Ritual Crusade, Baldur found himself at odds with his Primarch, finding Kesar unwilling to do what was necessary, while the Kesar himself learned of just how little Baldur thought of him. Nonetheless, after working behind Kesar's back to create a series of suicide squads, the two parted amicable, Kesar going towards the Malestrom, and Baldur to Vulkan.

Currently Baldur has returned from setting up observers within the Salamanders at the Sigillites Order. Breaching Vulkan's trust in the process should it ever be discovered. His return to the Wardens comes with a mixed reputation, as his suicide squads have alienated many of his brothers even if a few defend the Captain's actions. Nevertheless, Baldur is taking steps to assuage the brothers he has alienated and works not only on this, but maintaining and training our diplomacy core, managing our domain, executing nobles who get in his way, and even maximizing general production!

Diplomacy is an Art Form - It was an idea that Baldur had that so few people seemed to understand. No two instances were ever the same. Each negotiation was akin to a performance, both sides vying for what they wanted. It could be elegant, but it could also be brutal. An interesting dichotomy in his opinion. And the world he had heard with the frozen wasteland and tribes showed this. Each tribe was different, a unique diplomatic event to be had. It would be interesting to see what performances would occur.

So Many Desires - People are complicated. Baldur knew this, but it always surprised him. And their desires were just one facet that he had to deal with. When negotiating, there is not just one set of desires. The diplomat has desires, their entourage has different ones, their backup has yet more, and the people they represent have more. Keeping track was a nightmare, but thankfully, he had practice with it. Now, he just had to keep track of the desires of hundreds of different interconnected groups that constantly changed. Still easier than keeping track of Oriacarius' daily orders.

Chronicles of Baldur: Loyalty and Choice - Loyalty is a complicated thing. Despite a simple undertone for Astartes, the idea is far more complex than that. An Astartes is loyal to their Primarch above all else, or at least, in most cases. In the Wardens, that rule is far more common than normal, with the sons of Kesar devoted to their loving father. Baldur loves his father as well, but his loyalty is torn between two. The Captain's time with Malcador has affected him greatly, with the Astartes finding himself respecting the Sigillite far more than perhaps even his father. If Kesar goes against the Sigillite's orders, Baldur will likely tell him such.

A Generous Offer - Baldur's diplomatic strategy is simple. Offer the carrot, then show the stick, then
stab them in the kidney in that order. Often times, the first is all that is needed. Provide a generous offer, and they shall fall in line. He's had practice with it for decades now, and with each negotiation, his skill in delivery gets better and better. Now all that's needed is a few words, and he can describe a mountain of riches. Baldur's diplomacy now gives a +20 always, previously it was a +20 which couldn't change a failure into a success

Little Tells - A twitch of the lips, a tightening of the eyes, these are just two of the many little tells that Baldur can deploy to let the opposing negotiator think in the directions he wants them to. +10 to diplomacy rolls.

Diplomacy is Brutal and Kind - Can conduct diplomacy and intrigue simultaneously in order to get worlds to join

Slayer's Teachings - Having been tutored by Doom Slayer himself on five occasions, Captain Baldur was already one of the Legion's better combatants. However, he didn't prove that to Doom Slayer himself until the Warden Tournament where he was able to hold off the Slayer for four consecutive hours of high-intensity dueling. +5 to duels.

Increased Trait Chance- Increased Trait chance.

Sigillite's Shadow- Not Revealed

Hero - +20 to all rolls. Increases narrative importance. Gives a kill multiplier.

Baldur attempts to engage enemies at range, keeping them a comfortable distance away so he can snipe them with his Volkite rifle. Should they get too close, however, Baldur will switch to his Volkite Charger and begin lobbing grenades and collapsing structures on top of his attack in an attempt to keep his distance. Should they get even closer, however, Baldur will finally pull out his Powersword and adopt a very defensive stance. In all cases, Baldur attempts to slowly wear his opponent down with small wounds, glancing blows, and pinpoint shots. In this way, he attempts to remain in full control of the battle at all times.

Baldur's best use is conducting diplomacy with any world we find that seems particularly amicable to such attempts. Besides that, however, he is a notably useful manager of our domain, and would likely be well used to further train our diplomatic core.

He is also a Hero. I wonder why he's on this list.

Originally made by the Daemon himself, for his series 'The Lost Primarch' Gabriel has been an Eternal Warden that fought with his closest brothers Michael and Salem for a decade through the harshest battles the Legion has faced. That is, until the three of them encountered Lorgar in the Battle of Three Stars and Salem fell to corruption, killing Michael and wounding Gabriel to the point he had to be interred in a Contemptor Dreadnought.

The loss of his two closest brothers and the envisioned betrayal that caused it left Gabriel in immense, crippling grief until he began to accept what happened and his current state. Now determined to do whatever it takes to ensure nobody else falls under his watch, he was, is, and remains the single most active Dreadnought of the Legion.

During the Maelstrom Crusade, Gabriel was stirred awake like all his Brothers, and fought valiantly for many months, even years upon his Ritual Point. However, his injured body was unable to command and keep his Dreadnaught active for the entire duration of the Maelstrom Crusade.
Reconciliation with the Dearly Departed: It's always the death of one or two that stings the most. When thousands die, it feels distant. Even when it happens in front of you. But when your closest friends perish at each other's hands, that is when one experiences true pain. The aching of the heart, the noxiousness in one's stomach, even one's physical processes fall into despair at the news. The ones who have lost their closest allies cry for one last moment to say goodbye. It's a wish that many people are denied. Gabriel was not denied this, as even a Dreadnaught can feel a brother's hug once more. +20 when defending Wardens

You Will Stand - A war is coming. A war where thousands of brothers will perish. In the prelude to it, you sleep, for your form tires you. You dream and witness a barren land, and your arm rises up towards the sky. And you wake, and you are told of what is to come. In these hours, you will stand. You must, for it is everything you are. You are a Warden named Gabriel. On Aleph, you lost two of your brothers. Never again. Never again. Gabriel will give a +5 to the Army Combat for the planet he is deployed at

Even In Death - +10 CR

A Brother's Betrayal - Not revealed

Dreadnaught - +10 to combat, kills ten times as many enemies during combat.

A long-distance fighter, Gabriel prefers to gun his enemies down from afar rather than struggle to hit them up close. Which is not to say, however, that the Dreadnaught is either slow nor cowardly. In fact, Gabriel has shown himself surprisingly agile, and more than willing to dive into blows that would fell lesser Astartes to protect his Brothers. He also has a Mechadendrite, should the scenario call for it.

Somewhat unknown due to A Brother's Betrayal, but Gabriel remains a potent combatant, and a powerful guardian. While technically best used against Chaos, he'd similarly excel on any planet and, given his high dueling bonus, and ability to give +5 to the planet he's deployed at he would serve quite well as a general's guard and advisor.

Created by user Xemness The Good for his series 'The Trails of Purity,' Joaquin Abdul is a Warden defined not by his Psykic powers nor Astartes training, but his own nature that alienates him from his Brothers at times. His relative disinterest in Corruption Resistance is alien compared to the rest of the Legion, and his desire for more Warp knowledge would make him a great fit for the Thousand Sons. Nonetheless, he was reborn an Eternal Warden and, though many Wardens urge caution, he has nonetheless been allowed to stay.

Born a noble on Terra during the first years of Kesar's crusading, Abdul was plagued with the knowledge that he was nothing but breeding stock. A possible branch to an immortal legacy to be pruned if any defects were found within it. Thus, from a young age Abdul was pitted against his mortal brother and family-and found wanting.

Judged inferior, Abdul was cast out of his ancient lineage, and given only the option of an honorable death attempting to join the Legio Custodes. He was saved, however, for that very year the Emperor reopened Eternal Warden recruitment centers on Terra and, fearful of death, Abdul volunteered. Joining under the Apothecary core Abdul quickly met his lifelong friend, Rene' Rizal, before getting kicked out of the program when his Psykic powers manifested.

Years would pass, and though Abdul would survive his initiation, he would find his body riddled with Geneseed defects: An immortal reminder of his failures as a mortal. Due to this, and First Captain Oricarious' own imminently reasonable decrees, Abdul was barred from passing on his Geneseed and, denied his immortal legacy, his family, his position, his training, and now even his right to pass on his genes, Abdul finally broke: Resolving to, simply, live forever.

Knowing such a thing is impossible, however, Abdul took inspiration from the legend of Achilles, and live forever through his legend. So Abdul strives to at least keep his memory alive by leaving as large a legacy as he can. To this end, he has done everything in his power so that when he dies he will eave a legacy, an institution, a people, or, indeed, a name, that would never truly fade away.

Abdul would finish his initiation into the Eternal Wardens floating above the world of Aleph, and soon began his Trails of Purity, a tradition amongst the Library that allows for the creation of Purity Runes. A task he would spend the next several years on.

After dismantling a Tzeentchian plot to corrupt both his soul and the Purity Rune, however, Abdul would be largely reviled, physically, mentally, and spiritually scarred by the event in ways his Brothers refuse to acknowledge. As such, Abdul skirted at the edge of being killed under suspect of corruption for about a decade as he fought to slowly prove himself to his Legion once more. A process made much harder by Beltran, his Captain at the time, actively destroying his reputation whenever he built one.

Currently, Abdul is wondering where he can find some red paint.

The GM Cackles - Not Revealed

Well, I'm glad you enjoyed that. People love their little windows into reality don't they? Those little playthings of theirs to do as they will. But, what if the pawn you play isn't your pawn? So many little things here and there that exist upon this domain. How long before the white pawn turns into the black knight? Cryptic as the hint may be, that isn't the important part. Your little pawn is remarkably resistant. Congratulations on enforcing it. - +10 corruption resistance to Abdul

He's Got Jokes – Not Revealed

Streams of Power - A true connection to an Astartes' Primarch is rare. But, every once in a while, an Astartes will rise through the ranks who truly embodies an aspect of their Primarch. It is only natural, therefore, that one would embody Kesar's immense Psykic power. And through this Connection, gain Streams Of Power. +5 to combat (at ranged). Suspected to be just +5 Psyker bonus.

Chosen and Denied - Once, Abdul was chosen by Chaos to be their shining champion. Once, Abdul was hoisted up to be the Everchosen that would corrupt the very concept of Purity itself. That would strike at the basis upon which his Legion was built. Once, the Chaos Gods had found their Chosen prophet. But in the face of such a grand destiny, Abdul Denied them all. +5 CR. +5 to duels.

Draw Upon it All - Can boost psyker powers by one rank without pushing if in a duel to the death. Can apply psyker bonus to melee for one round in a duel.

Watching for Lost - Within the Wardens, there is a procedure in place for suspected corruption. One reports it to their superiors, and they investigate. If they confirm it, the target dies. If they find it's false, then the Astartes in question is left alone and the ones who reported it are told. Then there are the cases where one suspects another brother will fall soon. Normally, they deal with this by talking with their brother, but every now and then there are issues. Brothers that are older and more paranoid than others. Brothers that fall into the trap of fear. These are the brother's that watch for those that will become lost. They are rare, and those that are found are talked to. But it happens nonetheless. - Slight increase to the chance of Abdul's corruption being found if/when he falls

Round Numbers - Sometimes numbers call to people and at times they answer. +1 to Abdul's dueling bonus

Open Up and Witness - The warp is filled with information along with daemons. Psykers are told to close themselves off to it and let only the barest of scraps in. It's an overcautious method. Sometimes you simply need to open yourself up and witness the warp. *+5 to all rolls (besides CR). -20 CR.*

Listen to the Currents - Just as the warp has information it has currents. Follow them, listen to them, and you will be where you are needed. At least, that's where Omar said he would be. Abdul fears what his Lost brother has told him, and what the fallen Astartes is leading him to. *Is drawn to major battles, ???*

Librarian -Delta Biomancer, Diviner - +20 to combat, a kill multiplier, allows Abdul to add his combat bonus to army combat rolls, and allows him to take specific special actions related to Biomancy and Divination.

Abdul, in an attempt to recify a perceived flaw in his Legion, fights in an incredibly aggressive, if simple, manner. Relying on his superior speed and firepower, Abdul attempts to overwhelm the enemy in seconds with his swordsmanship, and blast them with nigh insurmountable lightning if they make the slightest mistake. To do this, he often leaves himself purposefully open to attacks, and will gladly trade blows with just about any foe, relying on his Regeneration to see him through.

After all, if you could get vivisected and heal all the damage to your body in seconds, wouldn't you?

Should his initial plan fail, however, and his enemy escape his leading blows, Abdul tends to be unable to properly utilize his Psykic powers in melee, and must rely on his swordsmanship alone to regain control of the battlefield.

At ranged, and in melee, Abdul carries no gun as no weapon can match the sheer firepower of his soul. As such, at ranged Abdul relies solely on his Psykic force lightning, and wields only a power sword he obtained from his father, and a buckler-like storm shield on the other arm to block or parry other attacks.

Unknown due to Listen to the Currents, He's Got Jokes, and The GM Cackles. But, in general, Abdul is a wonderful beat stick, and a perfect support character. Adding +76 to army combat on any planet he goes to, and +5 to every possible role. Because of this, Abdul is highly versatile, being an almost unstoppable duelist, a one-man war machine that adds half our Legion Combat bonus to any army he joins in, and a command who offers a +5, or a researcher you can expect high results from in any field.

Because of this, Abdul can be relied on as an useful help in almost any circumstance as a helpful support character. Be that as being able to add +76 to Oricarious' battleplans before Oricarious' traits multiply his effective number. Or supplimenting Maticus' prestigious combat ability with his kill multiplier. A research partner to Auro who can always add a substancial bonus, or a living threat that allows Baldur to diplomacy enemies better.

Also he's got a 65% chance to Hero next time he gets a Hero Roll, and he's training a group of biomancers that reduces Legion casualties, so sending him to hard worlds where he might be able to get that Hero roll could be massive.

Do be advised, however, that he has a -55 CR Malus until we expand the Chaplain Program or he Heroes. His Psyker bonus, if he was corrupted, would also skyrocket him to Primarch levels of raw combat bonuses. As such, Abdul is an objectively terrible option to deal with any Daemonic, or corruptive force.

First created by user Xemness The Good for his series 'The Trails of Purity,' Lucas Beltran is a Second Generation Astartes taken from Terra's ancient nobility during the Unification War as an Epsilon-level Librarian. Eventually, Beltran distinguished himself as part of a Psyker duo with his Brother, and later best friend, Omar. Together, the two served in countless battles, won countless honors, saw their Legion change time and time again, and even served as bodyguards for the Emperor Himself for a time.

Over time, Beltran began to grow more and more tired of this endless war. Or traveling to endless worlds and killing endless foes. And so it was that, when his Primarch was found, Beltran celebrated with the other ancient veterans of the Legion, but found himself too distant to feel a kinship with his supposed father. Two problems made all the worse by the decimation the Legion soon after faced, the frantic battles, promotions and scrambling as he changed and specialized them to his desires, and, worst of all to the ancient Astartes, took the Library off the front lines.

Too late.

Eventually, over the world of Aleph, Beltran would begin reconciling himself, overseeing the training and development of new Librarians while the Legion was stuck hanging over Aleph, and there would come to despise his new Brother Abdul, who he feared may surpass him, and help training Rene after the Apothecary's Psykic powers awoke. There, hanging over Aleph Beltran would discover and fight against the First Psyker Rebellion fighting, and slaying, his long-time companion Omar.

Afterwards, Beltran would be considered for the position of Supreme Grand Master of the Grey Knights, only being passed over it after the Grey Knights were re-specialized.

Currently, Beltran is adjusting from his entombment as a venerable Dreadnaught in the Maelstrom Crusade, and mourning the tragic Loss of his Brother.

The Closest of Friends - Beltran has a brother in Omar. It's been something that's just a fact. They have worked together for years closely to the point that they can finish each others sentence. And yes, that is without divination and telepathy. Still, they are close, and that may be why he missed it. That insidious corruption that Omar experienced. Beltran carved the next letter as his sorrowful eyes stared at his weapon. The next letter was carved. And all that was left was the last letter. Damn it all. -+10 corruption resistance.

- I worry about him - Captain Beltran looked upon his records and tried to find some reason for why Abdul couldn't make a Purity Rune. He looked through the Primarch's notes he had on his own difficulties, and compared them to Abdul's. They were remarkeably similar. Almost as if Abdul was trying to create the rune from scratch. But, then there was the other part of the notes. That the rune would be far harder to make if one's idea of purity was different. So, what did that mean for Abdul? What was his idea of purity? It plagued him, for he knew that his brother wasn't Lost. Still, he worried. Hidden Effects.

Might and Magic - Already a powerful Gamma Psyker, Beltran often struggled in close quarters where his psyker abilities couldn't be properly leveraged. During his fight with Doom Slayer, he grew, displaying more control over his flames than ever before. For this reason, he is one of the few to have ever landed a blow on Slayer. Gains half his psyker bonus in melee.

Prison of Metal - A Dreadnaught is a prison, one for which there is no release date. It's claustrophobic and irritating. It's his prison where he will remain forever. He rages against it, but it does not matter. All he can do is burn those outside his prison alive. *+5 to Legion Combat where Beltran is. -20 CR.*

Librarian - Gamma Pyromancer, Telekinetic. +40 to combat, increases Fluff kills. Allows Beltran to take special actions related to Pyromancy or Telekinesis.

Dreadnaught-Increased Fluff kills, one less wound, +10 to combat

In combat, Beltran is an unmovable bastion of power and flame, now more than ever. Preferring melee combat, Beltran excels in the production and direction of flames, preferring simple, yet overpowering attacks that force enemies to either whether an unstoppable blow, or jump back and give him enough time to prepare a second, or even third attack. One of his favored tactics, even, is to simply lock blades with his opponent, and unleash a torrent of flames while they are held down.

His signature move, however, sometimes called Beltran's Bastion, is to completely surround himself in a bubble of nigh impenetrable flames, and slowly lash out with ever-condensing tendrils fire and heat. When this happens, the immense heat of his soul burns away all attacks even Volkite and Lasgun blasts.

As a Gamma, he is more than capable of flooding entire battlefields with fire or telekinetic pressure, both of which have proven highly effective and terrifying to behold.

If there is an enemy to fight. If there is an enemy that feels fear. Send Beltran. His +50 in melee and +70 at ranged combined with his increase in kills and Pyromancer abilities make him a true force of nature on the battlefield. Do be advised, however, that until we expand the Chaplain Program to include Gamma-level Psykers Beltran has a -95 CR Malus under his Brothers.

Created by user Dauan Tienar for the Omake 'Heal Thyself with Fluff and Hilarity,' Rikard was a first generation Astartes drawn from the Astrologos family during the Unification War, and became quick friends with Oricarious during their Geneseed implementation.

Over the years, Rikard lost many Brothers, and, deeply affected by each loss, worked doggedly to improve both himself and the Apothecarium to save as many of them as possible. Over the decades, this tireless work ethic saw Rikard rise all the way to Chief Apothecary, but also saw the sharp decline of Rikard's mental health as he struggled and failed to save each Brother.

Eventually, Rikard saw his father found, and with his father's reforms, forced the Apothecarium to adopt a "You will be healed at all costs." policy, especially after thousands of particularly inspired or eager Wardens left their beds to fight again before they were properly healed. Fearful that even his father might do this, Rikard commissioned Primarch-grade chains to prevent such a devastating loss.

It was around that time that Rikard discovered a particular Legion Serf that also worked at the Apothecary: Shana. With Shana's help, Rikard saved many more Astartes and, perhaps more importantly, began to recover from his own problems. A positive spike in his effectiveness that, along with his Father's continued changes to the Legion, saw Rikard begin to research countermeasures for Nurglite diseases, NBC, and contaminants.

Currently, Rikard is recovering from the Maelstrom Crusade and the loss of Shana, and will likely need to spend the next few years attempting to recover.

Methodical Medical Methods - In order to deal with the endless plagues, Rikard has made a series of steps to follow in his search for a cure. It works, and he has iterated upon it again and again making it the Legion's standard practice. Identify the problem, isolate it, triage, then look into cures in a predetermined arrangement. It works, but sometimes it still isn't enough. *-10% losses to NBC warfare for Astartes.*

Chief Apothecary

When forced into a confrontation, Rikard fights defensively, weathering attack after attack with ease until an opening presents itself. Then, like a viper, Rikard will strike, attempting to strike his target down in one lethal blow, usually in the form of lighting-fast stabs. Should his opponent remain too vigilant, however, Rikard remains more than capable of defending for hours, or even days on end due to endless hours of intense surgeries, combat stims, and his style conserving energy as much as possible.

That said, if Rikard is ever in a duel, we have likely made several mistakes.

Rikard's best use to prevent the constant ticking deaths of NBC warface, or Nurglite plagues. Anything that would, over time, cause the loss of Astartes. He's similarly great in any sieges, and would likely be incredibly useful in the Desolation.

A collection of three Astartes, two Wardens and a Thousand Son, who were chosen to lead the Library after the dead of Chief Librarian Raziel. Splitting their responsibilities among both disciplines and stages of training, they are as follows:

Nasin: A Thousand Son that uses an exitus rifle, Nasin is responsible for training Librarians in rituals, telekinesis, divination, and more mundane fighting. Someone with connections to the Vindicare Temple, he does have several custom rounds that he uses in the most dire of circumstances.

Raz: A highly skilled telepath, Raz is tasked with teaching both telepathy and proper mental control to the various Librarians. He tends to act in a support role during combat, passing messages securely and quickly, and providing intelligence. However, his main role is out of combat, where he sees to the mental well being of members of the Legion.

Savinath: A highly skilled daemonologist, Savinath is subject to a curse that makes him fate go against him. Primarily responsible for the teaching of daemonic lore and daemonology, he tends to focus on polishing the skills of those in the Library. In combat he tends to make extensive use of daemonology, and can often be found in areas of extreme danger.

The Triquetra gains Last to Die - +20 to Duels

Nasin gains The Right Moment - Triple the effect of nat 100s he rolls


Nasin: Prefers to fight from several kilometers away from his enemies. If that isn't possible, his go to strategy is to create distance, using a short power knife for emergency melee actions.
Raz: Preferring to avoid combat directly, he often uses a rifle with an attached bayonet.
Savinath: Using pyromancy, he chooses to set his hands on fire and use them as weapons.

The heads of our Library. Sadly, their best use is primarily to run headfirst into combat and be used as low-level combatants who, all together, still have a lower combat score than most of our individual Proto Heroes.

So I guess you could send them in as support characters to more important figures.

One of the few mortals to ever become a Proto-Hero, Amelia was once an ambitious soldier. Now the only survivor from her home world, Amelia is a jaded veteran with decades of combat experience and a relentless drive to survive.

The new leader of the Night Watch, Amelia survived a long, and bloody service to get to where she is today. Having watched her squad mates die one by one, as her organization collapsed in on itself, leaving only a tenth of those not already rooted out by the Custodian guard.

Still, even now, as a mortal woman Amelia pAles in comparison to the Astartes. She is no demigod brought to life with forbidden knowledge and ancient science, but a mortal so often often unto the battlefields of gods. As such, I would suggest often writing her as an underdog in most fights, even with all of her tactics and planning. Regardless, she is an interesting, and powerful, mortal character, and one given a lot more emotional leeway than our actual Legion.

Last to Die – One of thirteen soldiers to survive a rebellion by the forces of chaos, under the command of a mortal, she was ready to die along with the planet. But the arrival of the Wardens prevented that, and since then she has proven to be in her element when a fight is doomed. She has always been the last to die. *+80 to Last Stands*

Forged in Battle – Facing daemons before her world was even discovered by the Imperium, Amelia has had her will tried and tested on dozens of encounters. She has faced horrors that have broken her, and every time she has picked herself back up. A little bit lesser, but still herself. *+30 Corruption Resistance*

Watch Commander – Undoubtedly the finest of the Night Watch. Amelia has extricated herself from situations where lesser men have perished. And yet, she's survived them all. Every time, she's survived. She understands what it means to be a mortal in a galaxy of superhumans. How to live, how to fight, how to survive. Amelia knows this truth more than any other human. And for that she became the Watch Commander. *+5 to Duels*

One With The Night - Amelia has become the Watch Commander of the Night Watch, having survived many battlefields losses that the organization faced over its history. But adversity breeds greater strength to the survivors, and as its leader Amelia will survive till the very end. *Amelia will not die unless the entire Night Watch dies first.*
Night Watch

An assassin oft on the battlefield of gods, Amelia's life is unfair, and such Amelia is a firm believer that a fair fight is one she should never enter. Typically, when she engages, she does so in stealth, with her trusty hellgun on one side, two dozen Night Watch on the other, and staring down a prepared killing field.

Should the target somehow survive, Amelia and her men attempt immediate extraction, putting as much distance between themselves and their foe as possible before being forced into an honest engagement.

Should extraction prove impossible, Amelia will still attempt to gain as much distance as possible, and shoot down her foe from ranged, only enterring melee ranged when forced into it.

Our strongest mortal unit, Amelia is best used as the leader, teacher, and commander of our Night Watch. Though her amazing bonus to Corruption Resistance makes her a great bodyguard for Witch Hunters as well. One With The Night does, however, make her nigh impossible to kill, making her a sure bet for a slowly upgrading proto, even of her base is much lower than the other Astartes.
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[X] Withdraw and destabilize the Reef fully. Conduct a slow withdrawal under the firing lines of the Titans before having the White Scars destabilize the Reef not that they have an idea of how it works. Let the Mitu perish within the warp. Valuable experience has been gained and staying further is tempting fate. *Gain a 10% reduction to warp terrain penalties.*
[X] Withdraw and destabilize the Reef fully. Conduct a slow withdrawal under the firing lines of the Titans before having the White Scars destabilize the Reef not that they have an idea of how it works. Let the Mitu perish within the warp. Valuable experience has been gained and staying further is tempting fate. *Gain a 10% reduction to warp terrain penalties.*
Corrupted Blade - +5 in Duels
Where did this come from?

[X] Push forward and wipe them out. The Reef may not truly be stable, but there is still more to learn. It is a risk, one that makes Oriacarius hesitate. It is a risk that will kill thousands of Astartes now. But is there a chance that it may save more in the future? He does not know the answer. But perhaps another risk must be taken. *Increase experience with warp terrain. Possibility of increasing reduction. Possibility of large losses. Possibility the Reef destabilizes while you are in it. Possibility of facing five Bloodthirsters.*
[x] Withdraw and destabilize the Reef fully. Conduct a slow withdrawal under the firing lines of the Titans before having the White Scars destabilize the Reef not that they have an idea of how it works. Let the Mitu perish within the warp. Valuable experience has been gained and staying further is tempting fate. *Gain a 10% reduction to warp terrain penalties.*
[X] Withdraw and destabilize the Reef fully. Conduct a slow withdrawal under the firing lines of the Titans before having the White Scars destabilize the Reef not that they have an idea of how it works. Let the Mitu perish within the warp. Valuable experience has been gained and staying further is tempting fate. *Gain a 10% reduction to warp terrain penalties.*

Let's not push our luck.
Oriacarius used up all his rolls(contingencies). Removeing a tenth of malus is enough. To fight in the unstable half-warp terrain facing five Greater Daemons?
Considering daemons are stronger in the Warp, it's not even a gamble. It's a plain suicide.

[x] Withdraw and destabilize the Reef fully. Conduct a slow withdrawal under the firing lines of the Titans before having the White Scars destabilize the Reef not that they have an idea of how it works. Let the Mitu perish within the warp. Valuable experience has been gained and staying further is tempting fate. *Gain a 10% reduction to warp terrain penalties.*
[X] Withdraw and destabilize the Reef fully. Conduct a slow withdrawal under the firing lines of the Titans before having the White Scars destabilize the Reef not that they have an idea of how it works. Let the Mitu perish within the warp. Valuable experience has been gained and staying further is tempting fate. *Gain a 10% reduction to warp terrain penalties.*
[X] Withdraw and destabilize the Reef fully. Conduct a slow withdrawal under the firing lines of the Titans before having the White Scars destabilize the Reef not that they have an idea of how it works. Let the Mitu perish within the warp. Valuable experience has been gained and staying further is tempting fate. *Gain a 10% reduction to warp terrain penalties.*
[X] Push forward and wipe them out. The Reef may not truly be stable, but there is still more to learn. It is a risk, one that makes Oriacarius hesitate. It is a risk that will kill thousands of Astartes now. But is there a chance that it may save more in the future? He does not know the answer. But perhaps another risk must be taken. *Increase experience with warp terrain. Possibility of increasing reduction. Possibility of large losses. Possibility the Reef destabilizes while you are in it. Possibility of facing five Bloodthirsters.*
A Hunter Must Hunt.
Hiya! Decided to make an omake on what's currently going on with the whole War for the Reef, specifically focusing on that Favoured Bloodthirster that showed up. As, wow, they must feel like an insanely lucky fellow for them to stumble upon this. What are the odds, eh? Anyways, uh, hope it's not too bad and that its enjoyable! 0u0

Oh, also, I should probably go and vote. Hope I haven't messed this up due to putting it here with the omake. My deepest apologies if it has messed something up with the vote.

[X] Push forward and wipe them out. The Reef may not truly be stable, but there is still more to learn. It is a risk, one that makes Oriacarius hesitate. It is a risk that will kill thousands of Astartes now. But is there a chance that it may save more in the future? He does not know the answer. But perhaps another risk must be taken. *Increase experience with warp terrain. Possibility of increasing reduction. Possibility of large losses. Possibility the Reef destabilizes while you are in it. Possibility of facing five Bloodthirsters.*

A Hunter Must Hunt.

Kho'Astrom the Eternal Hunter, Favoured Bloodthirster of Khorne who embodied their grant wrath, brought down their axes against the dark barrier once more.

Since the moment of his existence the daemon was dedicated completely to hunting down worthy prey. To slaughter armies or to break worlds was something that Kho'Astrom had enjoyed immensely, to go through a great battlefield and kill as many as possible until there were lakes of blood was what all those of Khorne would find wonderful.

But nothing matched a singular duel or execution. A time where there was nothing else but the enemy and the fight, where each strike taken and given held the greatest and most personal meaning. Where rage was focused and wrath honed upon the foe, a fire struck the fiercest as it cut through everything else. To take a life as all strength and power was poured into their demise. There was nothing greater.

The greatest champions, the mightiest beasts, the strongest fighters. It mattered not what or where they were, any that were found by the Bloodthirster would become a target and they would never stop until they were killed. Millenia could pass and their concentrated fury and dedication would never falter, only momentarily be delayed if another target was closer.

Once a mere mortal, a champion covered in armour, fought the daemon as it came to their world. They wielded a sword with enough skill, strength and willpower to pierce through the daemon's heart and take their head and did not fall to the worship of Khorne. Their material remains burnt as they were sent back to the Warp.

Then, just before they were able to manifest into the mortal plane again, when Kho'Astrom had learned that the mortal had died by the hands of another Bloodthirster, who ate the champion's soul and took their skull, he roared with pure rage and hunted down the one who dared to forever steal the chance to fight and kill what was their prize alone.

Then for a hundred more times did the Bloodthirster battle their fellow Greater Daemon, each time after they finished another hunt and came back to the Brass Citadel to enact their vengeance. The hundredth time was when Kho'Astrom had discarded their other weapon to take the axe away from the beaten Bloodthirster and chopped their head off with it, finally satisfied as they kept the axe as their own.

For this act they became Favoured by the Blood God and given four other Bloodthirsters to lead, and as the forces under Kho'Astrom grew along with their power so too did their targets. Powerful sorcerers that served to one of the other four gods, wandering beasts in the Warp, other mortal champions and mighty daemons that Kho'Astrom knew of. All became prey in the eyes of the hunter.

His chases were relentless and brutal. Flesh Hounds to sniff out prey and find them wherever they went, packs of them circling around those who dared to use sorcery to cut off escape. Fortifications crushed under the stampede of Juggernauts as their riders sliced at all in their path while Blood Thrones charged ahead and dove straight into the middle of the battle. And above them all were the Bloodthirsters as they flew straight for their kills, Kho'Astrom at the front, the rest of the daemons following them as guides to more wars.

There was little strategy that was directed to the warband, they just kept to their roles and utlised their might to hunt and slaughter.

There was but one rule, one order that was to be followed at all times, and all the daemons under Kho'Astrom knew it. Never fight what he fought, never kill what he tried to kill, or else they would suffer as many deaths as the Eternal Hunter could grant as their focused wrath was directly completely to them. The grudges the daemon kept could be as endless as their desire for the hunt, and many things the warband fought had done just that as they slayed a target before the Bloodthirster could.

And it was because of the nature of the Eternal Hunter's warband that they were so far away from Khorne's realm when the great battle of war gods, the Blood and Thunder War, was called and waged by Khorne himself. Kho'Astrom had been chasing a sorcerer more powerful and cowardly than usual, having used their magic to escape their execution for nearly five years. And no matter how greatly tempted the rest of their warband was by that point, the Eternal Hunter would not abandon their prey.

It took another year before they were finally caught and brought down, their body cleaved and crushed as a roar of triumph was carried by all those that fought under the Eternal Hunter. Now they could finally make way for a true war.

Yet even as they quickly rushed for the divine battlefield of the Blood and Thunder War they diverged at times to face whatever they could. An army of Feral Orks that had broken into the Warp to head for the same battle, lead by a hulking brute that stood tall as they wielded a massive hammer that was destroyed along with its Warboss.

And then the concealed stronghold of the Mitu Conglomerate, a pathetic race that denied Chaos and used sorcery for strength and hid away inside their own empty realm. Yet now their fear was palpable as they faced their end, now surrounded by a crowd of chanting parasites and weakling daemons of the other four.

At first the Favoured Bloodthirster had come to battle the last of the Mitu race, to take down their barrier and personally wipe out the cowardly empire and to try fighting whatever meager champions or war-machines they held inside. Perhaps even taking their flesh world as an offering for Khorne, as filled with sorcery as it was.

But then something else was sensed as they got closer and, like a gift from Khorne himself had arrived, Kho'Astrom had been blessed with another opportunity for a hunt so great that no member of their warband would ever regret having been so far away from the battleground of gods.

The Eternal Wardens, tens of thousands of them, were in the middle of their own invasion against the last of the Mitu race. The barrier that the flesh moulded stronghold possessed was weakening from their battle as they charged. The sons of the Daemonsbane, his warriors dreaded by many of Chaos, were right there and could be faced within the realm of the Neverborn. Wardens trapped in the Warp, a whole army of them ready to be fought with the full might that those of the Blood God possessed.

It was perfect, there were few other hunts that would be more worthy than this. And some champion, some great leader of them must have been there directing them. No other foe that the Eternal Hunter had fought would compare to than a leading warrior of the Wardens, no prey that they had executed would come close to the importance of such a figure.

To take their skull, to spill their blood, to deliver their soul to Khorne... it would be the greatest trophy, the greatest offering that the Bloodthirster could give.

And so Kho'Astrom bellowed out a cry for war that was carried by all the daemons that followed him as they charged forth to be at the front of the battle soon to occur, excitement and battle-hunger surging through them just as much as the call for war that Khorne had given them.

And that cry for war joined the chant as Nurglings, Horrors and Daemonettes were slaughtered to make way for the warband and to stop from interfering in their greatest of hunts. Kho'Astrom would grant a million deaths to whatever deprived him of this fight.

The barrier, the infernal barrier must fall. Then he would hunt down whatever champions of the Daemonsbane's sons were there, order his forces to slay any Mitu or daemon that dared to face them first, and slaughter the rest.

It just had to fall. Just a little more power. A few more warriors to come and then it would fall.

He chanted with all the might he could give for this, he brought down his twin axes again and again as fast as he could as all his forces joined him in breaking the barrier. To let them in.

It just needed to weaken a little more, just enough for him to see who was there. The one who lead this army, whichever prized son of the Daemonsbane he was. Then he would know who his target was, who he would remember and chase after until they were dead.

It didn't matter how long it took, it didn't matter how far he would have to go, it didn't matter what he would need to do. This was one warrior that the Greater Daemon would kill no matter what.

Kho'Astrom the Eternal Hunter, Favoured Bloodthirster of Khorne, swore to the Blood God that they would butcher whoever lead this invasion.
[X] Push forward and wipe them out. The Reef may not truly be stable, but there is still more to learn. It is a risk, one that makes Oriacarius hesitate. It is a risk that will kill thousands of Astartes now. But is there a chance that it may save more in the future? He does not know the answer. But perhaps another risk must be taken. *Increase experience with warp terrain. Possibility of increasing reduction. Possibility of large losses. Possibility the Reef destabilizes while you are in it. Possibility of facing five Bloodthirsters.*
[X] Withdraw and destabilize the Reef fully. Conduct a slow withdrawal under the firing lines of the Titans before having the White Scars destabilize the Reef not that they have an idea of how it works. Let the Mitu perish within the warp. Valuable experience has been gained and staying further is tempting fate. *Gain a 10% reduction to warp terrain penalties.*
[X] Withdraw and destabilize the Reef fully. Conduct a slow withdrawal under the firing lines of the Titans before having the White Scars destabilize the Reef not that they have an idea of how it works. Let the Mitu perish within the warp. Valuable experience has been gained and staying further is tempting fate. *Gain a 10% reduction to warp terrain penalties.*
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