The correct way to fry an egg

  • Sunny side up

    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • Sunny side down

    Votes: 9 36.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
We've already put quite a bit of strain on Kyouko's trust of late. Let's not abuse it satisfy the mercurial whims of a mad goddess.

Vision memories are cosmically censored tho. =P

And don't you want Homura to go full Hera on us for making out with her girlfriend? =P

(For anyone unfamiliar with Greek mythology, Hera was Zeus's wife and apparently reacted quite violently against the innumerable mortal women Zeus slept with)
Oddly enough, I don't actually have any burning questions right now.

[]"How do we save Asami?"
No one ever said your meguca name couldn't overlap with someone's witch name. I'm sure there's a witch Clarisse somewhere.

TODO: Add the ballerina Ophelia to the character reference

She's so pretty!! I hope we can recruit her into the Gang of Nice.
Why is it that everyone fancies us? That could be a question...
This circles back to what I was trying to ask before. What about us is really different, because I think Rubber's reply to me may be partially right, but then why not Ryouko who isn't just attached to the ritual in SE but is at the center of it.

Something is different about us for some reason. Something that either pokes a hole in the universe that others could use or... I don't know at all really. Right time, right place maybe, but also right person.

We got some serious swag we don't know how to turn off for some reason, we got magic we can use without contracting, just... And who knows what else that's just flying under our radar so far or hasn't been revealed.

And yes, I'm also tempted to vote to just make out with Gretchen too. It's... disturbingly appealing for some reason. Not even in a "for the lulz" reason either.
Probably bad idea to make-out with our sort-of great grandma.

Can't we just hold hands?
It's fine. She's alt-timeline Madoka, that means we aren't related at all. :V
That's a pretty good one, actually.

#2 might be "How do we save our home timeline?"
I very solidly feel like that's a wrong question. It might not even be possible, or desired, to save the timelines as they are whenever we reach that point, or we might have already made a decision affecting that.

What we need isn't to be told how to do things, but rather understanding what we do have and what's going on so we can apply it better. Remember what she just said, her nature (and those like her) is to change things just by touching them, not even trying to change anything yet, and for that reason they often have to send someone on with incomplete information.

Telling us how to do one thing feels like a waste when we could learn something that we could apply to multiple things... especially when we have Oriko who basically specializes in "How do I do X" questions.
We don't even know if our home timeline is in peril, or whether Asami is in peril for that matter.
I'm thinking we ask how to do things we don't know how to do at the moment. We know what can be done but have no idea how to do it. We can ask how we travel between universes and suddenly that answers how to get to both the SE world and to governance. The only issue with governance is we need the imperial staff to keep it stable (apparently) which might fall to Ryouko to do since while we can do magic, magic on that scale may cause us issues.
Voting so far:
[1][Gretchen] Make out with me?
[1][Gretchen] Actually, forget the questions. They're a distraction.
who me, vote?

[1][Questions] What's going on with Madoka/Godoka/Gretchen?

[1] What do i have wrong?

@Nolrai please tag this [Questions]? thanks :)

[1][Questions] How can I help you?

@AceJade Gretchen's offer here is meant for your own benefit, not hers.
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[X] [Gretchen] No kissing. We have a girlfriend.
-[x] Doesn't she already have someone she likes?

[X] [Questions] How do we fix all this? Without wishing.
-[x] What do we have wrong?
[] [question] "What is so different about me? Being at the right place at the right time only covers so much, why am I the right person?"

... I really want to go on a bit of a mini rant asking "Why can I use magic without contracting, why does a Witch-Goddess want to make out with me, and why do I want to reciprocate!?"

Because I think it's related, but I don't know and can't really fit it in either.
@AceJade Gretchen's offer here is meant for your own benefit, not hers.

While I would also like to ask that question, I feel we know what is the issue. The infinate suffering that the SE could cause is on the scale of a god, and so she would be effected by it. So I do feel we need to ensure the SE stop though some method. In terms of important questions, we should aim for things that either only Kyubey will know or something that we can't otherwise get access to. Asking how to travel between worlds is something we can do, but we would need to speak with Simona to understand how. Asking about feathers might be the best option since knowledge about them seems to be vague to everyone, Kyubey included. Therefore I'll put down some ideas.

Also, no forbidden love, however much it may be appeal.

[X] [Gretchen] No kissing. We have a girlfriend.

[X][Questions] Can you explain the Feathers and whats happened to them?
[X][Questions] What do we have wrong?

[1][Questions] How can I help you?

@AceJade Gretchen's offer here is meant for your own benefit, not hers.

My intent with this question is a follow up to the first question, to ask how we can help fix whatever has gone wrong with Godoka and its side effects on the timeline. (Which I assume would be mutually beneficial)

Are you saying I should reword it to make that more clear? Or is this meant to be a hint that Gretchen will refuse our assistance so I should ask something else?
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[X] [Gretchen] No kissing. We have a girlfriend.
-[x] Doesn't Gretchen already have someone she likes?

[X] [Questions] How do we fix all this? Without wishing.
-[x] Saving Asami.
-[x] Saving Governance.
-[x] Stopping the Star Empire.
[Questions][x] What do we have wrong?
[X][Gretchen] Make out with me?
[X] [Questions] What do we have wrong?
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[X][Gretchen] Make out with me?

Seems legit. I'm not to sure how to explain this... It feels like one of those actions that is probably a bad idea, but at the same time shifts a couple of critical things we might need or want into place? Like... "I know this is a bad idea on a few levels, but I feel like I should be doing this anyway" kind of thing.
[x][Gretchen] Apologize
-[x] you're sorry, you know that she's here basically by herself and and how lonely that is, and you very much understand having a body and wanting to do body-things with it and other people, so you can really relate of course and you are tempted but uh, the mood isn't-actually that's irrelevant because- so what I'm saying is-
-[x] I have a girlfriend. and It's complicated with her. But we're trying to treat each other seriously. I don't want to be the kind of person that throws that sort commitment away because there might be some benefit, selfish or otherwise, for me personally. Because I know that I could convince Kyouko to forgive me, and I could get her to accept it, and I shouldn't be putting her in that situation in the first place. It's not how I want to treat my relationships with people.
-[x] sorry.

Approval voting:

[X] Can you explain how these different universes are interacting with each other, and causing me and others to jump around so much? The 2011 one I'm in shouldn't ought to exist from my understanding, with witches, but it does. But other universes interact with it, which include powers that ought to make it not-exist. This isn't just some 'souls are timeless and unbound by death' stuff, physical stuff and magic is jumping around and I don't understand how, or why they even exist to jump to. Godoka still exists in some universes, but doesn't stop witches, and also she seems to stop witches in two universes but not this third one. Is there basically infinite number of universes and timelines, and people are just trying to preserve/damn the timelines they personally interact with while ignorant of all the possibilities? Or are there only a few that were caused by some event and the universe is trying to fold back into one time-stream?

[x] write in question (Open to suggestions)

[x][AndAnotherThing] You've really been one of the most helpful and forthright mysterious and confusing know it all person that I've had to deal with. I don't suppose you have any extra mysterious or vague suggestions or advice to go on top of my main two questions?

First, a little IC reasoning for the no. We could just say no, but this is a rather defining event, and I'd like to define it as yes, we could do it, and even get Kyouko to agree it was the right thing to do because we're so convincing, but just because we can do something doesn't mean we should, even if it 'maximizes' our personal power. We use magic and have near infinite potential, just seeking power and influence at the cost of ourselves is just... not going to end well. It's more important to do the moral thing, not less, with the more influence we have.

The first question I've thought alot about, and our main problem is we don't know the scope of what's going on, or how any of this even exists. We see actors moving around and manipulating things, but they all seem blind to just how this is. It's not mixing up the forest for the trees, or whatever, it's looking at the planet we're standing on and noticing it shouldn't exist, but it does, and that's a huge question. Once we see the big picture of how this even happened, we can start using that to understand how people are moving around it, and why.

This sort of stuff is really limiting how I parse events that are going on like, say, being transported here and getting propositioned.

Second question is, naturally, I don't even fucking know. Really want some advice on this, because none of the other proposed questions really fit, but if nothing comes up we might go for something tactical like, 'where is asami' or 'was my governance timeline even real, or what?' sort of things.
I appreciate the sentiment @RubberBandMan has in their vote, but it's a little too wordy. how about this?

[X] [Gretchen] No kissing. We have a girlfriend.
-[x] Doesn't Gretchen already have someone she likes?
-[x] She can have a hug, tho.

[X] [Questions] How do we fix all this? Without wishing.
-[x] Saving Asami.
-[x] Saving Governance.
-[x] Stopping the Star Empire.
[x][Questions] What do we have wrong?

[X][Gretchen] Make out with me?
[X][Gretchen] Make out with me?
Poor Kyouko. Two days into a relationship and already being cheated on. :sad:
this is a super quick summary
don't copy paste these into votes

[3] Make out with Gretchen
[3] No kissing
-[2] hug is okay though

-[1] (rubberband's detailed apology)
(you saw nothing I didn't call it planck's apology at all)

(no really don't copy these strings)
[3] What do we have wrong?
[1] What's the deal with the Madoka?

[1] What's the deal with the timeline and the Madoka?
[1] What's the deal with the feathers?
[1] how do we fix everything
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Poor Kyouko. Two days into a relationship and already being cheated on. :sad:
I honestly can't tell what she'd think of "Soo... I kind of ended up being asked to make out with an Angel-Witch-Goddess-Girl of Mercy (really not sure on that, she's related to The Goddess of my home, but things are weird). And I did. Sorry."

I mean it could range from her being, rightfully, kinda pissed to:

Kyouko: "... See, only reason I ain't mad is cause if, for some reason, a cute Angel of The Lord dropped out of the sky and asked to kiss me, I have no idea what I'd do."

Angels in the old myths and stuff also weren't independent beings, they were literal extensions of God, so it's also kind of "Do I literally say no to a fragment of my God(dess)?"

And then there's the sympathy points Gretchen has going for her right now, being the last living thing on her planet, that might at least make it so Kyouko isn't really pissed at Gretchen for what happens.

Mostly though that's just context surrounding any apology we would give and any forgiveness she might have, not an excuse or reason in and of itself.

I gave my reasoning above, it's a bad idea, I know and can feel it's a bad idea, but there's also something there that I can't really just point to that feels really important. Like really important.

And I wish I could point it out, cause it'd make me feel a lot better about voting for this myself and maybe I would decide it wasn't worth it.
