The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Well, he went to combat class once. He probably has a mundane technique at Phase 2 at most if he had prior training. He also has at least one Water anam tech he's been working on.

Problem is just that evidence points to him not enjoying the process.
He also has A pond, reflected to shoot at things while Jai Fa punches them. That said, bringing him pretty much guarantees he asks to split any mats three ways.

@Vesvius two questions. Would Shouxi get penalties for shoting his charm at an enemy engaged in melee with allies? Would he help carve uo a Vestige's corpse so that more mats can be harvested?
Ugh, really don't wanna bring Shouxi along, he'd probably twist this entire thing into something along the lines of:
"Oh, so what can you do for me to ensure I dont let the secret of the Armory out?" Or something equally exhausting to hear/read.

Or when it comes to carving out the Vestige remains he could just go: "Oh hey I took my time out along with my dearest sister, that means that we can take most of whatever is there, right? Since there's 2 of us anyway"

And then our dumb crafter self can't recognize that he's trying to squeeze all the benefits he can get away with and lets him get away with it again
I want to get to the shallow spot. @Vesvius can we add a line so that Jai Fa and Kong Zhi discuss participants for the final spot?

Re-filling Rainbow eyes seems like a good idea.

I don't want cycling for HD, we dont know how much Jai Fa has drawn from the Lost Armoury.

For the last action I'd either take a dedicated introduce shouxi to Mo, a Mo action or mingling.
"Oh, so what can you do for me to ensure I dont let the secret of the Armory out?" Or something equally exhausting to hear/read.

That is extremely unlikely, as that would be hurting his sister more than us.

Or when it comes to carving out the Vestige remains he could just go: "Oh hey I took my time out along with my dearest sister, that means that we can take most of whatever is there, right? Since there's 2 of us anyway"

This is more likely.

However, between the twins' heart to heart and us introducing him to Mo next turn (something I heavily recommend), we should advance his social rank to 2 and get him to be less anally-retentative about keeping score of favours.

In any case, we don't need him for shallows, us and Fa are enough.
[X] Plan: Rise of the BOX
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (1)
--[X] The Lost Armory
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (2)
--[X] The Lost Armory
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (3)
--[X] The Lost Armory
-[X] Your fingers itch to begin work on a new charm. You shall begin planning one out.
--[X] You will begin work on a charm for your own purposes (1)
---[X] You will continue to work on a charm for your own purposes (2)
----[X] You will continue to work on a charm for your own purposes (3)
-[X] You have not spoken with your family in quite some time. You shall pen them a letter (Does not count as an action. -1 bronze talent).
--[X] Explain how things have improved with Mo, that we are now a Soldier and seem to have attracted the Notice of one of the Sect Elders, and that we are set to compete with the Foul Jin in a Duel of Crafters, with the Honorable Jai Fa stepping in as champion.
-[X] The only true way to walk your path is to cycle the anam of the world. You will do so.
--[X] A Second of Eternity
---[X] Hummingbird's Dance
-[X] You have talents and you have sect points. They burn a hole in your purse and token the longer you have them. You shall go to the sect market and seek to offload some of your wealth
-[X] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You have recently met Elder Siani, an Elder who seems to handle problems and rare situations around the sect. Elder Siani seems very interested in the Armory Map you fixed, and completing its tasks will likely draw further attention.
--[X] You will seek out the point on the map closest to the surface (Counts as One Action).
---[X] Invite Fa to join you.

So, that covers the 6 crafting actions needed to finish the archer charm and start the Summoning box.

And since we're getting our allowance the week after this one, might as well send a letter now. Also, we'll have four talents left over from that, might as well see if we can stock up on some pills for the next Vestige fight, if we don't use them there we can either use them when we fight the one in the Deeps or to augment an infusion on the next charm.

And with that, I SLEEP
[X] Plan: Rise of the BOX

Looks good to me. Though I'd recommend @Knight-Radiant to incorporate the stuff from Enjou's post into the letter when he's awake.
Alright, so I definitely want to write a letter home. Here are my thoughts on items to talk about...

- First, note that we made the Soldier's Step not long after we sent the prior letter. Maybe don't mention Time anam and stress out our father. But we could say our core is a glorious golden forge above our heart.
- Give our father our well wishes for the Warlord's Step. We love him and have faith in him. We have yet to find any materials worth his time, but we will continue looking.
- Give our fondest regards to Auntie Bi. We think of her often, but especially when we're dealing with that scoundrel Jin Yazhu. Speaking of him, he's challenged us to a duel of charms. We will do our best to put him in his proper place! The charlatan even blamed us for his charm exploding all over Mo Hanying just before the honor duel. Of course, he has no proof that we did such a thing! Really, the nerve of some people. Oh, and we've gotten tutoring in woodworking and have made great strides. Looking forward to doing something with some Night aspected timbers we bought at the sect market.
- Speaking of Mo Haning, we've managed to become friends after a moment of candor. Apparently we were baffling to her, so we sent for honestly. It was a good moment.
- As far as keeping disciples of poor character away from her, we can only do so much there, but there's little need to worry. Mo Hanying regularly tests those around her so as to know their character and motivations. Why, just the other day she made a jest about buying an ugly pink nightmare scarf and various sycophants tried to convince her it looked good. We set the record straight, of course, and she saw good sense. There are of course some people whose backgrounds are less than illustrious, but whose character is unquestionable. For instance, her roommate Nokai is a waste barbarian, but she's actually quite a good soul to those who are kind to her. In fact, if it had not been for her generosity in sharing the spoils of a hunt with us, we wouldn't have even been able to afford to send a letter this month. Quality tutoring is expensive, after all, and necessary to defeat that cur, Jin Yazhu.
- We've also introduced ourselves to Zhuan Kun, having a spar with him. He's quite the driven warrior and ranks fifth among the disciples in combat among our year. He has welcomed us to spar again, though we have yet to find time to do so with the duel looming.
- We are working towards getting our Sigil, of course. We've spent some time working towards Elder Tian's, but Elder Sela has lead us to believe we may not flourish under him. Fortunately, Elder Siani seems to have taken interest, and we have a quest delving the caves that he has indicated may earn his sigil. Jai Fa has been most helpful in that regard, and we've already fought two Vestiges alongside her, including the fearsome Winter Crab! She's also agreed to champion us in our duel.
- PS. Give Cousin Cui our warmest regards.
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[X] Plan: Box
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (1)
--[X] The Lost Armory
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (2)
--[X] The Lost Armory
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (3)
--[X] The Lost Armory
-[X] Your fingers itch to begin work on a new charm. You shall begin planning one out.
--[X] You will begin work on a charm for your own purposes (1)
---[X] You will continue to work on a charm for your own purposes (2)
----[X] You will continue to work on a charm for your own purposes (3)
-[X] You have not spoken with your family in quite some time. You shall pen them a letter (Does not count as an action. -1 bronze talent).
--[X] Explain how things have improved with Mo, that we are now a Soldier and seem to have attracted the Notice of one of the Sect Elders, and that we are set to compete with the Foul Jin in a Duel of Crafters, with the Honorable Jai Fa stepping in as champion.
-[X] You now have access to the Archives of the Delving Heart. You will go there and seek out knowledge, paying for it with either talents or sect points.
--[x] Research Time anam and see if you can find our what you have gotten yourself into.
-[X] Mo Hanying seems far more relaxed in your presence now, and is more willing to call upon you for aid. Her latest request involves a trip to the surface with a few members of her retinue. It will be a trying time, you're sure, but hopefully rewarding.
--[x] Invite Shouxi for his requested introduction to Mo Hanyinf
-[X] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You have recently met Elder Siani, an Elder who seems to handle problems and rare situations around the sect. Elder Siani seems very interested in the Armory Map you fixed, and completing its tasks will likely draw further attention.
--[X] You will seek out the point on the map closest to the surface (Counts as One Action).
---[X] Invite Fa to join you.
[X] Plan: Mo, Rainbow Eyes and Shallow
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (1)
--[X] The Lost Armory
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (2)
--[X] The Lost Armory
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (3)
--[X] The Lost Armory
-[X] Your fingers itch to begin work on a new charm. You shall begin planning one out.
--[X] You will begin work on a charm for your own purposes (1)
---[X] You will continue to work on a charm for your own purposes (2)
----[X] You will continue to work on a charm for your own purposes (3)
-[X] You have not spoken with your family in quite some time. You shall pen them a letter (Does not count as an action. -1 bronze talent).
--[X] Explain how things have improved with Mo, that we are now a Soldier and seem to have attracted the Notice of one of the Sect Elders, and that we are set to compete with the Foul Jin in a Duel of Crafters, with the Honorable Jai Fa stepping in as champion. You have also introduced yourself to Zhuan Kun by having a spar with the rather martial disciple.
-[X] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You have recently met Elder Siani, an Elder who seems to handle problems and rare situations around the sect. Elder Siani seems very interested in the Armory Map you fixed, and completing its tasks will likely draw further attention.
--[X] You will seek out the point on the map closest to the surface (Counts as One Action).
---[X] Invite Fa to join you and discuss who you can invite and how to reward them.
-[X] Spend a Talent to re-charge the Rainbow Eyes.
-[X] Mo Hanying seems far more relaxed in your presence now, and is more willing to call upon you for aid. Her latest request involves a trip to the surface with a few members of her retinue. It will be a trying time, you're sure, but hopefully rewarding.
--[X] Invite Jai Shouxi
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So the issue I have with all the current plans is that the Archer charm is expected to infuse in two actions, even if Rainbow Eyes fails halfway through.

I'd rather allocate an extra infusion action next week if necessary than run a >50% chance of wasting an action this turn because it's not needed.

EDIT: This is even more true if we charge Rainbow Eyes, where we'd have to roll very poorly to not finish infusing it.
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[X] Plan: Mo, Rainbow Eyes and Shallow

The Rainbow Eyes are important. IDK if it's a free action like the letter, but we should certainly get it charged before next week.

I hope we'll have a separate vote for the letter TBH, because it's going to be messy if we have to make a good one amidst the plans.

Might as well ask. @Vesvius, for writing a letter home, does that get its own voting period?
[X] Plan: Mo, Rainbow Eyes and Shallow

I quite like that plan, my only grip with it is why not directly invite Shouxi?
This "ask if we can invite him later" is lmost completly useless, since we will have opportunity to present them at the duel before we have another dedicated social with Mo, and whatever answer she gives would be purely theoric since she doesn't know what activity will be the next time we vote to social her. This week activity is a trip to the surface with a groupe of her socialites, that's an ingerently public action so bringing a friend to introduce him should be completly okay.
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So the issue I have with all the current plans is that the Archer charm is expected to infuse in two actions, even if Rainbow Eyes fails halfway through.

I'd rather allocate an extra infusion action next week if necessary than run a >50% chance of wasting an action this turn because it's not needed.

EDIT: This is even more true if we charge Rainbow Eyes, where we'd have to roll very poorly to not finish infusing it.
I'm thinking that the Rainbow Eyes will be charged after the infusion. So that it'll be full when we start on the box.

This week activity is a trip to the surface with a groupe of her socialites, that's an ingerently public action so bringing a friend to introduce him should be completly okay.

Fair enough. I edited the plan.
So the issue I have with all the current plans is that the Archer charm is expected to infuse in two actions, even if Rainbow Eyes fails halfway through.

I'd rather allocate an extra infusion action next week if necessary than run a >50% chance of wasting an action this turn because it's not needed.
If we roll just slightly poorly even with RE, it will require 3 actions.
Would it be possible to craft some wooden furniture where when someone dines on it they get more energized? Like giving another action per week?
Are we sure we don't want to invite Shouxi with us for the Map mission? As we've seen, combat is an excellent way to gain social with people. And its a good way to test his ability level and give him a taste of real combat before we bring him into the deeps.
Would it be possible to craft some wooden furniture where when someone dines on it they get more energized? Like giving another action per week?

We definitly can craft ourselves some charm furnitures that helps people rest faster / get more energized, but as for the mechanical effects of that we will have to craft them to see.
I personally strongly doubt that it would straight up give an aditional action, as fiddling with action economy is a really op power in any quest, but that doesn't mean it couldn't have an interesting effect none the less.
Let's hope Xu Yun may mission isn't something dangerous, but something that he earned due to his mastery of other languages.

[X] Plan: Rise of the BOX
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