Magical Girl Home Base Quest

He also said Trinkets are not always to do damage. Please pay attention, before trying to push someone else down.
Would you be so kind as to provide a citation for that? Because I have not seen that anywhere and the idea that some trinkets cannot be used on attack at all goes against the information I've found.
[X] Trinket
-[X] Level 3.

Since they lack ALL gear, I think a Trinket is a better play this time. If they had shitty Trinkets, then I'd make a Wand, but since they have neither the higher level gear trumps.
He also said Trinkets are not always to do damage. Please pay attention, before trying to push someone else down. And right now, we have no control over the result of our creations, so we can't guarantee it can be used to attack.
I'm going to have to also ask for a quote on this, because i don't recall seeing this anywhere and we just had him saying that Trinkets can, in fact, kill. So yah, evidence please if you are saying they can't.
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I think the confusion about whether we're guaranteed to get a trinket that can kill is based on two things (though I might have missed a quote somewhere).
Wands are a sword, trinkets are a shovel. One's a lot better at killing people than the other, but both of them still put people in the ground when you apply them to someone's head. The thing about trinkets is that they also have a shitload of other applications, either through inbuilt abilities or spellcraft. One example worth mentioning is you can't fly with a Wand, unless you make a Wand that only lets you fly.
"Protection amulet. No curse or hex can touch you until it breaks, but claws and teeth certainly will. I was trying for the reverse, but it wasn't happening.
@7734, does that first quote mean that all trinkets can kill, or does it mean that there's a wide variety in what trinkets can do while wands are limited? The second quote is the trinket the MC made for Trissa, and it couldn't be used to kill anyone directly.
Stop: There are acceptable ways to describe minors on SV. 'Shota' isn't one of them.
there are acceptable ways to describe minors on sv. 'shota' isn't one of them.
Let me make it perfectly clear, in case the banner didn't: The usage of "shota" to describe someone on SV very definitely violates the acceptable content rules of SV. This is a zero tolerance area.

Everyone involved with this has received infractions and varying levels of temporary threadbans.
Well, this has been the strangest way I've seen someone get infracted. Good lucks chaps, I'll see you all after the threadban expires.

[X] Trinket
-[X] Level 3
The term is kinda inherently tied to sexualization of minors so I dunno why anyone is surprised by this outcome...
Rule 5: There's a correct place to argue a mod action. This thread isn't it.
The term is kinda inherently tied to sexualization of minors so I dunno why anyone is surprised by this outcome...
It's the male equivalent of "Loli" and I don't see the mods kool-aid man-ing through the wall and chucking infractions every time that is used.

I'd have issues with that too, to be clear, but less so than with this double standard bullshit.
It's the male equivalent of "Loli" and I don't see the mods kool-aid man-ing through the wall and chucking infractions every time that is used.

I'd have issues with that too, to be clear, but less so than with this double standard bullshit.

Pretty sure that's always been banned too. But this isn't the place to debate mod actions.
Thank you mods, I was quite frankly a bit skeeved out by that entire thing.


Yeah, the "do all trinkets have the shovel's capability to bash heads" question is important to know, oh almighty QM.
I think another tack is whether or not our character has the ability to guide the capability of the trinket. I don't see why we wouldn't, even if we as questers dont.
Yah, like, going by that example the wand he made then lasted something like maybe a day? He said they "Won't hold together for long, but it'll make it to next midnight." to copy paste the relevant text. Where the ones we make now are going to last weeks and are probably more powerful given that the napalm wand was described as "Not horribly powerful" and our last wand, even if it was level one, seemed pretty impressive to our customers.

The MC didn't even have a workshop back then. I don't think anything he can make now is good to compare with what he made then, with only what they could find in a back ally and a broken wand to serve as materials.
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