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Vote Tally : Chronicles of Nations - Civ Quest - Original | Page 449 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 11206-11237]
##### NetTally 1.9.7
Task: Religion
[X][Religion] No. The Council of Arthryn shall be independent of the Cadlon of the Arthwyd.
No. of Votes: 10
[X][Religion] Yes. The Council of Arthryn shall answer to the Cadlon of the Arthwyd.
No. of Votes: 3
Task: Mega
[X][Mega] Gain at least two Technologies
No. of Votes: 10
[X][Mega] Gain a new Martial-related Value
No. of Votes: 7
[X][Mega] Gain a random Hero.
No. of Votes: 5
[X][Mega] Gain a new random Value
No. of Votes: 4
[X][Mega] Upgrade the Blood of Evalyn.
No. of Votes: 4
[X][Mega] Upgrade a random Value
No. of Votes: 3
Task: Law
[X][Law] Regulating Authority
No. of Votes: 11
[X][Law] Justice and Fairness
No. of Votes: 9
[X][Law] Flexibility and Adaptability
No. of Votes: 8
[X][Law] Practical Enforcement
No. of Votes: 7
[X][Law] Communal Good
No. of Votes: 3
Task: Govern
[X][Govern] The Cadlon shall rule with an assembly of important priests, warriors and elders to advise them and check their power.
No. of Votes: 11
[X][Govern] Provinces shall be ruled over by Sacred Guardian-Generals who rule as Cadlons over their province and answer to Cadlon, who is responsible for the whole of the Arthwyd.
No. of Votes: 4
[X][Govern] The Cadlon governs with a council of advisors with the authority to check their power.
No. of Votes: 4
Task: GA
[X][GA] Unlock the Grand Library Megaproject. (-2 Temp Mystic, -2 Temp Culture)
No. of Votes: 12
[X][GA] Unlock the Aqueduct Megaproject. (-2 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Culture)
No. of Votes: 9
[X][GA] Gain random administration technology advancement. (-1 Temp Diplo, -1 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Culture)
No. of Votes: 7
[X][GA] Unlock the Grand Theatre Megaproject. (-2 Temp Mystic, -2 Temp Culture)
No. of Votes: 6
[X][GA] Unlock the Great Market Place Megaproject. (-2 Temp Diplo, -2 Temp Wealth)
No. of Votes: 5
[X][GA] Gain random nautical technology advancement. (-1 Temp Diplo, -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic)
No. of Votes: 3
[X][GA] Upgrade a random Value. (-2 Temp Diplo, -1 Temp Culture, -1 Temp Mystic)
No. of Votes: 2
[X][GA] Gain a random Value. (-2 Temp Diplo, -1 Temp Culture, -1 Temp mystic)
No. of Votes: 2
[X][GA] Gain random social concept advancement. (-1 Temp Diplo, -1 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Culture)
No. of Votes: 2
[X][GA] Gain random military technology advancement. (-1 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Martial,)
No. of Votes: 2
[X][GA] Discover a new mine location. (-2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Martial)
No. of Votes: 2
[X][GA] Upgrade Baby Boom to a Population Explosion. (-2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Martial)
No. of Votes: 1
[X][GA] Improve relations with all neighbours. (-6 Temp Diplo, -1 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Culture)
No. of Votes: 1
[X][GA] Gain random general technology advancement. (-1 Temp Diplo, -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic)
No. of Votes: 1
[X][GA] Gain random magical knowledge advancement. (-1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Culture)
No. of Votes: 1
[X][GA] Gain a random Hero. (-3 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Diplo, -1 Temp Martial)
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 17