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Drakah: A Linguistic Overview
Drakah: A Linguistic Overview
The Language spoken by the Ruoults is incredibly versatile and rich. First of all, it is spoken phonetically, meaning that Ruoults speak as it is written and spell as they speak. Their grammar is also highly complex and versatile, with each word changing its end depending on the time of the tense, present, past or future. The ending of each sentence also changes depending on the gender of a subject, or even its size. Therefore, one word can be twisted and adapted in multiple ways, and have a similar, yet different meaning. The Ruoults also do not have use of ''the'', "a", or "an" and these words are completely ignored when translated to the Ruoult language. The word "of" can also be ignored, unless it can be replaced with "from" or "towards". It is said that the best of linguistics requires years of studying to fully comprehend the Ruoult language and speak it properly.

The Ruoult language is called "Drakah", and it was named after Drakah'Jes'Ik, the Ruoult Augur that worked as the personal adviser to Kau'Reigh, the First Sovereign Empress. Drakah'Jes'Ik tried to invent a language that could fit the entire Ruoult race, one that could evolve and adapt so that it would not have to be replaced. When Drakah'Jes'Ik presented this new language to Empress Kau'Reigh, she accepted it and named it after her personal adviser. Over the millennia, the exact pronunciation of the Ruoult tongue had been altered and many new phrases were introduced, but the entirety of Drakah remained as it originally was. The Drakah is currently the single most prominent language in the entire Grand Ruoult Empire, and it is most likely that it will remain that way for ages to come.

The Ruoults have an extensive language and a highly complex system of how grammar and correct spelling works. It is often for words to change their end to fit some new form. This way, a single word can have many different versions, either extended or shortened even. Here is a list of all the basic rules for how to properly speak the Ruoult language.

If a subject in question is performing some form of action, for example, from "do" to "doing" ("rad" in Drakah), then the ending of the word can have an "extension add-on", a single syllable which alters the meaning of the original word. Docile - generic, the word doesn't change. Action – "it", as in "radit" or "doing".

The Ruoults can add letters to the end of a word if it changes its time tense. Here is a list of word "add-ons" for time tenses, and an example of the word "pom" which means "move": Past Time – "e" as in "pome" (moved). Present Time – generic, the word doesn't change. Future Time – "a" as in "poma" (will move).

When the size of a subject which the word describes is in question, then the word "add-on" can change as well. For this example, we'll use the word "cov", which means person: Small Size – "u", as in "covu" (a small person). Medium Size – generic, the word doesn't change. Large Size – "uh", as in "covuh" (a large person).

In an example when there is a comparison between one subject and another, then there can be either greater or lesser. For example, from the word "big" (vel) can have "greater add-ons" like "bigger" or "biggest", while for a word like "small" (mal) can be "lesser add -ons" like "smaller" or "smallest": Greater – "ec", as in "velec" (bigger). Greatest – "ece", as in "velece" (the biggest). Lesser – "an", as in "malan" (smaller). The Least – "ane", as in "malane" (the smallest).

If a word changes from a single tense to multiple tense, like for example "number" to "numbers", then they insert the "add-on" to the end of the word. This "add-on" can be stacked with add-ons concerning gender, or the relative size: Gender – "ptier", as in multiple female birds. Size – "covuhr", as in multiple bigger people.

To a Ruoult, someone trying to speak a simplified version of their language seems odd, but they are also thought how to speak with this "accent" to help ease communications between the Ruoults and another race. Ruoults that actually use this simplified dialect all the time are considered backward and less socially evolved than the rest. It is considered a "street slang".
[] Mathematical Theories - Void shields are complicated. That is an understatement Kesar found. Multidimensional calculus, vast numbers of matrices, nonordinary differential equations, all of these were involved along with more esoteric mathematical concepts. He found that to do so, the XIth Primarch had to rediscover mathematics and physics behind the universe. *Unlock Mathematics and Physics Researches* - Note these researches currently won't do anything"

Definitely this option. Give me the knowledge of the COSMOS!
[] Unlock cryptography tech tree (Available because Mathematics Researches are unlocked)
It's been 20 minutes. How? Nevertheless, I like the description of the language it's similar to English and yet different. For your rewards:

[] +5 to a roll of your choice
[] Unlock cryptography tech tree (Available because Mathematics Researches are unlocked)
[] +10 to first allied Xeno combat roll
i have some drafts left, those are few one-shots i plan to write, i will finish history tomorrow, i used some of the facts on dead languages and their grammar to create this omake.
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Ruoult Law and No’He’Khum
Ruoult Law and No'He'Khum
Ever since the First Sovereign Empress Kau'Reigh wrote the No'He'Khum, the Ruoult people had accepted it as their ultimate guide in both life and death. This hefty one-thousand-page tome is divided into three large segments. The first describes the Empress in her youth and her rise to power, as well as the many battles she had fought and won. Here, Kau'Reigh planned for the readers to examine her behavior and use it as an example of how a true Ruoult should behave. The second part contains a full list of all the laws and circumstances a Ruoult might find himself in, as well as explanations of what and how he or she should behave in such a predicament. For example, if someone punches your eye out, you have the right to punch him, and then the squabble shall end right then and there.

Empress Kau'Reigh spent many years trying to think of as many scenarios a Ruoult might encounter. The last third part explains all the laws and adequate punishments for breaking them. Some might claim that making a book to dictate the life of an entire race might be seen as too much, but many forget that Ruoults were once ruthless savages, bloodthirsty barbarians, and something less than beasts. It was only until Empress Kau'Reigh united the nations and formed the Empire that the Ruoults started to behave beyond their primal instincts. It is to this reason that the No'He'Khum is necessary, to keep the Ruoults in line, and have them focused on what is truly important.

As Empress came and passed, the No'He'Khum was being rewritten by every single Empress. Kael'Haar introduced rules regarding sea travel or investigating new lands. Ta'Nak made an improvised list of laws and punishments and affixed them to fit each ethnicity of Ruoult fairly. Deh'Bas made rules regarding the treatment of newly discovered animals or people. Empress Zeena'Wee'Ra instated a far stricter and brutal regime of guidelines and protocols about dealing with traitors. Out'Rargth had to improvise when new alien races were being encountered. Zen'Shriel had instated a list of laws that would be able to tie together and solidify the Ruoult rule over multiple worlds and allow interstellar communications and trading to be easier. And finally, Empress Vi'Cath had started to make rules of how Ruoults should behave when encountering the Humans of the Imperium, and started thinking of proper scenarios of how to behave in front of higher-ranking officials or even Primarchs.

So far, the Ruoult Holy Code of Honour had remained the single greatest piece of literature the Ruoult race had produced. It has endured for over twenty thousand years and was able to evolve and adapt to ever-changing scenarios and environments. Many Ruoult spend their entire lives rehearsing and memorizing the No'He'Khum, so that they could live purposeful and honorable lives, while others simply carry a shortened copy with them at all times. This detailed and well-explained tome has served the Ruoults many times and has helped endure the greatest of hardships. To hate it is a sin, and to do so would deem one a Renegade, in which case he would be hunted down by his kin.

As previously mentioned, the No'He'Khum is a strict set of rules which all Ruoults must live by. If a Ruoult were to break a rule, then he would receive proper punishment. Such punishment could vary from forced labor, financial loss, physical punishment, temporary imprisonment, or any other combination of the above. A Ruoult that is undergoing such punishment is either escorted by Guards or thrown into groups of others who broke similar laws and forced to undergo their rightful punishment together. If a Ruoult were to break multiple laws, then his punishment would also multiply. When a Ruoult serves his punishment, then his deeds are remembered, in case he commits a crime again in his life, in which case the punishment is more severe. However, if a Ruoult were to break a stricter rule, then there would be but one punishment; death.

In fact, some laws of the Overseers that would mean prison for but a few years would be punishable by death within Ruoult society. So strict are the rules and so ordered are the protocols that such extreme actions are required to keep their people in line. Execution can be committed on the spot, and so murder is in some cases legalized within the Ruoult Empire. Usually, the criminal could be chained and brought on a public stadium. There, the people are free to bare witness as the dishonorable individual is being beheaded by a hooded figure, named the Jellat, or Executioner. Such things happen daily within the Ruoult Empire, and the masses applaud as the ones who break the law and disobey the holy No'He'Khum are being executed.

However, more devious and cunning of the Ruoult race might try to escape their faith and become outcast, abandoning the Empire, and making their way beyond its borders. There, they will try to meet up with others who disobey the Holy Code of Honour and become part of a Renegade Clan. This is one reason why the Renegade Ruoult Clans such as the Fau'Wyk gain intelligence about the Empire so easily. The Empirical Law does not tolerate such levels of treason, and will send out Clanguards to hunt down all outcasts, deserters, and traitors, and bring forth the one punishment worthy of such a crime; execution.
Biography of the 11th Primarch, Kesar Dorlin Chapter 1: Origins of Dorlin and the Fabled Meeting
Biography of the 11th Primarch, Kesar Dorlin

Chapter 1: Origins of Dorlin and the Fabled Meeting

The Great Crusade was responsible for the rise of many a hero, and throughout the Crusade the most heroic of all were the Primarch, true demi-gods to mortal men. They stood head and shoulder above all, whether it be the Custodes or their own sons, the Space Marines. Only 20 Primarchs were to exist, and of those twenty only 19 would survive till the fateful day that ended the Great Crusade and turned the Imperium into what it has become today.

None know what became of the Second, save his brothers and even then - they refuse to give word to why a censure was placed on him. Moving on from that note, this is to be the biography of a specific Primarch - the 11th one to be exact. Let us put word to pen and begin the tell of Kesar Dorlin the 11th Primarch, known to all as Daemonsbane, The Incorruptible, Remberer of the Lost and Fallen, Rebuker, Beloved of the Omnissiah and the Eternal Warden.

Like all Primarchs, his origins are shrouded in mystery none knowing how they were born muchless created, but what is known is the 11ths Homeworld, and how the Emperor came to find him.

A word cloaked in a layer of pure white, marched upon those tainted black - Valhall IV, the Primarch's homeworld. It had like many others once been a DAOT settlement, and when the Age of Strife came so to did countless warp storms sweeping across the planet turning human and against human. Bringing forth the dark powers and daemons of the warp, leading to a war so terrible so bloody billions died to push these dark forces out of these cities and into the outer areas. Left starving, on the verge of collapse a military junta took place as the populace joined together united against the enemy. It was here that the 11th landed, and here he grew up.

From the words of the Primarch and the few surviving members of the group that found him, Dorlin landed not in the cities, but rather in the frigid wasteland upon the outskirts of civilization. Freeing himself from his pod, the Primarch then young at the time survived the deadly temperatures managing to make his way to a free and loyal settlement who would move to place him within the planetary orphanage system.

From there the Primarch grew, both in size and intellect. Maturing rapidly like the others. As he aged the Primarch focused his attention upon the enemy, the Warp Spawn and Cultists that plagued his planet dearly. "Understanding is the key to success," the Primarch was often heard saying - and the demi-god lived up to his words. Studying the cultists and the Daemons, the Primarch became Valhalla's and the Imperium's foremost expert upon these subjects. New information and effective countermeasures would pour from this font of wisdom as the Primarch grew more and more aware, understanding the beings he faced. In fact, the Imperium's current tactics, information and countermeasures are an accumulation of Dorlin's work throughout his life, with new measures added every so often, as the insidious cultists and daemons occasionally attempt new methodology.

Much of Dorlin's time on Valhalla was spent studying warp-tech and warp entities, developing countermeasures for these foes and collaborating with the now famed Valhallan Witch Hunters from who the Inquisition, the Arbitrators, and the Witch Hunters of the Ecclesiarchy draw forth recruits and trainers. Together they would work to stop the Cultists and terrorists plaguing Valhalla for a time, until one a day the Cultists plot to take over Valhalla came close to victory.

The corrupted humans, worshipping dark powers and masters worked together sacrificing approximately 88 thousand people, calling forth from the Warp a being Lord Dorlin would go on to label a Lord of Change, a Greater Daemon. With his greater understanding of such beings and his famed compassion, Lord Dorlin chose to charge with the military forcing the foul being to duel him. Where others would condemn him for such a choice, Dorlin knew this was the only way to prevent extreme casualties and save Valhallan lives. Though many would die, the number was still far below projected expectations.

Dorlin's charge and subsequent duel was a sight to behold, with the Primarch breaking through Cultists lines like they were paper mache. Wherever he went, the Cultists broke and ran - defeat snapping at their heels. The victory of Frozen Plains can be single-handedly attributed to Dorlin, for though he was no expert at war he still managed to advise the Generals and the Witch-Hunters allowing a more comprehensive and effective plan to be put into action and executed perfectly. Thousands of cultists died that day, falling before the guns of Valhalla and the might of the Primarch.

His duel with Lord of Change was something out of a fantasy story, with the Primarch moving so quick his form was not but a blur and arc of pure destruction, yet the Daemon was not faced. Dodging left, dodging right - the monstrosity avoided blows time and time again, showing why these being were to be feared by all. Striking at the Primarch, the being dealt the only recorded and known wound to have ever been laid upon Dorlin. Though the pain may have been incredible, the Primarch stood up once more and renewed his attacks, crippling his foe - taking from the daemons, its wings. And then its head as is stared on confused at having lost such a fight.

With the duel done, the rest of their foes were quickly mopped up Valhalla and Dorlin celebrated. They had won a great battle here, and managed to maintain their minds. It was this that saw the people elevate Dorlin to the position of President, a position given for life. Even to this day, the Primarch is granted such a title, with the current leaders of Valhalla being called Vice-Presidents who work to further Kesar's will.

Leading the planet while not a difficult task for a planet was a struggle for Dorlin who had to combat internal and external foes, alongside resource shortages and food problems. The Primarch could not solve everything at once, and committed himself to ensuring his people could eat and would be capable of maintaining healthy bodies and minds in the face of the coming conflicts. Yet not even a year into his reign, Dorlin was to be whisked away.

The Emperor had found his son, and come to bring him home - to return him to humanity and have Dorlin take up the rightful task of leading part of the Great Crusade. When he landed upon the planet he was greeted to a parade of military honors and his son, standing before them all. The sight of the Emperor proved to be too much for the veterans of Valhalla who had been forced to combat Daemons and Cultists for years, and upon viewing him many threw down their arms and began to worship the being.

Ignoring the worship, the Emperor turned to his son and asked him if he knew why he was here. Lord Kesar's response was thus, "Yes father, and though I would like to ensure prosperity here, I understand I must put the needs of humanity first." A statement that would prove to be ever Dorlin's motivation and methodology throughout the Crusade.
Biography of the 11th Primarch, Kesar Dorlin Chapter 3: Through the Eyes of Brothers and others
Biography of the 11th Primarch, Kesar Dorlin

Chapter 3: Through the Eyes of Brothers and others

Though often regarded as one of the most important Primarchs by today's standards, his work on Cultists and Daemons proving to be an integral part of our daily lives - Lord Dorlin was not quite seen with such fame, acclaim and goodwill by his brothers.

One thing to note is most of his brothers viewed him as acceptable, an likeable fellow neither delving too deeply into favoring him, nor did they view them in such harsh light as Lorgar the Urizen. However, like all Primarchs excluding Sainginius and Horus, he had the definite hatred of brothers.

His main ally amongst the Primarchs, was surprisingly the secretive Alpharius - a Primarch whose actions are mysteries to even his own brothers. How the two ever came about meeting one another and forming such strong bonds was unknown, but it matters little for wherever Dorlin went there was sure to be some Alpha Legionares following behind on the orders of their father.

Throughout the Crusade, Alpharius and Dorlin were the Primarchs that met each other the most often taking chances to visit each other and talk amongst another, whether through Astropathic Choirs or their own sons carrying messages, these brothers cared deeply for one another. Though they did not often work together, their Legions managed to maintain strong bond and incredible ability to work together, cooperating like they had trained alongside each other for years.

The 11th's second main ally was the progenitor of the Thousand Sons, Magnus the Red - his fascination with the warp driving him to meet with another Primarch who professed some significant ability with it, and though disappointed by Dorlin's own lack of Pysker ability, he was astounded to see the diverse array of knowledge and information the other Primarch had amassed regarding the Warp and the beings who inhabited it. Multiple visits were made and together these two Primarchs shared their knowledge, furthering the abilities of the Thousand Sons and the knowledge of the Eternal Wardens.

Though not as close as Dorlin and Alpharius, Magnus and him were still quite close with the Primarch of the smallest Legion electing to send an attachment of his sons to fight alongside his brother, trusting Dorlin to lead them well. Such was the bond between the two, with Dorlin often relying upon Magnus to aid in his research concerning the Warp disseminating the knowledge between those two and eventually their other brother Jaghatai Khan.

Then came Khan, one of the few other Primarchs involved in utilizing the Warp and enhancing knowledge of it. Though he and Dorlin were more distant then others, Khan and Dorlin often found themselves agreeing upon many items and would easily get along with little to no antagonism.

Thus ends the list of brothers that truly worked with Dorlin and begins that of his enemies amongst his brothers.

Most prominent among them Lorgar Urizen, whose hatred of the 11th was so great that he formed entire sermons devoted to smearing the reputation of Dorlin. It is said the hatred and rivalry began when Dorlin asked Lorgar to fight off the Orks of Lava V while he took care of other pressing matters. Lava V proved to be one of the worst conflicts in the history of the Great Crusade with a singular system managing to fight off not one, nor two but four Primarchs though they may not have been at the same time. The Urizen moved to aid his brother and do as he asked, only to be overwhelmed by the cunning and tactics alongside the brutal force of the Ork Waagh there. Eventually, Dorlin would come to help seeking to aid his brother in taking care of something that had been his responsibility, but after yet a short fight in which they and their Legions made mincemeat of the Ork Boss, Lorgar all but demanded Dorlin leave. And so he left, leaving Lorgar to struggle on against the Orks until Urizen left upon hearing of Valhalla IVs religious revival and its opposing views. With no one to stop them the Orks would grow strong once more, though Lion and Vulkan would come to handle the task cooperating to end such a threat.

Angered, Urizen confronted Dorlin upon Terra ranting and raving away, his own incompetence easily displayed as he gave in to his own religious rage. Perhaps a chance for peace existed, perhaps a chance for cooperation but that was all thrown away when Dorlin uttered his famed rebuke, too angered by his brother to allow any reconciliation. And with that the two where set forever against each other, with Dorlin reluctantly so while Lorgar was zealous about his hatred.

Of all the Primarchs to dislike Dorlin, Mortarion was the most obvious of ones. His dislike of Pyskers and those who messed with the Warp known to all. There is not much to tell for the two Primarchs barely met and their Legions rarely worked together. All that is certain is that like Khan and Magnus, Dorlin was one who Mortarion easily disliked deeming them the ones who would destroy the Imperium, ironic considering the Fate of the Heresy and Dorlin's own part as a Loyalist.

Yet another detractor of the Primarch is his brother Russ, whose dislike could be summed up primarily due to Dorlin's compassion and his compliance speed who far surpassed Lorgar's. The Primarchs rarely met and when they did it was often in circumstances that did not allow either Russ or Dorlin to talk muchless come to know another. Though a sad circumstance to be hated without being known, it was what it was. Dorlin however, was not insulted by Russ's ideas of him for the Primarch confided his sons, he too had mistaken beliefs regarding the Fenrisian Wolf.

Moving beyond his brothers and into the greater Imperium, Dorlin was often regarded with accepted netraulity. Neither beloved by the people, nor hated. Though amongst the Admech, Dorlin stood the most exalted of Primarchs, of any of the Emperor's sons and likely close to the level of the Emperor himself. For you see, Lord Dorlin would often find DAOT artifacts and STCs in his conflicts and then share them with the Admech. His act of sharing would aid in returning Humanity to its former glory and increasing the technological level of the Imperium, with Titans and various other Warmachines to more mundane STCs and even an entire station that once house an MOI corrupted and possessed by a Daemon. It was these gifts that saw to it the Mechanicus exalt Dorlin, putting him on a pedestal above his brothers.

Though the Fabricator-General of Mars, Kelbor-Hal did not exalt the Primarch he did state that Dorlin was his favorite Primarch, not only due to his gifts, but as well due to his personality and belief of understanding technology and the greater galaxy. Such was Hal's favor that he personally saw to it that the Mechanicus would aid Lord Dorlin in uplifting those planets brought into the fold by the Wardens and inspections to Hearth IV the personal Forge World of Lord Dorlin.

Although the Emperor was never heard speaking of the 11th, he never censured them nor rebuked them punishing them as he would eventually Lorgar for his digressions. Surprisingly though was the Emperor's Hand, the Sigillite. His own opinion of Dorlin was rather high, with the Primarch often visiting the Royal Palace where the Emperor resided, speaking with the Steward of the Imperium. It is said, that of the Primarchs only Alpharius and Dorlin were loved by Malcador with him being unable to decide who his favorite was, not that either Primarch were bothered by such a thing. Dorlin for his part enjoyed the old Pysker who his father considered his most trusted advisor and ally.

With regards to the Imperial…….

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Man, we need more allies. That and we need to get in with the Guard and the Navy, because that support can make a lot of difference.
Huh, well. The first chapter might be listed as canon, but too much potential for things to change for the second one.

Pretty much. That's definitely true.

Great Omakes but one thing confuses me

Where is Chapter 2?

Chapter 2 was Dorlin on Terra and how he met his Legion and such, didn't feel any inspiration and didn't wanna force that. You know?

Man, we need more allies. That and we need to get in with the Guard and the Navy, because that support can make a lot of difference.

Also, glad to see someone noticed something I was kinda calling out in there. We need more allies, our current allies are thus: Alpharius, Malcador, Magnus, Kelbor-Hal, Khan, and the Admech. Meanwhile, most of the other Primarchs think "Eh, he's okay". Then we have Lorgar going "I gotta kill him", Mortarion going "He needs to die for fucking with Warp", and Leman saying "Pansy". Our Allies are wonderful but few, our enemies are few and not quite fully our enemies while we sit like super neutrality wise with others,
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Chapter 1: Origins of Dorlin and the Fabled Meeting
Chapter 3: Through the Eyes of Brothers and others

I like these histories. They sum up what has occurred so far, and they work well with the story. For the first, your rewards:

[] +5 to a roll of your choice
[] Valhalla infrastructure upgraded to Tier 10
[] Valhalla Tech Level Upgraded to Advanced Space

For the next reward, here are your rewards:

[] +5 to a roll of your choice
[] Learn what Alpharius is doing on Velnias
[] +10 to a roll of the GMs choice (Must help you)

Also, I may have added a lot of mathematics techs. Just a bit. Like 50 or so.
On one hand, more tech! Yay! On the other, we need more research slots. Is there a possibility for Kesar to develop better time management or get research boosters?
Just looked at the research tab.
Why god, why is it so big.
We are never going to finish even half of it but people keep choosing the research unlocks.
Ruoult Law and No'He'Khum
I'll take these please. Also, glad to hear you like it.

Also, I nearly missed this Omake. For your rewards:

[] +5 to a roll of your choice
[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] +5 to ???

I'm glad you picked that. Well, Alpharius is currently tracking a member of the cabal. He has tracked them to Velnias and plans to kill or capture them. I also love how you accidentally neuterred Tzeentches plot. Let me know if you want me to elaborate. Damn Alpharius and his rolls. He ruins everything for Tzeentch.

For research, I like giving options. All of the options. Gaze upon them and rejoice/despair. You can do anything, but you also have so many options you can't do them all. There are ways to get more research slots. There is going to be an option in Year 10 for another action.
I'm glad you picked that. Well, Alpharius is currently tracking a member of the cabal. He has tracked them to Velnias and plans to kill or capture them. I also love how you accidentally neuterred Tzeentches plot. Let me know if you want me to elaborate. Damn Alpharius and his rolls. He ruins everything for Tzeentch.

Elaborate! Elaborate! Elaborate! Please elaborate. Also, top kek. Glad to hear we're accidentallying everything for Chaos.
Also, I nearly missed this Omake. For your rewards:

[] +5 to a roll of your choice
[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] +5 to ???

I'm glad you picked that. Well, Alpharius is currently tracking a member of the cabal. He has tracked them to Velnias and plans to kill or capture them. I also love how you accidentally neuterred Tzeentches plot. Let me know if you want me to elaborate. Damn Alpharius and his rolls. He ruins everything for Tzeentch.

For research, I like giving options. All of the options. Gaze upon them and rejoice/despair. You can do anything, but you also have so many options you can't do them all. There are ways to get more research slots. There is going to be an option in Year 10 for another action.
2nd option
Also, I nearly missed this Omake. For your rewards:

[] +5 to a roll of your choice
[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] +5 to ???

I'm glad you picked that. Well, Alpharius is currently tracking a member of the cabal. He has tracked them to Velnias and plans to kill or capture them. I also love how you accidentally neuterred Tzeentches plot. Let me know if you want me to elaborate. Damn Alpharius and his rolls. He ruins everything for Tzeentch.

For research, I like giving options. All of the options. Gaze upon them and rejoice/despair. You can do anything, but you also have so many options you can't do them all. There are ways to get more research slots. There is going to be an option in Year 10 for another action.
We can still omake our way straight through the research right? You said before that you'd be okay with it on sheer amazement alone?