[X] [Rob] Trial: France has been in fear for much too long, the show trials have gone on for too long, what it needs is justice. So France shall receive it, Robespierre, once The Incorruptible and perhaps still is, shall be given trial, a free and fair trial. For the good of France and the Revolution.
[X] [Lackeys] Trial: Simply tossing them in prison or killing them shall be insufficient, they shall not die because of simple association as thousands already have, they shall be treated fairly as all Frenchmen should.
[X] [Napoleon] Talk: You shall speak to Napoleon with a clear mind and an open one. Perhaps he has manipulated you, perhaps he has not, you shall speak with him to understand his motivations and clear any misconceptions. (Continue with The Life of Brian.)
What France has a lack of is justice and calm. The Terror didn't come out of nowhere, it stemmed from a terrified populace with everything to lose, we must show ourselves to be above such attitudes. So the accused shall have their rights and we shall act like the grown ups we are and talk it out.
Also, if possible, I give 50 or as much as my points to Robespierre's trial in his favor if mine wins. I have a preference for him, and want him to get out of this with his head held high.
Last also, if I have to give it a name, I'll call it Plan Blah Blah Blah, Fancy Sounding Title.