What is Fate? (Percy Jackson and the Olympians Quest)

[X][Event] Willow learns about being a head counselor

Even with red flag i still want to see this, should be hilarious.
[][Event] Willow learns about being a head counselor.
Not important.

[][Event] Kalina invites you to… It's a secret?
This is her prbably showing that she managed to approach the dryads, so not really important unless we get something from it.

[][Event] Conflict Mediation.
Probably something to do with Blossom and her siblings...? Don´t have much of a clue.

[X][Event] Learning from the best.
SOOOOOOOOOO QM, how prepared are we (how f*cked up it will be)?
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We should get an automatic translater to turn all the digital stuff we read to ancient greek.
Might be possible at some point but i wouldnt expect too terribly much for now. Dudes a park ranger and is having to help his (as far as he knows) genius half-god son get through highschool in 2 years and learn to survive in a world that he himself cant really see and will kill his son at first chance.
Also should invest in gold around this time.
Golds kinda less valuable in the long term to me because of hades/pluto kids seeing as they could just get some at pretty much anytime. Also Midas is still around or will be in the future at some point iirc so the value of gold in the PJverse should actually be down compared to our world.