That's what I'm trying to say; it's an amazing ability, almost an instant grab in any other circumstance, but murdered in the crib by the fact that circumstances right now indicate we're going to in combat with peer-at-least threats within the day, even if we retreat to the antechamber in the immediate term.
If you select it with Echoes it really isn't that bad. Get an +Echoes fruit, the load up on a ton of healing fruits, would make the build of similar potency to a 4x Echoes build except with WAY more sustain due to endless regeneration. Stockpile enough fruits and we can (sort-of) get the benefits of Feast of Lives/Maw! Brazenly munch through fruits like a demented RPG character!

It definitely has more stats than Ruinous Valor builds, at least.
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Can we actually afford a more sedentary lifestyle? Decimator's affliction makes that rather difficult. Combine that with Apocryphal and our garden will probabaly burn down. Weekly.
Thinking about it more, maybe we'll get a pocket dimension we can carry around, - not Pillars of Creation, of course, something much simpler and cheaper, - so it would be less of a problem. We've seen abilities that synergize with ones offered before them and I know I've regretted not picking one option or another previously after seeing new shinies in an update.
Only the short term. In the long term the Rank build benefits more from taking Stranglethorn now. And given how slowly rank grows the long term is probably what we need to focus on.
Except we are in Moon dungeon, aka Happy Farm Land. Right now 0.2 Rank offers better ability to navigate the place, while Rank boosting combo grants us unparalleled ability to face any kind of boss.

Get 0.2 now and then use saves Arete to get Dominant/Prominent combo. Aquire Moon waifu.
Thinking about it more, maybe we'll get a pocket dimension we can carry around, - not Pillars of Creation, of course, something much simpler and cheaper, - so it would be less of a problem. We've seen abilities that synergize with ones offered before them and I know I've regretted not picking one option or another previously after seeing new shinies in an update.
Probably, and it would probably be needed. Though it would have to be something special so decimator doesn't affect it remains tied to us.

Except we are in Moon dungeon, aka Happy Farm Land. Right now 0.2 Rank offers better ability to navigate the place, while Rank boosting combo grants us unparalleled ability to face any kind of boss.

Get 0.2 now and then use saves Arete to get Dominant/Prominent combo. Aquire Moon waifu.
Uhh, what?
If you select it with Echoes it really isn't that bad. Get an +Echoes fruit, the load up on a ton of healing fruits, would make the build of similar potency to a 4x Echoes build except with WAY more sustain due to endless regeneration. Stockpile enough fruits and we can (sort-of) get the benefits of Feast of Lives/Maw! Brazenly munch through fruits like a demented RPG character!
Honestly, I agree that it could work, but it being able to work isn't really what matters here, it's the perception of how well it'd work.

Like, if we took it and an echo, then if we could scrounge together a day or so to bleed heavily onto a magic potato, then we'd get enough short term power match exactly what we'd have got with 3 echo grabs, and that's not really something that appeals to voters, in any case.
Can we actually afford a more sedentary lifestyle? Decimator's affliction makes that rather difficult. Combine that with Apocryphal and our garden will probabaly burn down. Weekly.

Establishing a permanent or temporary base does not mean we have to be completely sedentary. Not to mention the fact that Hallow is from the ring, the thing itself that makes wandering in search of prey more attractive than the alternative and we do not know how further options might build on Hallow's capabilities.
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We could just rip out one of our skyscraper mecha's redundant missile launchers and replace it with a frankly oversized greenhouse where it was; it'd probably provide more offensive power, as well.
If we get Stranglethorn it probably makes sense to get Opalescence and Iridescence next time we have 2 arete.
You don't have to convince me on the strengths of it. Stranglethorn is just insane, and there's a part of me that thinks if we don't take it Rihaku is going to be laughing to himself that he offered us this ridiculous option and we managed to turn it down.

Even with that I fear that it's going to "lock us" onto a path that doesn't get agility options. Agility seems to be responsible for how fast we move, how well we dodge, how fast we attack. the 20% loss isn't that big a deal, permanently being offered less advancement in it is.
Can we actually afford a more sedentary lifestyle? Decimator's affliction makes that rather difficult. Combine that with Apocryphal and our garden will probabaly burn down. Weekly.
Instead of using a garden, use a portable aquarium! Or a potable greenhouse I guess.

I mean, Vershlengorge had a bathroom facility. Getting a garden facility isn't that hard. Worse case scenario we can strap bonsai plants onto Versh if we want 'Incredible' effects.
Honestly, I agree that it could work, but it being able to work isn't really what matters here, it's the perception of how well it'd work.

Like, if we took it and an echo, then if we could scrounge together a day or so to bleed heavily onto a magic potato, then we'd get enough short term power match exactly what we'd have got with 3 echo grabs, and that's not really something that appeals to voters, in any case.
It's implicit in the option to do that I figure. Rihaku did say we can get basic effects like +Echo/Healing in <1 day.
4x Echoes build (or 2x Echoes+Rank) isn't going anywhere, I guess I'll see if I can help gardener get into vote consolidation at least.

[X] Yes, Obviously
[X] The Ring of Power - Gardener's Hallow
[X] Forebear's Blade - Echo of the Forebear
[X] Retreat to the Antechamber

It uniquely offers a path to 25 Arete effects as a 7 Arete option.
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Oh man, I thought the Odin look for Rune King was pretty cool; and 4x advancement in any magic system is great for the future. Sharp of Eye is meh in comparison; basically saying "more options available" is the opposite of exiting.

Gardener's Hallow is also pretty meh theme-wise; also terrible for actually trying to complete this. We are a Progression-type Cursebearer; good uses of our time won't be rare. Currently we want to maximize the two week time window without Apocryphal as much as possible and Hallow is far too much time consuming for that. It's funny to fear an option that makes us less fast while singing the praises of the option that takes by far the most time. The circumstances are bad for it, really.

People really let Rihaku's Devils Advocacy get to them, huh? In terms of value Stranglethorn is the best option by far. It improves several aspects of our Progression. Its entrenched bonus will be extremely useful when it comes to the conquest of the Human Sphere. More Rank over time will help us with literally everything; More Con not only means more defense, but less exhaustion and greater stamina for special moves. very relevant when we've been relying so much on blade-wind spam. It also makes the most basic of our advancements, Echo of the Forebear's, something we can get from every enemy; substantially better. It makes safe grinding for power far more rewarding. Very good considering the perils we face now. It's risk is overstated; getting attacked on the way back is said to be pretty unlikely and even so we'd have to fail a rage proc to die anyway; it's less risky than even this vote; which had a 85+ required on the roll for something to show up. I'm not very worried.
4x Echoes build (or 2x Echoes+Rank) isn't going anywhere, I guess I'll see if I can help gardener get into vote consolidation at least.

[X] Yes, Obviously
[X] The Ring of Power - Gardener's Hallow
[X] Forebear's Blade - Echo of the Forebear
[X] Retreat to the Antechamber

It uniquely offers a path to 25 Arete effects as a 7 Arete option.
We don't have to win the vote, we just need to make it to consolidation. Be steadfast Rank Bros, the victory is still possible!
People really let Rihaku's Devils Advocacy get to them, huh?
...I'm half wanting to vote for the option I hate the most next time just to try to get Rihaku against it. So when I betray it and switch sides I can beat people up with his quotes.

We don't have to win the vote, we just need to make it to consolidation. Be steadfast Rank Bros, the victory is still possible!
*Continues to grumble about someone favoring rank and not voting the option that massively increases rank gain*
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[X] Yes, Obviously
[X] The Ring of Power - Gardener's Hallow
[X] Evening Sky - Opalescence
Pursuing the Rune King is tempting due to my own limited vision (and love of magical systems) but the downside in terms of exact judgement of nearby things in terms of physical space may persistently impede swordsmanship for things like parrying bullets.

Additionally we seem to be focusing on the sword at the expense of the other members of the panoply.
Huh does Thousand Cuts and Zwei mean that bare handed attacks impart Ruin every time? If so that's some interesting synergy considering you should be able to attack much faster that way.

If it does I will throw Thousand Cuts onto my vote. Having the option to attack fast and build up ruin or use the blade for a huge strike does give us some interesting options offensively.

Bearing as good as it is worries me. Facing higher level foes the fear is that we will just be unable to damage them. I'm holding back from Thousand Cuts partly because getting Ruinous Valor now seems like it would patch up our offense and allow us to farm easier, and then figure we can proc Bearing and have a monster statline. Bearing's rarity has me wondering if I should just take it here.

This is both a hard and easy vote. Hard because there are a lot of good options and somewhat easy because I'm pretty ok with most of them winning.

I really like Hollow too, but I am pretty committed to trying to beat this temple.

I actually think the true best build to maximize the effect right now this second no one has voted for.

[X] Yes, Obviously.
[X] Forebear's Blade - Ruinous Valor
-[X] Zweihander
[X] Undying Vanguard
[5 Arete]
[X] Retreat to the Antechamber

Gives strength to kill much faster, let's us go back and get Gisena to fight with us/beat puzzles/charm socially.

And if Zwei let's us let Gisena wield the Forebear's blade in our stead while we use our bare hands? It doesn't even have to let us to be an extremely strong build all around that does a lot of things the other builds do. But if it does it becomes an insane combo. It even saves some Arete!

Just went an ticked the boxes, originally planned to leave it a blank vote, haha.
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[X] Yes, Obviously
[X] Forebear's Blade
- Dreadnought's Bearing (7 Arete, 3 picks)
-[X] Sharp of Eye
[X] Keep Up Momentum

Liking the boost it gives us and the plan behind it. If I can point to a further benefit to the upgrade that I don't think has been said before well, we are in a dungeon and DnD taught me that in these places an high Perception (mechanically integrated here by Wits, I think) constantly saves lives.

Hunger almost fell into a trap into this very same update, avoiding mainly thanks to his Wits, and I highly doubt this will be the last time we'll have a chance to outsmart our opponents and avoid being outsmarted in turn.
(mechanically integrated here by Wits, I think) constantly saves lives.
If I remember right from the first one, Wits is a measure of thinking speed in general so it's even better than just perception.

I swapped to my current vote because the ability to add Gisena adds someone who is smarter than Hunger and able to negate Exotic effects. Also with her life on the line in a worst case scenario Rage Form should be easier to proc. Also it's easier to do dungeons with a party rather than solo!
Plants Vs. Astral Monsters

A house had appeared on the back of Verschlengorge, the red tiled oddity perching precariously around and on top of the Armament's necks; complete with an acre or so of land underneath it and what Zee begrudgingly identified as period accurate ancient style picket fencing, the construct made the transition from wherever it had been to here with some small amount of complaint, with many of the windows and most of the slab paving surrounding it cracking and much of the house skewing worryingly sideways.

Still, the complication had resisted all attempts to remove it from the Armament's persons, and the next logical step was to investigate the interior of the place, to hopefully find the source of the obstruction and Nullify it, the better to continue the troupe's journey to the nearest population centre.

Gisena flourished the set of pick-locks produced from nowhere, nudging the door opening and remarking on the lock's lack of resistance to her wiles, Hunger entering the building cautiously, appearing not to hear her.

The inside of the small house was disturbingly bare, the only furnishings consisting of several trellis tables, and all else seeming half finished or even not started; unfinished walls and bare floorboards greeted the explorers, and after a certain amount of cursory poking around and checking for secrets, the party was confident that the only location of interest in the incongruous bungalow was the small collection of tables, or more likely, their contents.

The three, gathered in the front room, looked on in consternation at the collection of items before them; Hunger had explained his acquisition of a power rooted in the husbandry of plants some small time earlier, and now here there was an extensive collection of outdated but suspiciously spotless, somewhat worn gardening equipment? A trick of some kind, the Apocryphal Curse no doubt mocking his choice of power, a horde of beasts surely lying in wait the punchline; perhaps the dogged Ber would attack again the moment the trap was tripped...

But still, with the house encumbering Verschlengorge too greatly to move faster than a crawl there was no real choice to be made here, and attempts to stymie the curse tended to backfire ruinously; better to trigger whatever tribulation awaited and face the storm on their terms than to be attacked moments after exhausting themselves attempting to disrupt whatever effect was keeping the land anchored to the Armament.


The moment the implement was lifted, (a trowel, the green enamelled handle feeling right in his hand, somehow), there was a predictable explosion of noise some distance away, as the too-weak veil that masqueraded as reality in this place was ripped aside to allow more horrors to enter the stage; at Gisena's shout that Astral Monsters were beginning to approach Verschlengorge, Hunger dropped the no doubt spent trigger, and reached for his swor--

The trowel was still in his hand.

More directed effort was made to berate Hunger's traitorous fingers into opening to no avail; the damn thing might as well have been his hand, for how little he could remove it from his person. No matter, the item still had a blade, he should be able to make short work of this attack, Astral Monsters being the bare minimum the Curse threw at him recently...

Hunger's eyes were drawn, as he made his way to the still open door, to a somehow yet-unnoticed shelf by the side of the exit.

Neat rows of paper packets, standing to attention in regimental formation, monopolised his stolen gaze, the green (same green as the trowel) packages appearing to contain seeds, bulbs; cuttings and sprouting tubers, for the enigmatic previous occupant's gardening needs.

Hunger's steps faltered, as he recognised the images painted cheerily on the packets, simple, exaggerated images of him, sitting comfortably on this house's patio in the foreground, peering contently at an Astral Monster being torn asunder by hulking green vegetable colossi off in the distance; "this could be you" whispered the package, "look at how much you could be relaxing while protected by plants", the innocent appearing images implied, "you already have the trowel right there" his own thoughts, or an interlopers? Hunger could no longer tell, he really did need a break, after that business in the Temple of The False Moon; what harm could a little light gardening do?

On Hunger's hand, a gardening glove appeared, the minor inconvenience of the trowel somehow not appearing to impede this natural and right occurrence.


Hunger sat on the deck chair that had unaccountably been there the whole time, and watched as the pea plant he'd been drawn to plant absorbed all the energy that the ring of Hunger could siphon towards it and grew, and grew...

What could be more relaxing, than some light gardening in the fresh air?

(806 Words, direct product of staying up for far too long)

This is the first bit of long-form writing I've done for 20 years, and it probably reads like that, too.
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Rune king gives us that +Wis which might actually be pretty relevant considering how unwise both the voterbase and Hunger are. Rune magic is honestly pretty damn amazing compared to sharp of eye. I am all for removing mutilation but badass one eyed mage warrior is an amazing archtype to go for.
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Fanwork##934 Words

Totally Not a Dune Reference
Surveillance of the surrounding area had finished early. Advance was quiet, calculated to leave no openings to escape. No attempt had been made; speculation that the target had fled before arrival was increasingly probably.

Fifty-two tin-coated agents halted their formation, gazing afield with eyes glowing first red, then silver, then an impossible anti-radiant darkness. Steps became silent, now advancing sinuously over the open plains-equivalent, steps light across the thin snow-drifts that the False Moon had placed in their way less than twenty minutes ago.

An altercation had been acknowledged and measured. The first trap had failed, a sign of intelligent opposition. Outsiders on the attack. Their purpose was unknown; the penalty for trespassing was not. An army would be too much to deploy: reserves were needed to protect the rear and flanks, where the largest number of vaults and catacombs lay undisturbed since...

Unknown. Activation 1.0000000 was before time-telling processes were enabled. Only the librarians held that knowledge, and they were indisposed. Possibly dead, if unaided diagnostics could be trusted.

The grass beneath their metallic, rune-shod hooves was thin and whispy like mycelium. In reality, it grew its roots upward to feast upon the gloaming, when the baleful starlight was at its weakest. The dirt was without exception fallow.

Surveillance of the surrounding area would be repeated shortly. Advance had halted, but the scouts were leaving a trail that would stabilize the way forward. An army could march down it, should spec-ops not be able to lance the infection without casualty.

Whispers in the mechanics' tongue were audible nearby. Noise data, to be reported as 'louder than usual'. It was...

Unknown. Content of sense data incompatible with current role data. Similarity to librarian profile noted. Questions were not this unit's purpose. Combat, surveillance, battlefield utility; without fail, now and forever.

This confirmed the target was still present; worse, he had found new armaments. Vaults nearby were empty, used only as bait to trap invaders. Efforts to strip remains of dangerous weapons were not always successful; submit request for investigation at a later date.

Time for musing was ending now. Eyepieces flickered white, then white-slashed violet, then a dull and callous grey. Life support protocols ceased, flesh-based biology unable to withstand the pressure of initiating combat protocols. Manual defibrillation and stem-cell deployment followed, resuscitation taking minutes to complete. A crimson semi-circle opened up across the visor of the first to return to life.

Surveillance of the surrounding area had shown no evidence of a trap. Advance would continue apace, possibility of misdirection accounted for with flanking forces. Combat protocols were unerring, even against Temple-adapted life.

The grip-rune flared, the wave-rune contracted, and at their delta point a blade emerged. Fifty-one compatriots and he moved at once, subtlety abandoned. They roared unearthly, charging towards the target's hiding place, a pillar of stone and dead flesh decorated with armor-plates looted from their kin.

Energy pulsed uncontrollably, reducing grass to puffs of dust with every step. Joints negated air drag by phasing through it entirely. Blades hissed with conceptual venom, promising total annihilation through the bars of their material cages.

Time slowed to a crawl. Rank-based defenses were acknowledged, known parameters engaged. Ruin-power tore holes in the Pressure, forcing space and time back into order. Visible by his Artifact cloak, the target stood atop his makeshift fortress. He was hard to see, the Pressure thicker in his presence, harder to counter and easier to reassert. But it could be seen he was maimed, one-armed and one-eyed. The mechanics would have little to work with.

Raising that one arm up, sword of Artifact make in hand, he proclaimed some thing in a human language. His Ring blazed with light, countermanding their runes but not their swords. It would do nothing. The attack continued, reaching his walls and preparing to fell the great structure with one coordinated blow.

Then the ground shook. All of it, all at once: steady and ceaseless, more like the pull of a pendulum than a tectonic reaction. A roar broke through the Pressure, echoing boundless and terribly, and shattered their runic projections like glass struck with a sledgehammer. The protocol-swords remained, dead but dreaming forms undaunted by their forsaken masks. Unliving vengeance took hold, impossible speed and balance holding them aloft.

The man uttered a second phrase, unknown to them in shape or meaning. Except...

Unknown. Unknown. Unknown. Root corruption detected. Unable to filter, shutdown procedure disabled.

"I am Lord Hunger, master of Wurmrest Tower! You want it? Come and get it!"

Behind him took hold a ghostly shape, that of a grand soil-churner; a predator and grotesque monster that preyed upon anything and everything it saw. It seemed to coil behind him, a motion palpably alien to its natural behavior. In the moment before the end, realization as to the tower's origin dawned upon the advance wave, the wurm's silhouette a perfect match to the shape and texture of the tower itself, despite its own much greater size.

In one clean motion the Lord Hunger, Master of Wurmrest Tower pointed his sword-arm down towards the stunned and sluggish force, Ring glaring a fearsome greenish-black. The worm's spirit rose to its full height, mouth gaping with veritable fields of razors larger than its master's own body. Then it descended, like a thunderclap in an echo chamber. There was no logical explanation for its presence; it was not of the False Moon, nor a runic projection, nor a living thing. But it killed them all the same, light of their swords going out with their first screams of pure, unbridled terror.
Alright folks, welcome back to Wolfy's Q&A! Today, we will introduce you all to concept of rank!

Q: So, what is Rank exactly? Is it like Cultivation Level in EFB?
A: Not quite. While Rank is God Stat in similar way, it doesn't increase our power directly. Instead, Rank allows us to impose our will on world in increasingly more powerful ways. While Cultivation would merely make you punch stronger, Rank would allow you to strike through, sap willpower from enemies, undo their magics and number of other different effects. Additionally, Rank offers great deal of out of combat utility; you can use it to cow people, find treasures or relevant monsters, ensure logistics of your armies and many more. In short, it's ability to impose our will on reality itself, with only limits being our imagination and our Rank

Q: Sounds pretty good. What is this Rank plan about though?
A: By utilizing direct stacking of abilities from Hunger and Blade, we can make it so our FOR grants us one whole scaling rank, for purpose combat. One whole rank!

Q: One whole rank is .. good? What's amazing about it?
A: As per Rihaku, ranks offer great deal of qualitative advantages - 1 Rank means 90% of victory. Actually important part is that due to versatility of Rank, it scales perfectly with virtually everything - which includes FOR stat multiplier. You end up with multiplying your multiplier, giving us massive 9-15 times increase on power, depending on exact Rank number. This is scaling modifier, so every time we beat a monster and get the reward, that reward would get increased by same amount, allowing us form of hyper-scaling. Finally, due to it's nature, Rank has very few real weakness making it very stable build

Q: Wow, that's sounds pretty good. How does the plan look like?
A: In short term we get some stats and 0.2 Arete; former to get some power and later because our scaling Rank makes every Rank that much better. Difference between having 0.3 and 0.5 over opponent is pretty huge. Additionally, 0.2 Rank has a lot of utility out of combat as well, by allowing us to explore better, solve puzzles better etc, so it's well rounded cheap pick. Afterwards, we save from Dominion/Prominence, at which point our build is ready to go. Our Rank buff scales to the late game(0.45 has same value as 1 at higher levels) and we can transition it into Ruling Ring if we so desire

Q: Wait, massive scailing upgrades for our God Stat are actually good? Who would have thought!
A: Yup

Q: Shame I don't have convenient vote to copy..
A: Gotcha fam:

[X] Yes, Obviously.
[X] Echo of the Forebear
[X] Feat: Apex - +.2 Astral Rank (2 picks)

Q: Holy shit, moment I voted for Rank plan my hair came back, my wife called to make up with me and I got promoted! I think that letting the light of Rank in my life was the best decision I have ever made!
A: Glad I could help!