Still, all mages of a certain magic school might fit,
A shame that lost, then. I'm pretty sure Ber isn't the only mage of his school, for instance.
I wonder if anybody who likes doing alternate choice quest versions would want to imagine how Scent + Slayer Knell Hunger could go?
Seven Constitution. Seven. And Protection. And our choice of finally healing one of Hunger's injuries or getting To Shatter Heaven on all magics forever. Gosh this is crazy. I don't see how we can afford to pass this up. I think this is my pick.
It is nice.
Honestly, the biggest problem I have with it is having to decide how many eyes to keep. Walking in Odin's footsteps isn't a terrible path.
On the other hand, he didn't really have a happy ending, though.
This is one of those times everyone misunderstood the blurb and you didn't realize everyone misunderstood the blurb. Unfortunate but we shall continue.
Uh, I thought that was obvious beyond needing to be stated. Was why I voted against it.
I had assumed its supporters were fine with it being less than perfectly reliable.
Isn't Accretion a magic system?
I mean, kindof? It's really not very magical in feel, IMO. Much more mythic, instead.
A think one IS, not a thing one DOES, as it were.
I really do think Stranglethorn is worth it, but for some reason it seems like people are finally noticing that risk has downsides. I'm torn between HANDS HANDS HANDS and voting to do something eyeish and not weighing in on eye count . . . but that feels like too much of a copout.
[X] Yes, Obviously.
[X] Forebear's Blade - Ruinous Valor (3 picks)
-[X] Zweihander
[X] Retreat to the Antechamber
Not sure about adding one of the non-pick options, or saving up for something different next time.