Natural Born Soviet Airwoman - Airplanes vs Aliens

Character Sheet
Kilesso Kristina Vsevolodovna
(Kilesso is her surname, Kristina is her first name, and her friends call her Tina.)
Pilot for the VVS

Institutional Move

Positive Heroism: Ongoing while a Soviet pilot operates under 3000 meters, they ignore 1 Injury Penalty and up to 2 G-force penalty. This is for the purposes of rolls only.

Mastery - Slipstream
- Tables have Turned: In Dogfight! you can use Keen to turn the tables on your attacker, and Daring to go on the offensive. When you Draw a Bead, you can opt to take G-force equal to Speed factor rather than a Hard Move.

I-16 Type 13

- Gun Harmonics (and electric firing triggers)
- Upgrade to x2 Heavy Machine Guns, x2 Machine Guns
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The machine gun modification reminds me: the current guns capture the WWI era aircraft weapon options pretty well, but there's a big difference between a WWI balloon gun and a proper .50 caliber HMG, and I think that ought to be represented in the rules. Though, I suppose there's no reason in principle you couldn't but an M2 Browning on a late war WWI aircraft if you really wanted to...

Pay this no mind, of course, if the weapon options have changed since the last time I looked at that document.
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It's okay, not a waste at all.

Also, we have some fun choices to make!

Where is your gun convergence set? Convergence gives a flat +2 Hits/+4 Damage to your MGs at the specific range, regardless of what you actually roll. So basically if you set convergence to Close and fire from Close, you'll always get that benefit, but you won't get it firing from Knife range and getting a partial. Close is recommended because it's the default range, but Knife is good if you want to have the possibility of a super high peak damage, and there are niche situations where you might want longer range.

[ ] Knife
[ ] Close
[ ] Long
[ ] Extreme
Your 12.7mm guns are big enough that specialty ammunition is available to it at your tier, but you only have single-purpose rounds available right now. What do you load?

[ ] Armour Piercing (increased armour penetration)
[ ] Incendiary (Will catch engines and fuel tanks on fire.)
[ ] Explosive (Will do double damage but increases effective enemy cover)
[ ] Fragmenting (If it crits, hits two components)
[ ] Mixed Belt (Write In. Decide the ratio of the belt that is each type, X/4. Will have proportionally reduced effects or chances of effects.)
Finally, your Air Combat Patrol objectives.

- Force the enemy to retreat before they can complete their objective.
- Shoot down at least one enemy.
- Shoot down half the enemy combat strength.
- Shoot down the entire enemy patrol without letting any escape.
- Take no causalities.
Adhoc vote count started by open_sketch on Jun 21, 2019 at 1:44 AM, finished with 49 posts and 25 votes.
[x] Close
[x] Mixed Belt (Armor-piercing 2/4, Incendiary 2/4)

I kinda remember our bullets bouncing off the enemy plane last time...

The incendiary is in case their armor turns out to be rather thin, like Zeroes.
[X] Close

We'll try this for now but in future we might consider Knife depending on exactly how our opponents fly.

[x] Mixed Belt (Armor-piercing 2/4, Incendiary 2/4)

Tina cannot shoot for toffee, so we need our hits to count, but I don't want the AP reduction from the explosive rounds and the Fragmentation effects seem kind of inconsistent.
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[x] Close
[x] Mixed Belt (Armor-piercing 2/4, Incendiary 2/4)

Make fuel/oil leaks, set fuels leaks on fire.

[X] Close
[X] Armour Piercing (increased armour penetration)

I think people have had trouble shooting our baddies down, so I am making the assumption that they have some decent armour. They also come from another world so I am also assuming that their engines/fuel might be different from our own, so Incendiary rounds might be less effective than we think.
The enemy will likely be doing boom & zoom, so we can't rely on being able to control the range. Long is actually tempting, even.

[X] Close
[X] Mixed Belt (Armor-piercing 3/4, Incendiary 1/4)

A little bit of incendiary for just a pinch of heat to our flavor palette. The old spicy DShK.
[X] Close
[x] Mixed Belt (Armor-piercing 2/4, Incendiary 2/4)
We don't really know what we are facing in terms of armor and flammability, so we might as well hedge our bets I suppose.
So, I'm going to make a slightly different case here:

[X] Knife
[X] Fragmenting (If it crits, hits two components)

We are not a great shot, right now. But we are a pretty decent flier, and we can out turn our enemies in our scrappy little plane. So, let's play to that set of abilities.

Let's set ourselves up so we can climb right on their tails, so close we can't miss, and then blow them out of the sky by pumping a can into their backsides.
We did have issues with armour penetration previously but that was with our 7.62 MGs, so we might not struggle again. Having said that, half and half for our first engagement is probably a good idea.
Remember guys, we have this move:
Mastery - Slipstream
- Tables have Turned: When you Dogfight! to go from the hunted to the hunter, you can roll +Keen instead.

This means that slipping backward when someone is on our tail and getting on their tail is something we do quite well.

So slipping back onto our pursuer's tail, and killing them in one hot second? Is absolutely a good strategy for us, right now.

If we go for a middle-of-the-road approach here, we can probably expect middle-of-the-road results.
I don't think turning the tables is going to get us Knife shots, I think it's going to get us Close shots. Knife shots require specific manoeuvring to do and produce better results than Close with Harmonisation anyway. If we can get ourselves into a position where we can consistently achieve Knife shots that's awesome and we can change things up next mission but right now, with a total of no kills to one loss on our sheet, I'd settle for middle of the road.

Same for the shooting, one of Incendiary or Armour Piercing is the best choice but we don't know which yet, so try both and adjust.
[x] Close
[x] Mixed Belt (Armor-piercing 2/4, Incendiary 2/4)
[x] Close
[x] Mixed Belt (Armor-piercing 2/4, Incendiary 2/4)

This quest is a lot of fun, I love the world building! Is it even possible to complete all the objectives? I guess if we get perfect rolls.