The Morrsley Village Experiment

I think Ondine is legitimately a Test Subject- early on, you can see him figure out what I'm talking about or very plausibly fake it. Then they pushed along the same lines I was using for my initial claim.

Ondine almost certainly has access to a Test Subject role card, and I think is more likely to be a Test Subject than not.
Also, RaptorusMaximus I think is pretty likely to be Control Group.
There's a definite impression of someone getting a rules clarification, then realizing nothing they do matters.

Forget it. Half the thread doens't have any inclination to participate appereantly and the ones who do seem so conjoined in the same fuckery that I don't care.

By the way what I wanted to do was have Control group claim so we can know who to get rid of but fuck it, if your town hunt for it you god damn self. It's not like in most games SCUM GET THE FUCKING TOWN NAME AND COLOR BUT SURE. Keep using the rolecard info to misguide yourselves.
Oh and since we can't post past our lynch I'm just going to say now I told you so.
Blegh, sorry for being absent the last few ... hours, dammit. I've been rereading the thread, taking some notes and try to get my reads. Must admit I was rather skimming the last 5 pages and I'm rather drowsy now. I have to reread the stuff about Cyri and will postpone his read for an hour or so. I have to do something right now or I'm falling asleep.

Anyway, here's the rest and a lynch if I should fall asleep before EoD.

- InterstellarHobo: the whole play with the rolecard info isn't good form but had results; could have been a scum play but I don't think of Hobo doing such a thing so early on

tentative town:
- mesonoxian: Hobo's stuff, but I don't really like #357 (overanalyzing)
- -Rosen: Hobo's stuff
- ondine: Hobo's stuff, first to jump on it. Rather scummy driven investigation

- Nictis

- Shadell: mixed bag, there is Hobo's trap, but there's also town info. Like her calling valid criticism to the investigation.
- RaptorusMaximus: Lack of content, pass for today, drop to scum if kept up the next days, valid town newbie act
- TheBiggerFish: Not really much here, seems rather new, gut read

- OneStopChopShop: post much, doesn't say much; that jump at me seemed a bit strange, potential team with Hybrid; D1 pass
- ItzNarcotic: lack of content

tentative lean scum:
- Hybrid: not doing much, wobbling around, that jump at me was a bit strange in combo with ChopShop

[x] Lynch Hybrid

My point here is that he's mostly wobbling around without much investment. In addition I'm getting a slight OneStopChopShop, ItzNarcotic, Hybrid vibe. Mind I'm fighting shadows here. What raised my suspicion was this and the following few posts. Both Chop and him were rather jumping at me here, possibly to defend an ally.

Could be wrong of course, could be right. Got my attention. @Hybrid, courtesy ping but you're probably not up.
I agree re: Chopshop, will go investigate what you said. But he's a total newbie so.. D1 and all.
Also I challenge someone to find the actual reasons I'm supposedly scum and make them sound reasonable or even any sense good, because I don't see any.
Okay in light of the events that happened yesterday I have switched some things around a bit to accommodate. IH is still pretty lock Town in my book with ondine/Nictis in more tentative Town positions (albeit I still think ondine's pushes aren't really good but that's just me) just based on the conversations at hand.

On the flipside of things, I don't see why Cyri is being scumread here? The whole "you pushed for us to reveal our role card info" versus "you refuse to role claim when pressed" are two completely different things with two completely different consequences for revealing here, for Cyri this can potentially be truly, fully game-changing in a sense that it will carry heavy influence over how the first Night plays out, versus the former which doesn't really do that as much imo.

That being said I no longer have a clue on where I should place my vote, so I'm mainly waiting on @InterstellarHobo for that reads list I asked for, if you're still working on that. Thanks ^^
Sorry I haven't been active much, just couldn't find much to say.

Anyway, I've been getting sketchy reads on ondine since she does seem to try to push pressure onto others to keep attention off of herself.

[X] Lynch ondine
@-Rosen I totally stopped working on that once the table got flipped. Currently writing up why I'm scumreading Cyric, but since you still want a reads list I'll put together.
Sorry I haven't been active much, just couldn't find much to say.

Anyway, I've been getting sketchy reads on ondine since she does seem to try to push pressure onto others to keep attention off of herself.

[X] Lynch ondine
Dude. You haven't had an opinion for three days. And as soon as I finger you, you decide I'm sketchy for... Pushing pressure on others? To.. keep .. attention.. off ...myself ..huh that looks familiar.
Where have I seen that happen in the last thirty seconds?
Dude. You haven't had an opinion for three days. And as soon as I finger you, you decide I'm sketchy for... Pushing pressure on others? To.. keep .. attention.. off ...myself ..huh that looks familiar.
Where have I seen that happen in the last thirty seconds?

As Nictis said, you've been skipping around his questions. And the way you're going hard on others has me suspicious.
I have read the thread and I've formed my opinions. Whenever a notification comes up I read what's new in this game.
Honestly at this point...

[X] Lynch Shadell

I like this direction over Cyri pending IH's post on him at the moment; he's largely just clinging onto what ondine and IH have said right now, which currently I find rather weak. Feels like someone trying to get an easy vote in to hammer a lynch home.
Honestly at this point...

[X] Lynch Shadell

I like this direction over Cyri pending IH's post on him at the moment; he's largely just clinging onto what ondine and IH have said right now, which currently I find rather weak. Feels like someone trying to get an easy vote in to hammer a lynch home.
And also considering how little other people have been talked about this close to EoD I'm wondering if Cyri is town and this others are kinda just letting this lynch happen with little argument? Granted we still have 2 hours, but something to consider.