Still I aint going to take any chances

[X] Plan Vulkan lives

Edit: changed vote solely on the awesome name of the shipyards
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I really wanted the Cruiser job but Defense Contracts without bribery in this era of the Republic is business suicide.
Please note, that they mostly asked you out of courtesy. They also have asked other shipbuilders for suggestions, this is true for all procurements by others.

One plan only, if you meant to just bring both plans up for discussion please remove the "X" so the tally program doesn't misinterpret your post.
[X] Plan Vulkan lives
[X] Vulkan Shipyards
[X] Far and wide trade

As Jax mentioned above the cruiser option was only offered to us as a courtesy token and in that case usually the winner is already picked out or between 1 and 2 companies. I want to get the Donnager out as soon as possible but we need money and most likely aren't gonna get this contract. So let's focus on something we know we can do well and that make the Hull series, then with that cash come back for some military contracts latter with some fleshed out and kick ass designs.
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[X] Blohm & Frox Ltd.
[X] Far and Wide Trade

I would normally vote for the scout, but at the moment we need the money and the trader contract promises more repay customers, even it is only for repair and maintenance.

And secondly, with our currently rather low stats, I am more confident in finishing a trader's hull in time than a high tech scout.
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[X] Plan Vulkan lives

Going for a freighter is something I can get behind, more so since those will get picked up by a lot of people due to after market mods you can make to them.
For the passenger cabins, we need just to develop a modified container.

Those containers could also be sold as apartments and habitat modules.
[X] Skywalker Repair & Shipbuilding
[X] Far & Wide Trade

Common name and we might be able to steal the best damn pilot around when the Jedi reject him. Naboo is in the mid-rim so we should be more interested in the outcome. Finding out a Skywalker was involved and that he was a slave will get some investigating. Anakin and his mother after all weren't born slaves nor was Anakin born on Tatooine. They were enslaved so there might be something to work with there. Get some contracts from the Jedi and save Shmi from slavery. Someone had to have taught Anakin his engineering skills after all and it wouldn't have been his slave masters.
[X] Far & Wide Trade

If you can't get a money-maker like this under your belt first, you're hardly going to get a look in for a capital-intensive purchase. Set the company up on a good foundation first, then we can start aiming high.

I had a fascinating discussion on Discord earlier today about really looking at the ethos behind how space combat tech and space battles work in Star Wars from the Clone Wars on through to the Galactic Civil War era and somewhat surprisingly, what really seemed to fit was very late Age of Sail, to early-mid Age of Steam/Pre-Dreads. The heavy reliance on turbolaser batteries that form broadsides/casemates. The method of relative motion, the ranges that are required before weapons fire exchanges can be effective. The rise of the torpedo boat, but in the form of starfighters as opposed to actual corvette type ships. What it leaves us is that looking at an Imperial-class Star Destroyer probably fits best as an old style 74, a 3rd Rate Ship of the Line that provides that all-rounder balance of firepower, endurance, cost, and all the additional capacities.

Some of this is a little off-topic for the thread, but given earlier discussions here, I thought it might be of interest.
Skywalker also has the Chiss connection so we might be able to get some of them to join the company later on.
What is the point of naming the company Vulkan? Aside from the fact it has no bearing in this universe and is just someone deciding to play with the meme it is truly a waste of a good chance for some interesting reactions later on.
because this is a quest and we are allowed to have fun?
Yeah and screwing with the galaxy with a name that will mean something to several areas of the galaxy is far more fun. We have the futre Jedi that is about to cause a stir in the mid rim where we are at. The Hutt controlled space that is next to us because of said future Jedi winning a massive race that the Hutts were watching. The slaves on the planet the race happened that still has the mother of the racer. The Chiss who have an entire part of their society named the same thing.
[X] Plan Vulkan lives

I don't want to have our company named Skywalker-something, it's stupid and unoriginal. Vulkan shippyards sounds nice and only viable alternative.