A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

@Nictis, I think I just figured out what you think is going on.
You suspect that the "mafia" doesn't get night kills, that this is very close to an assassin in the palace type setup, and the deaths we've seen so far are the work of a single serial killer. Is this a correct representation of your beliefs?
(If so, I think you're wrong.)
Yes, but no. I'm fairly certain that the Assassins have a kill, as in one. At most, one kill each. The inclusion of more standard roles like Roleblocker and the repeated kills suggests that there is another party at play, either a single Serial Killer or a group of invaders from the assault on the Castle who got in before the Veil fell, most likely a Serial Killer on account of me not seeing any potential allies for Turtles other than Absum and the Veil that is being maintained by the VIP. So we've got an odd mix of the Presidential game and a more standard game, where not all Town are informed of the VIP at game start (which was really messing with my Day 1 scum hunting, let me tell you) and there is an additional killer thrown into the mix to shake things up.

I don't really get why the inclusion of the alternate mafia/Serial Killer, but it's what I'm seeing and working with here.
[X] Lynch Nictis

Like I don't trust Absum, but literally I can't see a basis for this argument, ignoring the fact that I'm town.

Probably because you're aggressive scum trying to eliminate one of us, for some perceived reason. Maybe you think Absum is this VIP that your faction is after.

Really this is showing your hand, scum like survivors and if I did better in my fake claim and kept at it longer I'd be probably able to last that long on the keep survivors alive niceness, scum would die at LYLO if I did my job right not kill me because they would need me alive as an "additional" member of their faction.

So following Nictis's own logic that LTTL is mafia proper, I believe that Nictis must be a scum that got on their buddy's lynch just so they could get some town credit.

Nictis just wants to control the narrative of the game, which I think is plainly obvious has been Nictis's plan from the beginning without me quoting everywhere they have done so.

Okay, so. "Maybe Absum is the VIP Nictis wants dead" is an interesting view, considering that your other point is me not lynching Absum in favor of lynching the guy who was so inactive he was actively draining the thread.

And why are you not understanding what 'mislynch' means? At LyLo, there's been repeated murders and it's down to Town and Scum, and this one person who was pretending to be a Survivor but suddenly claims Town. Do you not think that the remaining Town would call bullshit? In the situation that you are outlining, the only way for it to work is either that it would have worked before then or the scum openly say "Join me, together we can rule the galaxy Kingdom" before cutting your hand off for defying them.

But yeah. "Maybe Nictis, the guy who goes out of his way to try to keep teammates and survivors alive, would ignore his win con in order to lynch his teammate for Town Credit... When everyone is either Town Reading him or rating him as 'Nictis.'"

It's annoying that I have to spell out why that's bad.
And why are you not understanding what 'mislynch' means? At LyLo, there's been repeated murders and it's down to Town and Scum, and this one person who was pretending to be a Survivor but suddenly claims Town. Do you not think that the remaining Town would call bullshit? In the situation that you are outlining, the only way for it to work is either that it would have worked before then or the scum openly say "Join me, together we can rule the galaxy Kingdom" before cutting your hand off for defying them.

I'm annoyed I have to spell out that isn't how that would go down, scum says "Hey Comi, we can end this game if you just vote with us." And I say "Okay cool, thanks for revealing yourselves I'm town die."
Just making shit up as I go... Yep, totally. @Nanimani
Yellow is my progression on Turtle and Absum.
Purple is hinting that I know more than most.
I cut out some of it, but here. Have some posts to look at of me 'making shit up.' (I feel like SV didn't hold all the quotes I did take, but eh)

Now to look at Comi's post. (I also strongly disagree with cutting out the quote boxes to make things more presentable if you aren't going to link the posts. Quote boxes make it easy to compare what you're saying to what you're quoting, if you want to avoid making a wall just stick them in spoilers... Which is probably what I'm going to have to do when reviewing the post. Damnit.)
Oh right, it doesn't take quotes in quotes. Click the clicky.
Scum would've revealed their hand at that point and lose, they wouldn't have the opportunity to cut off my hand.
Scum would've revealed their hand at that point and lose, they wouldn't have the opportunity to cut off my hand.
Comi, I've had to work around Survivors. I can tell you that the first thing isn't revealing as Scum, it's getting a mislynch.

Let's say this happens instead

It's LyLo, it's Me, Evenstar, and you. (Bad example since I keep Survivors alive, but whatever)

"So I'm Town, and I'm pretty sure you're Town, let's lynch Comi and take it home"
"Wait no I'm Town!"
Not even mentioning that this isn't a standard game, and the main scum don't need LyLo.
Err. I had a new theory on Nictis being scum but I could also easily see him as this guard captain. So I guess I'll wait with typing up a post until we know who's dead?

Also nothing happened to me.

*Raises eyebrow*

LttL didn't seem like maf flavour to me, tbh.

Anyway wrt Nictis:
  • Has been constantly leaking info and hinting at knowing more and it really feels like fishing to me (especially once we got the D2 start flavour)
  • The focus on finding out whether I am an important role or not and trying to lynch me once he thinks I'm not <- this is probably the weakest reason for the rest of you but Nictis' reasons for lynching me still make little sense to me
  • Switching off of me to LttL when he's convinced I am scum. This is just bad as Town unless he was much less certain than he acted. As scum he'd have better reasons because otherwise he could end up as main driver of a mislynch two Days in a row (even if it was a 3-way tie at the time). Tbh as I actually had this theory before the LttL flip this probably plays a role in me reading LttL as not Maf.
  • I read this as trying to direct Town PR. It's much softer than I remembered now that I'm seeing it again but I don't super like it either.
With Nani dead the only other people that immediately come to mind are Ban, Evenstar and Cyricubed. But Ban is literally gutfeels still and thus not actually worth a vote, case against Cyri is still weak and Evenstar I'm hoping will be able to participate more today because that read feels outdated and based on low activity.

I'll try to look into a bunch of people not mentioned here to see if anything sticks out.

Disagree with points One and I'd like you to point out point 2.
Three is strange and wine-ish but at the same time I disagree with Nictis's swap despite the pleasant surprise. And 4 its very soft, it's not a "Somebody must do this sort of thing either."

Also, I was roleblocked last night, and would very much like the roleblocker to claim.

*Skeptism grows...slightly* Tbh I don't like the: "Oh they blocked me now, they gotta be scum" aspect to this that I'm garnering a vibe from.

"Flashes of claws and fangs" does not work together with pulped bodies and shattered bones.
No second kill just made me move towards survivor or them having decided not to kill.

Both of you said this, but this would mean all maf are assassins. That's possible of course but it's not what I've been expecting. Especially considering this assassin could hide in someone else's body skin which seemed like a cop-immune thing to me

I don't like this way of focusing heavily on the flavor, it's just as easy for this brotherhood to have non-beast assassins who can drink some potions of storm giant's strength or something and have a few levels in Monk obviously for that Unarmed attack.(This is an over stated DND reference)

I'd also like to note that if we go off flavors, a fair amount of times Ninja kills end up with no flavor coloring's.

We definitely have a roleblocker and, given the targets, probably a scummy one.

I'd Debate that, especially after -Rosen's ending post. If anything I'd say the roleblocker is a...hmm...no shouldn't complete that line of thought outloud. Curious to how you got your strong Even town read though.

I got no messages during the night. Did anybody besides Evenstar get any messages they can safely report?

Smells like Fishing...

The information created by general activity and posting. It's effectively the reason Nictis said he switched to LttL.

What I'm saying there is that if you're deciding between an activity lynch and an info-lynch (or at least one where getting info is what convinces you to vote), you also need to take into account if the immediate info gained is worth the loss of later activity. If there is no competing activity lynch that's not relevant because you'd lose future activity no matter what, and if there's no competing lynch at all you run into it generally being better to lynch someone than no one.

Hmm...I both like and dislike this

TurtleDuck thought Absum was town because... well I'm not sure they legitimately thought that, I think they wanted Absum alive to spread the idea that TurtleDucks was a night immune town character. This is accurate somewhat, but I'm not town I'm survivor. I'm an Armorsmith, you can't tell but I'm wearing a full suit of armor right now and am immune to some number of night kills before I can be eliminated by any faction in the night.

I've not played open for a long time and being open third party means I'm forever the back-up lynch so I should be forced to act for you all.

I'm sorry about everything, I'm just being garbage as a player.

So yeah, kinda a useless reason, but here we now have me to talk about.

Uhm...no...This is how Comi dies today. This doesn't make sense for you to have revealed this and will act as a "don't lynch me I'm on your side" shield while also waving a "Obviously scum wouldn't kill 3rd party" flag around.

I'm not buying this so hard that I went and checked to see if you could be distracting from Nictis. And while I could in theory see some things as TD helping with fishing early on this seems a weird time to start a distraction so I'm probably wrong about that.

I agree with not buying it, I disagree everything else.

Ah, okay. Yeah, that's actually somewhat fair on the flavor stuff.

Rrrgggg. Flavor traps....flavor traps everywhere.

I can always try to explain if you specify but it's probably a playstyle thing?

Me posting that stuff about Nani the previous day and this about you is because I am trying to "actually do things" more instead of just commenting on stuff others have done and also because the previous Day was a bit of a wasteland so I'd rather just put my shit out there so that at least people have something to talk about.

Why did I quote this?

Cyricubed: Is still alive? Nani?

No, Nani is dead. But yes, I am alive.

So @Nictis - If Turtles All The Way Down is an SK, where was their kill for two nights in a row? Did they holster?

I don't see any reason for TD to holster an Sk kill...Comi I totally do. But TD only played for a day...so *Shrugs* Idk.

Likewise, I don't believe there to be third-party Survivors either and therefore must assume that Comi is non-SK scum.

I read this wrong when I quoted it...I however refuse to remove it...

Welp you're town, was hoping to get more out of this ploy and play it until late game to make scum think they have victory with me.

Really wanted to get more analysis out of this but at least I have you confirmed town now.

? ? ?

K let me explain myself as I said early I wanted to play this out longer for more bits but I legitimately can't beat Pyrros's logic, my mistake for assuming there wouldn't be real civilians, should've made up a country to hail from, certainly did think of being from the enemy kingdom when I first devised this plan, but felt that would get me killed, probably would've been better and stopped it from happening here, but Pyrros is town that much I can say with more confidence then I've ever really given any living player, especially this early with this little information.

So the plan was simple: Claim survivor, because well my predecessor set up the building blocks for the claim, it should've been believable, and I wasn't going to get what I really needed based on my performance so far in-game. But I could set a trap, a trap for myself to analyze how others reacted to my claim, and if it stuck if I made it to the point when scum would have vote majority if I helped them I'm certain they'd give me the offer openly and that when I'd strike and reveal myself as proper town, didn't work really wanted this to be a slow burn. But I'm impatient.

I do not wish to reveal my true role but I've literally been lying to you all, so while I disagree with Lynch-all-liars I do think I'm going to have to die at some point because I've made myself an untrustworthy liability.

However I find the way specifically Nictis has been playing around my claim fascinating, I would've sworn they would be able to call my trickery as town trickery and not scum. Them also not believing that LTTL isn't an SK based off that end and description and then trying to suggest such strange set-ups makes me look at them differently I'm going to have to reanalyze my previous town read of them.

I didn't get enough out of this to really tell if scum would want to push me or ally with me early though... probably should've not revealed the goose this early. Its undone, another mistake no matter. I enjoy the heat under me.

No...I don't like this moreso than the original claim. Like, I disbelieved the third party claim but this is...no it doesn't feel right. If you wanted to go on flavor perspective you could have easily stuck to that. This is a: Someone called my bluff, back out asap move and it was negative to town assuming Pyrros is telling the truth. Like...I want to know why you really did this? You could haved pulled this longer, If scum believed you they would have ignored it for the most part and you could have garnered info from that, but instead you just...the moment resistance to the claim came forward you backpedaled and gave a town claim for it...

Honestly, I'm kinda staring at that myself and trying to figure out where I made the connection right now.

Cool, figure that out yet cause it seems really weird.

Now I run into my problem, because gonna be honest, I don't see LttL as team-scum. Frankly it was...a bad lynch and I'm pretty sure he could have been coached on what to throw out to just avoid the lynch on new-guy policy(Yes this is winey) similar to how totadile did for a large portion of the clown game. Sk? Given what we saw from their lynch? Believable. Team-Scum? Possible, but I think not likely. If they are team-scum...I'd wager Even for one of their teammates atm but Even hasn't gotten a mechanic chance to play. Speaking of which...

@Evenstar can we get a good sized post yet or is school still a nightmare?

In addition with the idea of LttL being Sk or other 3rd party, it makes the lynch on him non-informational too from my PoV...so...where does that leave my thoughts on Nictis...ughh....Hmm cotton.

Urg I need Z's.

@ComiTurtle explain your reasonings better here, why didn't you try to keep your "ruse" up longer? You gave up rather quickly and I want to hear more on how you expected this strategy to actually work.

[X] Lynch Comiturtle
Not even mentioning that this isn't a standard game, and the main scum don't need LyLo.

I have no fucking evidence of that, so I don't believe you. I got drawn into your I'm informed words when I transfered into the game, but I'm a low power role, and nothing so far sounds high power that suggests the game is functioning any differently than a classic game. You're just trying to sound informed about the game structure, which is always something more likely for scum to have, and frankly if you're so informed and town scum would've night killed you. But they haven't they went for QT an experienced player that didn't make enough of a splash to protected and Nani which I'm currently reviewing the posts of but they didn't seem like they were making any large impact.
@ComiTurtle explain your reasonings better here, why didn't you try to keep your "ruse" up longer? You gave up rather quickly and I want to hear more on how you expected this strategy to actually work.

Still was in the Nictis trap of VIP game, mentally didn't want more people to needlessly reveal that they weren't the VIP. Was impatient and trying to play like TurtleDucks to keep things a bit interesting.
I have no fucking evidence of that, so I don't believe you.
I already mentioned earlier that the GM said as much, which is why I'm being a little more open with what I know.
The Veil remains though, and even a layman's understanding of magic is enough to know that a working of that scale has to be anchored to something. Or more accurately, someone. And thus, the mass of people congregates once more, in search of the linchpin hidden in their midst.
and frankly if you're so informed and town scum would've night killed you. But they haven't they went for QT an experienced player that didn't make enough of a splash to protected and Nani which I'm currently reviewing the posts of but they didn't seem like they were making any large impact.
You tell me.
When I said "Could be bad for the gamestate" I wasn't talking in terms of us losing a Power Role.

I was talking about us Losing.
I literally don't care if I'm lynched, Nictis is scum. Kill him tomorrow
I already mentioned earlier that the GM said as much, which is why I'm being a little more open with what I know.

You tell me.

Sorry, I feel that its anchored to the people themselves (making the normal loss condition be you know scum having majority) at this point we didn't get a mention, and I'd prefer to know that this whole game depended on one person, I have zero evidence of that in my PM, my win-condition isn't keep X alive its kill the foreigners. I'm not scum, so you're alive cause you are.
... You know, normally I'd agree with the assessment of "Nictis is still alive? Scum." or at least joke about it, but all I can say is that my win con is directly tied to keeping the VIP alive, and I am aware of who they are.

Being informed has been an absolute pain this game.
... You know, normally I'd agree with the assessment of "Nictis is still alive? Scum." or at least joke about it, but all I can say is that my win con is directly tied to keeping the VIP alive, and I am aware of who they are.

Being informed has been an absolute pain this game.

I'd expect I'd be aware of this given the flavor of my character, but like to be completely honest as I'm scrolling through old posts I'm getting suspect of Ban more than anyone else. And have found some posts in your favor so bleh at you...
... I'm taking a break, haven't been able to sleep worth shit for the last week and this is annoying me into giving out more info than is best.
I need to get back into the habit of keeping vote logs...

I'm fucking wrong, Nictis is right (about a few things I'm legitimately town though)

Nictis wasn't the opportunistic voter of LTTL, it was InterstellerHobo. I thought those vote tallys were in order I guess not.



I cannot be voting any harder than I already am.

Nictis having some pressure on LTTL early last phase, I was going to take it as pushing your scum-ally to be active whilst providing distancing.


But seriously though, I genuinely have no suspicious on anyone in the game. Well, maybe except Evenstar but that's mostly because of Absum's reasoning against them.

Then this ends being LTTL's response-
... At least it's a start.

Okay, so if you don't have any particular suspicions, anything that stood out as odd to you? Or people that you trust and why? Anything at all really, something more than a single sentence response to people asking you for your thoughts.

-and this really feels like a lay-up, to be fair happens all the time with new players.

Okay, so this is going to be a bit long. Here's a list of personal opinions I got on other people if you're not listed it means that I have no solid opinion on you. Mostly due to me not checking the thread as often as I should.

@-Rosen: Dead. The first innocent casualty of the game.

@QTesseract: Dead, the first night victim. Okay, so perhaps they were killed by either an assassin or an interrogator? The former is more likely I think.

@PyrrosWarrior: Basically like me.

@1KBestK: The most concerned with figuring the finer details of the game.

@DimensionalGuy: Also basically like me.

@Absum: Currently the one who's opinions are reasonings are the most appealing to me.

@Evenstar: One of the more inquisitive players and the one who I'm most suspicious of currently. Mostly because of the above's reasonings.

Then this is the result which isn't really much, and isn't helpful, and I thought this resulted in a null lynch from Nictis, but it doesn't. Nictis just drops it as a conversation and keeps the vote on.

That's true. Now here's the question. Was gonna put my lynch vote on the biggest vote to hopefully get some pressure and discussion happening... But really, it's just Nictis and Absum voting the inactive. I highly doubt more pressure will get anything out of them. So come on, let's go find someone. I don't have any strong suspicion, and it looks like others are the same. But please. It's been more than 24 hours, it's time to get a ball rolling. Fuck, go for me if you want, that'll at least give me something to do.

Fuck it, I'll make it two... let's call them wagons.

[X] Lynch BanTheFairyKing

His voting against Rosen is justified, but it's still probably a better vote than DG and means there's more than one vote on the same target. Wasn't really a fan of the going after... Uh, notes just say person who knows things because of cult suspicions. Guess that's either Nictis or Evenstar.

I kinda get this as a potential rationale behind a Nani night kill if Ban is scum, the problem is Ban has effectively not given anything actionable thoughout the game, which is suspect to me.

Yeah, no. I'm not holding with this shit.

[X] Lynch Nictis

Let's not engage with the roleclaim, even though you said that was what you were expecting, then immediately go straight for the lynch.

My, yes, eyecatching. Where's your point in this again? No seriously, what is your point here? Actually provide a reason rather than just confidently asserting something is a scumslip.

Hubert? Am I missing something? Also, he's kind of claiming the opposite, from what I can see.

Nani having suspicions of Nictis...

Like, yes, he pretends that the roleclaim is totally what he was expecting, sure, but.
You notice he kind of makes shit up about it?

Nani doesn't drop it shortly after though why didn't I quote that?

Est's justification is unconvincing, and not bad enough to justify a last minute swap to them. Neither Ban nor Est gets a lynch.

The thing I thought would implicate Nanimani sort of exonerated them instead. A deeper read might get suspicion back up, but as is I've got nothing on them.

Most of Absum's posts are totally inoffensive, defending themselves from Nictis interrogation. I have this memory of seeing an Absum post which really twigged my scumdowsers, but I can't find it and that probably means it never existed. That's the shittiest imaginable rationale for a lynch, so he's out too. For now.

LttL is... really inactive. Actually, holy shit LttL is really inactive. They haven't even voted. Evenevenstar has more to get reads from. I'm moving my disappointing inactivity vote to the other disappointing inactivity vote.
[X] Lynch Look to the Left

This is super opportunistic, and I didn't notice it, but does play into not so experienced scum attacking their own for townie points at the end when their ally is doomed to die.

[X] Lynch InterstellarHobo

I should do a more thorough read through of their posts in particular, just going through the game breaks some of my previous theories.

I'd be lying if I said I'm not frustrated by the evidence legitimately pointing towards this being a VIP game, that should've been indicated in the role PMs to all town, we don't need to know who it is but like, that changes how one should play the game, and if it was at least included in another of the death posts above that first one, I'd not be able to take it as thing removed for being misleading flavor in the proceeding description which is how I was taking that.
I'll say this, cause this plays into all of my frustrations, the play from the previous player put this role in a hole that destroyed its purpose and I didn't know how to get out especially alongside being busy. So I came up with ideas, and they can work but don't because I put minimal thought into them to make them work, besides if things go right this plan can turn this hole into a tunnel that may.

Also man thats still super transparent, eh whatever I'll bleed, I don't care all that much at this point besides town winning.
I'll bother to defend myself if that lynch gets traction, but unless you get a more compelling argument I don't think you'll convince much of anyone.

Right now I have... moderate suspicions of Absum. There's three reasons; one of them super weak, one of them modestly compelling, and the third both somewhat weak and dependant on certain speculations being accurate. I intend to expound on these at not 6 AM.
I'd like to hear Evenstar and Nictis' reasons for suspecting Absum, because right now I don't feel like I have enoguh to justify a lynch.
I'll bother to defend myself if that lynch gets traction, but unless you get a more compelling argument I don't think you'll convince much of anyone.

. . . Not only can I personally understand comi's frustration but also can understand the point he made here and while tone reads don't read to much, it does make me feel more inclined to pressure this..
I'll say this, cause this plays into all of my frustrations, the play from the previous player put this role in a hole that destroyed its purpose and I didn't know how to get out especially alongside being busy. So I came up with ideas, and they can work but don't because I put minimal thought into them to make them work, besides if things go right this plan can turn this hole into a tunnel that may.

Also man thats still super transparent, eh whatever I'll bleed, I don't care all that much at this point besides town winning.

I'm gonna want a fullclaim here.